MS-831: Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation Records, 1980–2008. Series C: Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education (CIJE). 1988–2003. Subseries 5: Communication, Publications, and Research Papers, 1991–2003. Box Folder 46 9 Press clippings. Mandel, Morton, 1994-1999. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 AmericanJewishArchives.org The Forward Fifty-Jewish Leaders to Watch in the Year Ahead '.:;,;~~~e.,~ EDGAR BRONFMAN RABBI ALEXANDER SCHINDLER EDWARD KOCH · RABBI AVI WEISS Globe-trotting ambas­ Liberal lion of Reform Three-term New York Rabbi with rap sheet, sador for world J ewry, movement, inclusionist mayor, lifetime champi­ scourge of Farrakhan­ president of World Jew­ extraordinaire. Spirirual on of Jewish causes, one­ ites, Waldheimites, tor­ ish Congress since 1980, leader for 1.3 million man communications mentor of Jewish head of World Jewish Americans in 875 syna­ conglomerate. Booted establishment, president Restitution Organiza­ gogues, president of our of City Hall, he took of Coalition for Jewish tion since Iron Curtain's Union of American to airwaves, tabloid Concems-Arncha. Cham­ collapse. Billionaire Hebrew Congregations columns to decry racial pions causes before they CEO of Seagram's from 1973. Championed quotas, racial prefer­ become popular - Sovi­ spends 50% of time on outreach to in termar­ ences, multicultural et Jews, Jonathan Pol­ WJC aff!l,irs, meeting 57 ried, conversion for non­ mania, black anti­ lard, Crown Heights - heads of state on five Jewish spouses, Semitism. As first public then organizes, agitates, continents in past en franchisement - figure to brand Crown demonstrates, poses for decade, freeing J ews including rabbinical and Heights a "pogrom," as mug shots, then instiru­ from dozens of coun­ cantorial ordination - self-described "Voice of tional Jewry joins fray. tries, getting Russia and . for gays, lesbians. Drove Reason," his tell-it:-like­ Almost alone put cle- , 10 former communist sate.llites to join WJC. Other Reform movement hard to left, published commen­ it-is style helped steer generation of once-liberal Jews mency for Pollard on Jewish agendas when other lead­ exploits: Secret diplomacy helps cement Israel-Vati­ tary on Torah, battled Orthodox monopoly on govern­ in conservative direction for first rime jn their Lives. ers nursed doubts on the issue or feared charges of can ties, archive-scouring helps expose Kurt Wjl.ld­ ment assist.ance in Israel. Biggest controversy: dual loyalty;·awakened America to NYC's failure to heim's Nazi past. Subtle he's not. Decreed patrilineaJ descent equal to matrilineaJ in protect Eastern Parkway Jews wheri mainstream interfaith marriages, causing rift in Reform. move­ groups stayed mute. Would the Carmelite convene at ment. "Right problem," antagonists said. ''But wrong MAX FISHER Auschwitz srill be there had he not climbed that fence, solution." German born, like Reform itself, 69, Holo­ arnacting global attention to the troubling symbol? RABBI IRVING 'YITZ' GREENBERG caust survivor, he no longer resembles flock in age, Confidant of Ameri­ Foes of confrontationalism, citing arrests from Bronx world experience; retires in 1996, American-bred can presidents (mainly to Bergen-Belsen, brand him "Jewish Al Sharpton." . Teacher of tomorrow's baby boomer likely to take his place. the Republican ones), federation elite, Ortho­ Israeli prime ministers. dox preacher of Judaic A Jewish Agency foun­ pluralism, heretic to der, pillar ofUJA, doyen LOUISE GREILSHElMER Orthodox rightists, pres­ ALAN DERSHOWllZ of Zionist nation­ ident of National Jewish builders. Gives half his Doyen of domestic dol­ Center for Learning and Harvard professor as multimillion-dollar oil lars, stewardess of $148 Leadership since 1974. avenging angel, civil lib­ and real-estate income million treasure trove, Theologian-educator erties attorney as each year to Israel or president-elect of Unit­ with radical impact on defender of faith, schol­ Jewish causes; yet when ed Jewish Appeal-Fed­ institutions: His 1963 tri­ ar as warrior. "American hometown Detroit feder­ eration of Jewish umph in battle with Jews need more chutz­ ation revamped funding Philanthropies of Yeshiva University over pah," he argues. Turns formulas, upping domes­ Greater New York. Sits teaching pioneer course courthouse into battle­ tic spending at expense at side of lame-duck on Holocaust - YU field, defends Jonathan of overseas giving, his backstage backing made revo­ prexy, Alan J affe, serv­ thought it "parochial," Pollard, then slams lutionary shifts possible. When octogenarian dean of ing one-year apprentice­ too Jewish, would be "misunderstood" by graduate silence of Jewish leaders Israel-giving quietly signals support, other American ship, but after accession schools - led to spread of such srudies across Ameri­ on spy; sues Cardinal federations follow, spending more charitable dollars on July 1, pay attention. ca. CLAL classes, seminars, lectures, retreats in 40 Glemp for anti-Semitic at home. Autocratic personality sometimes rankles. Federation-watchers cities redirect communal leadership, transform feder­ defamation, then rips With Republicans suddenly in the majority in the predict reign will lead ation priorities, focus on community-bu.ilding, Jewish­ sycophantic behavior of - ·· -~. _ Congress, though, he may have the last laugh. charity - kicking, identity nurturing, not mere fund-raising, Jewish establishment CARO~VNCOHE.~ screaming - to rewrite funding formulas posting. 57 social-action agenda. But intra-denominational line­ undercutting his case. Says Elie Wiesel,"A few people overseas for every $3 spent at home. Inexperienced blurring, bread-breakfog with Reform makes him like Alan Dershowitz in the 1930s and 1940s and the on Israel, former chairman of UJA-Federation anathema to Orthodox rabbinate. history of European Jewry might have been differ­ RICHARD PEARLSTONE domestic affairs, her elevation deadlocked closed­ ent." But in the American context, just what are his door nominating committee, sparked fears she'll politics? Young man in a hurry, steer Jess to Zion, more to home front, taking biggest alumnus of 1960s coun­ Jewish money machine in direction of Detroit, Mil­ BETH GILINSKY terculture, first baby waukee, Boston. If change defines leadership, she boomer to run United has the chance. Brainy Jewish fire­ :-~· G;RTON MAN.DEO Jewish Appeal. Re-engi­ brand, 30-somerhing , . -,,., neering UJA campaign oresident and founder ~Q,' LifZ•~-t--- ,, .. "Morton \'\'ho?" No household word, yet Cleveland themes, marketing <,1.1,. uvuu;:. r\ULU~.lClU\.. pta.:,uucu.u ..r -.>v11.1«::uu1c-.> LG.IU'\.n;..:,. ~a. \,,,i....n..,,.. ua~e~, !>~11w1t.«::i:, J.~ctun::>, recn:cns m ~v r ea era non-watcner s ~ /WIJI',,•:.· I cities redirect communal leadership, transform feder­ defa,;;ation, then rips With Republicans suddenly in the majority in the predict reign will lead ,".f"' · ; _ · / ation priorities, focus on community-building, Jewish­ sycophantic behavior of 1~ '1\,.1 Congress, though, he may have the last laugh. charity - kicking, iden ticy nurturing, nor mere Jund-raising, Jewish establishment CAROLYN C01i£N screaming- to rewrite funding formulas posting S7 social-action agenda. But intra-denominational line­ undercutting hisc:ase. Says Elie Wiesel,"A few people overseas for every $3 spent at home. Inexperienced blurring, bread-breaking with Reform makes him like Alan Dershowitz in the 1930s and 1940s and the on Israel, former chairman of UJA-Federation anathema to Orthodox rabbinate. history of European Jewry might have been differ­ RICHARD PEARLSTONE domestic affairs, her elevation deadlocked closed­ ent." Bur in the American context, just what are his door nominating committee, sparked fears she'll politics? Young man in a hurry, steer less to Zion, more to home front, taking biggest alumnus of 1960s coun­ Jewish money machine in direction of Detroit, Mil­ BETH GILINSKV terculture, first baby waukee, Boston. U change defines leadership, sh,e boomer to run United has the chance. Brainy Jewish fire­ MORTON MANDEL Jewish Appeal. Re-engi­ brand, 30-something neering UJA campaign president and founder "Morton Who?" No household word, yet Cleveland themes, marketing of Jewish Action industrialist is on White House short list of Jews-to-be­ approaches, ractling its GARY RUBIN Alliance. Offers alterna­ consulted-in-Oval-Office - or money-men-to-be-invit­ fossilized· structures, tive, right-leaning voice ed-to-Rose-Garden - on all Israel-oriented policy ushering in change with Rising star of Jewish for activist Jewry, grass-. initiatives. No wonder: Have checkbook, will travel; simple credo, "Incre­ Arabists, dean of roots appeal for many generous to Bill Clinton, legions of Democratic cancli­ mental steps are worth- peaceniks, "Mort Klein feeling unrepresented dates, past president of Council of Jewish Federations 1ess ! " Mission as of the left," executive by elite Jewish estab­ went even further, founding National Jewish Demo­ national chairman: director of Americans lishment. Defining mo­ cratic Council in 1990. Still chairman of NJDC, his Raise $730 million, Jure for Peace Now. Took ment as young leader: donkeys suffered blowout in mid-terms, yet his influ­ Jews born after World helm in 1993 champi­ August 1991. Yanke! ence in political arena may still arrest Jewish defec­ War II to replace Zionist septuagenarians and octoge­ oning no-hol.ds-barred Rosenbaum
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