778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY E xam D ate : 18 July 2021 E xam conducted by : H aryana Staff Selection C om m ission for the Post of V L D A in H aryana. 1. In H aryana V edic D rishadw ati river is also know n as (A) Saraswati (B) Markanda (C) Ghaggar (D) Sahibi A ns. D 2. Scientific nam e of goat is (A) Capra hircus (B) Bos indicus (C) Sus scrofa (D) Ovis aries A ns. A 3. R evolt of 1857 against the B ritish G ovt, w as first began at … … … … … … . in H aryana. (A) Hisar (B) Rohtak (C) Ambala (D) Mahendragarh A ns. C 4. W hich one of the follow ing anim al diseases has been eradicated from India ? (A) Avian influenza (B) Rinderpest (C) Fowl pox (D) FMD A ns. B 5. O s penis is found in 1 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY (A) Dog (B) Buffaloes (C) Cattle (D) Sheep A ns. A 6. W hich am ong the follow ing is a tributary of river G haggar in H aryana ? (A) Chautang (B) Saraswati (C) Aruna (D) Nagafgarh A ns. A 7. C hoose the num ber w hich is sim ilar to the num bers in the given set. 8 : 28 : : 27 : ? (A) 8 (B) 28 (C) 64 (D) 65 A ns. D 8. D ehorning m eans (A) Removal of eye of animals (B) Removal of extra teats of animals (C) Removal of horn of animals (D) None of these A ns. C 9. 2 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 7 A ns. B 10. Period from conception to parturition is called (A) Gestation period (B) Dry period (C) Calving period (D) Lactation period A ns. A 11. W hat does an indirect tax G ST stands for ? (A) Goods and Service Tax (B) General Service Tax (C) Goods and Sales Tax (D) None of the above A ns. A 12. D uring the form ation of H aryana, num ber of districts in the State w ere (A) 7 (B) 17 (C) 19 (D) 21 3 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY A ns. A 13. "G oose stepping" in pigs is related to deficiency of (A) Pyridoxine (B) Biotin (C) Pantothenic acid (D) Manganese A ns. C 14. W hich am ong the follow ing districts of H aryana has the least num ber of G ram Panchayats ? (A) Panchkula (B) Gurugram (C) Rohtak (D) Faridabad A ns. D 15. … … … … … … … is the only perennial river flow ing in H aryana. (A) Ghaggar (B) Hakra (C) Yamuna (D) Markanda A ns. C 16. W hich am ong the folk dances of H aryana is the m ost A ncient one ? (A) Ghoomar (B) Saang (C) Khoria (D) Dhamal A ns. D 17. T his hill has acquired H aryana a w ide fam e as it is believed that C havan R ishi practiced penance here for m any years. (A) Momihill (B) Dhosi hill (C) Gokalgarh 4 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY (D) None of the above A ns. B 18. A ct of m ating in cattle is know n as (A) Coupling (B) Serving (C) Tupping (D) None of the above A ns. B 19. Identify the nam e of the N obel L aureate. H e w as bom in R aipur, Punjab (now in Pakistan). H is invention in the field of M edicine- interpreting the genetic code and analysing its function in protein synthesis - fetched him the N obel Prize for M edicine in 1968. (A) Hargobind Khorana (B) Subramanian Chandrashekhar (C) Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (D) None of the above A ns. A 20. C astrated m ale pig is know n as (A) Neuter (B) Barrow (C) Capan (D) Redder A ns. B 21. W hich of the follow ing breed is native to K arnataka ? (A) Tharparkar (B) Toda (C) Kankrej (D) Hallikar A ns. D 22. 60% of 264 is the sam e as (A) 10% of 44 5 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY (B) 15% of 1056 (C) 30% of 132 (D) None of these A ns. B 23. M anganese is found in w hich district of H aryana? (A) Hisar (B) Mahendragarh (C) Kamal (D) Gurugram A ns. B 24. W hich of the follow ing is a crossbreed anim al ? (A) Karan Fries (B) Karan Swiss (C) Sunandini (D) All of the above A ns. D 25. M yiasis is (A) The Infestation of animal tissue by ticks (B) The Infestation of animal tissue by mites (C) The Infestation of animal tissues by the larvae of flies (D) None of these A ns. C 26. W hich am ong the follow ing city of H aryana is called as golden city ? (A) Ambala (B) Sonipat (C) Hisar (D) Rohtak A ns. B 27. W ho am ong the follow ing C hinese pilgrim visited H aryana in 7th C entury ? (A) Hsi-yu Chi 6 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY (B) Hiuen-Tsang (C) Fa-hien (D) Markpolo A ns. B 28. .........................., a fam ous lake of H aryana w as m entioned in the 11th C entury m em oirs of A l-B eruni called 'K itab-ul-H ind'. (A) Badkhal (B) Damdama (C) Brahma Sarovar (D) Kama A ns. C 29. B lood collection site in cattle is (A) Carotid artery (B) Saphenous vein (C) Jugular vein (D) Mammary vein A ns. C 30. … … … … … … … ..is a question asked of a database that yields inform ation. (A) Filter (B) Query (C) Record (D) Table A ns. B 31. In addition to the cache m em ory built into the C PU , cache is also added to the m otherboard. T his M otherboard resident cache is now called (A) Level-1 (L1) Cache (B) Level-2 (L2) Cache (C) Level-3 (L3) Cache (D) Level-0 (L0) Cache A ns. C 32. M agazine published by Sahitya A kadem i of H aryana is 7 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY (A) Haryana Samvad (B) Harigandha (C) Rajanigandha (D) Ubharta Haryana A ns. B 33. A num ber of tw o digits has 3 for its unit's digit and the sum of digits is 1/7 of the num ber itself. T he num ber is (A) 43 (B) 53 (C) 63 (D) 73 A ns. C 34. In H aryana L adw a revolt of 1845 w as lead by (A) Jodh Singh (B) Ajit Singh (C) Jobit Kha (D) Pratap Singh A ns. B 35. Faulty m ilking m ethod in dairy anim als is (A) Knuckling (B) Stripping (C) Full hand milking (D) Machine vein A ns. A 36. R efresh rate is m easured in … … … … . or in cycle per second. (A) Kilo Bytes (B) Mill Seconds (C) Nano Seconds (D) Hertz A ns. D 8 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY 37. C onversion of protein into am ino acid is catalysed by (A) Urease (B) Maltase (C) Zymase (D) Pepsin A ns. D 38. A ll the com puter's resources are m anaged from the unit. (A) Control (B) Input (C) Arithmetic Logic (D) Output A ns. A 39. R 2B vaccine strain used in w hich of the follow ing disease ? (A) Infectious bronchitis (B) Ranikhet disease (C) Salmonellosis (D) Avian Influenza A ns. B 40. W ho established C histi O rder in H aryana ? (A) Baba Farid (B) Mohd. Bakhtiar Kaki (C) Boo Ali Shah (D) Sharfuddin A ns. A 41. A w ater m olecule has an electric dipole m om ent 6.4 X 10-30 w hen it is in vapour state. T he distance in m etre betw een the centre of positive and negative charge of the m olecule is (A) 4 X 10-10 (B) 4 X 10-11 (C) 4 X 10-12 (D) 4 X 10-13 9 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY A ns. B 42. C om plete the series. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ? (A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 22 (D) 23 A ns. B 43. W hich is the fam ous fine w ool breed of the w orld? (A) Gaddi (B) Saanen (C) Merino (D) Ramboulliet A ns. C 44. Indian V eterinary R esearch Institute is located at (A) Izatnagar, Uttar Pradesh (B) Hisar. Haryana (C) Avikanagar, Rajasthan (D) Kamal, Haryana A ns. A 45. A ct of m ating in sheep is called as (A) Ramming (B) Eweing (C) Tupping (D) Coupling A ns. C 46. W hich of the follow ing lakes is a w ildlife sanctuary in H aryana ? (A) Badkhal (B) Damdama (C) Bhindawas (D) Karnal 10 www.drnain.com 778. HSSC VLDA EXAM 2021 Set C With KEY A ns. C 47. T allest breed of sheep (A) Mandya (B) Deccani (C) Nellore (D) Bellary A ns. C 48. A ll India R adio at … … … … ..is the oldest radio station of H aryana. (A) Kurukshetra (B) Hisar (C) Ambala (D) Rohtak A ns. D 49. G estation period in Sw ine (A) 155 days (B) 114 days (C) 279 days (D) 65 days A ns.
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