Ardeola 54(2), 2007, 335-338 DAILY ACTIVITY OF SARDINIAN WARBLER SYLVIA MELANOCEPHALA IN THE BREEDING SEASON ACTIVIDAD DIARIA DE LA CURRUCA CABECINEGRA SYLVIA MELANOCEPHALA DURANTE EL PERIODO REPRODUCTOR Josep M. BAS* 1, Pere PONS* and Crisanto GÓMEZ* In contrast to many other European pas- 1999 breeding period (mid-April to early Au- serines (Cramp, 1985), the daily activity pat- gust). The study plot was located in the Mont- tern of Mediterranean birds is little known. Ac- grí massif (Catalonia, NE Spain, 42º05’ N; tivity is controlled by both exogenous and 03º11’ E) at 70 - 120 m above sea level. This endogenous factors (Dawson et al., 2001; Hahn is a limestone region with a Mediterranean et al., 1997). Among the endogenous factors, climate with a dense sclerophyllous shrub- parental tasks during the reproductive period land is dominated by Quercus coccifera, Ros- can cause pronounced changes in activity pat- marinus officinalis and Cistus albidus. terns. The activity of the male Sardinian war- Seven Sardinian warbler males (one unpaired bler Sylvia melanocephala was studied. This (A) and six paired males) were captured with species is distributed widely among Mediter- mist-nets and marked with miniature transmit- ranean-type habitats (Hagemeijer and Blair, ters (weight 0.9 - 1.0 g; Wildlife Materials Inc, 1997). The adults are mainly sedentary, although Carbondale) for 8 days. The tags were glued to some are migratory (Shirihai et al., 2001). They the shortened back feathers with cyanocrilate have a monogamous mating system and both glue (Kenward, 1987). Marked individuals were sexes share incubation as well as brooding radio-tracked simultaneously with a TRX-48S and feeding the young (Cramp, 1985). The dai- receiver and a directional Yagi antenna (Wildlife ly activity of the species was studied by radio- Materials Inc.; Carbondale). Additional details tracking. In this way information was obtained on the method and effects can be found in on the movements and the daily rhythm of ac- Bas et al. (2005). The paired males showed dif- tivity of Sardinian warbler males in the breed- ferent breeding statuses: (i) with the first brood ing season, and determined to which extent the finished and accompanied by a female (males breeding status influences the daily activity. B, C and D); (ii) building the nest together with A 12.25-ha plot containing 7.55 breeding a female and beginning the brood (male E); pairs/10 ha of the Sardinian warbler (Bas et (iii) incubating the clutch together with a fe- al. 2005), which was the most abundant bird male (male F); and (iv) feeding fledged young species in the area, was studied during the together with a female (male G). * Department of Environmental Sciences, Campus de Montilivi, University of Girona, Girona, E-17071 Spain. 1 Corresponding author: [email protected] 336 BAS, J. M., PONS, P. and GÓMEZ, C. The study plot was gridded at 25 × 25 me- tres intervals using coloured stakes that helped to easily record the positions and movements of marked individuals on a detailed map. A to- tal of 10065 minutes were spent tracking dur- ing 20 days of field work (range = 570-1935 min / day). Use was made of both triangula- tions (Johnstone, 1992) and visual observa- tions (the latter possible because of the low veg- etation: 0.75 m height in average), to locate the position of individuals (fixes or locations) at random time intervals (mean ± SD = 2.5 ± 2.1 min). The distances between consecutive FIG. 1.—Daily activity of Sardinian warbler males fixes and the time (in seconds) were measured (A = unpaired male; B, C and D = male with first to carry out these movements in three daily brood finished and accompanied by female; E = blocks: morning (5:00 – 10:00 s.h.), midday male building the nest and beginning the brood; F (10:00 – 14:00 s.h.) and afternoon (14:00 – = male with female incubating the clutch; and G = 19:00 s.h.). Resting periods were thus defined male feeding the fledging young). From home range as periods during which males did not move, data see Bas et al. (2005). [Actividad diaria de los machos de curruca or during which their displacements were so cabezinegra (A = macho no apareado; B, C y D = short that they were not detected by triangu- machos con la primera cría finalizada y acompañan- lation. do a la hembra; E = macho construyendo el nido A total 1047 total fixes (mean ± SE = 149.6 y empezando la cría; F = macho con hembra in- ± 65.0 fixes /male, range = 61 - 217 fixes, n = cubando la puesta; y G = macho alimentando los 7) were registered. The mean distance covered pollos). Para los datos de dominio vital ver Bas et per minute (arrived at by adding all the tra- al. (2005).] jectories and dividing that distance by track- ing minutes) was 2.73 meters / minute (SE = 1.7, range = 0.9 - 6.1, n = 7) and differed among noon. These data are in contrast to the major- 2 males (Kruskall-Wallis test, χ = 50.7, P < ity of small European birds which all show two 0.001, n = 986 trajectories; Fig. 1). Home range peaks of activity, one in early morning and an- size (minimum convex polygon; Bas et al. other one in late afternoon (McNamara et al., 2005) was not correlated with the mean dis- 1994; Pravosudov and Grubb, 1997). Ac- tance of movements (Spearman correlation; r cording to McNamara et al. (1994) and Pravo- = -0.43, P > 0.05, n = 7), it might be limited by sudov and Grubb (1997), this bimodal situa- signalling and defence behaviour of territory tion represents an optimal compromise between owners. The mean distance of movements was predation and starvation risks when foraging not related to the length of time each bird was conditions are moderate and foraging can be followed (Spearman correlation; r = 0.17, P interrupted during the day. Although Sardin- > 0.05, n = 7). Although the activity showed a ian warbler males are also more visible early tendency to decrease during the day the differ- morning and late afternoon, they remain ac- ences in mean distances were not significant tive during midday, although less conspicuous- 2 (Kruskall-Wallis test, χ = 1.3, P > 0.05, n = ly but always with a noticeable singing activi- 986 trajectories; Fig. 1). Most of the individ- ty. This singing activity during the middle of uals moved farther, although less visibly, dur- the day can be used for territory mapping ing the midday period than during the after- purposes (Bibby et al., 1992). Ardeola 54(2), 2007, 335-338 DAILY ACTIVITY OF THE SARDINIAN WARBLER 337 McNamara et al. (1994) modelled daily for- n = 7), or with their total distances of move- aging routines of small birds. They predicted ment (Spearman correlation; r = -0.71, P > that foraging activity peaks in the early 0.05, n = 7), or with the number of fixes con- morning under poor foraging conditions and ducted (Spearman correlation; r = -0.36, P > decreases steadily throughout the day. This 0.05, n = 7), or with the duration of minutes ra- could explain the pattern observed in the Sar- dio-tracking per male (Spearman correlation; dinian warblers as food availability is usually r = 0.57, P > 0.05, n = 7) (Home range data; low in Mediterranean shrubland (Pons, 1998). Bas et al., 2005). Thus, warblers may be forced to forage con- tinuously without any significant interruptions RESUMEN.—El momento concreto del pe- at midday, which is remarkable considering the riodo reproductor puede incidir sobre la ac- high temperatures around noon. tividad diaria y los periodos de reposo de las The results also suggest that the movements aves paseriformes. Para investigar este aspec- of Sardinian warbler males are related to to, hemos analizado los movimientos diarios pairing status and to the progress of breeding de 7 machos de curruca cabecinegra Sylvia (Fig. 1). This is clearly observed in the after- melanocephala mediante radioseguimiento en noon when males are ordered according to their un matorral mediterráneo. La actividad tien- breeding status: (i) A; (ii) B, C and D; (iii) E de en general a decrecer a lo largo del día aun- and F; (iv) G. Fledgling demands force adults, que con algunas variaciones dependiendo del such as male G, to move farther away of the momento concreto del periodo reproductor de nest to obtain a greater quantity of food per cada macho en particular. Se han registrado time unit (Fig. 1 and pers. obs.). This situation largos periodos de reposo que no dependen ni lasts while the juveniles are accompanied and del estado reproductor ni del momento del día. fed by the parents (2 - 3 weeks after fledging; Cramp, 1985). On the other hand, pauses in activity occur ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.—We are grateful to homogeneously during the day without differ- William Liao and Lluís Zamora for advice on ra- ences in the median duration of rest between diotracking methods and materials, and three anony- 2 mous reviewers for critical comments on an earli- the different males (Kruskall-Wallis test; χ = 7.3, P > 0.05), nor in the median time of rest er draft. This work has been financed partially by between the three daily blocks (Kruskall-Wal- the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology 2 (REN2000-0300-C02-02/GLO) and by the Span- lis test, χ = 0.53, P > 0.05). The resting peri- ods are generally short (mean: 32 min; medi- ish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2004- an: 22 min) but they can reach up to 169 min 05240-C02-02/BOS). The trials complied with the laws of Catalonia (Spain).
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