Registered number: 07667407 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) GOVERNORS' REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) CONTENTS Page Reference and administrative details 1 - 2 Governors' report 3 - 12 Governance statement 13 - 15 Statement on regularity, propriety and compliance 16 Statement of Governors' responsibilities 17 Independent auditors' report on the financial statements 18 - 19 Independent auditors' assurance report on regularity 20 - 21 Statement of financial activities incorporating income and expenditure account 22 Balance sheet 23 - 24 Statement of cash flows 25 Notes to the financial statements 26 - 48 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS OF THE ACADEMY TRUST, ITS GOVERNORS AND ADVISERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 Governors Mr T Fosker (Chair until 10 October 2016) # Mrs S Hargadon (Accounting Officer) (resigned 31 August 2016) Dr L Franks (Chair from 10 October 2016) # Dr A Sievewright (Accounting Officer) (appointed 1 September 2016) Dr E Bond *# (resigned 31 August 2016) Mr N Howe # Mr A Dalby * Mrs W Norris Mr A Thomas (resigned 3 November 2015) Mr D Williams Mrs B Jarvis* Mrs J Cowles Mr N Edge* Mrs B Rogers Mrs M Stevens* Mrs J Newall Mr C Sharman (appointed 25 November 2015) Mrs K Thomas (appointed 25 November 2015) * Members of the Finance Committee during the year # Members of the Academy Trust during the year Company registered number 07667407 Company name Farlingaye High School Principal and registered office Farlingaye High School, Ransom Road, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4JX Page 1 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) REFERENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS OF THE ACADEMY TRUST, ITS GOVERNORS AND ADVISERS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 Advisers (continued) Company secretary Mrs M Rozier Senior management team Ms S Hardagon, Headteacher (until 31 August 2016) Dr A Sievewright, Headteacher (from 1 September 2016) Mr P Smith, Deputy Headteacher Mr I Piddington, Deputy Headteacher (until 31 August 2016) Mrs C Laird, Assistant Headteacher Mr C Moran, Assistant Headteacher Mr J Tunaley, Lower School Co-ordinator Miss L Gilmour, Upper School Co-ordinator (until 31 August 2016) and Deputy Headteacher (from 1 September 2016) Mrs P Tyndale-Hardy, Head of 6th Form and Assistant Headteacher (from 1 September 2016) Mrs D Pritchard, Director of Learning Support Independent auditors Larking Gowen, 1 Claydon Business Park, Great Blakenham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP6 0NL Bankers Lloyds Banking Group Plc, 8 Thoroughfare, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP1 1UR Solicitors Eversheds, Franciscan House, 51 Princes Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 1UR Page 2 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) GOVERNORS' REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 The Governors and Members present their annual report together with the financial statements and auditor's report of the charitable company for the year 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2016. The Annual report serves the purposes of both a Governors' report, and a Directors' report under company law. Structure, governance and management a. CONSTITUTION The Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity. The charitable company's Memorandum of Association is the primary governing document of the academy trust. The Governors are the trustees and are the directors for company law. The charitable company is known as Farlingaye High School. Details of the Governors and Members who served during the year are included in the Reference and administrative details on page 1. The Academy Trust was incorporated on 13 June 2011 and commenced trading on that date. The principal object of the Academy Trust is to provide education for pupils of different abilities between the ages of 11 to 18. There have been no changes in the objectives since the last annual report. b. MEMBERS' LIABILITY Each member of the charitable company undertakes to contribute to the assets of the charitable company in the event of it being wound up while they are a member, or within one year after they cease to be a member, such amount as may be required, not exceeding £10, for the debts and liabilities contracted before they ceased to be a member. c. METHOD OF RECRUITMENT AND APPOINTMENT OR ELECTION OF TRUSTEES AND GOVERNORS The members of the Governing Body may appoint up to 10 Governors and appoint Staff Governors and Teacher Governors through an advertisement to current staff, provided that the total number of Governors who are employees of the Academy Trust does not exceed one third of the total number of Governors. The Headteacher is treated for all purposes as an ex officio trustee. Parent trustees are elected by parents of registered pupils of the academy, a parent governor must be a parent of a pupil at the time of election. Eligible parents are invited to apply for the position and a secret ballot is carried out for the election process. The Trustees can appoint up to 3 co-opted trustees, who can be co-opted having not already been appointed and who are not an employee of the Academy. Page 3 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) GOVERNORS' REPORT (continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 d. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ADOPTED FOR THE INDUCTION AND TRAINING OF GOVERNORS The training and induction provided for new trustees will depend upon their existing experience but will always include a tour of the academy and to meet students and staff. All trustees are provided with copies of policies, procedures, minutes, budget reports and school improvement plan and will have an informal meeting with the Head. The academy purchases the Governor Training Service from Schools’ Choice and training is also available from the auditors for members of the Finance Committee. e. PAY POLICY FOR KEY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL The trust sets pay for key management staff in line with the leadership bandings that are set for the size of school, the number of pupils on role with the addition of a sixth form. The Governing Body have a pay review subcommittee for the Head teacher’s pay who meet annually to consider the performance of the Headteacher against agreed criteria. They will make any recommendations to the Governing Body at the Autumn meeting. The arrangements for Deputy Headteachers and Assistant Headteachers is that an annual review of their performance is carried out by the Chair of Governors and the Headteacher as delegated by the Full Governing Body in the Scheme of Delegation. All staff have a job description and all performance will be linked to that document and the School Development plan. Page 4 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) GOVERNORS' REPORT (continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 f. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The day to day management of the Academy Trust is delegated to the Headteacher, who is also the accounting officer. The organisational structure consists of: - The Members - The Governors - Committees of the Governing Body - The Senior Management Team - Faculty Heads, Heads of Year - Assistant Head of Year The Senior Management Team consists of the members listed in the Legal and administrative details on page 1. The Bursar meets separately with the Headteacher and two Deputy Heads to discuss financial matters, health and safety and site management. All authorisation of spending within agreed budgets is delegated to the Faculty Heads and other delegated budget holders. Any appointments of staff and pay decisions are made by the Staffing Committee, supported by the Finance Committee. The Faculty Heads co-ordinate the day to day activities within their subject areas, organising the staff, facilities and students. The Governing Body meets once a term. they have an overall framework for the governance of the Academy Trust and determine the membership, terms of reference and procedures of the Committees. They receive reports from the Committees for ratification. They monitor the activities of the Committees through the minutes of their meetings. Working groups may be established to perform specific tasks. Since 10 October 2016, all Governors have also been appointed as Directors of the Academy Trust. The Finance Committee meets at least four times a year and is responsible for the monitoring of the budget, risk register and evaluating and reviewing the policies in relation to financial management. They have regard to compliance, appointing the Responsible Officer and receiving their report, reviewing the annual budget and the role of the Audit Committee. g. CONNECTED ORGANISATIONS, INCLUDING RELATED PARTY RELATIONSHIPS The Academy has strong collaborative links with its feeder primary schools meeting regularly and hold professional development sessions together. The Academy is working as a partner with Kesgrave High School in the Farlingaye Kesgrave Teaching Alliance. Details of this arrangement can be found in note xxx of the Financial Statements. The Academy is a partner in the NICE partnership, this has ceased during the year ended 31 August 2016.. There is a strong Parent Teacher Association, The Farlingaye High School Foundation. h. GOVERNORS' INDEMNITIES In accordance with normal commercial practice, the Academy Trust has purchased insurance to protect Governors and officers from claims arising from negligent acts, errors or omissions whilst on Academy Trust business. The insurance provides cover up to £1,000,000. Page 5 FARLINGAYE HIGH SCHOOL (A company limited by guarantee) GOVERNORS' REPORT (continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 AUGUST 2016 Strategic report Objectives and Activities a. OBJECTS AND AIMS The principle object and activity of the Academy Trust is the operation of Farlingaye High School to provide education for pupils of different abilities between the ages of 11 to 18 serving a catchment area in Woodbridge. The School is a leading edge school and is a teaching school in partnership with Kesgrave High School. It has a pupil capacity of 1950 and had a roll of 1935 in the school census dated 18 May 2016.
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