RECENT ACQUISITIONS Music Library NOTABLE ACQUISITIONS 1985-1994 M. Turner THE previous report of notable acquisitions of printed music, published in 1985, covered some twenty-tw^o years, from 1964 to early 1985.^ The present survey covers a period of less than half this extent. Nevertheless it demonstrates that the Music Library, far from resting on its laurels, has continued to maintain the pre-eminence of its existing collections by a vigorous programme of acquisitions ranging widely both geographically and temporally, a programme that has been made possible by continuing support for the Music Library's purchase budget from the Directorate of Special Collections. The principal criterion for inclusion in this, necessarily highly selective, list is the intrinsic interest or importance of a given item, but a secondary consideration has been a desire to reflect the diversity encompassed by the Library's collecting policy. The form of this report broadly follows that of its predecessor. In Section I, the main sequence, items are arranged chronologically. However it should be borne in mind that printed music differs from printed books in that it is the exception rather than the rule for an edition to be dated by the publisher. Dates given in square brackets have therefore been assigned, with varying degrees of certainty, on the basis of external evidence. Title- page transcriptions have been kept brief, and only numbered pagination or foliation is given (and none for sets of parts). With the exception of sixteenth- and seventeenth- century editions the imprint is normally given in a standardized form. Certain types of publication have been dealt with much more summarily in Sections II-V. It should be assumed that each item is in score and is a copy of the first edition, unless otherwise indicated by a note or by the wording of the title-page. Annotations to the effect that a copy is unrecorded or is one of a very small number of recorded copies are to be understood as referring to information known to the main union-catalogues of recent years, as listed by O. W. Neighbour. His cautionary comments remain applicable here.^ Pressmarks are given wherever possible, but owing to other demands on staff time, especially planning for the move to the new building at St Pancras, a backlog of material awaiting cataloguing has accumulated. Consequently in some cases there appears, instead of the pressmark, the annotation 'U', indicating that the item is at present uncatalogued. Although this report, hke its predecessor, lists acquisitions of printed music, it will be noticed that in both cases a number of items are of interest less for their printed music 289 content than for the manuscript annotations or corrections that they bear. Even more such items could have been included. For example, in 1988 the Music Library bought at auction three sets of printed proofs of the full score of Elgar's Violin Concerto. Eventually it was agreed that because of their extensive corrections and annotations these printed proofs should be placed in the Department of Manuscripts, where they could take their place alongside the magnificent collection of Elgar autographs bequeathed by the composer's daughter, Carice Elgar Blake. ^ Hence they do not figure in this list. This is one small example of the difficulties caused to members of the staff and public alike by the long-standing arrangement, originating for very good and practical reasons in the early days of the British Museum, that printed and manuscript music should be housed in separate departments of that institution, and hence, more recently, of the British Library. Increasingly it has been felt desirable to unite the two related types of material within the Music Library. Organizational and staff changes partly connected with the forthcoming occupation of the Library's new home at St Pancras have at last made this possible, and the process has already begun. The compiler of the next report in this series will be in a position to record acquisitions of both printed and manuscript music side by side. I. FIRST AND EARLY EDITIONS OF PRINTED MUSIC, 1596-I982 Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century PREMIER LIURE de chansons nouuellement part is for the lute, the viole and foure partes mises en musique, par bons & excellents to sing, the third part is for two trebles, to autheurs. Paris: Nicolas du Chetnin, 1557. sing either to the lute, or the viole or to both, Contratenor part. if any please. Printed at London: by Iohn Windet, and are to be sold by Simon Waterson, The British Library already possesses the bass 1605. fol. part. No other copy of any of the parts of this work is known. The only recorded complete copy. U. K.2.g.I. HANDL, Jacob. Moralia... quinque, sex et octo vocibus concinnata, etc. Norinbergce: in G ESI us, Bartholomaus. Geistliche deutsche officina typographica Alexandri Theodorici, Lieder D. Mart. Lutheri.., und anderer... 1596. obi. 4°. Five parts. Wanting the Sexta Mit vier und flinff Stimmen... nach Vox. bekandten gewohnlichen Kirchen-Melodien componiret... Das ander Theil. Franckfurt an der Oder: in Verlegung Johann Hartmans, JONES, Robert. Ultimum vale, with a triplicity 1607. 4°. ff. 153. [Bound with:] Geistliche of musicke, whereof the first part is for the deutsche Lieder... Das dritte Teil. Ibid. ff. lute, the voyce, and the viole degambo, the 2. 141. 290 VLriMVM VALE, with a triplicity of Muficke, WHEREOF frji frnrt is for the Lw(f, the Voycc, and the Violc pegunbo. The f ssfertheLntt, pattes to fing. The third part IS for cwoTieblei, to fiog cither to CompofedbyRoi SRT IONES , malttiiuitHt, Printed at London by Uha IVi^ are to be fold by SOKH Waterfat, in Robert Jones, Ultimum vale., London, 1605. Title-page. K.2.g.i. 291 One of four recorded copies in each case. TI. AIRS sur les hymnes sacrez, odes, et noels pour 2 is of the second edition. The BL already chanter au catechisme, etc. A Paris: par possesses a copy of TI. i, 1601. Pierre Ballard, 1623. 8°. ff. 51. In choir-book K.8.d.i9.(i, 2.) format. One of five recorded copies. BANCHIERI, Adriano. Nuovi pensieri ecclesi- astici... per suonare neH'organo, & concertare K.4.C.15. con due voci... Opera quartadecima. Novel- SANTO MAURO, Galitio. II primo libro de lamente revista, & corretta. In Venetia: motetti a una, due, tre, e quattro voci, con una appresso Giacomo Vincenti, 1609. 8°. Three messa, & una Gloria in fine concertata con part-books. sinfonie in stil venetiano... Opera prima. Unrecorded. Napoli: appresso Ottavio Beltrano., 1637. 4°. pp. 19. The Cantus primus part only, in an elaborate contemporary Neapolitan binding. AGAZZARI, Agostino. Dialogici concentus senis, octonisq. vocitus [sic]... Opera deci- Unrecorded; by a hitherto unknown composer. mumsextum. Venetiis: apud Ricciardum Amadinum^ 1617. 8°. Seven part-books. One of three recorded sets of parts of the third WECKER, Georg Caspar. Aria, oder edition, all imperfect. The tenor part is one of Gluckwlinschender Ehren-Klang, mit einer two recorded copies of the second edition, Sing- und 6. Geig-Stimmen, etc. Wolfen- 1616, of which only the tenor part is extant. biittel: gedrukt durch die Sternen, 1662. fol. One of three recorded copies. K.ii.c.6.(2.) ToRNiOLi, Marc'Antonio. M^^ Antonii Tornioli... Sacrarum cantionum, quae WEILAND, Julius Johann. Psalmus CXVII 8. singulis, binis, ternis, quaternis, & quinis vocibus concinnatus, etc. Wolfferbyti: typis vocibus concinuntur liber primus. Noviter Sternianis^ 1662. 4°. Parts. impressus. In Venetia: stampa del Gardano, One of two recorded copies. ^ appresso Bartholomeo Magni., 1615. 8°. The Cantus primus, Bassus and Bassus ad or- ganum parts only. LAMBERT, Michel. Les airs de Monsieur Lambert... Graves par Richer, corriges de The parts for Cantus primus and Bassus are nouveau de plusieurs fautes de graveure. A unrecorded. The Bassus ad organum part is Paris: chez un chandelier., 1670. obi 4°. pp. one of two recorded copies. C.949.a.(2.) 83- Unrecorded fifth edition. BoNiS, Francesco de. Motecta ... binis, ternis, K.3.f.2o. quaternisque vocibus una cum gravi voce ad organum accomodata ... Liber primus. AMBRUIS, Honore dV Livre d'airs du Sieur Venetiis: apud lacobum Vincentium^ 1619. 8°. d'Ambruis avec les seconds couplets en The Cantus primus, Bassus and Bassus ad diminution, etc. A Paris: chez Pauteur ...et au organum parts only. Palais chez Pierre le Monier., 1685. obL 4°. pp. 106. Unrecorded. C.949a.(i.) K.3.f.2i. 292 BASSANI, Giovanni Battista. La moralita JACQUET DE LA GUERRE, Elisabeth Claude. armonica. Cantate a 2, e 3 voci... Opera Cephale et Procris. Tragedie mise en quarta. In Bologna: per Pier-Maria Monti, musique. A Paris: Christophe Ballard, 1694. 1690. 8°. The parts for Canto primo. Canto fol. pp. 48. secondo. Basso and Basso continuo. Wanting U. the part for Violone/tiorba. Second edition. D.832.h. Eighteenth Century MOTLEY, Richard. A collection of ayres, in en musique, etc. Paris: Christophe Ballard, three parts, containing forty six tunes in eight 1706. fol. pp. 244. setts. London: William Pearson, for the author, U. 1701. 4°. The parts for 2nd trebles and basses only. PEZ, Johann Christoph. XII sonatas of three parts for two violins & a bass with a thro bass One of two recorded copies, both in the British for y^ organ... Opera prima. Duplex genius Library, both incomplete; the other copy sive gallo-italus instrumentorum concentus, comprises the parts for ist trebles and basses. etc. London: Walsh (^ Hare, [1706.] fol. Four a.i83.h.i. parts. Unrecorded. CAMPRA, Andre. La serenade venitienne, entree ajoutee aux fragments, etc. Paris: h.i728.s.(i.) Christophe Ballard, 1703. obi. 4°. pp. 63. A BOUND VOLUME containing the 2nd treble U. parts for seven publications by I. Walsh, P.
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