DOCUMENT RESUME BD 200 559 SP G17 846 AUTHOR Li, Ting-Kai- Ed.: And Others TITLE Alcohol and Nutrition. Proceedings of aWorkshop on Alcohol and Nutrition (Indianapolis,Indiana. September 26-27, 1977).,ResearchMonograph No. 2. INSTITUTION Indiana Univ., Indianapolis. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. on Alcohol Abuse andAlconolsm (DHEW/PHS), RoOtville, Md. REPORT NO DHEW- ADM-79 -780 PUB DATE 79 CONTRACT ADM-281-77-0005 NOTE 400p. EDRS -PRICE MF01/PO16 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Alcoholism: Biochemistry: Biology: *DrugAbuse. Human Body; Metabolism; *Nutrition;-,Physical Health; Physiology; *Research Needs: *SpecialHealth Problems ABSTRACTA These 41 articles on the topicof alcoholism and nutrition address the followingsubjects (1) the effects of alcohol on nutrition andgastrointestinal functions;(2) the effects of alcohol on mineral metabolism: (3)the effects or alcohol on vitamin metabolism;(4) the effects of alcohol onprotein and amino acid metabolism:(5) alcohol metabolism; includingthe effects of chronic *alcohol ingestion and nutritionalstates:(6) the,fetal alto of syndrome: possible implications ofnutrient deficiencies, an (7) the effects of dietary non-steroidalestrogen on the feminization of male alcoholics. (JD) ********** ****************************************************4* Reproductions supplied by EDRS arethe best that can bemade from the originaldocument. ************************* -************************_ ************ 74, NatiOndi Institute on Ateo u an41 AICODOlisrn ALOFICDT., AND NUIRITIQN II WO, DEPAPFTFAEFfr OF E CATK NATIONAL iNsieruTE OF EDIICATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has Wen reproduced as reCenrea !Mori the person of organtietion onginating it. - . Manor Charige3 have been made to imorove reproduction quality. * points of ytesv or opinions stated in this OOOO rnOnf do not noceo5OnIV rOOrOloni otriOiOiNIE pea tion or oolrov. EALrI=t EDUCATION. AND wELF E natal Research Monograph No. 2 ALCOHOL AND NUTRITION PrOceedings of a Workshop September 26-27, 1977 Indianapolis, Indiana Sponsored by Division of Extramural Research, NIAAA Edited by: Ting-Kai Li Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry Indiana University School of Medicine and VeteransAdministration Hospital (Indianapolis) Steven Schenker Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Veterans Ldministratirr Hospital (Nashville) Lawrence Lumen& Associate Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry Indiana University School of Medicine and Veterans AdministrationHospital (Indianapolis) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTh, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health AdministrAtion National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 5600 Fishers Lane Rockville, Maryland 20857 For ale by the Sutwriurerpient dr 1)outirnonts, civemment Printing Orrice Wazhingtun, D.C. 211401 Stork Number 017-024-410054-- This publication is the product of a research workshop on alcohol and nutri- tion held in Indianapolis. Indiana, September 26-27, 1977. The proceedings were compiled for the Division of Extramural Research, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, by Drs. T7 K. Li, Lawrence Lurneng, and Steven Schenker, under contract number ADM-2S1-77-0005 to the University of Indiana School of Medicine. The presentations herein are those of the listed authors and may not neces.swily reflect the opinions, official policy, or position of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; Ale,Aol, Drug Abuse. and Mental Health Administration; Public Health Seevice; or the U S. Department of Health, Edtacation, and Welfare. The National Institute on Alcoho!. Abuse ani:. Alcoholism has obtained per- mission from the Copyright holders to reproduce the fizmres and tables on pp. .32, 33, :37, 40, 11, -49, 51, 52, 57=59, and 210-243. 339, and 340 and the paper on pp. 271-279. Further reproduction of these materials is pro- hibited without spe ificpermission of the copyright holder. All other._ material contained in the ma=nual is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission. Citation of the .g?.urce is appreciated. The U.S. Government does not endorse or favor any specific commercial product or commodity. Trade or proprietary names appearing in this publi- cationare.used only because they are considered essential in the context of the studies reported herein. Library of CongeasaCatalog Card Number: 79-60C167 DHEW Publication No. (ADM) 79-780 Printed 1979 Foreword monographs This volume is thesecond in- the series of research National Institute onAlgol Abuse and recently begun by the a number Alcoholism. This series setsforth current information on alcohol abuse andalcoholism as reported of topics relevant to treatment as well through workshops inresearch, prevention, and as throughstate-of-the-art reviews onselected subjects. is also the second onebased on a research This _monograph fot sup- rkshop sponsored byNIAAA. The main purposes workshops are to disseminatenewly acquired .,Thrling research to stimu- Knowledge, to uncover newresearch opportunities, fresh ideas for study,and to attract thebest scientists late monograph' into alcoholism research.I believe thatthis research that these purposes willbe achieved. series enhances the prospects together the Much has already beenaccomplished by gathering the research workshop on"Alcohol and group of scientists at and shared with Nutrition": recent findingshave been presented to forum; and discussionshave yielded a criti- other scientists in open new studies cal examination of thesefindings and have suggested of these data. It is tooearly to determine if as a logical extension increased as a result the alcoholism researchcommunity has been The publication of theproceedings of this work- of this workshop. accomplished by shop will further extendwhat already has been of the workshop andbroadcasting this providing a written record place of the workshop re-cord far beyond theimmediate time and itself. Albert A.. Pawlowski,Ph.D. National Institute onAlcohol Abuse andAlcoholism Table of Contents Foreword L:st of Farticipants ix Introduction Kenneth R. Warren Summary 3 Recommendations for Research Needs 19 Section L Effects of Alcohol on Nutrition aqd Gastrointestinal. Functions Marginal Nutritional States and Conditioned Deficiencies J. Cecil Smith, Jr. 23 Alcohol-Nutrition Interactions. Charles S. Lieber 47 Discussion of Papers by Smith and Lieber 64 Determinants of Absorption from the Gastrointestinal Tract John 11:.Dietsclzy 67 discussion of Paper by Dietschy. ........ 100 Effect of Ethanol on the Determinants of Intestinal Transport Linda L. Shanbour ... 103 Discussion of Paper by Shanbour 113 CO NT ENTS Section 11.Effects of Alcohol on Mineral Metabolism Recent Advances in Zinc Rio them Bert Le Vallee reds of Zinc on Cellular DNA and RNA Nletabolism Kenneth H. Falchu 133 Discussion of Papers by Vallee and Falchuk 152 Effect of Ethanol on Zinc Metabolism Artanda S. Prasad 157 Discussion of Papery Prasad 163 Effect of Ethanol on Magnesium Metabolism James D. Beard 165 Pathogenesis and Effect of Phosphate Depletion in Alcoholic James P. Knoche! 173 Discussion of Paper by Knoche' 189 Effect of Ethan'ol on Human Mineral abolism Janet. T. McDonald 191 Discussion of Paper by McDonald 203 Section III. Effects of Alcohol on Vitamin Metabolism Effect of Ethanol on Folate Absorption Charles H. Halsted, Janice Ott, Ann M. Reisenauer, and John J. Romero 207 Discussion of Paper by Halsted et al 220 The Effect of Ethanol on Folate Metabolism Robert S. Hillman 221 Discussion of Paper by Hillman, ...... 227 CONTENTS VII IThe t 'ptake of Folate byIsolated Conrad G. Wagner, Donald W. Horne, and William Briggs 999 Discussion of Paper by Wagner et al IntK,inal Thiamine on: Norm ristics and affects of Ethanol 937 . Anastacio M. Hoyutnpa, Jr. Discussion of Paper by Floyumpa 249 Eff,.ct of Ethaitor on Vitamin Sr; !ism Lawrence Luineng 951 Discussion of Paper by Lumen' 967 Deficien of Ci.unitine in Cachetic Cirrhotictients Daniel Rudman 271 -D )f Paper by Rudman = 280 Section IV. Effects of Alcohol on Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Plasma Amino Acid Measurements for he Detection of Alcoholism: Current Status Sperther Shaw and Charles S. Lieber 285 Ethanol Consumption and Free Amilio Acids of Rat Plasma and Liver Jeng M. Hsu 289 Alcohol, Acetaldehyde, and Albumin Synthesis Marcus A. RothschildVlurray Oratz, and Sidney S. Schreiber 295 Section V. Alcohol Metabolism: including the Effects of Chronic Alcohol Ingestion and Nutritional States Rate-Determining Factors for Ethanol Oxidation in Vivo and in Isolated Hepatocytes Neal W. Cornell, Kathryn E. Crow, Mare C. Lead better and Richard-L. Veech 315 CONTENTS Discussion of Pa by Cornell et al 331 Multiple Molecular Forms of Human Liver Alcohol Dehy- drogenase: Isolation and Properties of II-ADH 4 Millar-12 F, Bosron. Ting-Kai Li. Wern.:y P. Dafeldecker. and Bert L. Vallee Discussion of Paper by BosrOu.er-5.1. '347 onlineatitv of Blood Ethanol Elimination: Its Exagger- ation After Chronic Alcohol Consumption and ICs Rela- tionship to a Non-ADH Pathway Mikko P Salaspuro and Charles -S. Lieber 349 Section VI. Other Effects of Alcohol on Nutrition The Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Possible mplic_ions of Nutrient Deficiencies Lucille S Hurley 367 Discussion of Paper by Hurley 360 Hypothesis Concerning the Effects of Dietary Non- steroidal Estrogen on the Feminization of Male Alcoholics Roger Lester, David H. Van Thiel, Patricia K. Eagon, A. Forrest Imhoff, and Stanley E. Fisher 383
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