Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 3-29-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 29, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1982 Volume 67, Issue 122 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 29, 1982." (Mar 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. El Salvador protest draws vocal crowd R\' Charlf''I \,"Idor. suff Writf'f An interrupted rally. a short march. \;vid plac .. rds. a makeshift coffin and a memorial service caused a stir ir CarbomJale on Fridav as students and members of the Carbondale community took to the streets to protest l'.S, invol\'ement in EI Salvador. The rally. march and memorial service were part of the activities launched by a newly formed campus group, Coalition for Change, as part of a national week of protest program. The rally scheduled for 3 p,m. was canceled when police in. structed th.e protesters to start their march as participants were shU gathenng. The processIOn however, pIcked up more people as it wound through Carbondale to the !liewman Center. About 250 to 300 people finally took part In the protest. The march bf-gan at the Wesley Center and moved down South Illinois Avenue .md West Cherry Street. past the Federal Building. then up University and East Grand avenues to the :'tiewman Center. The marchers played taped revolutionary Latin American songs and chanted slogans as they malched, I,;sing a loudspeaker. protesters chanted "People united will never be defeated." "Jobs not war." "1,;.5, out of Salvador." "People who are poor don't need a Reagan war" and "U ~icaragua won, Salvador \\;11 Win," ~lario Saenz, graduate student in philosophy said, "People were very enthUSiastic. They shouted slogans all the way. "We received a lot of support from passers-by too," he added, ":\Iostly they honked their cars and waved to us, Onlv once did someone shout something negative, but I didn't hear whilt it was." Star! Photo by (;reg Dreozdzon Some of the slogans read "Attila the Haig" and "Freedom for Protestors marcheod on Illinois ,\venue !latunlay .. nrouteo to the :'\jr"man Center. Salvadoran people." Organizers were confused over the police action. "We don't know why they a"ked us to move before we were ready," said Saenz. "We had a valid permIt from 3 to ~ p,m. ,. Carbondale pOlice could not be member in the English departmentre::::::r;::z::.n~: said. "It turned ;::~::~i;:~ulty out well anyway. It was a moving 'Dal·1y 'Egyjptl·al1 experience for me. I am glad so many people turned up, ' , The service in honor of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the 30.000 peopl~ killed in El Salvador during the past two years was per­ Southern Illinois University formed by tbe Rev. Sieve Lobacz. the Rev. Jack Ferker and Deacon Garth Gillan. About 200 people attended the serviCE. Monday. March 29. 1982-Vol 67. So. 122 See PROTEST. Page ;; Buzbee: Tuition hikes won't be stopped By ~Ike Allthony trouble and ~o stop the Reagan from that fund, seniors, the programs aren't .;tudents were eliminated from ~ff Writer administration's proposed Thompson's budget pro\;des going be there," Buzbee said, the GSL program. they would cutbacks in !t!udent aid. a S16.7 million increase in total Debbie Brown. Graduate be eligible for the Au.'tiliar~ State Sen. Kenneth Buzbee students and their pcLrents must funds for higher education. Slli Student Council president, Loans to Assist Students said Saturday that he doesn't write their representatives. million less than the IBHE had asked Buzbee if the General program. but Simon said the think the General Assembly Buzbee said that a few weeks requested, Tuition increases Assembly would support a bill ALAS program has a "number would stop tuition increases and ago he believed the General that would put a ceiling of of serious naws." make up those increases from Assembly would have sup­ ~~r:li:tl:~r!v~!~~n ~f'ts~~w~: $60.000 on state administrator's He said only three states offer general revenue funds. ported halting tuition increases decrease in general revenue salaries. the program and Illinois is not BuzbPo-. D,58th District. made averaging 15 percent at state spending. "I think that you might get .one of them. Secondl~'. ALAS the remarks to members of the colleges and universities. but However, excluding some political support in the loans require studer-ts to pay a student adviser)' committee of "now I seriOWoly doubt it." retirement funding. Thomp­ General Assembly for such a 1~ percent interest rate instead the Illinois Board of Higher A politicai C6."liti(>l1 might be son's budget of $9-4 million is bill." Buzbee said. "but I don't of the GSL's 9 percent rate and Education, meeting at Touch of assembled ~G stop the increases, 527.6 million less than in fiscal think it's a good idea and I don't students would have to begin Nature. Buzbee said, but he believes 1982. think it will pass." repaymeont 60 days after The committee evaluates the that the General Assembly The $22.5 million the tuition Simon told the committee :hat receiving a loan, impact of IBHE pobcies on can't be convinced to cover the increases are expected to he believes the Reagan ad· Shaw said that the current , students and expresses student difference from the general generate is needed, Buzbee ministration's higher educatioil situation higher education finds opinion, ideas and criticism revenue fund. said. "If you kill the tuition policy "clearly is flawed," itself in is a result of serious regarding higher education. Th,! majority of money ap­ particularly the ad­ economic conditions at state U.S. Rep, Paul Simon, D-24th prop:-iated fOf higher education ~illh~~e:'t~ h:t;:~~ '~~o~rams ministration's proposal to and national le\·els. and cannot District, and Chancellor comes from the general This year's college seniors eliminate graduate and be changed until "the !.'Conom\' Kenneth Shaw also spoke to the revenue fund. and Gov. James won't be affected, but freshman professional students from the turns around and the populac~ committee. Their message Thompson's fiscal 1983 budget and high school seniors will be Guaranteed Student Loan 'is convinced that supporting was: higher education. both in calls for appropriating S18 affected "because bv the time program. higher edu~ation is in their best the state and the nation. is in million less than in fiscal 1982 they get to be jUniors and If graduate and professional interests. " Fight cuts, students told at rally By Doug Hettingeor means students have to voice and Lvndall Caldwell their dissatisfaction with the ~fdJ:iV.sf!f~~~~h~WP~ Staff Writen education budget cuts. segregated by economics, Write. write, write was "We are talking about the Cold temperatures did not Simon's ad\'ice to students. future l'C'onomy of this coun­ numb the enthusiasm of about "Write to Washington; write to try," Simon said. -wo students when legislators congressmen from wherever Buzbee said the Reagan and stud~nt leaders stepped up you live; ask your parents to to the microphone at a rally write; write a letter to the See FIGHT, Page 3 protesting Reagan's proposed editor," he said. cutbacks in student aid Friday. Simon also said the 18-to-25- U.S. Rep. Paul Simon. D-24th year-old age group has the US District, State Sen. Kennf;th lowest voter registration in the Buzbee, D-Carbondale. State country. "You have to change 'Bode Rep. Bruce Richmond. D­ that," he said. Simon received the loudest fi Murphysboro, and several .' • ~ •. r :,J student leaders told the crowd greeting of the speakers from 1J' what students can do to halt the audience, primarily Reagan's proposed cutbacks in students, when he took the student aid. :Stage. The crowd continued to GUll says maybt' the way for The speakers said that 'Voice its approval throughout leUer writers to con\'ince Stalf Photo by G~g On__ writing letters to government his speech. Reaganiles to hf'lp education is K.'" K ...... sephemere iD m.rket"g, ••1Ie kllOWn his view ell representatives and registering He said if Congress passes the to misspt>1I about half the Nllealien e ... at Friday'~ "Edtle.tlan for Everyone" nlly, to vote are the most effective proposed cutbacks in education words, Columbia to 'buzz' Southwest News Rou~dup"'!"""'.----.II .'i,."a'p (·ornrni"p,. sra'rlS on b ..dgPI WASHINGTON iAP) - ThP Senate Budget Committee before landing in New Mexico begins work Tuesday on a 198.1 spending plan that. Wllike last year. is almost certain to displease President Reagan WHITE SANDS MISSILE presence felt with a series of atmospher~ over the ~outhern A year ago. the GOP-dominated panel moved in lockstep RA..'lGE. N.M. (API - For 14 whispinR contrails and a pair of Pacific Ocean. crossing the with the administration approvmg more than $30 billion in whirlwind minutes. from LA to raucros sonic booms. coastline above downtown Los spending cuts and a hlueprint that Ii!Ct room for Reagan's landing, Jack Lousma and Almost exactly an hour after Angeles. Eagle'eye Angelinos three-year income tax cut. Gordon Fullerton will share a starting its deorbit. Columbia have little hope of spotting .the This year. Republican and Democrats agree that Reagan's unique view of Amerka's will brake to a stop on the hard shutUp - it Will he 30 m:!ps ovHhead travelling hype:sonic big-deficit budget has almost no support.
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