COURT DIRECTORY.] BEDFORDSHIRE. oou 167 Ffoiliott-Powen Mrs. Douglas, 20 F .n: Lt. C. Kemp!!t<ln barracks,Bedford Gibbs George. ~ Millbrook rd. Bedfortl l Gol<lingt<ln road, Bedford ·. l<'ox Mrs. 75 St. John'.s st. Bedford Gibbi George, ~ Regent d. Dun.st.abl& Fiegehen John George, Stafford lodge, Fox 1Y:Lhr, .p Idd~leigh rd. Bedford Gibson James, 30 Panton rd, Bedford Ampthill road, .Eedford Fox William Henry, Lynch bowe, Giddins Miss, 12 Gery street, Bedford Field Alfred Emest M. ••~ •• B.sc. 62 Kensworth, Dunstable Giffen Miss, Station rd. Biggleswad& Adelaida square, Bedford Francis C. J. 1 Clapham rd. Bedford Gilbey MI'!I. 42 High st. nth.Dnnsta.bleo 1-"ield D. 81 St. John".s st. Bedf rd Francis Miss, 2yAshburnham rd.Bdfrd Gilby John, High. st. Woburn R.S.O Field Henry Cowles, Canterbury villa, Franci~ Mrs. Bunyan rd. Kemp:>ton, Gilder Ernest, 44 Napier rd. Luton l'1itwick, Ampthill Bedford Gilder Geo. W. 39 Rothesay rd. Luton Field Henry Harrison, White cottage, Franklin Cha!!. :15 Cauldwell st. Bedfrd · Gileg Arthur J. 46 BrQOk st. Lut<Jn Husborne Crawley, Bletchley FI"anldin Hy. !vel ho. Biggleswade- Giles John, Alpha villa, Aspley Heath, field Miss, Glen Lassie, High 11treet Franks J. M. 2 Woburn rd. Bedford Bletchley .... 11outh, DunstBble l'"ra~eJ H. H. 16 Kimbolton rd. Bedfrd Gilford Mis1, 54 Tbe Grove, Bedford Fil"ld M.i~5es, Fielden house, Silsoe Fraser H. LL.D. Aspley Heath,Bletchle'f Gillett Sml. Great Barford. St. Neota Fielder Mrs. 8 Rothsay rd. Bedford Freeman Rev. G. Clifton, Biggleswade Gillham Joseph, Sunnyside, Hul"lt Fielrb-Clarke George Thomas,Southill, Freeman George, Wroxhill, Woburn grove north. Bedford Biggleswade Sandsr Bletchley Gilliom Mrs. 4 Rutland rd. Bedford Figgin& Miss, 6 Rothesay rd. Luton Freeman J. S. 13 Maitland st. Bedford Gilmour H. 55 }<'aster Hill rd. Bedfrd Filby :Mrs. 14 .Alexandra rd. lledford Frel'man Mrs. 7 Inkerman st. Luton Gilpin Wm. 55 The Graver Bedford Finch Mrs. lH Clapham rd. Bedford Freemaa Mr,i. Toyntor,1Voburn Sand.s, Ginger Miss, Studbam, Dnn;;ta'ble Findlay 1lrs. 33 Conduit rd. Bedford Bletchley Girling Rev. Fra11. 'Edwd. Millard K . .l. F"wlini!On W. Goldington aven. BedfQrd F·reeman Wm. I Conduit rd. Bedford Rectory, Souldrop, Sharnhrook: S.O Finn Sidney Walla.ce B.A. Ampthill Freestone H.W.Io .Alexandra rd.Bedfd Girling .Fredk. Bank House,Dunstahle road, Bedford Freneh Edwd. so Gery s.t. Bedford Glaisyer. Edward, 42 Dudley 11treet, Finny :Miss, ~ Waldeck aven. Bedford Frettch Robt. 31 Albany st. BectH•rd Leighton. Buzzard Firth Miss, 30 Stanley street, Bedford l''rench Robert, Theydon avenue, Wo- Glaisyer Miss, 53 Dudley l!treet,Leigh- Fi!lher Mr~. '28 .Albany rd. Leighton burn Sands, Bletchley - ton Buzzard · Bm;r.ard' ' French Sidney E, Hockliffe R.S.O - Glascott Mrs. 18 Chaucer rd. Bedford Fisher ·william, 21 Prebend st.Bedford French Wm.Edmnc.LTheLaurels,SandylGlossop John Rhodes, Fernleigh, EatoD Fishwick J .I•. 172 Foster Hill rrl.Bedfrd Freshwater Sl. 33 Castle road, Bedlord Socon, St. Neots Fitzpatrlclr Miss, The Lodge, Clapham Fripp John Trude, 10 Church !quare, 1Glover Mrs. The Knoll. Pavenham. road, Bedford Leighton Buzzard Bedford . · F1b:pi\trick Wm. Long ;r.P. 'l'he Wood- Frisby Vincent, Th~ Hoo, Great Bar· Gliinicke Goorge John Robert B.A., 14 lands, Clapham, Bedford · ford, Bt. .N eots - . De Pary's avenue, Bedford ·' Pitzroy ~fiss,\Vood lane, Aspley Guise, Froes W. Howard ho. Mill st. Bedford Glyda Mrs. Thornton house, Bedford Bletchley , Frohock Mrs. 9 Castle rd, Bedford road, Kemp~ton, Bedford F1aig William, Vine cottage, Bunyan Frost Rev. John Thomas, Houghton Gnosspelius. Mrs .. Endsleigh · plaee1 road, Kempston, Bedford · Regi~. Dunstable . I Vietoria road, Bedford ., 1 • Flaws Mrs. 4 Gibbons road, Bedford Fuller Rev. Harry Albert H.A.. Weston- Goddard Arthur Henry B . .l. A.shton.. Fleming Mrs. 47 Commercial rd.Bedfd I ing, .Ampthill ··. ~ . 1 Grammar iiChool, Dunstable . Flemons Joseph, Princes d. Dun!!table Fuller F. C. 9 Goldingt{)n rd. Bedford Goddard M;rs. 74 Clapham rd. Bedford Flemons Mrs. :206 Park street, Luton Fuller Mrs, St. Neots road, Sandy Godfrey .Alfred, 29 Church st. Luton Fletcher W. F. A. Station Td.Biggles- Fulton Mrs. 26 Gery st. Bedford Godfrey Matt. 7'JJ Wellington st.Lutoa wade · Fuller Mrs. H. 23 Chaucer rd. Bedford Godfrey Wm. 23 St. Peter'a .11t.Bedford Flewker Mrs, B Woburn rd. Bedford Fyfe Mrs. 3 Sidney road, Bedford Gaff Mrs. Barham ho. Barrold. Bedlrd Flint Joseph, 22 Rothesay road, Luton Fyler Col. Arthur Evelyn, Arle11oy Going Mrs. 2r Rothsay rd. Bedford F..int Mi!>s, 12 Lake st. Leightn.Buzzrd Bury, .Arlesey, Hikhin- Golding Ebenezer, St. Ives oouse, flitton Mrs1 Stotfold, Baldock R.S.O. Gage .Mrs. 2!2 Spenser road, BedfoTd Ampthill road, Bedfmd (llerts) · Galloway Ml's. so G1arendon st.Bedfrdl Goldsmith .A.. F. ·43 Harpur pl.Bedford Flower '\Yilliam Goodridge, Birr villa, Galor Thomas, I Ruthesay rd. Luton Goldsmith E. 65 Foster Hill rd.Bedfrd Spring road, Kemps,ton, Bedford Gamman Mrs. xo Grove pi. Bedford Goldsmith Geo. Pocock H.D., .l.I.C.L. Folbi~g John, Wrestlingworth, Sandy Gardner F..dward Hanlin, The Meads, 3 Harpur place, Bedford Foil Hattil, Bramlingham hall, Lim- Maulden, Ampthill - Goldsmith Mrs. St. George's rd.Bdfrd bnry-cum-Biscot, Luton Ga.rdner Miss, 32 N11pier road, Luton Gompertz H. lg Lansdowne rd.Bedfrd f'olmer John Henry, 16 .Albany road, Garrard John, 33 Cardiff ;road, Luto~ood Miss, WoodYille house, Aspler Leighton Buzzard · " Garratt Charles, Ridgmont, JHetchley 1 Guise, Bletchley Footman Mrs. 1.26 Bromham rd.Bedfrd Garratt Miss, Ivy lawn, Woburn Goodacre Rev. Josiah, Dunstabla lt. - Forbes .Mrs. 29 Stanley street, Bedford Sands, Bletchley Ampthill Ford Rev. William Owen PBrker M. • ..i.. Garrett F. T.13 High st.nth.Dunstable Goodall John Charles, Dunholme, St. The Rectory, St. John st. Bedford GaNide George, jun, 22 Grove road, .A.ndrew's road, Bedford Ford T. J. 34 Bromham rd. Bedford Leighton Buzzard . .,. Goodall Mrs. Clophill barns, Clophill1 Forder Benjamin J. H. Wardown, ~ew Gaskin Frederick, St. Neots rd. Sandy 1 Ampthill Bedford road, Luton .Gasquoine Rev. Thomas B.A.. 24 Clap- Goodgam!'s Mn. The Limes, Eaton Fordham John William, 54 Waldeck ham road, Bedford I Socon, St. Neotll avenue, Bedford Gastreil Mu. 8 Conduit road, Bedford Goorlhall F. Woburn Sands, Bletchley Fordham Rupert. Oswald J.P . .Broom Gates John, SI George Btreet, Luton Gooding J. Leighton l!t.Woburn R.S.O hall, Broa.m, B1ggles:wade . Gat hard Mrs. The Woodlands, Crom- Goodman Miss, 68 Ta~stock st.Bedfrd Forrest Mrs. 47 CondUlt rd. Bedford well road, Luton • - 1Goodman Mrs. 43 Goldmgton rd.Bdfrd Forrester Jama<~ J. Experimental farm, Gatty Rev. Edmund Percival H.A.Mead Goodman Richard, The Villa, Flit- Husborne Cmwley, Bletcbley house, Shortmead st. Biggleswade wick, Ampthill . Porsyth Jas. J Woburn rd. Bedford Gee Frederick, Riverford house,-8hort- Goodwin Rev. Goorge, York villa,Bed- fortescue Mrs. ~9 A.shburriliam road, mead street, Biggleswade ford road, Sandy Bedford Gee George, Merton road, Bedford Goodwin Jn. W. 41 Brook 11t. Luwn Foskett Charles William, Granville ho. Gee Richard George, Hardwicke cot- Goose R. Boddington ter. Biggleswad& Potwn, Sandy tage, Woburn Sands, Bletchley Goosey Charle~, Lima villas, Woburn Fossey Fredk. Kensworth, Dunstable Geere Matt. 6o Rothesay rd. Luton Sands, Bletchley Fossey Mrs. Astwick, St{)tfold Geeves John Gilbert, Odell, Bedford Goosey Miss, Fern Nook, Wymington. Foster Rev. .Albert John H.A.. Vicarage, Geldart Miss, 17 .Alexandra rd. Bedfrd Rushden R.S.O 1 Wootton, Bedford Gell John, 28 Foster Hill rd. Bedforu· Gordon Rev. Edward B.A. 4~ Kim- Foster Mr<!. 6o Clapham rd. Bedford Gentle Henry, 35 Stanley st. Bedford bolton road, Bedford Foster Mrs. 2 Rutland rd. Bedford Gentle Ml's. 23 Up. George st. Luton Gordon Rev. John, Turvey, Bedford Fo~r Mrs. 59 The Grove. Bedford George Miss, High street, Biggleswade Gorrlon A. E. 12 Woburn rd. Bedford Foster Mrs. A. 22 Linden rd. Bedford George Mrs. 22 Wo'burn rd. Bedford Gordon Mrs. 62 Clapham rd. Bedford Foster Samuel, St. John's close, George S. C. 124 Howbury st.Bedford Gordon '\Vallace Percy, Holly cottage, Kempston, Bedford George Thomas Carrington, 31 High Manlden, Ampthill Foster Wm. 36 Park st. west, Lpton street north, Dum table Gore Mrs. I Albert ter. Union st.Bedfrd Fothergill Mrs. 62 Spenser rd. Bedfrd German H. I St. Michael's rd.Bedford Gotto Mrs. 12 Heath road, Leighton Fowler Mrs. II Alexandra pi. Bedford Gibbons H. One Ash, Hart hill, Luton Buzzard Fowler Mrs. SI Waldeck aven. Bedford Gibbons Joseph, Rads end, Eversholt, Gough S. 7.~ AshhurnhBm rd. Bedford Fowler Miss, Henlow, Biggleswade Woburn R.S.O Goujon Edmd. 30 Rothesay rd. Luton Fo~r Wm. 67 Castle road, ~edford Gibbons Miss, Belle vue, Lidlington, Gm:zard .Tames W. ':l3 King st. J,uton Fowler 'Wm. n Stockwood cres. I.u!on .impthill Grafton .i. 14 Carding~on rd. Bedford -.
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