- Minutes of 12th Meeting of DEIAA Date : 17 July ,2017 Time: 4 PM Venue: Chamber of District Collector, Ernakulam Proposals for reconsideration Item No. l2-01-A (Proposal No. DIA/I(L/MIN/ 3557 12017) Environmental clearance for removal of ordinary earth in Sy. Nos. 981/3 in Onakoor Village, Muvattupuzha Taluk, Ernakulam District by Mr. Reji George, Puthuval House, Onakkoor. P.O., Pampakuda, Ernakulam. 686667. DEAC approved the project and recommended DEIAA to grant environmental clearance subject to the submission of rectifidd documents in comilliance to the defects stated in the minutes of the 9th meeting of DEAC and also in accordance with the conditions suggested by the sub committee The proposal was consideled in the Llth Meeting of DEIAA conducted onA6fi7/2017 anddecided to reconsider in the next meeting after verifying the documents submitted by the proponent and rectification of defects pointed out in the 9th meeting of DEAC. Member Secretary DEAC submitted a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9tr' DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. Considering these facts DEIAA com.mittee decided to sanction the environmental clearance to Mr.Rej I George, Puthuval House, for excavatiotr of Ordinary earth from Sy. No. 981/3 in Onakoor Village. Item No. l2-02-A. (Proposal No. DIA/I(LLIN/ 546312017) Environmental clearance for removal of ordinary earth in Sy. Nos. 10714,2, 1A7A-4, 106/11-3 in Pattimattom Village, Kunnathunad Taluk, Ernakulam District by Mr. Binu. P. Varghese, Poonattu House. Pazhamthottam. P.O.. Ernakulam - 683565 DEAC apprJred the proposal and recommended DEIAA to grant environmental clearance subject to the submission of rectified documents as suggested in the minutes of the 9th meeting and in accordance with the conditions suggested by the Sub Committee. The proposal was considered in the I ls Meeting of DEIAA conducted on 06107,/2017 and decided to reconsider in the next meeting after veri$ing the documents submitted by the proponent and rectification of ctefects pointed out in the 9th meeting of DEAC. Member Secretary DEAC submitted a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC vl meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. Considering these facts DEIAA committee decided to sanction the environmental clearance to Binu. P. Varghese, Poonattu House for excavation of Ordinary earth &om Sy. Nos. lO7l4-2, 10714-4,106/ll-3 in ,/ ltem No. 12-03-A. (Proposal No. DIAfl(L/MINi 4247 12017) Environmental clearance for removal of ordinary earth in Sy. Nos. glll5 in Airapuram Village, Kunnathunad Taluk, Ernakulam District by Mr. Ulahannan S/o Varkey, Thekkumchery House, Airapuram- P.O., Kunnathunad, Emakulam DEAC approved the proposal and recommended DEIAA to grant environmental clearance subject to the submission of rectified documents as per the minutes of the 9th meeting and also with reference to the conditions suggested by the Sub Committee. th The proposal was considered in the 1 I Meeting of DEIAA conducted on 0610712017 and decided to reconsider in the next meetingafter verifying the documents submitted by the proponend and rectification of defects pointed out in the 9th meeting of DEAC. Member Secretary DEAC submiued a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. Considering these facts DEIAA committee decided to sanction the environmental clearance to Ulahannan S/o Varkey, Thekkumchery House for excavation of Ordinary earth 'from,Sy, Nos. 9lll5 in Airapuram Village Item No. 12-04-A @roposal No. DIA/KL/IVIIN/ 4lll t2017) Environmental clearance for removal of ordinary earth in Bl. 33Sy. Nos. 264t2 of Airapuram Village, Kunnathunad Taluk, Emakulam District by Mr. M.M. Paul, Mangalath House, North Mazhuvannoor, Mangalathu Nada Ernakulam. DEAC approved the proposal and recommended DEIAA to grant environmental clearance subject to the rectifrcation of defects pointed out in the minutes of the 9s meeting and as per the report of subcommitte. The proposal considered in the l lth Meeting of DEIAA conducted on 0610712017 and decided to reconsider in the next meeting after verifying the documents submitted by the proponend and rectification of defects pointed out in the 9th meeting of DEAC. Member Secretary DEAC submitted a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. - Considering these facts DEIAA committee decided to sanction the environmental clearance to M.M. / Paul, Mangalath H"ouse for excavation of Ordinary earth from Bl. 33 Sy. No. 26412 of Airapuram Village ltem No. l2-05-A (Proposal No. DIA/KL/VIIN/ 5413 D0l7) Environmental clearance for removal of ordinary earth in Bloik 27 Re Survey no.l73ll-2-2 in Kizhakkambalam Village, Kunnathunad Taluk, Ernakulam District by Mr. Febin James, Punchaputhussery H o use, Nj aralloor, K i zhakkambalam, Ernakulam. 683 5 62. DEAC approved the project and recommended DEIAA to grant environmental clearance subject to the submission of rectified documents in compliance to the defects stated in the minutes of the 9m meeting of DEAC and also in accordance with the conditions suggested b y the sub committee. - The proposal considered in the llth Meeting of DEIAA conducted on0610712017 and decided to reconsider in the nelt meeting after verifying the documents submitted by the proponend and rectification of defects pointed out in the 9th meeting of DEAC. retary DEAC submitted a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. cled to sanction the environmental clearance to Febin VZames, Punchaputhussery House for excavation of Ordinary earth from Bl. 27 Re Sy. No. 17311-2-2 in Kizhakkambalam Village Item No. f2-06-A. (Proposal No. DIA/I(L/NIIN/ 5710 DAfi) r the quarry project in Sy. Nos. 255ll -1, 255/l-2,25511-3 in Kodanad Village, Kunnathunad Taluk, Ernakulam District by Mr. P.P. Paulose, Pallassery House, Kodnad.P.O., Kodanad, Ernakulam District, Kerala. DEAC approved the project and recommended DEIAA to grant environmental clearance subject to the rectification of suggestions put forward in the minutes of the 8th meeting satisfaction of conditions r suggested by the Sub Committee The proposal considered in the I lft Meeting of DEIAA conducted on 06107/2017 and decided to retum back to DEAC and reconsider in the next meeting after rectification of defects pointed out in the 9'h meeting of DEAC. i Member Secretary DEAC submitted a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. As per the G.O. (P) No. 25/2017l\D dt. 22/0612017 the distance from the boundary of neighbours have been reduc.d to 50 rtr. :'. Considering these facts DEIAA comrnittee decided to sanction the.environrn-e4t4l cle-arance to . P.P. Paulose, Pallassery House for excavation of Granite Building Stone from the Sy. Nos of 25511-1,25511-2, 25511-3 in Kqdanad Village Item No. (Proposal No. DIA/I(LINIIN/ 5035 12017) !2012,132nA, B2l2B in Maneed Village, Muvattupuzha Taluk, Ernakulam District by Mr. Aji Kuriakose, Chavaramplackil House, Maneed. P.O., Ernakulam, The DEAC appraised the report and decided to recommend DEIAA to grant environmental clearance for the proposal subject to the satisfaction of rectified documents as suggested in the minutes of the 9th meeting and also in accordance with the conditions put forward by the Sub Committee. The'proposal was considered in the I lth Meeting of DEIAA conducted on 0610712017 and decided to return back to DEAC and reconsider in the next rneeting after rectification of defects pointed out in the 9th meeting of DEAC. t- Member Secretary DEAC submiued a letter stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. As per the G.O."(P) No. 251201 7/ID dt. 2210612017 the distance from the boundary of neighbours has been reduced to 50 mts. Considering these facts DEIAA committee decided to sanction the environmental clearance to Aji Kuriakose, Chavaramplackil House for excavation of Granite Building Stone from the Sy. Nos of l2)ll, ,"/ nat2,l32l2A,132/28 in Maneed Village. Item No. 12-08-A. (Proposal No. DIA/I(L/1\,IIN/ 34tl t}0t6) Environmental clearance for the quarry project in Re-survey Block-l9 Re- SurveyNos.206l26l2(p),206110,206111,2061t3,206121(p),206t22(rD,25vt8t2(rD,25vtg(rD and 260t20(p) in .Ayyampuzha Village, Aluva Taluk, Emakulam District by Mr. C.C Joseph, Proprietor, IWs JR Granites, Chittooparamban House, Manjapra.P.O., Angamaly, Ernakulam District, Kerala-683581. rd DEIAA to grant environmental Clearance for the proposal subject to the submission of rectified documents as suggested in the 9th meeting and also in consideration of the condition suggested by the sub committee. The proposal was considered in the l lth Meeting of DEIAA conducted on 06107/2017. There are Two Complaints filed against the quarry. The petitioners were called for a hearing in l,1ft D.EIAA meeting. The petitioner and the proponent were present in the hearing. The DEIAA decidedlto return the proposal to DEAC for verifying the documents and rectifoing the defects point out in the 9th DEAC meeting and to consider the proposal in the next DEIAA meeting. And also directed the Member Secretary DEIAAIo verify the documents. Member Secretary DEIAA verified the documents and the Member Secretary DEAC submitted a report stating that all the defects pointed out in the 9th DEAC meeting were cleared and Environment Clearance may be sanctioned. As per the G.O. (P) No. 25l2}l7/lD dt. 2210612017 the distance from the boundary ofneighbours has been reduced to 50 mts.
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