FISCAL YEAR 2020 ADOPTED BUDGET Fund Summaries City of St

FISCAL YEAR 2020 ADOPTED BUDGET Fund Summaries City of St

CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG FISCAL YEAR 2020 ADOPTED BUDGET Fund Summaries City of St. Petersburg Fiscal Year 2020 Fund Balance Summary Beginning Total Total Change in Ending Fund Balance Revenues Appropriations Balance Balance 0001 - General Fund 24,045,518 278,974,509 278,974,509 0 24,045,518 0002 - Preservation Reserve 245,747 86,000 45,000 41,000 286,747 0008 - Economic Stability 27,447,423 950,000 0 950,000 28,397,423 0051 - Health Facilities Authority 48,705 5,000 4,000 1,000 49,705 1009 - Emergency Medical Services 1,686,120 16,537,277 16,401,862 135,415 1,821,535 1019 - Local Housing Assistance 2,346,205 883,209 878,209 5,000 2,351,205 1021 - Parking Revenue 4,281,983 8,358,267 7,829,493 528,774 4,810,757 1025 - School Crossing Guard 92,758 450,000 450,000 0 92,758 1041 - Weeki Wachee 14,069,131 200,000 170,000 30,000 14,099,131 1051 - Pro Sports Facility 121,335 2,000,004 1,979,000 21,004 142,339 1104 - South St. Petersburg Redevelopment 0 4,540,232 0 4,540,232 4,540,232 1105District - Downtown Redevelopment District 20,926,908 17,608,977 2,768,057 14,840,920 35,767,828 1106 - Bayboro Harbor Tax Increment District 971,912 5,000 0 5,000 976,912 1107 - Intown West Tax Increment District 6,530,104 1,975,621 0 1,975,621 8,505,725 1108 - Assessments Revenue 270,643 55,035 38,743 16,292 286,935 1111 - Community Development Block Grant 895,994 1,887,777 1,880,777 7,000 902,994 1112 - Emergency Solutions Grant 538 150,543 150,543 0 538 1113 - Home Program 534,502 1,139,730 1,139,730 0 534,502 1115 - Miscellaneous Donation 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1117 - Community Housing Donation 62,423 500 0 500 62,923 1151 - Building Permit Special Revenue 15,604,475 7,448,317 8,547,491 (1,099,174) 14,505,301 1201 - Mahaffey Theater Operating 32,883 1,014,484 991,572 22,912 55,795 1203 - Pier Operating 14,745 2,993,192 2,993,946 (754) 13,991 1205 - Coliseum Operating 31,932 877,000 903,395 (26,395) 5,537 1207 - Sunken Gardens 184,874 1,553,179 1,721,112 (167,933) 16,941 1208 - Tropicana Field 234,637 1,597,016 1,775,893 (178,877) 55,760 1601 - Local Law Enforcement State Trust 446,967 0 185,508 (185,508) 261,459 1602 - Federal Justice Forfeiture 50,600 0 14,800 (14,800) 35,800 1603 - Federal Treasury Forfeiture 11,580 0 0 0 11,580 1702 - Police Grant 15 0 0 0 15 1901 - Arts In Public Places 207,497 6,500 5,412 1,088 208,585 2013 - Banc Of America Notes Debt Service 0 197,953 197,953 0 0 2017 - Banc of America Leasing & Capital LLC 19,175 234,170 226,816 7,354 26,529 2018 - TD Bank, N.A. 5,974 9,849,711 9,855,685 (5,974) 0 2027 - Sports Facility Sales Tax Debt 1,805,068 1,979,000 1,964,840 14,160 1,819,228 2030 - Public Service Tax Debt Service 1,943,725 2,768,057 2,723,063 44,994 1,988,719 4001 - Water Resources 22,174,992 159,924,304 163,934,243 (4,009,939) 18,165,053 4002 - Water Resources Debt 44,980,220 40,343,716 40,343,716 0 44,980,220 4005 - Water Cost Stabilization 87,703,406 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 87,703,406 4007 - Water Equipment Replacement 2,304,706 2,651,238 1,024,000 1,627,238 3,931,944 4011 - Stormwater Utility Operating 3,383,420 20,950,082 20,233,593 716,489 4,099,909 4012 - Stormwater Debt Service 1,937,415 2,104,332 2,089,943 14,389 1,951,804 4017 - Stormwater Equipment Replacement 2,433,697 1,435,619 799,000 636,619 3,070,316 4021 - Sanitation Operating 10,875,744 49,935,206 49,231,550 703,656 11,579,400 4022 - Sanitation Debt Service 301,974 298,384 294,400 3,984 305,958 4027 - Sanitation Equipment Replacement 3,296,419 3,756,801 4,651,360 (894,559) 2,401,860 4031 - Airport Operating 128,034 1,261,300 1,127,649 133,651 261,685 4041 - Marina Operating 145,995 4,183,387 3,815,266 368,121 514,116 4061 - Golf Course Operating 168,149 3,963,616 4,119,135 (155,519) 12,630 4081 - Jamestown Complex 32,186 679,300 703,026 (23,726) 8,460 4091 - Port Operating 81,627 399,819 377,293 22,526 104,153 5001 - Fleet Management 1,149,352 19,371,765 19,293,538 78,227 1,227,579 5002 - Equipment Replacement 17,210,849 10,102,174 7,472,842 2,629,332 19,840,181 5005 - Municipal Office Buildings 3,240 3,875,364 3,804,607 70,757 73,997 5011 - Technology Services 2,749,948 12,907,548 12,976,927 (69,379) 2,680,569 Adopted Fiscal Plan 1 Fund Summaries City of St. Petersburg Fiscal Year 2020 Fund Balance Summary Beginning Total Total Change in Ending Fund Balance Revenues Appropriations Balance Balance 5019 - Technology and Infrastructure 6,219,717 1,280,956 1,227,970 52,986 6,272,703 5031 - Supply Management 84,966 574,345 569,247 5,098 90,064 5121 - Health Insurance 15,534,711 54,264,855 54,053,127 211,728 15,746,439 5123 - Life Insurance 140,038 1,021,227 936,178 85,049 225,087 5125 - General Liabilities Claims 10,657,093 2,860,214 2,853,797 6,417 10,663,510 5127 - Commercial Insurance 9,136,513 4,946,376 4,943,476 2,900 9,139,413 5129 - Workers' Compensation 34,769,623 10,634,382 10,621,281 13,101 34,782,724 5201 - Billing and Collections 2,715,625 11,296,134 11,468,109 (171,975) 2,543,650 Adopted Fiscal Plan 2 Fund Summaries City of St. Petersburg Fiscal Year 2020 General Fund (0001) The General Fund is the principal fund of the city and is used to account for the receipt and expenditure of resources traditionally associated with local government and not required to be accounted for in another fund. Resources are provided primarily through taxes and intergovernmental revenues and are expended to provide basic services such as fire and police protection, parks, libraries, and code enforcement, as well as for administrative departments which perform support functions. FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2020 Revenue Summary Actual Actual Adopted Amended Estimated Adopted Change Taxes Property Taxes 103,700,661 110,595,047 123,416,460 123,416,460 123,416,460 135,148,706 9.51% Property Tax Penalties 735,798 2,837,986 252,500 252,500 252,500 252,500 0.00% Franchise Taxes-Electricity 18,226,715 19,317,968 18,483,000 18,483,000 19,632,498 19,134,380 3.52% Franchise Taxes-Other 682,595 769,023 737,300 737,300 777,300 774,656 5.07% Utility Taxes-Electricity 22,286,121 22,776,920 23,129,000 23,129,000 23,529,000 23,097,552 (0.14)% Utility Taxes-Natural Gas 570,815 575,625 631,250 631,250 631,250 557,024 (11.76)% Utility Taxes-Water 4,670,870 4,969,755 4,797,500 4,797,500 4,797,500 5,137,635 7.09% Utility Taxes-Other 141,636 153,929 142,410 142,410 142,410 165,278 16.06% Communications Services 9,647,951 9,654,433 9,595,000 9,595,000 9,531,663 9,442,758 (1.59)% Business Taxes 2,513,069 2,563,309 2,499,750 2,499,750 2,585,706 2,633,196 5.34% Total Taxes 163,176,230 174,213,997 183,684,170 183,684,170 185,296,287 196,343,685 6.89% Licenses and Permits Contractors Permits 97,254 83,939 93,076 93,076 10,524 93,076 0.00% Other Licenses & Permits 205,307 140,828 202,860 202,860 202,860 152,860 (24.65)% Total Licenses and Permits 302,562 224,767 295,936 295,936 213,384 245,936 (16.90)% Intergovernmental Revenue Federal Grants 1,533,384 1,742,033 666,522 2,387,170 1,546,334 210,123 (68.47)% State Grants 61,528 66,441 450,000 465,000 465,000 450,000 0.00% State Shared Half Cent 16,126,964 16,788,001 16,858,000 16,858,000 17,000,000 17,000,000 0.84% State Revenue Sharing 9,661,911 9,602,861 9,100,000 9,100,000 9,401,792 9,100,000 0.00% State Shared Other 1,069,177 1,025,702 1,110,983 1,110,983 1,110,983 1,139,252 2.54% Local Option-Fuel 3,522,406 3,537,293 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,952,837 3,500,000 0.00% Other Grants 1,959,732 1,998,313 2,088,773 2,251,578 2,251,578 2,151,436 3.00% Total Intergovernmental 33,935,103 34,760,644 33,774,278 35,672,731 35,728,524 33,550,811 (0.66)% Revenue Charges for Services General Government 515,858 582,068 564,256 564,256 564,256 572,781 1.51% Public Safety 3,677,875 4,652,393 4,038,603 4,038,603 4,198,603 4,087,630 1.21% Physical Environment Charges (722) 411 0 0 0 0 0.00% Transportation Charges 178,286 175,608 201,969 640,100 640,100 181,969 (9.90)% Culture & Recreation Charges 5,845,633 6,122,499 6,189,077 6,189,003 6,189,003 6,306,262 1.89% Other Charges for Services 1,834,035 1,860,875 1,866,818 1,945,756 2,142,756 1,912,668 2.46% Total Charges for Services 12,050,966 13,393,853 12,860,723 13,377,718 13,734,718 13,061,310 1.56% Fines Charges and Fees 17,976 9,618 0 0 0 0 0.00% Traffic & Parking Fines 658,671 597,916 515,100 515,100 515,100 515,100 0.00% Library Fines 93,938 88,590 133,149 133,149 133,149 88,062 (33.86)% Violations of Local Ordinances 1,837,168 1,913,776 2,044,110 2,044,110 1,772,553 1,856,110 (9.20)% Total Fines 2,607,752 2,609,900 2,692,359 2,692,359 2,420,802 2,459,272 (8.66)% Adopted Fiscal Plan 3 Fund Summaries City of St.

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