20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (21/4) 4 Boy who Swam with Piranhas, (21/1) 38 Croggon, Alison (21/1) 25 Accident, The (21/3) 14 Boy, The Bear, the Baron, the Bard, The Cronin, Ali (21/1) 39 ACID (21/2) 16 (21/2) 11 Crown of Midnight (21/4) 37 Act of Faith (21/4) 11 Boyne, John (21/4) 12 Cry Blue Murder (21/3) 21 Adams, Michael (21/4) 36 Bradford, Clare (21/2) 14 Cuba 2 (21/4) 8 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (21/1) 8 Brainwash Magazine (21/3) 34 Cuba I (21/4) 8 Alex as Well (21/1) 2, 3, 4, Bridge of Swords (21/1) 41 Cummings, Phil (21/2) 20 Alex Rider (21/4) 16 Bright Angel (21/1) 5 Cupid’s Arrow (21/1) 5 Alexander the Great (21/1) 16 Bronte, Charlotte (21/1) 5 Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Alexander,Goldie(21/2)4,(21/3) 38 Brontë, Emily (21/1) 25 Time, The (21/4) 30 Alexander, Karl (21/3) 20 Brooksbank, Anne (21/2) 5 Curley, Marianne (21/1) 21 Alien Shores (21/1) 3 Brown, Dadina Georgina (21/3)35 Cyrano de Bergerac (21/1) 5 All Our Yesterdays (21/3) 42 Brown, Dan (21/3) 31 Dance of Shadows (21/2) 39 All This Could End (21/1) 24 Brown, Hazel (21/2) 2 Dando-Collins, Stephen (21/4) 34 Almond, David (21/1) 38, (21/3) 16 Brugman, Alyssa (21/1) 2, 3 Dashner, James (21/2) 35 Alyzon Whitestarr (21/3) 4 Burarrwanga, Laklak (21/3) 39 Davey, Owen 23 American Born Chinese (21/1) 35 Burke, JC (21/4) 26 Davis, Jack (21/3) 35 Amina:Through My Eyes (21/4)24 Burnet, Frances Hodgson (21/1) 8, Davis, Tony (21/3) 22 Anderson, RJ (21/3) 4 (21/3) 4 Days Like This (21/1) 15 Andy Flegg Survival Guide (21/4) 30 Burning Blue (21/1) 26 de Rostand, Edmond(21/1) 5 ANZAC Biscuits (21/2) 20 Butterfly, The (21/2) 21 Dead End in Norvelt (21/2) 29 Anzac Tale, An (21/2) 22 Caesar the War Dog: Operation Blue Dead Romantic (21/2) 42 Appelhans, Lenore (21/1) 38 Dragon (21/4) 34 Deadly Unna? (21/1) 28 Arntson, Steven (21/2) 29 Captain Grant’s Children (21/1) 6 Death & Co (21/3) 18 Artemis Fowl (21/3) 21 Carmody, Isobelle (21/3) 4, 39 Debt, The: Turn off the Lights (21/2) 36 Artemis Fowl & the Last Guardian Carr, Roger Vaughan (21/2) 21 Dessi’s Romance (21/3) 38 (21/1) 36 Carrington, Jim (21/1) 31 Deucalion (21/3) 10 Atkinson, Charlotte (21/2) 28 Carthew, Natasha (21/4) 36 Diary of Anne Frank, The (21/3) 13 Austen, Jane (21/1) 5 Casey, Jane (21/2) 39 Diego, Run! (21/4) 6 Australia Through the Looking-Glass Caswell, Brian (21/3) 10 Disappearance of Ember Crow, The (21/2) 14 Catch the Zolt: The Debt (21/1) 28 (21/2) 40 Australians All (21/2) 7, (21/3) 2 Chambers, Aidan (21/1) 35 Donkeys Can’t Fly on Planes (21/4) 35 Ayoub, Sarah (21/4) 25 Changeover, The (21/2) 29 Dreams of the Chosen, The (21/3) 10, 11 Bailey, Rachel (21/3) 15 Chaos Walking (21/4) 15 Drink the Air (21/3) 31 Barrie, J M (21/1) 8 Chasing the Valley (21/3) 32 Drive By (21/1) 31 Bates, Dianne (21/3) 7, 8 Chauncy, Nan (21/2) 25 du Maurier, Daphne (21/1) 5 Bateson, Catherine (21/1) 20 Child, Lauren (21/1) 38 Earthfall (21/1) 37 Beauty and the Beat (21/4) 19 Children of Men (21/1) 32 Echols, Damien (21/1) 34 Bell Between Worlds(21/3) 40 Children of War (21/4) 6, 7 Edgar, Elspeth (21/3) 36 Benang (21/3) 35 Christopher, Lucy (21/1) 35 Edwards, Debbie (21/3) 13 Betts AJ (21/3) 38, (21/4) 2 City (21/1) 9, 10, 18 Eleanor & Park (21/2) 30 Between the Lives (21/4) 38 Clarice Bean (21/1) 38 Ellis, Deborah (21/1) 39, (21/2) 15, Big Dry, The (21/3) 22 Clarke, Judith (21/1) 35 (21/4) 6, 7 Big Thursday (21/2) 5 Cleo (21/3) 34 Emma (21/1) 5 Black Beauty (21/1) 8 Cloud Road, The (21/3) 39 Eon/Eona (21/3) 4 Black Juice (21/1) 35 Colfer, Eoin (21/1) 36, (21/3) 20 Escape from Cockatoo Island (21/2) 37 Black Spring (21/1) 25 Collins, BR (21/4) 17 eSide (21/2) 4 Black Sun Light My Way(21/3) 42 Collins, Paul (21/1) 7 Eternal Kiss (21/1)17 Black, Yelena (21/2) 39 Company of Fools, A (21/4) 7 Eulberg, Elizabeth (21/2) 29 Bone, Ian (21/3) 8 Conrad, Lauren (21/1) 39, (21/4) 36 Evan’s Gallipoli (21/2) 40 Book Thief, The (21/1) 35 Constable, Kate (21/2) 25 Every Breath (21/4) 32 Books of Faerie (21/1) 33 Copley, Kath (21/3) 15 Extra Time (21/4) 20 Bowe, Steph (21/1) 24 Coraline (21/3) 17 Extraordinaires:The Subterranean Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The (21/4) Coromandel Sea Change (21/3) 9 Strategem (21/4) 38 12,4 Cremer, Andrea (21/2) 29 Extraordinary Mr Qwerty (21/2) 20 Boy Meets Boy (21/4) 14 Crew, Gary (21/1) 7, (21/2) 11 Faery Rebels (21/3) 4 Fairytales for Wilde Girls (21/2) 37 Graveyard Book, The (21/3) 17 In the Wings (21/3) 36 Falkner, Brian (21/1) 36 Gray, Claudia (21/2) 39 Indigenous Perspectives through Word Falling to Ash (21/1) 17 Green, DC (21/4) 10 and Image (21/3) 35 False Prince, The (21/1) 43, 44 Greengage Summer, The (21/3) 9 Infamous (21/4) 36 Fame Game (21/1) 39 Greenwood, Kerry (21/2) 40 Ingpen, Robert (21/2) 14 Fearless (21/1) 40 Griffin, Paul (21/1) 26 Inheritance (21/3) 37 February Dragon (21/2) 26 Guardians of Time (21/1) 21 Inside Out and Back Again (21/1) 20 Ferrante, Elena (21/4) 18 Guinea Pig Town and other animal Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, The (21/2) Fetch the Treasure Hunter (21/3) 37 poems (21/2) 41 40 Fire from Heaven (21/1) 17 Gwynne, Phillip (21/1) 28, (21/2) 36, Irish Girl, The (21/4) 8 Fire Spell (21/1) 30 - 34 (21/3) 37 Ivanoff, George (21/4) 37 Firestorm! (21/2) 21 Haddon, Mark (21/4) 30 James, Ann (21/2) 21 First Third, The (21/4) 33, 34 Halpin, Brendan (21/2) 17 James, Clive (21/3) 31 Flora’s War (21/4) 18 Ham, Paul (21/3) 13 James, Melanie (21/3) 27 Fog a Dox (21/3) 19 Hana’s Suitcase (21/3) 13 Jamie Reign: The Last Spirit Warrior Forest Shadows (21/3) 40 Handmaid’s Tale (21/1) 32, (21/4) 5 (21/4) 39 Forman, Gayle (21/1) 40 Harland, Richard (21/2) 2, 3 Jasper Jones (21/1) 35 Forrest, Lisa (21/3) 37 Harmer, Wendy (21/1) 19 Jellicoe Road (21/1) 35 Forster, Kate (21/2) 36 Harrington, Karen (21/2) 30 Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William Forster, Kate (21/4) 19 Hartnett, Sonya (21/1) 35 McKinley and me (21/2) 34 Four Seasons of Lucy McKenzie, The Hate is Such a Strong Word (21/4) 25 Jinks, Catherine (21/1) 12, 13, (21/3) 39 (21/3) 33, (21/4) 3, 4 Hathorn, Libby (21/2) 11, (21/3) 15 Johnstone, Ian (21/3) 40 Foxlee, Karen (21/2) 32 Hawke, Rosanne (21/2) 15 Jones, Rob Lloyd (21/4) 23 Frankie (21/3) 34 Hayes, Nicole (21/2) 40 Jonsberg, Barry (21/1) 40 Franklin, Emily (21/2) 17 Haze (21/3) 43 Josh (21/2) 24 Freaks Like Us (21/1) 44 Healey, Karen (21/1) 27 Joyous & Moonbeam (21/3) 31 Freia Lockhart’s Summer of Awful Hehir, Tim (21/2) 27 Julius and the Watchmaker (21/2) 27 (21/2) 42 Helleman, Babs (21/3) 35 Jump (21/4) 39 French, Jackie (21/1) 15 Hendrick, Kate (21/3) 14 Jungle Book, The (21/1) 8 Friend, Natasha (21/1) 26 Hero of Little Street, The (21/2) 11 Just One Year (21/1) 40 From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs Basil E Heroes of Olympus: Son of Neptune Kane, Kim (21/3) 21 Frankweiler (21/2) 34 (21/2) 38 Katz, Danny (21/4) 37 Funke, Cornelia (21/1) 40 Heroes of Olympus: The Mark of Athena Kaufman, Amie (21/4) 4, 5 Gaiman, Neil (21/3) 17 (21/2) 37 Kayang & Me (21/2) 12, 13 Galax-Arena (21/3) 6 Herrick, Steven (21/1) 20 Keil, Melissa (21/1) 40 Gale, Emily (21/2) 6 Hidden (21/1) 21 Kelman, Stephen (21/1) 41 Gamers’ Rebellion (21/4) 37 Hiding Edith (21/3) 13 Ketchup Clouds (21/1) 31 Gantos, Jack (21/2) 29 Hills End (21/2) 25, 26 Kill Order, The (21/2) 35 Gardiner, Kelly (21/4) 11 Holfeld, Greg (21/2) 22 Kill the Music (21/3) 40 Gardner, Sally (21/1) 30 Horowitz, Anthony (21/4) 16 King, Stephen (21/3) 18 Gavin, Jamila (21/1) 16 Hosokawa, Kohji (21/3) 13 Kipling, Rudyard (21/1) 8 Gibson-Langford, Linda (21/3) 35 Hostage Three (21/2) 8 Kizzy Ann Stamps (21/1) 44 Girl from Snowy River, The (21/1) 15 How to Fall (21/2) 39 Knife (21/3) 4 Girl Heart Boy: Rumour Has It (21/1) 39 Howey, Hugh (21/1) 14 Konigsberg, Bill (21/2) 30 Girl in the Basement, The (21/3) 7, 8 Hunger Games (21/2) 33, (21/3) 6 Konigsburg, E.L.
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