Up to Now Newsletter of the St. Margaret of Cortona Region of the Secular Franciscan Order Covering the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and portions of West Virginia and Pennsylvania Volume 15, Issue 2 Let us begin again, for up to now we have done nothing. November 2011 Philippus Philippus, OFMCap Fr. Nominations for Regional Council representative; n March 2012, St. Margaret of Cortona Region will d. to request, with the consent of the council, the pastoral I elect new officers. We need each fraternity to sub- and fraternal visits, at least once every three years. I mit nominees for the offices of Minister, Vice-min- e. to put into effect those acts which the Constitutions ister, Secretary, Treasurer, Formation Director, Area refer to his or her competence. Councilor MD/PA, Area Councilor Metro D.C., and Area Article 52 Councilor VA/WVA. 1. The vice-minister has the following duties: When submitting a name, give the fraternity name and the office for which the person has agreed to run. Those nomi- a. to collaborate in a fraternal spirit and to support the nated for office must consent to the nomination. A nomina- minister in carrying out his or her specific duties; tion committee will be announced at the Regional Annual b. to exercise the functions entrusted by the council and/or Meeting on December 3. by the assembly or chapter; Those nominated will be asked to submit a short biogra- c. to take the place of the minister in both duties and re- phy, which is to include SFO experience, as well as other sponsibilities in case of absence or temporary impedi- pertinent experience. ment; From the General Constitution of the Secular Franciscan (Cont’d on page 4.) Order: In This Issue. THE OFFICES IN THE FRATERNITY (Click on item to navigate to arcle.) Article 51 Minister’s Message . 2 1. While firmly upholding the co-responsibility of the coun- Mark Your Calendar . .2 cil to animate and guide the fraternity, the minister, as the Formation Director’s Message . .3 primary person responsible for the fraternity, is expected National Quinquennial . 4 to make sure that the directions and the decisions of the Litany of Humility . 5 council are put into practice and will keep the council in- FMS missioners teach the world, touch lives . .6 formed about what he or she is doing. Around the Region . 7 2. The minister also has the following duties: Finding God in Community . 8 a. to call, to preside at, and to direct the meetings of the We Rejoice in a New Secular Blessed . 9 NAFRA Letter to Super Committee . 9 fraternity and council; to convoke every three years the What Are We Reading? . .10 elective chapter of the fraternity, having heard the coun- What Else Are We Reading? . .11 cil on the formalities of the convocation; Fr. Mychal Judge, OFM . .12 b. to prepare the annual report to be sent to the council of NAFRA JPIC Award . .13 the higher level after it has been approved by the coun- Franciscan Saints . 14 cil of the fraternity; Life and Justice Workshop . 15 c. to represent the fraternity in all its relations with ecclesi- Advent Retreat Registration . .16 astical and civil authorities. When the fraternity ac- Formation Manual Workshop Registration . .17 quires a juridical personality in the civil order, the Annual Candidates Retreat Registration . .18 minister becomes, when possible, its legal Return to In this Issue Minister’s Message Oh, how glorious it is to have such a Brother and such a Son, loved, beloved, humble, peace- RELATIONSHIPS ful, sweet, lovable, and desirable above all: Our As I traveled to the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave up his life for his National Chapter this sheep and prayed to the Father : “Oh holy Fa- year, my thoughts ther, protect them with your name whom you were remembering the gave me out of the world. I entrusted to them many relationships the message you entrusted to me and they re- that we have through- ceived it. They have known that in truth I came out our lifetime. from you, they have believed that it was you We are spouses, who sent me. For these I pray, not for the when by the Holy world. Bless and consecrate them, and I conse- Spirit the faithful crate myself for their sakes. I do not pray for soul is united with our them alone; I pray also for those who will be- Lord Jesus Christ; we lieve in me through their word that they may be are brothers to him holy by being one as we are. And I desire, Fa- when we fulfill the will ther, to have them in my company where I am to of the Father who is in heaven. see this glory of mine in your kingdom.” We are mothers, when we carry him in our These excerpts from our rule animate and guide heart and body through divine love and a pure us with how to live and grow in relationship with and sincere conscience; we give birth to him the Lord and with each other. Our world needs through a holy life which must give light to oth- our witness of loving relationships! Pray with me ers by example. that we can be the spouses, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters that we are called to be. Oh, how glorious it is to have a great and holy Father in heaven! Oh how glorious it is to Mary Thuman, sfo have such a beautiful and admirable Spouse, the Regional Minister Holy Paraclete. Mark Your Calendar December 3, 2011 — Regional April 21, 2012 — The St. Margaret Cortona Regional Annual Meeting. Tau Fraternity, Candidates Retreat, Shrine of St. Anthony, Ellicott City, Md., Herndon, Va., 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration form on page 18. December 10, 2011 — Life and July 3-8, 2012 — National Quinquennial. Holiday Inn Justice Concerns of the Catholic Northshore, Chicago, Ill. Church in Virginia. Holy Family October 5-7, 2012 — Regional Retreat. Priestfield Retreat Parish, Dale City, Va. More infor- Center, Priestfield, W.Va. mation on page 15. December 10, 2011 — Advent Retreat Day with Sister Ilia D’Elio, OSF. Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, Wash- ing, D.C. Registration form on page 16 must be submitted by December 1. March 2-4, 2012 — St. Margaret Cortona Regional Formation Workshop. Bishop Claggett Retreat Center, Buckeystown, Md. Registration form on page 17. March 24, 2012 — Regional Elections. Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land, 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Bishop Clagget Retreat Center, Buckeystown, Md. Volume 15, Issue 2 Up to Now November 2011 Page 2 Return to In this Issue Regional Formation Director’s Message tona Region, we will be the main facilitators of our week- Greetings to all my Franciscan colleagues! end in March. Much of my Franciscan work these days has been prepara- The NFC has also asked the regions not to distribute the tion for two big events for this coming spring of 2012: the much-talked-about For Up to Now (FUN) Manual to their long-awaited regional formation workshop and the third fraternities until their representatives have attended the annual Inquirers’ and Candidates’ Day of Recollection. regional formation workshop. So this is all the more rea- son it will be important for all of our fraternities to attend Let’s talk first about the regional formation workshop. The our workshop in March. All the participants of the work- date has been set for the weekend of March 2-4, 2012, at shop will receive a copy of the Fun Manual to use with their the Bishop Claggett Retreat Center in Buckeystown, Md. fraternity’s formation program. Our regional formation (northern Frederick County). This is a 266-acre facility set team, Sue Burke, Mary Lou Coffman, Ann Corro, Miguel in the near western Maryland countryside. It has many dif- Maguilon (Tirada), Jeanie McLees and me, will be the staff ferent features to offer its 10,000 or so guests each year. for the weekend. We plan a walk through of the center for Having a mission statement of “Serve People!,” it focuses Saturday, February. on team development, strategic planning, spiritual re- newal and education for all groups that use it. It has a Now let’s talk about the Inquirers’ and Candidates’ Day of good variety of technological equipment as well. It also of- Recollection. It is to be held again at the Shrine of St. An- fers several locations for activities and sleeping accommo- thony in Ellicott City on Saturday, April 21, 2012 (third Sat- dations, and because of this, there will be some walking urday; Easter is April 8). Mary Lou Coffman will be the main distances to travel for the workshop weekend. facilitator of the event. The theme will be “Our Hearts are Ready, Lord, Our Hearts Are Ready.” We will develop the The Regional Council has asked that the workshop be idea that the first Seculars were Peter, Andrew, James, and mandatory for our fraternity formation director’s and/or John, who left their nets at once when Jesus said “Come formation team members, although, because of limits on after me and I will make you fishers of men.” What does it capacity, only two per fraternity will be able to attend. mean to follow? What do we give up and leave behind? There is much more about this facility, including photos. I What do we gain? The format for the day will be more inter- invite you to go to the facility’s website at action in smaller groups for discussion.
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