12818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 9 By Mr. HARRISON of Virginia: tude for all the manifestations of Thy struction of access roads certified as essen- H. R. 5654. A bill to repeal certain provi- purpose and power and for Thy never- tial to the national defense. sions of the Social Security Act; to the Com- mittee on Ways and Means. changing faithfulness throughout all ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED BY PRESIDENT By Mr. KING: generations. We rejoice, that in the PRO TEMPORE H. R. 5655. A bill to amend the Social Se- midst of these critical times when our The PRESIDENT pro tempore an- curity Act, so as to reduce the amount of the troubles multiply, Thy word, O God, nounced that on today, October 9, 1951, deductions which may be made on account of stands sure. he signed outside income from the benefits payable to the following enrolled bills, Be pleased now to lend a merciful ear which had previously been signed by the certain individuals thereunder; to the Com- to our supplications, especially as we mittee on Ways and Means. Speaker of the House of Representatives: pray for these Thy servants, who have 8.283. An act for the relief of Akiko authority and power over their fellow PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Mitsuhata; men. Grant that they may not use it S. 617. An act for the relief of Pascal Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private for selfish advantage, but be guided to Nemoto Yutaka; bills and resolutions were introduced do justice and to love mercy. Guard the S.1013. An act for the relief of Sister and severally referred as follows: dignity of this august body by tempering Monica Grant; By Mr. ALLEN of California (by re- the all too rash and hasty judgments S. 1277. An act for the relief of John R. Willoughby; quest) : hurled upon it, and by increasing the H. R. 5656. A bill for the relief of Sam S. 1437. An act for the relief of Maiku courage, industry, honesty, and integrity Suzuki; Rosenblat; to the Committee on the Judi- of its Members. Defend them from evil, ciary. S. 1464. An act for the relief of Peter Ther- By Mr. HELLER: enrich them with all needed good, and kelsen Kirwan and Ernest O'Gorman Kirwan; H.R. 5657. A bill for the relief of Ber- direct and prosper their consultations, to S. 1499. An act for the relief of Georgette nard Gross; to the Committee on the Judi- the end that the safety, honor, and wel- Sato; ciary. fare of Thy people may everywhere be S. 1713. An act for the relief of Charles H. R. 5658. A bill for he relief of William preserved and Thy glory everywhere ad- Cooper; W. Kleinman; to the Committee on the Ju- vanced. S. 1718. An act for the relief of Elizabeth diciary. away our Bozsik; By Mr. RADWAN: We beseech Thee to take S. 1775. An act for the relief of Heinz H. R. 5659. A bill for the relief of Mrs. feebleness toward the things of the spirit, Harald Patterson; Hermine Lamb; to the Committee on the keeping us mindful of our sins; not that S. 1994. An act to authorize the use of the Judiciary. we might be ashamed to lift up our eyes incompleted submarine Ulua as a target for By Mr. WALTER: to new horizons of godly service and explosive tests, and for other rurposes; H. R. 5660. A bill to effect entry of a mi- sacrifice, not that we might fear to press H. R. 1227. An act to amend further the nor child adopted or to be adopted by United forward in new adventures of faith, but act entitled "An act to authorize the con- States citizens; to the Committee on the Ju- that we might in true humility beg Thy struction of experimental submarines, and diciary. forgiveness and firmly resolve to do bet- for other purposes," approved May 16, 1947, By Mr. WIER: as amended; H. R. 5661. A bill for the relief of Ayako ter. Speed the day when peace and II. R. 4475. An act to amend the Agricul- Waki; to the Committee on the Judiciary. happiness, truth and justice, religion and tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended; piety may be established among us for all and PETITIONS, ETC. generations. Through Jesus Christ our H. R. 5102. An act to authorize the Secre- Lord. Amen. tary of the Navy to enlarge existing water- Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions supply facilities for THE JOURNAL the San Diego, Calif., and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk area in order to insure the existence of an and referred as follows: On request of Mr. MCFARLAND, and by adequate water supply for naval installations 451. By Mr. CANFIELD: Resolution unan- unanimous' consent, the reading of the and defense production plants in such area. imously passed on October 5, 1951, by the Journal of the proceedings of Monday, LEAVE OF ABSENCE New Jersey Press Association at its Thirti- October 8, 1951, was dispensed with. eth Annual Press Institute at Rutgers Uni- Mr. LEHMAN. Mr. President, I ask versity, New Brunswick, N. J., to use every MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT unanimous consent to be absent from appropriate method to demand that Presi- A message in writing from the Presi- the Senate tomorrow in observance of dent Truman modify his Executive order so dent of the United States submitting one of the most solemn holy days of my that the public may have news and informa- faith. tion which is its nominations was communicated to the right under the Constitu- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. tion; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senate by.Mr. Miller, one of his secre- With- 452. Also, resolution unanimously adopt- taries. out objection, it is so ordered. ed by the editorial committee of the New MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS Jersey Press Association urging that the United States Government break off diplo- A message from the House of Repre- Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I matic and trade relations with Czechoslo- sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its ask unanimous consent that Senators be vakia, to cancel visas issued to Czechoslo- reading clerks, announced that the permitted to make insertions in the REC- vak citizens, and to freeze the assets of House had passed the bill (S. 1335) to ORD and transact other routine business, Czechoslovakia in this country until such readjust size and weight limitations on without debate. time as William N. Oatis is freed; to the fourth-class (parcel post) mail, with The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- Committee on Foreign Affairs. it is so ordered. 453. By the SPEAKER: Petition of West amendments, in which it requested the out objection, Palm Beach Townsend Club, No. 1, of West concurrence of the Senate. SNAKE RIVER RECLAMATION PROJECT Palm Beach, Fla., vigorously protesting the ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be- proposed opening of the welfare rolls to public exposure; to the Committee on Ways The message also announced that the fore the Senate a letter from the Sec- and Means. Speaker had affixed his signature to the retary of the Interior, transmitting a following enrolled bills, and they were draft of proposed legislation to author- signed by the President pro tempore: ize the construction, operation, and H. R. 5113. An act to maintain the security maintenance of the initial phase of the SENATE and promote the foreign policy and provide Snake River reclamation project by the which, with TUESDAY, OCTOBER for the general welfare of the United States Secretary of the Interior, 9, 1951 by furnishing assistance to friendly nations the accompanying papers, was referred (Legislative day of Monday, October 1, in the interest of international peace and to the Committee on Interior and Insu- 1951) security; lar Affairs. H. R. 5257. An act to amend section 9 of PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1950 (64 on the expiration of the recess. Stat. 785) to increase the amount available Petitions, etc., were laid before the as Rev. Robert W. Olewiler, minister, as an emergency relief fund for the repair Senate, or presented, and referred Grace Reformed Church, Washington, or reconstruction of highways and bridges indicated: D. C., offered the following prayer: damaged by floods or other catastrophes; and By the PRESIDENT pro tempore: H. R. 5504. An act to amend section 12 of Resolutions adopted by the Miami Town- Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1950 to in- send Club, No. 22; the Boynton Beach Town- once again we raise our voice in grati- crease the amount available for the con- send Club, No. 1; the Townsend Club, No. 1, 1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 12819 of Miami, and the West Palm Beach Town- Lu?u L. Thomson, and sundry other citi- fore upon seeing a facsimile of the aforesaid send Club, No. 1; all in the State of Florida, zens of Portales, N. Mex., praying for petition from the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD protesting against the opening of the wel- the enactment of legislation providing with its allegations about Gov. Phelps fare rolls to public exposure; to the Com- equal rights. Phelps which was not what had been repre- mittee on Finance. sented to them as being the contents and By Mr. SALTONSTALL (for himself and There being no objection, the petition substance of the said peition at the time Mr. LODGE): was ordered to lie on the table and to be their signatures were subscribed; and Resolutions of the General Court of the printed in the RECORD, as follows: Whereas all the allegations in the petition Commonwealth of Massachusetts, favoring PORTALES,N.
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