The NCAA News Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association February 9, 1994, Volume 3 1, Number 6 Deadline for restructuring proposals pushed back The NCAA Joint Policy Board Divisions II and III cxprcsscd arrions regarding mcmbcrship menIs, a history of restructuring mitlrr to assist with rrstrucLuring has cxtcndcd the dradline for sub- concern about the March 1 drad- rrsnucturing: efforts, and perhaps other data to ;IlJ[JrCJil~ heS among thr divisions. mitting NCAA mcrr1l~rrshiI~r~suuc- line, and the Board conrhded that n The deadline will bc cxtcndcd assist the membership in address- B Dillill~~lS~S 01 ( urrcrirly avail- luring proposals from March 1 to Division I inrrrrsts would not object to Angust 3 I. ing this topic. able info1~malio1i (fbr cXilm[JlC, August S I. to tllr cxlrnsion. W In the intrr‘im, a packet of iti- m Notillg 11u1 Divisions II and III numbers of athletics grants-in-aid The Board, which met February Also, SOme organi/alions, includ- formation to llrl~~ shape the dis- have cxprcssed iiiterrst in ronsid- awarded, enrollments, athletics 2 in Kansas City, Missouri, nored ing rhe National Associalioii of cussion of this topic will bc scnl lo ering their own approaches to hudgrls) should be devclopcd. th;ir while legislation for the 1995 Collrgiate Women Athletic Admill- tltr mrmhership. This packet will slruclure issues relating to those n IsSlJrS submilred in relation to NCAA C:onvrnrion remains possi- istrators, suggcsred rhar issues iii- inchidc a scl ofquesrions regard- diViSirJnS, ir was a&Teed rhar NCAA the stnicturr topic that aclu;illy deal blr, ir hopes that the 1995 cvcnt will volvrd in resrructuring should bc irig rhe possible issues involved, a President Joseph N. C:rowlcy ;III~ with matrers other than the mcm- be used as ;I forum for discussion identified clearly before models are su11m1ary ot the issues and sugges- N(XA Presidents Commission bcrship sIr11cIure should he roti- of the matter, with legislation to be proposed. tiOflS proposed to date, COpiCS ofthc (:hairJudith E. N. Albino would hr considered at the 1996 rvrr11. The Board took tht. fr~llr~wing Current division [JhilcJSqJhy SMr- ~1Uth~JriZCd t0 a~JIJcJil1~ a SlJbConl- See Extension, page 8 b Olscamp Football Forum to tackle major issues selected Some of the major topics of dis- Eight prominent coarhcs and went to press. TWCJ CJtheI~S may Ijr The first day of thr forum will cussion at the I!)!)4 NCAA at least one athletics administra- added bcforc the CVCIIL. i11c.ludc rrgistrarion and an infor- to council C:onvrnlion-cost containment, tor will hold panel discussions Coaches attcndillg will be Gary mal dinner for panelists and academic with approximately 40 sportsjour- Barnett, Northwcstcni University; media. The second day, Fehrua1y Paul J. Olscamp, prCSidCnt of standards, nalists during the issue-orientrd Spike Dykes, Texas Tech Uni- 21, will featurr [Jane1 discussions Bowling Green SIatr University, violence in forum. This is the fifth consecu- versity; Ray Coff, University of at 9 a.m., IO:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. has been chosen as the Mid- NCAA Communications Com- sports and tive year the event has featured Georgia; Mike O’Cain, North American a Division mitree chair David E. Housed, administrators as well as coaches; Carolina Stale University; Tom Athletic I-A football assistam director of athletics and previously, it was called the Oshornc, LJnivcr-sity of Nebraska, Confer- playoff- SlJcJrtS infOrnla~iOi1 director ill College FoottJall Preview and was Lincoln; Howard Srhnellen- CIlCC’S repI?- will br rc- A11burn University, will modcratc devoted to discussiori of the herger, LJnivcrsity of Louisville: sentativr to visited at the sessions. Panelists also will be coaches’ teams and conferences. Bruce Snyder, Arizona State the NCAA the 18th ;ivail;iblr for individual interviews University, and.Joc Tiller, [Iniver- Council. annU;l~ c:Ol- Prentice Gautt, NCAA SC<rrtaiy- from 2:45 to 4 p.m. 1 Ic rc- lrgr Foot- treasurer and &SSoci;ite commis- sity of Wyoming. NCAA Exrrurivr Director places for- ball forum Gautt sioner of the Big Eight (:on- Grant Tcaff, thr new executive Cedric W. Dempsey will conclude mcr Kent F&rl1;1l-y ference, was the only admin- director of the Amcriran Foorhall the form11 with an address at 9 State L!ni- 2OQ2 at the Rit,-(:;uIlon Horel in istrator CcJnfinllrd as a panelist as C&chcs Assoc-i;uion, also will vcrsity iillllr- Olscamp Kans;1s City, Missouri. this issue of The N<:AA News attend. See Food& page 6 ) tics dircc Ior Paul V. Amodio, who rcsigiird from that positioii 10 return to teaching al llic SChool. Tow to retire after 22 years of service with NCAA Olsc;mip, whose teim cxpircs in .J;1n11;1ry 1!)87, has been R(JWlillg Grreri’s c-hirT exccutivc offic cl Ted C. Tow, an NCAA staff member 10 the NCAA (:OLJM il, thy Association’s lcgr journalism tcachcr, ii c c,llrgr Sports since l!,x2. He also sci~cd for srv- for t”L yrars and associate cxrrutive dirrc - governing ~JIJ;II~, ti)r Ihe past 20 years. ii1lormation director a11d c ollcgc inlo1-- cn yt-ars as president of Wcslrrri 1or since 1988, is r&ring, rffrrlive lle has scrvcd ilS Ihr primaly staff lia- matioii~scrviccs director, ;u1d owner of Washingtori University. Fc\ ,ruary 25. son to the N<:AA Prpsidenrs (:ommission a weekly newspaper ;111d ;I public rela- In I <Xi!) and I!)!)(), olscamp K[J- tions fin11 bcforc-.joillillg rhr NC%4 staff. Tow, 57, joined the NC:AA stall as since its inception in 1!lX4, and is piima- rcsrntrd ~hr Mid-American <:on- dirrctor of publishing in Fcbt 11i11y1!)72. ry liaison to lhc Administrative C:on- “‘l‘he NCAA owes Ted its sincere fercncc as ;1 mrmber of the NCAA Hr was named assistant cxccutivr direr- mittec and thcJoint Policy Board, both thanks for all of his cftbrls, c-onrrihutions Presidents C:ornmission. tar in 1!)73. He was rCSpOilSiblC fcJr IJlJb- consisting of lhc’ top offirerS in the As- al1rl commitment to the work of the He was a i11cn1l~t-r of thr philos- lishing and several functions in grnrral sociation. Hc ;llso Was publisher of The Association over the past yrars,” <Cedric ophy faculty at Ol1io StiIlt’ IJ11i- ;1dminisrrarion until he was namrd asso- NCAA News, thr Assorialion’s wrckly W. Dempsey, the Associ;itirm’s new exec- vrrsiry from 1962 to I!fci!), when ciate executive director in 1988. nCWsp;lIJCr, for lllOre than 10 years. utivc dii-cctor, said. “We wish him all the See Olscomp, page 18 b Trw Tow has bcrrl the primary staff liaison Tow also was a highschool arid cd- best ill his fumre endeavors.” n In the News n On deck News Digest Page 2 n In a guest editorial, the executive director of the February 14 Presidents Commission Liaison Committee, Dallas Briefly 3 National Federation of State High School Associations makes the case against national high-school champi- February Research Committee, Kansas City, Missouri 4 14- 15 Comment onships: Page 4. February 14-16 Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Administrative n University of Georgia basketball player Steve Jones Medical Aspects of Sports, Kansas City, Committee minutes 5 -haunted by the faces of children at risk-strives to Missouri Basketball statistics 9 save African-American youth: Page 5. February 14- 17 Field Hockey Committee, Kansas City, Institutional n Division 1-A coaches from the American Football Missouri secondary infractions 13 Coaches Association endorse the NCAA Football Rules February 15-l 8 Division III Football Committee, Kansas City, NCAA Record Committee’s proposed rule to deal with fighting: Page 20 Missouri The Market 21 Jorw 24. Page 2 The NCAA News February 9, 1994 TheNCAANew s l$l@EB~ A weekly summary of major activities within the Association 1 . viewers ~ almu bO0 mrhchtl~ - ;qqJc;irtd in the January 26 issue of’l’he N(:M Nrws. l’ccr rcviewcrs are thosr inrlivirluals rc- CRS continues efforts Schedule of key dates for sponsihlc tiJr evaluating the insritutional self- to set meeting dates stud& tli;it ;Irc required by the athletics-cer- February and March 1994 tifiratioii pro~~ani. .l‘lIc (:oInmuI~ily Kt.liili0IlS St-rvicr 01 Ihr For more information, sc’c the January ?G L1.S. lusticc K)cpartmrnt continues to work issue of lllc N<AA News. wi1h tht- NC&d ;~rIcl 111r Illa-k (~o;tc~hcs As- Staff contact:John 11. Leavens. sociation to set meeting d;itcs ;It which the Next meeting: Fehrualy 1X in Phoenix. (XS ran mediate rlillrenc-es between the or~itt~i~;llioIl~. A firs1 rnccling was scl fin Frl)r~u;iry fi anti 1hc11 postponed hrcausc NCAA Prcsidrnts (bmmission (:hairJutlith LC.N. Albino was Playoff group meets IlIlillllr IO ~IlI~Iltl. with television executives Mcrnbcrs of the group ch~ged with col- kc 1iIlg i~lfimIl~I1i~Jll ;itJout the vialJility of :I FEBRUARY MARCH l)ivisioIi I-A foolh~l ~JhyOff’lll~l Frbrua~y % RECRUITING RECRUITING 4 with rrprcsrnla(ivts from tllc Illi!jOr tt-kvi- Men’s Division I basketball Men’s Division I basketball l-1 7 . ._._. __ _.____.. .____......, Quiet period. l-3 ______.__._.___.__..__._.__.__.___.__._Quiet period. sion nrlworks, lJlus Fox, .I‘urlIcr &‘~J;idc;lSt~ 18-28 _._________._._._____.___._ Evoluotion period. 4-22 ___.__.__.___.___.__..__.__.__..__Contact period. iIlg ;tnII ESPN. Women’s Division I basketball’ 23-30 .._.._..__.__._.._..._.._..__Quiet period.
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