UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS 2009 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT FOREWORD The 2009 Statistical Abstract is this year’s major annual publication from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics. The abstract is part of Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) efforts to support data user needs. The Bureau provides relevant, reliable and timely official statistics needed to support evidence-based policy formulation and monitor development outcomes. Statistical Abstracts present information derived from surveys, censuses and administrative records from Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). The statistics are compiled based on agreed standards, definitions and classifications in accordance with international principles and guidelines. Information contained in this year’s abstract covers socio-economic government sectors including, but not limited to, Environment, Population, Education, Health, Agriculture, Labour, Income and Expenditure, Energy, Business, National Accounts, Banking and Currency, Prices, Trade, Migration and Tourism, Transport and Communication and Government Finance. This year, statistics on Informal Cross- Border Trade (ICBT) are also included. Presentations in this publication are in the form of tables, graphs and charts with explanatory text therein. Detailed tables on all chapters are appended. In addition, data from these tables may also be used for further analysis. UBOS appreciates the continued cooperation of MDAs in availing the requisite data in time to produce this publication. Special thanks go to UBOS technical staff who compiled the 2009 Abstract. Copies of this publication are available at the Statistics House, Plot 9, Colville Street, Kampala. Further information can be obtained from the official UBOS website: www.ubos.org We sincerely hope that our stakeholders will find the information in this publication useful. UBOS continues to appreciate comments from stakeholders that are aimed at improving the quality of our future publications. J. B. Male-Mukasa June 2009 Executive Director LIST OF ACRONYMS ASL Above Sea Level BATU British American Tobacco, Uganda Bill.Shs Billion Shillings BOP Balance of Payments CAA Civil Aviation Authority CBR Crude Birth Rate CDO Cotton Development Organisation CDR Crude Death Rate CG Central Government CFR Central Forest Reserve COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CPI Consumer Price Index CSI Construction Sector Index CY Calendar Year DDA Decentralised District Administration DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EAC East African Community EEC European Economic Commission EPS Express Penalty Scheme EU European Union FY Fiscal Year GDP Gross Domestic Product GIR Gross Intake Rate GO Gross Output GFS Government Finance Statistics GWh Giga Watt hours H/C Health Centre HFO Heavy Fuel Oil HSSP Health Sector Strategic Plan IoP Index of Production IC Intermediate Consumption IHS Integrated Household Survey IPT Intermittent Presumptive Treatment ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupation ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification KCC Kampala City Council KWh Kilo Watt hours LFR Local Forest Reserve LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries Mbps Mega bits per second MFPED Ministry Finance, Planning and Economic Development i MGLSD Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development MoES Ministry of Education and Sports MOH Ministry of Health Mill.Shs Million shillings Mm Millimetres MRH Mean Relative Humidity Mt Metric tonnes MTN Mobile Telephone Network MW Mega Watts n.a Not Available nes Not elsewhere stated NSDS National Service Delivery Survey NUSAF Northern Uganda Social Action Fund OPI Occupational Permits Issued PPI Producer Price Index PPI-M Producer Price Index- Manufacturing PS Plans Submitted RH Relative Humidity SADC Southern African Development Community SACU Southern African Customs Union Shs Shillings SITC Standard Industrial and Trade Classification Sq.Kms Square Kilometres TFR Total Fertility Rate TT Tetanus UA Urban Authorities UBI Uganda Business Inquiry UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics UCDA Uganda Coffee Development Authority UDHS Uganda Demographic and Health Survey UEDCL Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited UETCL Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited UHSBS Uganda HIV/AIDS Sero-Behavioural Survey UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEPI Uganda National Expanded Programme on Immunisation UNHS Uganda National Household Survey UPE Universal Primary Education URA Uganda Revenue Authority USE Universal Secondary Education UTA Uganda Tea Authority UTL Uganda Telecommunications Limited VA Value Added Common Symbol “-“ Not Applicable/Nil ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Statistical Abstract is an annual publication from Uganda Bureau of Statistics. The abstract gives a statistical summary of socio – economic data for Uganda. Some figures in this edition may be different from those in the earlier editions due to regular updates. Note that most of the 2008 data presented in this edition is provisional. The publication is divided into four major chapters which are preceded by a glossary of definitions and general information on Uganda. It ends with a set of sequentially arranged appendix tables for the readers’ information. All the tables in the Statistical Appendix are serialised using a combination of numbers and alphabets like Table 1.1A, Table 2.3 B and so on. The reader should refer to the tables while reading the text. The number of districts has been increasing due to sub-divisions of some districts. This issue has population data for the 80 districts as of June 2008. Some district data tables however still show data for the original 56 districts, while others show data for the onetime 76 districts. Chapter one (1) presents Environmental statistics covering land, climate, forestry and rural water supply with the following high lights: Land Area of Uganda is about 241,550.7 sq. km. Land area is 199,807.4 sq. km. Open water and swamps cover about 41,743.2 sq. km. Rainfall The rainfall trend during 2008 was in line with the long term average for most centres. Kampala and Jinja recorded rainfall below the long term average after May 2008. Mbarara recorded a very sharp increase in rainfall between July and September 2008. Humidity Monthly mean relative humidity at 06.00 and 12.00 hours for 2008 was in line with the long term average for most of the selected centres. Temperature Maximum and minimum temperatures for all selected centers showed similar patterns with the long term average in 2008. Rural water supply The largest source of water for the rural population is spring water followed by boreholes. iii Forestry Total nominal value for household consumption of firewood and charcoal increased by 81.6 percent from Shs. 18.0 bill to Shs. 32.7 bill. between 1996/97 and 2005/06. Chapter two (2) covers Socio-economic statistics which include Population, Education, Labour Force, Employment and Earning, Income and Expenditure, Prices, Public Health and Crime. Below are the highlights of the Chapter: Population statistics According to the 2002 census: o 2002 Population was 24.2 million persons. o Annual Population growth rate between 1991 and 2002 censuses was 3.2 percent. o 2002 population density was 123 persons /Sq.Km. o 49 percent of the population was below 15 years. o The overall life expectancy was 50.4 years in 2002. Total population (2009 mid year projected) is 30.7 million persons. Total Fertility Rate (UDHS 2006) was 6.7 Births per woman. Infant Mortality Rate (UDHS 2006) was 75 Per 1,000 Live births. Education Primary enrollment was 7.4 million in 2008. The ratios of primary pupils to teachers and pupils to classrooms were 57 and 72 respectively in 2008. The enrollment of orphans in primary and secondary schools decreased by 4 and 19 percent respectively in 2008. The secondary school gross enrollment rate was 21 percent in 2008 Overall literacy rate for 2005/06 was 69 percent among persons aged 10 years and above. Labour force, employment and earnings Total labour force increased by 11 percent between 2002/03 and 2005/06. By occupation, 70 percent of the working population was in agriculture. The average size of civil service increased by 6 percent in 2008. In real terms, the labour cost index increased by 22 percent in 2008. Food processing dominated the industry with a 65 percent share of total employment in 2008. Numbers of employees for selected manufacturing establishments decreased by 2 percent while the wage bill increased by 16 percent in 2008. Income and expenditure 11 percent increase in monthly Household expenditure was recorded between 2002/03 and 2005/06. A 10 percent real increase in per capita expenditure was recorded in 2005/06. 45 percent of the Household expenditure was on food, beverage and tobacco. Nearly 8.4 million Ugandans lived in poverty in 2005/06. The proportion of the poor population reduced from 39 percent in 2002/03 to 31 percent in 2005/06. iv Nationally, on average, income inequality decreased from 0.428 in 2002/03 to 0.408 in 2005/06. Consumer Prices High food prices were registered in 2008 resulting to inflation rate of 15.8 percent. Energy, fuel and utilities’ prices increased by 9.1 percent during 2008. The annual headline inflation rate for 2008 doubled to 12 percent from 6.1 percent recorded in 2007. Health Immunization coverage declined over the period 2004 to 2008 for all types of vaccines. Malaria has remained the leading killer disease over the period 2006-2008. Latrine coverage at national level
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