ananas arietys*® Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 Vol 22 No '63 Saipan" MP 96950 î -1993 Marianas Variety Thursday ■ June 10, 1993 Serving CNMI for 20 Years O h faces n e w $.5M mmmmmsmmmsmmxzs la w s u it c.V, ■ J·.}, BUSINESSMAN Young J. Oh is The shares were in Oh’s name. At that time, the bank had only GOVERNOR Lorenzo I. Guerrero listens to a query from a parent during meeting on a federally funded facing another court case for al­ scholarship program Tuesday. With him are: Margaret Dela Cruz, assistant deputy commissioner for legedly diverting a $500,000 in­ issued700,000 shares; thus, the 10 administration, and Public School Commissioner William S. Torres. vestment in City Trust Bank into percent given to Shin totaled only hi? personal account and for his 70,000 shares. personal gain. To further lull Shin into inaction, In April Oh was also sued for the complaint said Oh falsely rep­ Yates panel Kumoi quits top post failure to pay $450,000 borrowed resented that the bank had a capi­ from another businessman. talization of $3.5 million. may adopt Yoon Sik Shin of South Korea, In fact, as Oh well knows, the in Guerrero campaign in a complaint filed by Richard W. bank neverhadmore than$700,000 Pierce with the Superior Court paid in capital, the complaint said. Miller stance RAMON S. Guerrero, who led the Tuesday, claimed that he was in­ Shin demanded the return of his successful campaign of Gover­ duced by Oh in 1992 to invest original investment plus interest nor Lorenzo I. Guerrero and Lieu­ since the date of payment, and pu­ on 702 funds $500,000 in the Marianas Bank, tenant Governor Benjamin T. now City Trast Bank, in exchange nitive damages in an amount suffi­ T THE HOUSE appropriations sub­ Manglona in the May 29 Re­ cient to deter Oh and others from for 10 percent of the bank’s com­ publican Party primary, has re­ mon stock with par value of $1. engaging in such conduct committee on Interior and related The bank was to issue a total of 5 He also asked the court to im­ agencies is expected to adopt con­ signed the chairmanship of the million shares. pose a constructive trust or lien on gressman George Miller ’ s recom­ Committee to re-elect, the two Oh allegedly received the any assets to which Shin’s money mendation on the $120 million officials, this was learned yester­ $500,000 from Shin but deposited could be traced. multi-year funding package for day. the money in his (Oh) personal On April 23, Oh and his wife the Northern Marianas. “Ray decided to let the com- accounts. According to the com­ Kum S. Oh were sued by another “It appears Chairman Yates will mittee and the party IP» plaint, Shin’s investment was not businessman, also represented by be following the recommenda­ choose the new chair­ placed in the capital account of the Pierce. tions made by Chairman Miller in man to get the cam­ bank and was not recorded in its Doo S. Hwang alleged that the his reconciliation bill. That means paign thru Novem­ books as an investment by Shin. couple borrowed $450,000 from we might just have to make do ber. The governor To lull Shin into inaction, the him in 1992, part of which was to with that and strive to respond hadtorespectthat , complaint said Oh transferred 10 be invested in City Trust Bank. concretely on the reforms being deci- / percent of the bank’s shares to Shin. (NL) sought by the Committee,” Babauta said in an interviewTues- day. Yates has schedule a meeting to act oh the proposal yesterday, according to Resident Represen­ Sion, tative Juan N. Babauta. though . y* * The funding for the CNMI is with reluc- W K Ë S Ë Ê Ê m contained in the budget reconcili­ ta n c e ,” ation bill submitted by the House Pam ela Natural Resources Committee Mathis chaired by Miller. The bill pro­ Sattler, RAMON S. Guerrero vides only $3 million for the Guerrero’s spokesperson, said. CNMI out of the $22 million pro­ According to Sattler, Guerrero resigned voluntarily, contrary to posed for fiscal year 1994 under allegations he was pressured into stepping down. She cited personal continued on page 2 reasons as behind the decision to quit. Disc jockey named in forgery FORMER Hot 99 disc jockey Bank of Guam, amounting to the checks, however, the latter Young Cody has been named $10,500 and $22,900 as initial bank said the two checks were in a complaint for forgery in­ deposit. stolen. volving $33,400, police said At the same time, Cody alleg­ The checks were altered, yesterday. edly withdrew $10,000 from the somehow forged, Reyes said. PoliceChief AntonioReyes, newly opened account. In the af­ A check at Cody’s address citing a complaint filed Tues­ ternoon of the same day he alleg­ proved futile because he had day by City Trast Bank em­ edly returned to City Trast and allegedly left for Guam. ployee Jenny Arriola, said withdrew another $7,000, for a Pat Williams, general man­ Cody went to the bank’s office total withdrawal of $17,000 on ager of Hot98, said Cody joined in San Jose Monday and the first day of his account. the station as air talent in Octo­ opened a personal account. He When City Trust contacted ber 1992. He left on May 15 NEWLY wed Prince Naruhito and Masako Owada. Photo from used two cashier’s checks from Bank of Guam for clearance for this year. (NL) Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Stories on page 11. Yd c HeUsp«.per S4 f r c k s 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-JUNE 10,1993 Chalan Pale Arnold 4-lane soon THE WHOLE stretch of Chalan lights there by late September,” Pale Arnold Highway from the he said. Commonwealth Health Center/ Traffic lights will also be in­ Navy Hill intersection to the tri­ stalled inCapitolHill/Rudolpho’s angle in Chalan Kiya will soon intersection, Navy Hill/CHC become a four-lane highway, ac­ junction, Chinatown/Sixten in­ cording to Public Works Deputy tersection and Shell Dandan Director Manuel S. Chargualaf. junction. “We have completed the four- Phase 4 totals two miles and will cost $2.5 million, funded lane highway project from Navy mainly by the Federal Highway Hill to Gualo Rai Center. We are Administration. presently working on the Gualo DPW has also started Phase I, Rai Center to San Jose Triangle which is the paving of the road phase (phase 4) which is halfway from Kaiser Cement in Puerto through. For completion is the Rico to the Saipan Ice intersec­ stretch from McDonalds to San tion. Jose Triangle,” Chargualaf said This will be followed by Phase in an interview. 5, which is the stretch from Saipan According to Chargualaf, si­ Ice to As Matuis near Nikko Ho­ multaneous with the completion tel. of the project is the installation of “We’re aiming to finish the traffic lights at the San Jose tri­ project phase by phase. We sure angle by September this year. would like to complete them si­ SAN JOSE triangle, where Chalan Pale Arnold ends. “ W e may be looking at a paved multaneously, but apparently we stretch topped by anti-skid mate­ can’t. But we’re getting there,” rial, along with operational traffic Chargualaf said. (RHA) Aborigines file huge land claims By Geoff Spencer European Australians. ‘To be blunt, they haven’t got a However, aborigines complain legal feather to fly with, and on Taitano welcomes SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - Keating’s suggestions do not pro­ the basis of present law, their Aboriginal tribes lodged more tect their rights and aspirations. chances of any success are nil,” land claims Tuesday, including Investors, on the other hand, Tickner said. “I believe these CD A representative one that covers the national capi­ fear developments such as farms claims are ill-advised political tal and the country’s highest and mines could be jeopardized exercises.” mountain. and that all land ownership is in One claim includes ahugepiece in CUC meetings Meanwhile, Prime Minister doubt. of coastal New South W ales state. COMMONWEALTH Utilities Paul Keating and the leaders of On Tuesday, tribal representa­ Another tribe has claimed a Corp. Chairman Jose M. Taitano six states and two territories tives lodged several claims with national park in Queensland state, yesterday said he agreed to the wrangled over how to deal with a the High Court for thousands of including a spectacular gorge re­ participation of Commonwealth controversial High Court decision square miles (kilometers) of prime garded by them as a scared site. Development Authority officials which paved the way for claims agricultural and residential land A fourth claim covers the entire in CUC board meetings when dis­ covering large slices of Australia. as well as millions of dollars in Australian Capital Territory, cussion relate to CDA loans. The decision, made a year ago, compensation. which encompasses Canberra, the “They are most welcome,” recognized for the first time that The claims are regarded by home of the Parliament and na­ Taitano said when asked about aborigines owned Australia about government officials as largely tional bureaucracy. the presence of CDA during all 40,000 years before the British symbolic, but they illustrate how It also takes in the highest peak, regular and special meetings of colonization two centuries ago. big the problem is. Mount Kosciusko, as well as the the CUC Board. “There is noth­ Keating last week unveiled 33 Aboriginal Affairs Minister Snowy Mountains which includes ing to hide.
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