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Fine Steel Portrait. Price, $1, Enlarged Edition. " A wonderful record of God's mai-vellons works." GEMS AND PEARLS, for Parents and Children. For Family Reading and Sabbath Schools. Fine Steel En- graving. Price 76 cents. " Eev. E. Davles has collected a goodly number of Gems and Pearls. Ifany of them are smeraUy worth the price of the book. Read if."— Dr. Fowler, in N'^eut York Christian ASvocaK, THE LAW OF HOLINESS, an Exposition op the Ten Commandments. Showing the relation of the Deca- logue to the Gospel and to the Moral Universe. Large 16mo. Prlce-75 cents. " It is clear, sharp, and discrimlhating. It gives a practical application of the moral law to the duties of Christian lite, and is a fresh presentation of this important subject." — Sex. J. A. Wo-d. DAILY FOOD FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS. Price 15 cents; gilt edges, 20 cents; p vper, 10 cents. - It Is adapted to the highest experiennes'of Christian life. CONTRAST BETWEEN CHRISTIANITY AND IN- FIDELITY. A Book of Reference for Ministers and Christian Workers. Price, paper, 20 cents ; cloth, 40 cents. " This book is ieorthy ofapUime in any library." — Lutheran Ob- SELECTIONS FROM HARRIS' MAMMON. An in- valuable book. Price 10 cents. MEMOIRS AND JOURNAL OF MRS. HESTER ANN ROGERS. Condensed and combined. Price, cloth, 50 cents. LIFE OP FRANCES RIDLEY HAVEEGAL. With Price ctfi. choice selections from her writings. only 50 cents ;^ gilt, 75 "No Ohriptian can read this biography without acquiring a sharp. appetite for the heavenly manna on which ibis saint of God fed,«nd grew so strong and beautiful." — Bee. D, Steele, D.D. Any book sent by mail on receipt of price. HOLINESS BOOK CONCERN, Reading, Mass. — WORKS OF REV. E. DAVIES. NOTICES OF "THE LAW OF HOLINESS." ** Rev. E. Davies has pl-epared another of hie useful manual! This one is, in some retii)ects, the best of his list, and will nrov^ an excellent little volum*; fbr ilistribution. It is a plain and well, enforced exposition \jf tbe spirit of the Decailugue. it is a good * counter irritant ' to tbe prevalence of Anthiomianism, One of its best features Is'the epitome at the close of llarris's prize essay on Covetousness." ZiorCs Herald. ' " It is a very direct and practical volume on the Ten Command- ments. Its special excellfuce is its earnestness. However, it is intended, in a great measure, to be a baud-book for ministers and philanthropists." — Congregationalist. " Rev. E. Davies has added to his growing list of hooka a work entitled The Law of Holiness. The brief, pungent introduc- tion, laying bare at a flash tbe woeful picture of the decay of pub- lic conscieuce. It is one of tbe best things he has ever written. The aim of, the book is to arouse the public to realize the binding and practical application of the ' Ten Commattdments ' at the pres- ent time."— Contjibutor. " We welcome all books that help the cultivation of personal holiness. Of this sort is Rev. 0. G. Finney's Lectures to Chris, tians, whose earnest teaching will benefit others than professing Christians. We may say the same thing of The Law of Hou- NESs: an exposition of the Ten Commandments, by Rev. E. Davies a simple " ; and strong enforcement of moral obligation — The Independent. ^'^Posi'^'on - ^' '^ "" »"'' application of the Ten Commandments m^ anthor The starts out by iuipeaohjUE tbe gospel ministry, and lav ing the prevalent immorality at their doors." — The Interior. " This is another book on the sublwt of holiness, by Rev Davies, E whose earnest soul and ready pen have loDg since been to known the readers of the Epistle. The 4uthor treat* the subiect of his work from a diflferent standpoint from which it is usually treated. shows that He the Ten Command,aei.ts contain the el&. ments of hohness as required of us -in the gospel. It contains much that is of real • value. Selections from Hanis's ' Xammon should^be read frequently." — Living Epistle. *8 designed to show . '/."' the exceUence, brnding form, and aHan. iation of the commandments to regulate the moral <ionducl »f man- kind all in ages. It contains man// excellent things, and cannot be read without profit."- Dr. D. Shkkman, in lfe& jtr.gland Meih- " " oollection of writings '^'"n",,'* heaving on the subiect of hr.li ncss. Ihe author is an eyangilist, and the sermons expciiUry'of the Decalogue are the product of efforts ha has felt obliged lo make to bring men to a sense of sin. As expositions they a.l verv good. Besides these, there are several essays on moral lax and copious selections from a prize eseay on Covetousness." — fftyaiiu.» and Presbyter. ; " There is much good instruction in this book, and It is do lianed • counteract the fearful imnioralitirs that prevail in the pres. nt t -t- >lie selections ' from Harris's Mammon' are good aud timelv'*'- Clmslian, Standard. ' THE BISHOP OF AFRICA; Life Of William Taylor, D. D. With an account of the Congo Country, and Mission. By Rev. E. Davies, iiUTHOB OP " THE GIFT OF THE HOLT GHOST," " rNFIDBlITT AND CHBI8TIANITY," " UFB OP HE8TBR AUM BOGEBS," "THE EOT PBEACHEE," ETC. " A workmau that i;ieedeth not to be ashamed." FAUii. PUBLISHED FOB THE BENEFIT OP XHE BXJILiDIJSrO- AJfTD TRANSIO; FUND OF WILLIAM TAYLOR'S MISSIONS, HOLINESS BOOK CONCERN, READING, MASS. Orders may also be sent to Alili METHODIST BOOK STOBES, Price 75 cents. rn "^'«t 1^ . h3 'mt^ Copyright; 1885. By E. DAYIES. INTRODUCTION. Foe some time the blessed Holy Spirit has prompted me to write the following book, yea, it came upon me as an inspiration : so that I was compelled to write or disobey. It has seemed to me that the wonderful facts of the history of William Taylor ought to be put on permanent record. For years I have been gathering material for the same. Years ago I wrote a sketch of his life. This book will give a concise and somewhat complete account of his marvellous life and extensive travels ; and of his great African mission ; it will also tend to provoke the zeal and self-sacrifice of others. I write also to show how wonderfully his self-sustaining or Pauline method of support has been established ; and also to show that this method by no means supersedes or dis- parages the work of the Missionary Society. Nay, verily ! but it supplements and stimu- lates that work. And, as I am not an interested party, I hope to give an unprejudiced statement of facts that will be a blessing to all. I have gathered from all quarters a liberal amount of information concerning Central Africa, especially the region of the Congo, which is indeed a most promising mission field. I have given a full account of Mr. Taylor's election to the oflBce of a Bishop, and also viu. mTEODtrcnoiT. of the &cts that, in nine months after tliat election, he had gathered together nearly fifty missionaries, secured their passage money, and also money for a most liberal outfit; had traveled to Africa himself and held the Liberia Conference, and spent a month in that Republic in successful reyiyal services, and greeted his colony of mission- aries as they safely arrived in Africa, "ifter their two long ocean voyages. I write because I have the fiillest confi- dence in the success of this God-inspired and heaven-ordained mission ; notwithstand- ing all the objections that honest men have made against it. I write also because, if my many friends and those of Bishop Taylor, will posh the sale of this book, I hope to make it produce five hundred dollars for the Transit and Buil- ding Fund, after paying for the expense of making and selling the book. Will the beloved of the Lord, of all de- nominations, help in this good work? Let us work here and await our reward in heaven. I lay this book humbly at the feet of Jesus, earnestly praying for his benediction. E. Davibb. Sadtts* Retbeat, SEASIKG, HAB8., 1886. CONTENTS Page, CHAPTEB I. The foremost ma.n of God on this footstool.—He obeys God withont controversy.—^Untold thousands con- verted through his labors —A perfect prodigy of ex- cellence.—He blends strange extremes.—His birth and early conversion.—Conflict with Satan.—Is over- come.—Bestored to Divine favor.—Begins to work for God.—God tanght him by night visions.-Licen- sed to exhort.—Begins to preach Joins the Balti- more Conference.—Missionary to California.—Street preacher > 11 CHAPTEB n. Becomes an Evangelist.—Leave of absence from the California Conference.—Labors in the TTnited States and Canada.—Spent several years in Australia.
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