I ___ _ ,_ EBtaiHu. iA jut* 83,i$69, Toi. 7._PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1808. DAILY PRESS It Jr*i**0®TLAND publltbet f COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. MISCELL AN MISCELLANEOUS. anucaiXAjfgocg. BOP*-_ ; —a aagsaaga— n—ae which mad* the law1’ and borrowed the •booty under U hat alooe the to X. A. POSTER, PhOraittom. DAILY PRESS. right d»cid* No. what the law ineana, and that the eitdltor Xebici i—Eight Dalian a In advaaM. Notice. L. a. » yaar Copartnership S. TWOMBL'Tg Coe*a Cure, POR1XAND. bound to their ruling ea Anal. V bUgU copies 4 ceuu. Dyspepsia accept Now, BIKILIA ?*n thluMi one, M th* /tench lay—either under the Arm or 8IMIL1BU8 THK MAINE The uaderiifiud, bum OU&AITUB. IT* *°u loan* are not STATE PRESS, It published »t thi FIRE authortiing the ‘•law*’*, V®*..Ilt0* -T<rI ¥J*Btjd»y morning at (8.60 a year INSURANCE AGENCY! Coe’s 90. ,0 borrow money, to be Inter- u la advuce TRUE 3c, Dyspepsia Cure, Thursday Morning, input 1988 mlliSnE?!?1' paid 18,00 a year. 31ARH, CO„ forum of moral* only, or they £!!* LnJ}**‘h<‘ Rates of will II _ ... -4 » “»ture and extent of the right* Advertising.—One Inch of space, li oondnue the Nov. id. t.i iron! the most Prteldtnlial Election, 1 ueeday, coiauni, owu luUifHx ••squuie.*’ Coe’s PROVED, ample experi- then, are to be decided Dyspepsia Cure. ence, a en'ire not H.SU per square dally first week. 76 cents pei All Kinds of Fire Insurace at Fair Bates. HAVE success; Simple—Prompt- Effl. •»“"’«» In but a oieoi, end Reliable. are the Interest, by week alter; three insertions, or lew, (1.00; conrinu- They only Medicines eo,nn.y.«, Wholesale I ad to S1* lmi artial In ng every ulher day aher first 60 cents. Flour Business per.ectiy pted popular use—so simple that RepnbUonn Nominations. .1 ®n<j tribunal, guided week, mistake* cannot be by the Halt square, three insertfnn* or less, v5 cents: one made in uging them; so harm leas Sreat principles at the old stand of Man & SrST-*1 lTlR"jei!tThe reference week, $1 00; 50 cents per week alter. True, Corn Ins. N. tw*| danger, an-t so efficient: g to be a). of such a truest on Exchange Coinp’y to a Unde head ol #2.00 per square Y., Tbev bave rate the highest coin- majority either 01 the ''Amumiment.-," Coe’s Cure. mpmil?«iab!eation ,r°m House ol* Repre- per week; three insert! ns or $1.50. »H. and will a1 ways render satistac- sentatives or less, No. 155 Commercial Street. Dyspepsia lon> ol American eitirens at the polls Special Notices, $1. 5 per squire i< r the first and would be, on the repudiators’ own insertion, and 25 cents per square lor each subse- Capital Surplus, $555,025.00. theory a Sylvester Marr, John H. True, L. M.Cousens. piece ol unprecedented as quent insertion, Coe's Cure. *u°* 2 cyeQ-y*^r>, Congestion. InflamatioiiHf^§ absurdity well’ as Anvt-iTiseiii-nts inserted in the “MAimc Btatv «< »« Worm 25 of d3w Dyspepsia 3 Colic, iniquity. Pbkcm” (which has a large circulation in everv August 1, 1808, « 25 pari 4 orT««thi,,goti,itan’8, Vtc.a.ea letter of a cot respondent Iv ng be- oi the Slate) tor $1.00 per square lo*- first inseition Monumental Fire Insurance Co. and 50 cents lor fore us, asking ua to show that repudiation will per square each suhsiqoent inter Baltimore, Coe’s :: 6 :: 8 tion. NOTICE. Dyspepsia Cure. scsssi^¥ not “pay” in a pecuniary sense, if we ineau to :: ;; make any on tbe Democrats; that partnership heretofore under fUsrrspfe^-"'^ impression existing the and our talk ot honor and faith is all BUMNASSS CAttO*. THEstyle of Capital Surplus, $230,950.77• ;■ ;; good very P*s*ia Billioua but does not To which we «« 1? 4. Pl Stomach, ‘vs well, reach fins. Donnell, Greely & 01 Butler, Coe’s 5 Jesprfwd pslnffil Period!., g re,,ly, that the very strongest argument 01 this is this day dissolve.! mutual Policies Issued and Losses Paid at this Cure. W fc,,re too prof se orinUs, 25 Office. Dyspepsia .4 by consent, by the !; kind we could use from its withdrawal of A Butler. The Cough, difficult Breath ng. is, very nature, & business w'l! be con- ‘J 25 EASTON,SAMPSON TENNEY tinujd under the firm mime ol '•"•t 25 worthless as far as all and seces- D lineli & Greely Thanking the Public for the• r very liberal ft 4. Hhenna,Ervsiiel •.Eruptions. Copperheads Manufacturers of J. B DONNELL. patronage Coe’s Je Hhoaosatisos Kheumatic Pains, 25 Siouists are concerned—tne argument that Cure. Chin ■JUSTUS G REEL Y, th-) past year, would solicit a continuance Dyspepsia :S L?'er *, *«*•«> Fever, Ague, 60 repudia'ion, in any will leave the Gov- A. respectfully of **••*«, bdn.i or bl-edlng. 50 shape, .,, BUTLER. I, ernment or if it TIJ> AVAIMO 17-eod3w and sore or weak powerless, greatly hamper ft, August their CIO 44 ®P*b»l»ay, eves, 50 FOR Of Desci favors. “ ■,,,rrh acute or PRESIDENT, should again be called on to de'end its exist- every i| tion Coe’s Cure. ,, ! cronlc, Imluenxa,50 Dyspepsia f. »b*wpl«*C'»«*b,violent Coughs.50 ence in the field. To say this to them is to WHOLESALE A VD 11ETAIL. Dissolution tar triersh OFFICE 30 EXCHANGE Oppressed Breathing. 50 of Coj ip ST., CM 44 fdbM. ULYSSES S. put a musket in tbeir bands tv useagsmst us. Caadaslan wads to Drder. £~r ®i»*barge», Impaired Hearing,50 GRANT, To enormous 50 talk to them of the desolation cot-artnership heretofore existing between « oi 4, fbla,enlarged*-lands,Swel'irga, or ILLINOIS. Plum THEthe under firm name of PORTLAND, ME. alWeakneg*. 0 that would be worked of tbe bireet, Portland, Me. undersigned the 10-cod3m .* OS 44 Se,er*l Debiliiy.Phvsi by repudiation, July Coe’s ®r"P»r. "nd 8. Secretion- 50 shock of it Hobatio P. Easton, Wm. G. Sampson, Dyspepsia Cure. coo 4, anty to Ibe whole framework society *e«»<ekne»., sickness trom 50 FOR _Nelson Tbkxby. Marr Ac True, riding, VICE-PRESIDENT. wouid cause, is likely to be ineflective for tbe (^'Repairing neatly done. aul7dtt I! g K»daay.Diaeaae.flr»Y«l. 50 same Nerv«»« -eminal reason. They do not particularly care Is this REMOVALS. TO LET. Debility, day dissolved by mutual consent. Kithor Coe’s Dyspepsia Cure. Kaniawieua, Involuntary Dls- about the iramework of as we under- partner will use the firm name in settlement SCHUYLER society, WILLIAM A. PEARCE. .. _ charges oo COLFAX, stand it. V> e have means ol SYl.VKSTHt MARR, TO LET.-Per«ons desirous of p*-o< uring ®**® computing ii oo ,*4 Usatk, Canker, 50 Or INDIANA. the loss to the JOHN TRUE. REMO V A L tenements in almost rt ot couutiy that repudiation wou'a 4 H. H0U7ESgood any p itie ciif., « ®>"baea-, wetting 50 Portland, 1868. «13w w ->• Coe’s ‘1? Erl,“V? bed, cause. Tbe Aug 1, II do well to give ns a call once, as we hav q-ite* Dyspepsia Cure. wall 50 actual sum of which holders of PLLMUEH, « « <• erlada, spasms, a number to let. A. J COX & General Busi- «< CO., *•■■*'*■*» Change of L\fe loo For tflert.ro ■ Government securities would find themselves MAKER OF H. M RIIE ness S.reer. coo u WEB, Agents, 35t| Congres auglddlw St.Vitus * W would Notice. cS •• £?,,r?*T JPaams. e,100 suddenly deprived represent only » veiy Copartnership (Successor to J. Smith A 3J Diphtheria,ulcerated Sore At Large—UEOItGK L. BEAL. Co.) Throat, 60 small portion ol il. Tne shock would give to COOPER and S *TaNTON have this This world S. P. STRICKLAND, Force & Water day renowcJ remedy for the uulaillnz cure VAimiliY CASKS i dustry. the dark cloud It would cast over Pumps Closets, RF.• tormeti a copartnership tor the purpose of car- Manufacturer of LET on the Leather TO S ,ol Of 33 lit District—WILLIAM the future, tbe fear it would ISO ('•re Street, Poitland, Me. rying Plumbing business under the tirm name Belting, large vials, Horarra c-ar, BOBSON, inspire amongst ot Has caathir a removed to tag tpraige f., every 2(1 District—AMOS NOURSE. capitalists, would produce an amount of dam- ardiaary disease a family la nab- 31 District—DEN' IS L. age the extent and duration of which neither Gold and ohower -R. E. & NO. 92 aad a baab MILIIKEN.. TATARM, Baths, Wash B/wlg, COOPER CO., MIDDLE STREET, Jrri la, af direoiaas, we TV Brass and silver DYSPEPSIA, *10,00 5th District—EBRNEZER KNOWLTUN. nor any other man can compute; and the Plated'‘neks Every descrip- Marrett Store No 57 Smaller and tlonol Water for At IOO A Poor’s New Block, where may be icnnd a Exchange St., ‘■■■ally Traveling cases, effect of such a fixtures Dwelling Houses, Betels Federal Street, lull I with 20 to 28 prodigious stroke ol baseness and Public assortment ol Leather as ami vfiala.,0 $8 Bul'dings, Ships, dtc. arranged and set Belting, cheap, Now G. L. Sic/e Sttecihcs tor all State Atomic It (A. on the morals of the in the equal to any In New Occupied by Bailey. Indigestion, Headache, Sour- •'riraM both Election, y, September rising generation would up best mannei,and ail orders in town or PORTLAND. ME. England. Beilin? and Loom lor Diseases, made to order Carlas anil tor Mreveative treat- be worse and country iaithf executed.
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