7214 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April10, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRESSIONAL SALUTE TO emigrate to Israel has aroused the hatred of election debates which took place in 1978. In THE PHILIPPINE MEDICAL AS­ the KGB and induced them to carry out all addition, he has compiled an outstanding SOCIATION OF SACRAMENTO kinds of vengeful acts. Who needs all this record of achievement by moderating since and why? Why does Russia need all these cries and calls for help? What benefit does 1974 all the WTTW-TV special programs on HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI Russia have from my suffering? After I the congressional, senatorial, and mayoral or CALDORBIA leave, the world will forget my name and my campaigns in Illinois. IX TIIB ROUSE OF RJ:PRJ:SJ:NTATIVES story, for new tragedies and dramas develop John Callaway has distinguished himself as every day ~ over the world. Wednesday, April 9, 1986 a most competent and thorough journalist in These universal questions must be asked his coverage of the aftermath of the 1967 Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, on April 5, 1986, for all those whose voices cannot be heard Arab-Israeli war, and the career and death of the Philippine Medical Association of Sacra­ above the din of repression. We, in Congress, Mayor Richard J. Daley, as well as his cover­ mento will hold its first induction ball. The initi­ must be the voices for those who have none. age of the tragic 1958 fire at Our Lady of the ation of this organization stands as testimony We must never give up the struggle to win Angels School, where 92 students and 3 nuns of the professional and societal progress that freedom for those, like Ida, who are op­ died. Filipinos have made in our country. pressed and devoid of human rights. We must Beginning his career in journalism in 1956 I would like to take this opportunity to make never forget. as a copy boy and police reporter for the City special mention of the association's main News Bureau of Chicago, 1 year later John goals, which are the continued educational, Callaway became a general assignment re­ scientific and cultural growth of members JOHN D. CALLAWAY RECEIVES its porter and documentary producer for WBBM­ and the advancement of service to the com­ THE 1986 DANTE AWARD Radio and WBBM-TV, the CBS-owned station munity at large. In these times of skyrocketing in Chicago. From 1960 to 1968, he served in medical costs and insufficient medical atten­ HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO several major executive positions at the radio tion to the elderly, the association's aim to OF ILLINOIS station, including editorial director, public af­ provide special care to the Filipino elderly is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES particularly noteworthy. I commend these al­ fairs director, and news and program director, truistic goals and extend my every confidence Wednesday, April 9, 1986 and he also was host of the award-winning that the association will excel in these en­ Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to call CBS radio documentary discussion and call-in deavors. to the attention of my colleagues the achieve­ program, "Nightline." I congratulate the Philippine Medical Asso­ ments of the nationally known senior corre­ In 1964, John Callaway won seven national ciation of Sacramento on their formation. On spondent for the Public Broadcast Station awards for his production and narration of a behalf of the people of Sacramento, I wel­ WTTW-TV channel 11, John D. Callaway, 13-part commentary series which examined come them to our community and extend my who will receive the 15th Annual Dante Award the American civil rights movement. Writing, best wishes to them for what promises to be a of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Ameri­ producing, and broadcasting several docu­ long and successful Mure. cans on May 9, at a luncheon given in his mentary programs about prison problems in Il­ honor at the Como Inn in Chicago. linois, he became the first Chicago journalist to gain membership in the Illinois Academy of IDA NUDEL John Callaway joined WTTW-TV in 1974 after 17 years as a broadcaster and news ex­ Criminology. ecutive with CBS radio and television in Chi­ John Callaway was instrumental in helping HON. NORMAN F. LENT cago and New York, and currently he is host to initiate WBBM-Radio's all-news format in or NEW YORK of the Emmy-award winning program, "Chica­ 1968, and from 1968 until 1970, he served as IX THE ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES go Tonight with John Callaway," which ap­ vice president of program services for CBS­ Wednesday, April 9, 1986 pears every week night on WTTW-TV. Radio in New York City, where he developed the expansion of CBS all-news stations Mr. LENT. Mr. Speaker, in protest of the Well-known and highly respected for his in­ Soviet Union's deplorable treatment of Jews, sightful and responsible interviews, and for throughout the country. In 1970, he began Ida Nudel has begun her hunger strike. Ida maintaining the highest standards of integrity hosting the nationally broadcast interview pro­ Nudel, herself a Soviet Jew, is almost 60 and in his 29-year career as a broadcast journalist, gram, "Crosstalk," and in 1973, he returned to in failing health, but this has not dampened John Callaway has received more than 50 Chicago as a reporter for WBBM-TV. her indomitable spirit For 15 years Ida has awards and honors in recognition of his work, Joining WTTW-TV channel 11 in Chicago in suffered the Kremlin's relentless persecution including five Emmys and the prestigious Pea­ 197 4, John Callaway has hosted numerous and brutality. Uke so many other Soviet Jews, body Award. He is a most deserving recipient nationally syndicated Public Broadcasting her only wish is to emigrate to Israel to be re­ of the Dante Award for his achievements and System series, including the most highly re­ united with her family. Despite the pain and contributions to broadcasting have been rep­ spected "John Callaway Interviews," "Cam­ anguish of this separation, Ida continues to resentative of Dante Alighieri's statement in paigning on Cue," and the "Paper Chase Ad­ work, not just for her own freedom, but for the his Divine Comedy that "man should never be dendum." He has also authored two books, release of all Soviet Jews. Her selflessness timid about the truth." and has contributed articles to several news­ and dedication to this cause has won her ac­ The Dante Award was established by the papers and magazines. claim in the free world and has made her a Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans, an The 15th Annual Dante Award luncheon will heroine among her peers. umbrella organization comprised of more than be held at the Como Inn, and many political Although I have written weekly to Ida, I 40 civic organizations in the Chicago area, to dignitaries, civil leaders, and leaders of the have rarely received a reply because of the extend recognition annually to an individual in communications industry will be in attendance. censorship of mail in the Soviet Union. How­ the mass media communications field who Joe Weisman, senior editor and host of ever, I have recently received a letter from Ida has made positive contributions to the profes­ WTTW's "Chicago Week in Review," will which eloquently describes her plight in the sion of journalism. serve as master of ceremonies of the lunch­ Soviet Union. I would like to share an excerpt During his career, John Callaway has cov­ eon, sharing this position on the dais with Emil from her letter with you: ered six national political conventions, and Venuti, a member of the antidefamation com­ The stand I have taken in defending my was the moderator of the Illinois Statewide mittee of the Joint Civic Committee of Italian rights and those of other Jews wishing to Network broadcasts of the four gubernatorial Americans. The invocation will be offered by e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. AprillO, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7215 the Reverend Lawrence Cozzi, C.S., adminis­ out skilled personnel aboard, so no adminis­ international level, the International Telecom­ trator of Villa Scalabrini, the Italian Old Peo­ tration could sail the seas of government with­ munications Union [ITU] has served as a cata­ ples Home in Melrose Park. Charles C. Por­ out trained and dedicated employees. If the lyst for the establishment of a new Centre for celli, president of the JCCIA, will present the President is, indeed, the captain of our "Ship Telecommunications Development which Dante Award to John Callaway. of State," then those who make it go-the would function as an autonomous body under For the 11th straight year, the John Fis­ men and women in civil service-are its crew. the umbrella of the ITU. The centre will serve chetti Scholarship will also be awarded at the The members of NARFE, the members of as a clearinghouse for the benefit of develop­ luncheon. The scholarship, which this year is Allegheny-Kiski Chapter No. 1556 and Arm­ ing countries on information about such impor­ a $1 ,500 award, was established by the Joint strong County Chapter No. 1997 have served tant matters as communications policies, Civic Committee of Italian Americans to fur­ our country well. I deem it appropriate, there­ equipment, and training opportunities. ther the study of Italian American students in fore, to take this opportunity on behalf of my Finally, I would like to focus attention upon communications and is named after the Pulitz­ colleagues in the Congress of the United the U.S.
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