NOVEMBER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF 1946 BARBER SHOP QUARTET HARMONY VOL. VI. No.2 (SEE STORY ON PAGE 15) Published By 'The SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVAnON AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING IN AMERICA, INC, * - -_._--- * * * * * * * * Start the Holiday Season in Harmony ­ Come to Milwaukee's WINTER CARNIVAL OF HARMONY ... featuring an All-Star Cast ­ HARMONY HALLS • THE MISFITS DOCTORS OF HARMONY MID-STATES FOB R (MILWAUKEE'S OWN) HI-LO'S The 3 MEDALLION WINNERS of Wisconsin State Contest Hear the Famous Milwaukee Chapter Chorus ill a Christmas program ill Barber Shop Style For Tickets Write­ For Reservations Write ­ FRANK J. BUCHTA PLANKINTON HOTEL, MILWA"KEE 126 N. Jefferson Street, Milwaukee Mention SPEBSQSA MILWAUKEE AUDITORIUM FRIDA Y • TICKETS DECEMBER 6.8:15 P, M. $1.20 • $1.80 .o/<!6 HARMONIZER 3 STRIKE BOUND! SMOKY CITY PARADE A WOW! Pittsburgh's first Parade of Quartets, October 11 at Syria Mosque was a The Fontanelle Hotel, Omaha, su'ccess in spite of a power strike and CHRISTMAS CAROLS Neb., will be the Mecca of the In­ hotel strike locally and airplane Now that the Christmas season ternational Board on January 17­ trouble which grounded the Elastic is close upon us, Chapter of­ Four in South Bend. ficers should dust off those sea­ 18, and 19, as well as many mem­ sonal arrangements sent last bers who just can't stay away Two rented generators furnished light December for the folios. Re­ (far below IES standards, but light) hearse them well in advance for from a Society affair. However, until the Cleveland Lamplighters X mas perfection. If your the parade of quartets to be were deep into the Whiffenpoof Song. librarian can't dig 'em out from staged by Omaha Chapter on the The house blacked out amidst approval his stock, let us know and we'll of the audience for "the .unique stag­ send some. The songs you night of the 18th will furnish ing" of their number. When lights should have are, "Sllent Night," legitimate excuse for attendance did not return someone in the audi­ "It Came Upon the Midnight by many from the Middle West. ence yelled "It's still dark, bring back Clear," and "0 Holy Night (Cantique de Noel)." the Lamplighters." They did two The Elastic Four, Four Harmonizers, more numbers in total darkness. The Misfits, Harmony Halls, Chord­ Hope It's a "P. D. Number" oUers, Kansas City Serenaders, Mixed­ Judge Harvey Straub, Toledo, Me'd. up Four, Flying L. Ranch and the Melody Macs, Debonaires, Four Mugs, Beacon Four in combination make a Westinghouse Quartet, and the Pitts­ Nine-feature Attraction. burghers, all home town quartets, had the added harmonies of The Detroit­ Board meetings will be on Friday ers, Tom Cats, Massillon, Ohio, the evening, the 17th, and on Saturday champion Garden State 4, and George morning and afternoon. Friday morn­ W. Campbell, song leader extraordi­ ing and afternoon will be devoted to nary, as welt as Pittsburgh Chapter meetings of the Executive Committee. Chorus. Other standing committees will meet following the Saturday morning and Because of the local labor disputes the afternoon Board sessions. Afterglow was moved from Keystone Hotel to the basement of the Mosque's Omaha Chapter plans an added Hunt Auditorium. Breakfast and Morning Glow for Sunday, just to give its guests of the Board and their wives more out of INTERNATIONAL CONTEST FILM life than there is in it. GAY IN SPIRIT AND COLOR The chapter was organized in the spring of 1943 and now has 125 mem­ "Best Society film to date," "A bers. knockout," "Funny even to a non­ member, but both thrill and fun for For general information about this members" are from comment already eighth annual mid-winter meeting ad­ received about the two-reel, 16 mm Immediate Past International Prui­ dress C. E. Wilson, General Chairman, dent Phil Embury composing 614 Electric Bldg. For hotel reserva­ film taken at Cleveland over three (we hope) one that will rank with tions, Charles F. Mabbett, care of days in June. Past International President Hal Hotel Castle, 16th and Jones Sts. For Movie Chairman R. Harry Brown and Staab's "Violets Sweet," Parade ticket l:eservations: W. A. his committee went to town as never Munson, Pres" 321 Park Ave., Omaha. before in filming highlights, 31 semi­ "BUSH LEAGUE CONTEST" finalists, special pictures of quartets Crows Have Field Day JOINT MEETING IN ST. LOUIS that no one but the camera man and his crew have seen in action. The crows on the lower branches of AREA HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL the tree in the Boyne City Chapter Members totalling 250 and represent­ The film is titled throughout with have tired of hearing only the star ing Alton, IlL, O'Fallon, Ill., Mexico, fact and comment that frequently harmonizers of Michigan and the na­ tion and are going to do something Mo., and Herman, Mo. joined hands puts the audience into an uproar. with St. Louis and Clayton, Mo. chap­ about it. Designed as a record of people and ters, October 16 in a joint meeting On Jan. 25 Boyne City is staging its events, it is Grade A amusement that proved a huge success. "Bush League Contest" and jt is a whether you know the subjects or limited affair. To begin with only Says Secretary Adams, who flew from not. Highlights include "Pass the quartets from chapters of 50 members Detroit to be there: "Fine chorus sing­ Biscuits ..." by the Elastic Four; the or less can qualify. This rules out ing by Clayton Chapter under direc­ Food City Four's efforts to get to such as the Harmony Halls, Misfits, tion of Doc Rathert and many quar­ Cleveland in an '03 Reo; Harmony Westinghouse and Slap Happy Chap­ tets. ,Finis Jaynes' Syncopators are Halls in a hurry to make their train; pies. Further, no quartet that has better than ever. Clarence Marlowe's all members of the Board; the Stock­ more than one member who has been quartet, the Nostalgic Four, are doing good work:' yards 4 in a hairbreadth escape; top a qualifier in a state or national con­ five winners in the International con­ test can get in. The Boyne City boys Twenty-one men attended the dinner figure one star doesn't make a milky test; the outgoing champion Misfits in meeting of the St. Louis and Clayton way. "Schooldays"; and plenty more color­ Executive Committees. Questjons and ful sequences. Though of course not an official SPEB ideas sparked on all sides. Much was Contest this should provide a lot of accomplished toward welding the St. Bookings are now being accepted by stimulus and fun for all competing Louis area into a strong territorial the lnternational office. quartets-as well as audience. unjt of the Society. NOVEMBER, 1946 so' that she might better appreciate in our rooms and QUIT SINGING. the fine points of our society. I was Let's take our less thoughtful pals there too and the incessant loud, with us. I could join you but I won't raucous singing and loud talking, all because I can have too darned much night long, was as bad as I have ever fun staying sober and singing where I heard it. This member told me that feel sure I am not disturbing other about 3 :00 A. M., just outside their good guys who want to sleep. To pass door, probably ten individuals tried the time, bellyache about me and all to sing, but argued profanely at one the dumb things I say and do, if you another that someone was off here or want, but do it quietly. Your International President's mail there. His wife awakened and said, Without doubt, chapter officers can bag is indeed interesting. Writing a "So this is the wonderful outfit you and will figure out ways and means of column for the Harmonizer increased are so proud of?" He told me he correcting the situation and I know it. One letter berated me, in friendly wished he had not brought her, and I that I can count on their cooperation fashion, for suggesting that we elim­ do not blame him. and that of our good members who inate mention of liquor in chapter No harm is meant by. these exuberant realize that our Society is much too articles and publicity photos. Argued members (sometimes their guests), fine an institution to ever let anyone they had to go together. I suppose but I again quote Walt Stephens, even think that it could be dragged like corned beef and cabbage. Chairman of International Public Re­ through the mud of mis-conduct. lations Committee, THINK IT OVER. Another extremist wrote I did not go F. H. T. far enough - should eliminate all "Public Relations is good con­ drinks from any Society activity. duct and getting credit for it." Guess he wants us to be a singing But Walt said GOOD conduct. We can­ President's Mailbag branch of the W. C. T. U. not get credit for misconduct. There­ I have an interesting note from Robert fore, consider the question, "Is the M. Yoder, Associate Editor of The Well, shucks, T can see both sides be­ kind of conduct I have described, good cause r like a drink or two-maybe Saturday Evening Post, who states, conduct? I think not. "The boss is away on vacation, and three-if they are far enough apart, any~ so that they do not interfere with my I suppose \ny neck is 'way out by I'm the best bass around here singing.
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