March 6, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1699 the most important things in his life. the new Congressman, debated one of was DON YOUNG. We ended up on the Then Lou talked him into running for the smartest guys in Washington, same committee together, not the En- Congress, and with the help of people Henry Kissinger, in front of President vironment and Public Works we serve like my wife’s grandmother who was an Ford on whether the Magnuson-Ste- on today but the Merchant Marine and avid Don Young supporter, he began to vens Act, which would transform our Fisheries, which has a lot of the same introduce himself to a wider audience. fisheries, should be vetoed. Kissinger jurisdiction as the Environment and Due to a tragic airplane accident argued it should; DON YOUNG argued it Public Works Committee. that took the life of then-Congressman should not. Well, guess who won that So I remember going to Alaska with Nick Begich, DON YOUNG was appointed debate on Air Force One. Legend has it him and a bunch of our colleagues and to his seat in 1973. He won the next spe- that at the end, Henry Kissinger and just going through Prudhoe and just cial election, and because he has been DON YOUNG met for a martini after the seeing all kinds of places around the so effective for our State—he passed debate DON YOUNG won. They are still Senator’s beautiful State and going more than 90 bills, mostly to help Alas- good friends today. That is just an- back with my family years later. ka—and because he knows so many of other example. My colleague is also a colonel in the our fellow Alaskans by name because DON YOUNG has been good friends Marines. I call him ‘‘colonel.’’ He he is fiercely loyal, and because he has with Presidents and has discussed the knows that JOHN BARRASSO and I like helped hundreds of his fellow Alaskans issues of the day with some of the most music and that every now and then, we since 1973, he has been reelected every important people in the world, but will find some way to work some music year since. I can’t count how many through it all, he has never lost his lyrics into what we have to say. In lis- elections that is, but it is a lot. fundamental goodness, sense of fair tening to the Senator talk about DON He is consistently ranked among the play, honor, and his willingness to YOUNG, it reminds me of a great song Congress’s most effective legislators. reach across the aisle to help another by Bob Dylan, called ‘‘Forever Young,’’ He was just recently ranked the most Member. which is a classic song. You can find effective legislator, No. 1 in the House, He has never forgotten who he works anything on the internet these days, by the nonpartisan group the Center for. He works for the people of Alaska, and someone was nice enough to pull for Effective Lawmaking. Heck, even and he has remained a man of the peo- up the first verse of the lyrics of ‘‘For- in his freshman year, Ralph Nader said ple since he was elected. He has never, ever Young’’ by Bob Dylan. he was the most powerful Congressman not for a second, lost his love for our It goes something like this: in the Congress. I imagine that he great State. He could have done any- came to that conclusion with some May God bless and keep you always thing, and he chose to stay, year after May your wishes all come true trepidation. year, decade after decade, to serve the May you always do for others You will not hear DON YOUNG talk And let others do for you about these things because he doesn’t people of our State and the people of America. He recently said: May you build a ladder to the stars like to brag. He is a humble man, so let And climb on every rung me do a little bragging on his behalf. Every day I try to do something for some- May you stay forever young Nearly everything, and I mean every- body in some group. And every day I try to Forever young, forever young learn something new. We all go into the May you stay forever young thing, that has advanced Alaska legis- ground the same way. The only thing we can latively has DON YOUNG’s fingerprints leave behind [here on this Earth] are our ac- DON YOUNG, congratulations from on them, from the Trans-Alaska Pipe- complishments. your Delaware buddy and former col- line to the Ketchikan Shipyard, to the Well, he has notched numerous ac- league. Thank you. many land exchanges—kind of like complishments, and he is far from fin- What I really think we need to do is what we just did recently on the Sen- ished. If I had my guess, I would also to join hands here in the Senate and ate floor under Senator MURKOWSKI’s say he is far from finished with some of sing ‘‘Kumbaya’’ and get our act to- leadership—to the health clinics dot- his famous theatrics too: brandishing gether now that things have calmed ting our State, to the state-of-the-art walrus parts and steel traps on the down a little bit from earlier today. Alaska Native Medical Center in An- floor of the House, maybe an alterca- CLIMATE CHANGE chorage, DON YOUNG has played a crit- tion or two with colleagues that may Mr. President, I rise to speak this ical part in all of this. afternoon on the need for Congress to He is tenacious. Just last Congress, or may not involve a sharp weapon, and campaign commercials that border take some bold action in addressing DON YOUNG in the House, and Senator on the humorous. DON YOUNG is not fin- climate change. MURKOWSKI and I in the Senate, finally, Earlier today, a number of our Re- after 40 years, got ANWR opened in ished speaking his mind and giving us publican friends were here on the Sen- terms of the ability for responsible re- Alaskans his heart. ate floor to chastise the Green New source development in the 1002 area of It has been an honor to serve our Deal, which is a resolution that was in- our State. great State next to this historic figure. One of his biggest victories was the So Congressman YOUNG, for your serv- troduced by my good friend, the junior role he played in the Magnuson-Ste- ice, for your mentorship, and friend- Senator from Massachusetts. I came vens Act, which transformed the Amer- ship with me, thank you for all you down and listened for a bit. For a mo- ican fishing industry. Among other have done for all of us in Alaska and in ment there, the conversation got a lit- things, the act created a 200-mile limit America. tle bit heated, as our Presiding Officer to keep foreign fishermen from plun- Congratulations on being the longest may recall and, I am certain, as our dering our fish and to sustain our fish- serving Republican in the Congress in staff recalls. I listened as several of our eries. It wasn’t easy to get that bill U.S. history today, and even more im- Republican friends denounced the reso- passed through Congress. Congressman portant, thank you and congratula- lution and claimed it would bankrupt YOUNG worked it on the House side, tions on being our Alaskan of the the country and, in almost the same and Ted Stevens, of course, worked it Week. breath, claimed that they supported in the Senate. I yield the floor. climate action without having pro- After it passed the Congress, he still The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- vided a whole lot of tangible details wasn’t finished. President Ford was ator from Delaware. about what actions they do support. considering vetoing this legislation. Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, before I On several occasions, I have heard His Secretary of State, Henry Kis- was elected Governor of Delaware in our friends on the other side of the singer, thought it would raise tensions 1992, I served in the House of Rep- aisle suggest that the Green New Deal with key allies, especially Japan and resentatives for five terms. We have is somehow preventing the Senate from Korea because they fished 3 miles right one congressional seat. Alaska is one of doing work to produce results on cli- off the shores of Alaska, and we pushed those States, as the Senator from Alas- mate action. If you had watched my them out to 200 miles with this legisla- ka knows, that also has one congres- Democratic colleagues and me during tion. sional seat. that debate, you would have noticed a So on Air Force One in 1974, I believe, I got to the House on January 3, 1983, little bit of frustration because we with a stopover at Alaska, DON YOUNG, and one of the first people I met there have long been eager to work with our VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:15 Mar 07, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06MR6.046 S06MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S1700 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 6, 2019 Republican colleagues on climate solu- properties and infrastructure could re- areas the GAO identified in this year’s tions, and we would gladly welcome the sult from rising seas and extreme report was our Federal Government’s reality of how we could work in a bi- weather.
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