North Pacific Union SEPTEMBER 3 1965 VOL. 60, NO. 35 COLLEGE PLACE WASHINGTON TV's ORION COORDINATES WITH "IT IS WRITTEN" NEW LOOK Throughout the entire Upper Columbia Confer- at LIFE ence, September 11 and 12, 1965 are very important days. On September 11 virtually the entire constit- uency of the whole Upper Columbia Conference is launching what is known as "Penetration Day" as a forerunner to the first telecast of "It Is Written" GEORGE which will begin on Sunday, September 12. We will be distributing printed announcements throughout the entire area inviting our friends and neighbors to tune VANDEMAN in to this new series. Those who view the telecast will be offered a free book through the mail if they respond by sending in a past card to Box 244, Spokane, Washington, or by in writ/ern phoning the suggested number in their area. When this book is sent to the interested viewer an opportun- ity to enroll in a Bible study program will be included. SEPTEMBER 12—Stairs Into Space When we receive word back that the viewer would like to enter into a Bible study program, our laymen, under SEPTEMBER 19—Tyranny of the Crowd the direction of the local church lay activities director and pastor, will follow through, and under the blessing SEPTEMBER 26—Captain Bligh's Bible of God, win that soul for Christ. We believe that since the "It Is Written" program OCTOBER 3—God and the Cities will be continuous for 39 weeks our laymen will have great advantage as we personally follow through on these interested viewers. The telecast alone is not KHQ-TV Spokane Channel 6 10:00 A.M. enough—there must be that personal touch. "Oper- KIMA-TV Yakima Channel 29 4:30 P.M. ation Orion" and "It Is Written" under the blessing of Gad thus has a tremendous potential. In proportion KNDU-TV Richland Channel 25 10:00 A.M. to the enthusiasm and dedication of church members KNDU-TV Yakima Channel 23 10:00 A.M. will results be seen. KEPR-TV Pasco Channel 19 4:30 P.M. A word of caution is in order at this point. These KLEW-TV Lewiston Channel 3 4:30 P.M. television offers for free books, et cetera, are for non- Seventh-day Adventist members. I am sure all of us can appreciate the tremendous expense involved in making offers such as this and our purpose is to gather in interested non-members' names and then follow through. We appreciate your cooperation on this matter. Please do not call or write in for somebody else even though they ore your relatives or friends. We are desirous that these interests be genuine, in that they have sent or called in the request personally. We are well aware that all we do will amount to nothing without the Lord's blessing. Therefore, we recommend that between the hour of 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. each day for the next 39 weeks, each of us in our way, whenever we are, would just offer up a silent petition or in family worship pray to God for the suc- cess of this large endeavor and that He will use us individually in answering that prayer. Leon Cornforth, Director Laymen's Activities NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER three additional staff members have been added to strengthen the school Official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists program. Additional rooms for stu- dents in the girls' dormitory will be ready for occupancy with the opening Editor: Mrs. Ione Morgan of school. These developments, along Phone: JAckson 5-40311, Walla Walla with other projects of the school, are Managing Editor: L. W. Croaker part of a healthy program of expan- Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland sion on the Gem State campus. We would encourage students who have not as yet decided on plans for Second class postage paid at College Place, the coming school term to contact us Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each year. Subscription price $2.00 a year. immediately for application forms and Evangelism in Salmon other information. It is our desire to NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All articles, pictures, and classified ads must be channeled "I wouldn't miss a meeting for any- extend an opportunity for a Christian through your local conf erence secretary- education to as many young people as treasurer. Copy mailed directly to the Gleaner thing," an 81-year-old lady said as she will be sent to the conference involved. (Man- left the evangelistic meeting last night. possible; however, due to the large uscripts originating outside the North Pacific number of applications already re- Union Territory must be sent to the Union Nor has she missed a meeting in the Conference office in Portland, Ore.) Material three weeks the series has been held. ceived and other limiting factors, it for publication must reach the Gleaner office is important that any young person on Monday preceding the date of issue. Better yet, she brings another friend with her who is most interested in our interested in entering Gem State Acad- truths. emy this fall make arrangements with- CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your new address with ZIP CODE NUM- The Aufderhar-McDaniels evange- out further delay. BER, to North Pacific Union Gleaner, listic team has presented a well- CURTIS L. PERKINS Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. organized, spiritual, and interesting Principal Include old address as it appeared on previous issues (if possible send program which has drawn from 20 to address label). 45 non-Adventists every night during the busy summer season in this farm- POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 Tragedy in Idaho to North Pacific Union Gleaner, Box ing community. It was gratifying to 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. watch the attendance grow after the A student at Gem State Academy, first night's meeting. Cindy D. Prohaska, 17-year-old daugh- NORTH PACIFIC The first baptism will be held before ter of Mr. and UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY this report is in print, and a number Mrs. Lynn J. Pro- are planning to unite with the church haska of Caldwell, 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 at the second baptism. Others are still Idaho, was killed Phone: BElmont 5-4121 in the valley of decision. Please pray in an automobile- President W J Hackett that the good work which has been so train collision on Secretary-Treasurer L. W. Crooker ably begun may be carried to the most Tuesday, August Auditor E. S. Humann fruitful conclusion. 17, 1965, in Nampa, Educational J. T. Porter Educational Assistant . T. W. Walters FRED H. WAGNER Idaho. MV, National Servicemen's Organization Cindy was born and Temperance Ed Webb February 12, 1948, Publishing Department . C. P. Lampson Registration, September 5 in Nampa, Idaho Home Missionary, Radio-TV, Self-supporting Institutions and Medical . D. E. Caslow School bells will soon be ringing and and lived all her Sabbath School and it appears that Gem State Academy life in Caldwell. She attended Gem Public Relations B M. Preston will open its doors this fall with a State Grade School for 8 years in Religious Liberty and Caldwell and Gem State Academy her Industrial Relations L. E. Biggs record enrollment. Prospects for an excellent school year are most freshman year. Her sophomore year encouraging. was spent in the Caldwell High School. LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY The summer crew of students and She completed her junior year at Gem State Academy and was an honor stu- ALASKA—J. C. Hansen, President; A. C. Reed, staff is engaged in a busy program of Secretary-Treasurer; 718 Barrow Street, An- final preparation for the opening of dent. She had played an active part chorage, Alaska 99501. Telephone, BRoadway in the successful Associated Student o-2232. school beginning with registration on September 5. Textbooks and other Body campaign during the past year, IDAHO—G. W. Liscombe, President; J. W. in which she received the award for Griffin, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 2238. school supplies are being placed in Boise, Idaho 83701. Telephone, 342-2651. stock. Dormitories are being prepared bringing in the most money, nearly $300. Cindy would have been a senior MONTANA—A. J. Gordon, President; Warren for occupancy. Staff members, away Dick, Secretary-Treasurer; P. 0. Box 743, for summer graduate study programs, at Gem State Academy this coming Bozeman, Mont. 59715. Telephone, 587-3101 school year. She was a member of and 587.3102. Make wills and bequests payable are returning to the campus. And a to the Montana Conference Association of bountiful supply of food is being placed the Caldwell Seventh-day Adventist Seventh-day Adventists. in the cafeteria supply. These are all church. OREGON—Henry L. Rudy, President; Vernon signs that school is soon to begin at Elder Leon Cornforth, a life-long J. Jester, Secretary-Treasurer; 605 S.E. 39th friend of Cindy and formerly of Boise, Ave., Portland, Ore. 97214. Telephone, BEl- Gem State. mont 6-2187. Make wills and bequests payable During the course of the summer Idaho, and Elder Ralph Martin of the to Western Oregon Conference Association of Caldwell Seventh-day Adventist church Seventh-day Adventists. officiated at the services. Elder Corn- UPPER COLUMBIA—R. C. Remboldt, forth is presently Home Missionary President; W. E. Wasenmiller, Secretary- COPY DEADLINES Treasurer; 1025 W. Indiana, Spokane, Wash. Secretary for the Upper Columbia Con- 99205. Telephone, FAirfax 7-6631. ference. Interment was at the Garden Must Reach of Communion in Hillcrest Memorial WASHINGTON—N. R. Dower, President; E. C. Christie, Secretary -Treasurer; 4414 Woodland Announcement Conference Cemetery.
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