Index Note: page numbers in italics denote illustrations Acestes, King 44 and Ascanius-Iulus 48–9, 242, 465 Achaemenides 13, 50, 466 and Augustus 54, 88, 90, 235 Achates 166–7, 410–11 character 137, 442–3 Achilles and Creusa 48, 84, 90, 100, 414, Aeneas as 40–1, 54 465, 472 Buchan on 416 death, desire for 410–11 death of 103 and Dido 51, 125–6, 169, 176, 178, and Hector 33, 89, 103, 273 442 as hero 410, 480 and Evander 37–40, 50, 60 and Patroclus 62, 477 flight from Troy 41–2, 51, 327–8 Pyrochles as 182 genealogy of 49 shield of 19, 31 as gigantic monster 102 wrath 33 Greek historians 47 Achilles, as first name 376–7 invisibility 43 acrostics 22 and Juno 237, 406–7, 409–10, 415–17 Actium, Battle of 68, 160, 188, 394, 402 and Lavinia 48, 72–3, 162, 218 Adam and Eve 199–201 and Paris 43, 137–8 Adams, A. 368 pietas 42, 63–5, 72, 137, 257, 395–6 Adams, C.F. 360, 368 and Priam 137 Adams, J. 356, 358–9,COPYRIGHTED 367–8 prodigies MATERIAL 58–9 Adams, J.Q. 359–60, 364–5, 368, 382 religious authority/leadership 54–7, Adcock, F. 467 59–61, 65 Addams, C. 339, 340 as Satan 143 Adolph, J.B. 207 shield of 40, 60, 66–7, 69, 86, 160, 225, Aelian 42 394, 405 Aeneas tears 147–8, 237, 410–11 as Achilles 40–1, 54 underworld 189–90, 240 American reception 378 and Venus 69, 167, 178, 221, 414 and Antenor 138, 144 as wolf 94n17 aphasia 412–14 see also Anchises; Turnus, killing of bbindex.inddindex.indd 553131 99/12/2013/12/2013 66:22:49:22:49 AAMM 532 Index Aeneas Indiges cult 46–8 African Americans Aeneas legend 3, 13–14, 18, 37 Aeneid and 378, 390 developing 44–6, 51 civic life 374 historiography 46 culture 7–8; aural 377; sports 376–7 synthesis of 49 education: classical 7–8, 380–6; Aeneid 1–3 Hampton-Tuskegee model 380–1 J.Q. Adams on 358, 360 literacy 390 African Americans and 378, 390 names 376–7 allegory 432n1 Agamemnon 34, 410 amendments 96–8 agape 258 Augustan age 421–2 Agassiz, L. 372 book structure 18 Agnes, Saint 255 continuations of 5–6 Ahl, F. 8, 461–3 conundrums 77–8 Metaformations 462 editions of separate books 239–40, Ajax 272 367 Alaric 129, 258 end of 103–4, 350, 437 Alba 46, 48–50 episodes: eating of tables 45, 59–60, Alba Longa 45, 47, 61, 101 302, 303, 466; Helen episode 96, Alcimus 44 101, 112, 117, 119; Nisus and Euryalus Alcinous 19, 28–9 episode 19, 34, 303–4, 304, 305, 307, Aldobrandini, O. 256 410–11, 446; ship-burning Alexander, M. 441 episode 54, 57, 308, 466 Alexander the Great 139 gigantomachic imagery 102, 230, 273 Alexander VII, pope 269 gold symbolism 272 Alexandra 45–6 golden bough figure 57–8, 151–2, 262, see also Cassandra 406 Alexandra (Lycophron) 45–6, 329 half-lines 99–100, 110, 438, 462 Alexandria 18 Ille ego qui quondam line 98, 108, 173 Alexandrian tradition 23, 29 illustrated editions 244–50, 290–2, alexandrine verse 451–2 309–10 Alfonso 166–7 inconsistencies 101–2, 110, 437 Allecto 50, 183–4, 413, 439, 466 ktisis theme 66, 71, 73–4, 76, 78 allegory as love poetry 72–6 Aeneid 432n1 New Critical readings 17 gods/natural disasters 396, 399 Odyssey as model 13–14 Homer 421–3, 432n1 optimistic/pessimistic readings 6, 235–9, Le Plat 236–7 249–50 moralistic 343 plot 442–3 scientific 19 props 99, 438 Spenser 175, 182 publication of 99, 112 Vergil 421–3 time spent on 116, 120 alliteration 453, 455 translations 8–9, 449; into allusion 20–1, 87–8, 174 English 186, 190, 372, 449, 460–3; Alpers, S. 282–3 into French 451, 457–60; alterity 76 Ruden 375; into Russian 451–7; see Alva Ixtlilxochiltl, F. de 220 also individual translators Amaryllis 20 as unfinished 4–5, 96, 110–11, 438 Amata 413 violence 391–2, 394–5 Ambrose 125, 128–9 Aeneidomastix (Carvilius) 445 American Association of Teachers of Slavic Aeolus 270, 280, 293 and East European Languages 456 bbindex.inddindex.indd 553232 99/12/2013/12/2013 66:22:49:22:49 AAMM Index 533 American Magazine 358 Argonautica 18–20, 103, 133–4 American Philological Association 377, aporiai 32–3, 35–6 380, 385 apostrophe 414–16 American Revolution 370–1, 401–2 Appendix Vergiliana 115, 174 amor/Roma 73, 75 Apuleius 258 Amphitrite Painter 273 Ara Maxima 61 Amulius 48 Ara Pacis 53 anachronism 432n2, 478–9 Arator epic 223 anagrams 462 Aratus: Phaenomena 22 anapaests 452 Araxes 24 Anchises Arcadians 37–8, 51 on Brutus 76 Arctinus: Iliupersis 42, 327–8, 330, 333 and Cassandra 348–9 Arendt, H. 8, 398–9 civil war 71–2 On Revolution 392, 401–2 Crete 41 On Violence 392 Cybele 75 Ariadne 18 Dante 153–5 Ariosto, L. 6, 167–8, 173 death of 50 letter 164–6 and Evander 64 Orlando furioso 158–9, 163–8, 171, father-figure 412, 414 173, 175, 177 flight from Troy 42, 44, 48 Aristarchus 28–9, 31 founding of Rome 24 Aristonicus 28 ghost of 57, 84 Aristophanes of Byzantium 33 Golden Age 73, 393 Aristotle 15, 36 on Marcellus 72 armaria 16 metempsychosis 78 Armstrong, I. 417 prophecy 67–8, 196–7 Arnold, M. 427–8, 435–6 religious authority 54–5 Ars poetica (Vida) 423 Romans 68 Artegall 179–82 in underworld 101, 131–2, 189, 266–7 Artemidorus of Tarsus 20 ancients/moderns 422–3, 434 Arthur 139, 196 Anderson, M. 379, 384 Arval Brothers 53 Anderson, R.: Works of the British Poets 314 Ascanius-Iulus Anderson, W. 382 and Aeneas 48–9, 242, 411–12, 465 Andromache 49, 68, 100, 414 Alba Longa 61, 101 anger: see wrath Andromache 100 Anglo-Irish poets 467 Apollo 50 Anius, King 41 Romulus 47 Anne, Queen 197 Asconius Pedianius 98–9, 109, 114–15, Annie Allen (Brooks) 386, 388–9 120, 445 Antenor 48, 137–8, 144 Ashbery, J. 479 Antibucolica (Numitorius) 439 Asia 397 anti-Jacobite pamphlets 202n2 Aspects de la France et du monde 431 Antilochus 44, 272 assimilation 271, 315–16 anti-Vergilianism 8, 114, 427 assonance 455 Antony 68, 70, 74, 160, 188 Astalli, C. 256 aphasia 413–14 Astolpho story 181 Aphrodite 43, 479 Astronomica (Manilius) 227 Apollo 40–1, 49–50, 71, 226, 276, 327 Astyanax 100 Apollo and Daphne (Bernini) 243 Athena 272, 326–7 Apollonius Rhodius 17, 76 Athenodorus 332–3 bbindex.inddindex.indd 553333 99/12/2013/12/2013 66:22:49:22:49 AAMM 534 Index Athens 15 Aulica Musarum Synodus Crisis Apollinea in Atherton, G. 425 Laudem Authoris (Rosales) 222–3 athetesis 33–5 Austin, R.G. 23, 58 Atin 182 autocracy 404–5, 416 Atkins, M. 195 Avernus, Lake 313 Cataplus 191 aversio 414–15 Atlas 227 Avitus, Q. Octavius 114, 445 Aubrey, J. 194 Aztecs 218 Auden, W.H. 436, 447, 475–6 “Secondary Epic” 475 Bacchus 74 “The Shield of Achilles” 475 Bacchylides 328–9 Augustan age 3–4, 8 Badius Ascensius, J. 174 Aeneid 421–2 Baerle (Barlaeus), Caspar van 201 autocracy 404–5 Ball, J. 376 Homer 17 ballad meter 461 literature 362–3 Ballista story 115 and Louis XIV 423 Bancroft, G. 363 melancholia 428 Bandinelli, B. 336 politics 424 Barberini, L. 253 religion 52 Barchiesi, A. 36, 417, 448 Vergil 274–6 Barlow, J. 370 Augustine, Saint 135 The Columbiad 382 on Aeneid 5 The Vision of Columbus 381–2 Confessions 137 Barnard, J. 188 consolatio 129 baroque aesthetic 247, 271 De civitate Dei 123, 126, 129–32 Bartoli, P. 247–8 and Dido 123, 129, 148 Bataille, G. 457 divine guidance 125–6 Beatrice 153–4, 156–7 hell 132 Beaune, C. 146 love 177 Bede, the Venerable 139 lust 125 Beecher, C. and M. 356 Monnica 125–6 Belle, A.S. 197 Possevino on 209 Bellesort, A. 430 on Romans 130–1 Bellum Civile: see Lucan Turnus 127–8 Belphoebe 179–80, 183 on Vergil 126–30, 440 Benci, F. 204, 206 Augustus 60 Benedict XVI 258 and Aeneas 54, 88, 90, 235 Benjamin, W. 8 Antony and Cleopatra 70 “Critique of Violence” 391–5, 402–3 auctoritas 53 divine violence 396–9, 402 Autobiography 108 and Klossowski 457 civil war 391, 401–2 Marxism 397 empire 74 mythical violence 395–6 letters 108 on translations 460 library 15 Vergil/Roman exemplum 391–2, 400–3 priestly offices 53 Benoît de Saint-Maure 135–8, 143 Res Gestae 53 Benson, C.D. 146 sacrifices 62 Berlioz, H. 7, 350 transformed 195–6 Memoirs 346, 348–9 vengeance 399 Les Troyens 341–2, 345–7, 349–51 Vergil 67, 97 Berman, A. 464 bbindex.inddindex.indd 553434 99/12/2013/12/2013 66:22:49:22:49 AAMM Index 535 Bernal, M. 377 Boyne, Battle of the 194 Bernini, G.L. 6, 264–9, 288n1 Boys, J. 190–1, 196, 200 Apollo and Daphne 243 Brackenridge, H.H. 368, 370 Fountain of the Four Rivers 265–9 Bradstreet, A. 369 Rape of Persephone 243 Bradstreet, S. 369 Beroë 308 Brague, R. 400, 422 Biblioteka antichnoi literatury 452 Brant, S. 244–5 Biblioteka vsemirnoi literatury 455 Death of Turnus 244 Bidart, F. 467 Brasillach, R. 430 Bidermann, J. 206 Braun, L. 205 Bigi, E. 168, 172 Braund, S.M.
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