Index to Freemasonry in Warrenton: 1802-2002 by Kenneth E. Kerrick Index courtesy of Fauquier County Public Library (http://fauquierlibrary.org) http://innopac.fauquiercounty.gov/record=b1119284 Name (Last Name, First) or Subject Page(s) "A Rose Upon the Altar" (play) by Claudy 420, 435, 479, 515 "Charmie", Mr. see also Sinclair, Charles Armistead, Jr. 449 "Charmie" "Masonic Philanthropies: A Tradition of Caring" (book) 631 "Missing Link" 575 "The Freemasons" (film) 537 "The Lodge Room Over Simpkins' Store" (poem) 605 "The Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons" (film) 566 "The Touch of the Master's Hand" (poem) 546 "The Turkey- A 'Bird of Courage'" written by Benjamin Franklin 332 "The Ultimate Lesson of Freemasonry" (Movie / Film) 408 "The Unexplained Secret Societies" (film) 567 ?----, Ben (freed slave) 73 ?----, J. J. see also Silvey, J. J. on same page 194 ?----, Jim (freed slave) 73 ?----, Hiram 577 “5 Points” (Store owned by Henry C. Yates) 183 “Freemasonry in Virginia”, 1936 28 “Galloway – Nusbaum Affair” 165-171 “Mammy” by Al Jolson 247 “Morgan’s Illustrations” 54 118th Signal Radio Intelligence Company, Vint Hill Farms, VA 314 12 th Battalion (Brooke’s Battery, Co. A., Confederacy) 195 12 th Masonic District 16, 66 13 th Masonic District 10, 35, 42, 89 14 th Masonic District 31, 97 150th Anniversary (Mt. Carmel Lodge) 427-428 15 th Masonic District 68, 107, 388 15th Masonic District (15A) 402 17th Capitular District 485, 499 1803-1823 Masonic Years 7, 8-12 1823-1835 Masonic Years 37-62, 611, 617, 623, 627 1840-1861 Masonic Years 63-77 1850 Census 604 1852-1933 Masonic Years 613 1852-1963 Masonic Years 625 1852-2002 Masonic Years 613, 629 1861-1865 Masonic Years 79-85 1865-1885 Masonic Years 87-149 Name (Last Name, First) or Subject Page(s) 1876-1997 Masonic Years 615 1886-1905 Masonic Years 151-223 1899-1982 Masonic Years 619 1904-1995 Masonic Years 621 1906-1925 Masonic Years 225-273 1926-1941 Masonic Years 275-307 1934-2002 Masonic Years 614 1942-1955 Masonic Years 309-365 1956 Masonic Year 436 1956-1975 Masonic Years 367-442 1957 Masonic Year 436 1958 Masonic Year 372, 437 1959 Masonic Year 375, 437 1960 Masonic Year 378, 437 1961 Masonic Year 383, 437 1962 Masonic Year 388, 438 1963 Masonic Year 390, 393, 438 1963-2002 Masonic Years 626 1964 Masonic Year 395, 399, 438-439 1965 Masonic Year 399, 439 1966 Masonic Year 401-403, 439, 550 1967 Masonic Year 405, 439 1968 Masonic Year 406-408, 440 1969 Masonic Year 409, 411, 440 1970 Masonic Year 440 1971 Masonic Year 418-419, 422, 440-441 1972 Masonic Year 420, 422, 441 1973 Masonic Year 423, 425, 429, 441 1974 Masonic Year 426, 429-430, 441 1975 Masonic Year 430, 432, 442 1976 Masonic Year 436, 443-444. 502 1976-1990 Masonic Years 443-505 1977 Masonic Year 446, 502, 548 1981 Masonic Year 455-456 1982 Masonic Year 457, 459-460, 462, 503 1983 Masonic Year 466, 504 1984 Masonic Year 468, 470-471, 504 1985 Masonic Year 472, 474, 476, 504 1986 Masonic Year 476, 478, 504 1987 Masonic Year 480, 482-483, 505 1988 Masonic Year 484, 487, 492, 505 1989 Masonic Year 489, 492, 505 1990 Masonic Year 494, 496, 500-501, 505 1991 Masonic Year 497, 501, 509 1991-1994 Masonic Years 599 1991-2002 Masonic Years 507-602 1992 Masonic Year 510-511, 557 1993 Masonic Year 516, 523 1993-1994 Masonic Year 514 1995-1998 Masonic Years 600 Page 2 of 93 Name (Last Name, First) or Subject Page(s) 1998 Masonic year 564 1999 Masonic Year 557-558, 560, 562, 564-565, 572 1999-2001 Masonic Years 601 1-A Masonic District 589 1-B Masonic District 589 2000 Masonic Year 557-558, 561, 563, 565, 570, 572 2001 Masonic Year 566, 569-571, 582-584, 588, 592 2002 Masonic Year 573, 580, 583, 592-593, 596, 602 2003 Masonic year 586, 595 21 st Masonic District 137, 155, 182, 185 26 Lee Street, Warrenton, VA 279 28 th Pennsylvania Infantry 81 2nd Division 406 2nd Masonic District 558, 573 33rd Scottish Rite Masons 385 38 th Regiment of Foot, British Army 30 3 rd Masonic District 165, 411, 443, 537, 546, 554, 558, 562, 566, 573 4 th Alabama 79 4th Masonic District 185, 190-191, 206, 208, 210, 241-242, 247, 250, 262, 265-266, 276, 279-281, 283, 288, 291, 293, 297-298, 300, 302, 309, 313, 324, 329, 336-339, 341, 347, 354-355, 357, 368-369, 371-373, 376- 378, 382, 384-390, 392, 395-401, 405- 406, 409-410, 413, 415-416, 419-420, 423, 426-427, 429-430, 433-434, 443- 444, 446-447, 449-452, 455, 457, 459, 461, 464-465, 467-468, 471-473, 475- 476, 478-480, 483-489, 493-495, 497, 499, 508-509, 511-514, 517, 519, 522- 529, 532-533, 535-538, 541-544, 546, 551, 553-557, 562, 565-566, 571, 573, 54th Masonic District 370,576, 376,583, 380,585-586, 454, 589523, 536 58th Masonic District 406, 429, 443-444, 448, 512, 519, 526 5th Masonic District 511 6 th Masonic District 250, 329, 382, 400 7-9 Culpeper Street, Warrenton, VA 412 7th Masonic District 367, 377, 394, 419, 434, 528 8th Masonic District 343, 347 96 th Regiment, NY Volunteers 93 9th Masonic District 533 A. E. Minor Lodge No. 603, Atlanta, GA 376 Abbreviations 607-608 Abington, Washington County, VA 353 Abraham (Biblical Patriarch) 609 Acacia Lodge No. 16, Clifton, Virginia 540, 559, 566, 577, 589 Acca Temple, Richmond, VA 393, 485 Accomac Lodge No. 243, Chincoteague Island 237 Achilles Lodge No. 281 473 Adams Express Company 114 Page 3 of 93 Name (Last Name, First) or Subject Page(s) Adams, [Samuel ? Or John ?] 64 Adams, John Quincy (President) 55 Adams, Robert S. 90-91, 99 Adkin, Alan Wayne 536 Adkins, Lillian (Mrs. William Franklin Williams) 483 Adkinson, Mrs. J. G. 302-303 Adopt-A-Highway Program 553 ADT Security 572 Aeroplane Observation Reports 312 Africa 313 African Grand Lodge, Boston, Massachusetts 30 African Lodge No. 459 A, Philadelphia, PA 30 African Lodge No. 459, Boston, MA 29-30 African Methodist Episcopal Church, Cambridge, MA 29 Agee, Lee Bryan 317, 319, 360-361, 374 Agee, Robert M. 229 Air Raid Spotter Post 72-K, By-Pass 211 311 Aires, Harry 421 Airlie Foundation 387 Airlie House 467, 469 Airlie, VA 465 Albany, Georgia 526, 603 Albert E. Carr Agency see also Carr & Hyde (Insurance 417 Albert,Company) Brady M. 408 Aldridge, Maurice Watts "Bigfoot" 421, 430, 432-434, 443-444, 446, 536, Aldridge, Milton 407-408,542 596 Alexander, D. M. 235-236, 252, 271 Alexander, George W. 415 Alexandria Valley Scottish Rite Bodies, Alexandria, VA 390, 507, 568 Alexandria, VA 310, 444, 471, 496, 559 Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, VA 35, 66-67, 70, 122, 134, 264, 293, 394, Allbritain, J .T. 154,470 219 Allen, Edward S. 278 Allen, J. R. 286 Allen, Luther 282 Alley, Elizabeth 500 Alley, Rosa Belle (Mrs. William S. Thompson) 335 Alley, Wynn 500 Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Company 336 Allison, Charles William 481, 491-492, 504 Allison, Charles William, Sr. 482, 486-487, 490, 507 Allison, Douglas Alexander 346, 349 Allison, J. H. 121 Allison, James Edward 346 Allport, J. Hobart 238-239, 269 Allstadt, John 73 Almond, J. W. 212 Alport / Allport, J. C. 201-202, 218, 222, 239-240, 256 Alport, Mrs. J. C. 239 Alspaugh, Lloyd Earl, Jr. 411 Page 4 of 93 Name (Last Name, First) or Subject Page(s) Ambler, J. C. 265, 275, 305 Ambler, James 281 Ambler, John (Rev.) 118 America 519 America House, Marshall, Virginia 536, 563 American-Canadian Grand Lodge of Germany 560 Amherst Cemetery, Amherst, VA 370 Amicable Lodge No. 125, Aldie Virginia 35 Amissville, Virginia 579 Amity Lodge No. 76, Richmond, VA 357 Amos, Charles Clinton 387 Anacostia Lodge No. 21, Washington, D.C. 346 Anaya, Samuel Crawford 367 Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North 485, 577 America Ancient Craft Masons 609 Ander, Melvin Mickey 536 Anderson and Allison, Warrenton, VA 346 Anderson, A., Jr. 362 Anderson, Arthur Robert (Sr.?) 259, 262, 277-280, 285, 289-290, 292, 296, 305, 336, 360, 378 Anderson, Arthur Robert, Jr. 329, 336, 360, 559, 596, 598 Anderson, Ford G. 161-163, 165, 172, 191, 218, 220, 225, 229, 232, 252-253, 256, 267, 280, 285, 288, 290, 613, 615 Anderson, Grace (Mrs. Norval J. Ramey, Sr.) 353 Anderson, H. Clay 259, 281 Anderson, J. F. 228, 255, 268 Anderson, J. Ford 252 Anderson, James M. 326 Anderson, Jeremiah 73 Anderson, John Frederick 227 Anderson, Mr. 171, 205, 256, 262, 296, 326, 453, 468, 471 Anderson, Mrs. (mother of J. F. Anderson) 228 Anderson, Mrs. Arthur Robert (widow) 378 Anderson, Osborne 73 Anderson, P. C. 277 Anderson, P. W. 265-266, 276, 280, 286, 288, 290-291, 313, 315, 318, 320, 322, 324, 326, 328- 329, 336-340, 347 Anderson, Richard David 453-454, 460, 463, 466, 527, 569, 579, 581, 614 Anderson, Robert (Major) 83 Anderson, T. H. 264 Andrew Jackson Lodge, No. 120 107, 122, 126, 264, 347 Andrews, Mr. 248 Andrews, Robert 28 Andrews, W. Luther 247 Angelo, F. M. 97, 106, 109, 115, 145 Annaburg Manor, Manassas, Virginia 538 Page 5 of 93 Name (Last Name, First) or Subject Page(s) Annals of the American Pulpit, by William B. Sprague 64 Annapolis, MD 226 Anthon, Christopher Louis 424, 426-427, 441, 443, 449, 596 Anthony, Anton Gust 358, 360, 365, 443 Anti-Masonic Party 52, 55 Appalachia Lodge No.
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