Václav Vokáč, Josef K. Moravec & František Hartl, A Discovery of Eudolatites Delo, 1935 A DISCOVERY OF EUDOLATITES DELO, 1935 (DALMANITIDAE, TRILOBITA) IN THE LIBEŇ FORMATION (LOWER SANDBIAN, UPPER ORDOVICIAN, PRAGUE BASIN, BOHEMIA) Václav Vokáč1, Josef K. Moravec2 & František Hartl3 1 Ke Kukačce 21, 312 00 Plzeň, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Prehistoric World Images, Srby 56, 335 01 Nepomuk, Czech Republic 3 Glenn Millerweg 55, 1311 RP Almere, The Netherlands Abstract: A pygidium of Eudolatites Delo, 1935 (Dalmanitidae, Trilobita) was found in the quartzose sandstone lithofacies (the Řevnice Quartzite) of the Libeň Formation (Lower Sandbian, Upper Ordovician) exposed in the quarry on the Rumpál hill near Rokycany. The incomplete pygidium designated herein as Eudolatites sp. represents the first reported discovery of this taxon in the Libeň Formation. It also repre- sents the stratigraphically oldest occurrence of this genus in the Prague Basin. The accompanying trilo- bite fauna indicates a shallow-water environment and belongs to the benthic Drabovia-Deanaspis Assem- blage (Havlíček and Vaněk 1990) characteristic of the upper parts of the Libeň Formation. Key words: Ordovician, Bohdalec Formation, Prague Basin, Eudolatites INTRODUCTION SYSTEMATIC PART The occurrence of representatives of the genus Dalmanitidae Vogdes, 1890 Eudolatites Delo, 1935 in the Prague Basin has Eudolatites Delo, 1935 been constrained to strata of the Sandbian and Type species: Eudolatites angelini (Barrande lower Katian stages (Berounian regional stage, 1852), Bohdalec Formation, lower Katian, Prague Upper Ordovician). The hitherto stratigraphically Basin, Bohemia. youngest Barrandian species Eudolatites simaki Eudolatites sp. (Fig. 1) Přibyl and Vaněk, 1980 from the Králův Dvůr An incomplete holaspid pygidium 15 mm long (ex- Formation (Katian Stage, Kralodvorian regional sag.) is known. The posterior part of axis with stage) was reassigned by Budil (2001) with some 8 segments is preserved together with the part reservation to the genus Dreyfussina Hupé, 1956. of the left pygidial lobe. The pygidium was collect- Therefore, the youngest undoubted representa- ed as an internal mould of the exoskeleton in tives of Eudolatites in the Prague Basin come brownish-yellow “quartzite” (quartzose sandstone). from the lower Katian Bohdalec Formation. We do not exclude the possibility that a new species The Libeň Formation was hitherto the only of Eudolatites Delo is involved. However, the in- stratigraphic unit within the Sandbian of the Pra- complete and unfavourably preserved specimen gue Basin from which this genus had not been re- does not permit more precise determination. This corded (Budil et al. 2008). In 1999, however, we isolated find in the Libeň Formation is nevertheless discovered an incomplete pygidium undoubtedly highly significant in representing the stratigraphi- belonging to Eudolatites during field collections cally oldest known occurrence of Eudolatites Delo from the Řevnice Quartzites (Libeň Fm.) exposed in the Prague Basin. The specimen was discovered in the large quarry on the Rumpál hill near Roky- on the Rumpál hill in layer No. 8 of Horný (1952), cany. The unique specimen, described in this re- which contains an abundant but mostly fragmen- port as Eudolatites sp., has been deposited in the tary fauna together with oval clay lithoclasts (galls) collections of the West-Bohemian Museum in or cavities. In contrast to the underlying and over- Plzeň (ZCMP) under the No. JKM-3075. lying strata, layers No.8 and 9 (lower parts) are 95 Folia vol. 45, No, 1-2, 2011 richly fossiliferous (Horný 1952, J. Kraft 1982), The faunal association encountered on Rumpál having yielded 23 trilobite taxa (Table 1). (quarry) belongs to the shallow-water benthic Drabovia-Deanaspis Assemblage (sensu Havlíček Table 1. Trilobite taxa occurring in the Řevnice Quartzite and Vaněk 1990). The trilobite fauna corresponds (the upper parts of the Libeň Formation) at the locality Rumpál hill (quarry). Abbreviations: vc – very common, with that of the upper part of the Libeň Forma- c – common, r – rare, vr – very rare. tion, as evidenced by the absence of the species Placoparia (P.) petri Moravec and Ormathops Trilobite taxon Occurrence (Mirops) inflatus mirus Šnajdr. Both these species Dalmanitina (D.) cilinensis Šnajdr, 1956 vc are abundant in the lower parts of the Libeň For- Kloucekia trixi Šnajdr, 1982 vr mation, for example in outcrops of the Řevnice Eudolatites sp. vr Quartzite (lower parts): the Čilina hill near Roky- Zeliszkella hawlei pandora Šnajdr, 1987 vr cany, the quarry above the D5 highway (Bouček Actinopeltis cf. completa (Barrande, 1872) r Actinopeltis sp. (cf. A. spjeldnaesi 1940, Moravec 2004); Mýtský vrch (hill), the small Hammann, 1972) r quarry (Vokáč and Grigar 1991); Praha-Motol, the Eccoptochiloides sp. vr railway cutting, lower parts of the succession Eccoptochile cf. clavigera (Beyrich, 1845) vr (Havlíček and Vaněk 1996); Praha-Libeň, quarries Placoparia (Hawleia) irregularis Moravec, below Bulovka (Röhlich 1960); Beřín (village) near 1990 vr Jince (Šnajdr 1956). Conversely, some trilobite Prionocheilus derceto Vaněk, 1995 r taxa in the above list of the Rumpál fauna have Colpocoryphe grandis grandis Šnajdr, 1956 r not been found in the lower parts of the Libeň Calymenella krafti Vokáč, 1988 vr Formation, such as Zeliszkella hawlei pandora Platycoryphe sp. vr Šnajdr, Calymenella krafti Vokáč, Platycoryphe sp., Deanaspis parviporus (Přibyl et Vaněk, 1969) c Stenopareia (Vysocania) cf. panderi Primaspis primordialis oxitron Šnajdr and also (Barrande, 1852) c the presented Eudolatites sp. These taxa probably Zbirovia arata (Barrande, 1872) r migrated into the Prague Basin in a stepwise fash- Ectillaenus? holubi Šnajdr, 1956 vr ion, possibly during a series of transgressive and Ulugtella? sp. vr regressive events in the Darriwilian and early Cekovia cf. transfuga (Barrande, 1852) r Sandbian (Chlupáč and Kukal 1988). Other locali- Birmanites cf. ingens (Barrande, 1846) r ties known to yield the trilobite fauna typical for Selenopeltis buchi haglasta Šnajdr, 1984 r the upper part of the Libeň Formation are the out- Primaspis primordialis oxitron Šnajdr, 1984 r crop U sloupu on the Čilina hill (Moravec 2002) Heterocyclopyge rutila Hörbinger, 1988 vr and the fields near the Zbiroh railway station and Kařízská hora (hill) near Kařízek yielding pieces of fossiliferous rock weathered out of the underly- ing bedrock (Šnajdr 1956). The shallow-water character of the trilobite as- sociation collected on Rumpál (quarry) in beds No. 8 and 9 is supported by the rich occurrence of the species Dalmanitina (D.) cilinensis Šnajdr and the presence of homalonotid and calymenid taxa, viz. Calymenella krafti Vokáč, Platycoryphe sp. and Colpocoryphe grandis grandis Šnajdr, which cor- respond to the Dalmanitid-Calymenacean Assem- blage (sensu Fatka and Mergl 2009). These species are very rare (Dalmanitina (D.) cilinensis Šnajdr) or entirely unknown at localities in the dominant- ly grey-black Libeň Shale facies containing the deep-water Paterula Assemblage (Havlíček and Figure 1. Eudolatites sp., Libeň Formation, Řevnice Quartzite, Lower Sandbian, Ordovician, Rumpál hill (quar- Vaněk 1990). This association occurs, for example, ry) near Rokycany, internal mould of an incomplete pygid- at the following localities: Praha-Libeň, excava- ium. JKM-3075; scale bar 5 mm. tions in the Kandertova street (Pek and Prokop 96 Václav Vokáč, Josef K. Moravec & František Hartl, A Discovery of Eudolatites Delo, 1935 1984, Vaněk 1995) and in the former Bečkova Havlíček, V., Vaněk, J., 1990. Ordovician invertebra- brickyard (Vaněk 1960); Praha-Motol, the railway te communities in black-shale litofacies. Věstník cutting (upper layers of the succession); Dra- Českého geologického ústavu, 65, 223-236. helčice, Na Židu (Marek 1966). These shales have Havlíček, V., Vaněk, J., 1996. Dobrotivian/Berouni- typically provided a sparse trilobite fauna of meso- an boundary interval in the Prague Basin with pelagic taxa Heterocyclopyge violator Vaněk and a special emphasis on the deepest part of the Girvanopyge sp., epiplanktic or epibenthic Corru- trough (Ordovician, Czech Republic). Věstník gatagnostus libeniensis Vaněk and nektobenthic Českého geologického Ústavu, 71, 225-243. Selenopeltis buchi haglasta Šnajdr. Benthic trilo- Horný, R., 1952. Nález fauny v křemencích dra- bites have been documented by rare fragments of bovských – dä (Llandeilo) na vrchu Rumpál large specimens of Birmanites aff. ingens (Bar- u Sklenné Hutě. Věstník Ústředního ústavu ge- rande), sparse Dionide cf. formosa (Barrande) as ologického, 27, 71-75. well as very rare Dalmanitina (D.) cilinensis Šna- Kraft, J., 1982. Chráněná a k ochraně navržená jdr, Deanaspis parviporus (Přibyl et Vaněk), Pri- paleontologická naleziště na Rokycansku. Sborník onocheilus derceto Vaněk and, in the lower parts, Západočeského muzea v Plzni, Příroda, 45, 1-51. Ormathops (Mirops) inflatus mirus Šnajdr (cf. Marek, L., 1966. Rod Cremastoglottos Whittard, Havlíček and Vaněk 1966, 1996). 1961 (Trilobita) v českém Caradoku. Časopis Národního Muzea, Praha, Odd. přírodovědecké, 135, 93-194. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Moravec, J. K., 2002. Rokycanská Čílina-sloupy, nová lokalita v řevnických křemencích libeňské- The authors are very grateful to Dr. A. W. Owen ho souvrství v jihozápadním křídle pražské pán- (University of Glasgow), Dr. P. Kraft, Mgr. Š. Rak ve (Beroun). Zprávy o geologických výzkumech (both Charles University, Prague) and Dr.
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