5850 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1874. Weardale and -Shildon Water Works. 'the Euden and Spurlswood Becks, and termi- (Extension of Limits of Supply; Additional nating at an embankment to be formed Works; Compulsory Purchase of Lands; Diver- across the said Bedburn Beck, at a point sion and Appropriation of Water; Powjer to thereon 21 chains or thereabouts east of Purchase Waterworks;.to-Break-up Beads, &c.; the junction of the Ayhope Beck with the ,to Levy Bates, Bents, and Charges; Increase, said Bedburn Beck. &c., of Capital and Borrowing Powers; Repeal 5. Bedburn Beservoir.—A reservoir, herein of Sections in Act of 1866; Provisions as to called the Bedburn Beservoir, to be wholly Compensation Water; Incorporation and situate in the parish of Hamsterley and Amendment of Acts; and other purposes.) township of South Bedburn, commencing OTICE is hereby given that application is at a point on the Bedburn Beck, 7 chains or N intended to be made to Parliament in the thereabouts north of the road bridge over • ensuing session by the Weardale arid Shildon Dis- the said Beck at the village of Bedburn, and trict Waterworks Company (hereinafter referred terminating at an embankment to be formed to as the Company) for an Act for the following across the said Beck at a point thereon purposes, or some of them (that i& to' say) :—- 15 chains or thereabouts north-east of certain To alter, amend, extend, and enlarge or repeal premises known as Snape Gate. all or some of the provisions of ""The Weardale 6. Jjinburn Beservoir.—A reservoir, herein and Shildon District Waterworks Act, 1866," called the Linburn Beservoir, to be wholly (hereinafter referred to as the recited Act) and to situate in the parish and township of confer on the Company some or all of the several Hamsterley, commencing at a point on the - powers hereinafter mentioned. Linburn Beck, 27 chains or thereabout To extend the Company's limits for supplying north-east of certain premises known as water to all or part of the following parishes, Linburn Head, and terminating at an em- townships and extra-parochial and other places, bankment to be formed across the said Beck that is to say':—Lanchester, Esh, Burnbope, and at a point thereon 26 chains or thereabout* Hamsteels, Saint Oswald, Crossgate, Broom, south-west of the point where such Beck is Elvet, Suuderland Bridge, Kelloe, Coxhoe, Quar- crossed by the road which leads from the rington, Cassop, Bishop Middleham, 'Thrisling- Windy Bank-road to Crake Scar-lane, and toh, Mainsforth, Cornforth, and Cockfield, all in joining the latter lane near Crake Scar Farm- the county of Durham, except such parts thereof house. as are now supplied with water by the Consett 7. Mount Pleasant Service Beservoir.— A Waterworks Company and by the Durham reservoir, herein called the Mount Pleasant Waterworks Company respectively. Service Beservoir, to be wholly situate To authorize the Company to construct and in the township of Cfcook and Billy maintain the several additional works and alter- Bow, in the parish of Brancepeth, in a ations, extensions, and enlargements of "existing certain field adjoining the northern side of works hereinafter mentioned, or some of them, the road leading from Tow Law to Will- which will- be wholly situate in the county of ingtou, and belonging to the Trustees of Durham, that is to say:— Cornsay Almshouses, and in the occupation 1. Houseslip Beservoir.—A reservoir herein of George Cameron. called the Houseslip Beservoir, to be wholly 8. North Beechburn Service Beservoir.—A situate in the parish and township of Wol- reservoir, herein called the North Beech- singham, commencing at a point in the burn Service Beservoir, to be wholly situate Houseslip Beck, 7 chains or thereabouts in the township of Newton Cap, in the north-west of the point where the said Beck parish of St. Andrew Auckland, in a cer- is crossed by the road leading to Backstone tain field adjoining the north-eastern side • Bank from the road formerly known as the of the road leading from North Beechburn ' West Auckland and Corbridg# turnpike road to Pixley-hill, and the south-eastern side of and terminating at an embankment -to be the road leading from North Beechburn to ' formed across the said Houseslip Beck, at Pixley-hill, and the south-eastern side of a point thereon 19 chains or 'thereabouts the road leading from Beechburn to Quarry- north-west of certain premises known as burn, and belonging to and in the occupa- Old Houseslip. tion of James Thompson. 2. Tunstall Beservoir.—An enlargement of 9. Ferry hill Service Beservoir.—A reservoir,, the authorized Tunstall Beservoir of the herein called the Ferryhill Service Beser- ., Company, to be .wholly .situate in the voir, to be situate wholly in the township parish and township of W.plsingham, com- of Ferryhill, in the parish of Merrington, mencing at a point on the Wascrpw Beck 9 in a certain field adjoining the northern chains or thereabouts north.ofTujis.tall House, side of Wood-lane, belonging to the Dean • and terminating at the .embankment now in and Chapter of Durham, and in the occupa- . course of formation across th,e said Beck, at tion of Thomas Fenton Smith, and 35 chains' or near to Bales. House.. ., .. ~ ' or thereabouts in a north-easterly direction §. Bishop Oak Beserypir r»A re^erxoir, here- from St. Luke's Church, at Ferryhill. in called the Bishop: Oak..B'ese;rvoirj to be 10. Toft Hill Service Beservoir.— A reser- wholly situate jn the .parish and. town* voir, herein called the Toft Hill Service ship of Wolsingham, commencing at a 'point, Beservoir, to be wholly situate in the on the Wascrow Beck, 36 chains or there-'" township of Barony and Evenwood^in the . abbuts south of •Eales^Honse^and; .terminat- ,. parish of St. Helen Auckland, in a certain ?! ing at-ran embankment ^.jbeifgrined across .field lying 6-chains or thereabouts north of • the 'said Beck.at a poinjb $jereon J.9 chajnjf certain premises known as the Little Moor- or thereabouts north of certain premises, Farm,, and in another field adjoining such, known jasr Low Doctor Pasture. last'mentioned field; on the north-western: 4. Bedford5'Beservoir. — A reservoir;,' herein ' 'side, and both belonging to Henry Chayter,. called the Bedford Beservoir, to b,e wholly and in the occupation of William Mennell, situate in the parish of Hamsterley and - pr in one of* such fields. V township of South Bedburn, commencing 11; Stockley Fell Service Beservoir.—A re- at .a point on the Bedburn Beck 6/chains or servoir, herein called the Stockley Fell thereabouts north east of the junction of Service Beservoir, to be wholly situate in..
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