annual report10 ouR peRspeCtive is genuinely globAl, because the oppoRtunities ouR students hAve, And the ChAllenges foR whiCh we are equipping them, don’t obseRve boundaries. we need to be A globAl College – And we are. Associate professor Andrew mcgowan, warden of trinity College AnnuAl RepoRt of Trinity College Editor: Rosemary Sheludko Design: Dee Jenkins Photography: Mark Chew, Rosemary Sheludko, Gazi Photography, John Gollings 2 Contents 4 oveRview 5 Warden’s messAge 6 2010 At A GLAnCe 8 ThRee-year strategiC plAn 11 GoveRnAnCe 13 RESIDENTIAl COLLEGE 16 SENIOR COMMON ROOM 52 Appendix 17 VISITING sCholARs 53 STAFF ACTIVITIES 56 ORGANISATIONAL CHART 19 INDIGENOUS pROGRAMS 57 SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM 21 INTERnATIONAl pROGRAMS 57 STAFF LIST 24 Trinity institute 61 CollEGE CoUNCIL 62 BOARD 27 TheologiCAl School 62 CommITTEES 29 ChAPLAinCy 63 FElloWS OF THE CollEGE 31 MUSIC 63 SENIOR FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE 63 FORMER FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE 33 ARt ColleCtion 63 HonoUrs 35 LIBRARy 63 BEREAVEMENTS 37 INFORmATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 63 SENIOR Common Room EXECUTIVE 64 VISITING SCHOLARS 39 HUMAn RESOURCES 64 CHOIR & ORGAN APPOINTMENTS 41 FinAnCe & Administration 66 UnIVErsITY AWArds And PRIZES 42 BUILDINGS & gROUNDS 66 (TCAC) CommITTEE 43 ConfeRenCes & events 66 RESIDENT STUDENT CoordINATors 66 RESIDENTIAL CollEGE AWArds 45 SustAinAbility 67 RESIDENTIAL CollEGE SCHOLARSHIPS 47 Communications 71 RESIDENTIAL CollEGE ACADEMIC AWArds 48 AdvAnCement 71 TCFS ACADEMIC AWARDS 73 TCFS ACADEMIC ENTRY SCHOLARSHIPS 51 FELLOWS 73 UnIVErsITY OF MElboUrnE SCholArshIps 73 TCFS STUDENT LEADErs 74 ConFERENCES & EVENTS 75 GIFTS TO THE ART COLLECTION 75 LOANS TO THE ART COLLECTION 75 GIFTS TO THE LEEPER & MollIson LIbrARIES 75 GIFTS TO THE ArCHIVES 76 RESIDENTIAL CollEGE STUDENTS 78 ThEologY STUDENTS 78 TCFS STUDENTS 85 YOUNG LEADERS SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS 86 JUILLIARD JAZZ SCHOOL STUDENTS 3 oveRview Founded in 1872 as the first college of the University of Trinity student numbers in all parts of the College Melbourne, Trinity College is a unique tertiary institution that in 2010 were: provides a diverse range of rigorous academic programs for over 1,500 talented students from across Australia and RESIDENTIAL CollEGE around the world. These programs include: Resident students 320 348 • the Residential College for undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University of Melbourne, Non-resident students 28 both resident and non-resident • Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS), a one- TrINITY CollEGE FoUndATION STUDIES 734 year course that prepares able overseas students for undergraduate entry to the University of Melbourne and ThEologY other leading Australian universities On-campus 42 • Trinity College Theological School (TCTS), which offers 357 courses for training and forming Anglican clergy and Online 110 others, on campus, online, and in parishes Certificate of Theology 205 • Young Leaders Summer Schools for Australian and overseas secondary school students YLSS • Juilliard Winter Jazz School at Trinity Summer Schools 135 167 • other short courses. Juilliard Jazz 32 Trinity College actively contributes to the life of the wider University, and its main campus is located adjacent to the TOTAL STUDENTS IN 2010 1,606 University grounds. An Anglican institution, Trinity welcomes people of all faiths and none. The College celebrates, and is enriched by, the diversity of backgrounds of its staff and students. 4 4 Warden’s messAge Trinity’s identity has always combined being a residential college community colleges had held in the great ancient the local and the global. The first and a non-resident university entrance universities. A college was not merely a leaders of the College were immigrants program within the same institution place to live, but a place to learn. like the Irish Alexander Leeper and the only gradually became evident. English Charles Perry. During the mid- Trinity has celebrated 20 years of twentieth century there were students Foundation Studies gained from Foundation Studies in 2010, with many who came to Australia under the Trinity an abiding commitment to reasons to thank those who created Colombo Plan, or left Australia to make education that valued diversity, high and led this program. The whole their fortune. achievement, peer learning and life of the College now reflects that the other benefits that come from initiative, directly and indirectly. Today Since 1990 Trinity’s international focus a relatively small, human scale. Its Trinity is well resourced, educationally has had a more specific form in its unique core curriculum emphasising— innovative, and internationally focussed. Foundation Studies program, first counter-intuitively perhaps, in an And yet the last of these at least has known as the Trinity Education Centre. era that promotes skills and jobs— been our history, not just for 20 years Responding to the emerging demand drama, the history of ideas, and but for 138. from international students, especially literature, reflected liberal education from Southeast Asia, the Council and as established in the great centres of Associate Professor Andrew McGowan, the Warden of the time created a new western university education. Warden and President structure for international students to undertake a one-year bridging program The rest of the College gained in preparing them for admission to the many ways. The financial benefits University of Melbourne. that all shared were obvious, but the subtler ways were just as important. The early years of the program were Australian university colleges in the trying, and there were moments when 1980s were often trading off past its viability was uncertain. Although glories, but viewed as marginal or these passed, and Foundation Studies redundant by their university partners. moved onto a firmer footing, for some Foundation Studies re-infused time it was tempting for those who Trinity with educational lifeblood. knew Trinity as it had been either With many scholars and teachers to underestimate the importance of now in its employ and adding to Foundation Studies, or to view it merely the conversations held around the as a way to generate income. The College, Trinity was spurred to recall deeper connections and benefits of and reclaim the central place that 5 2010 A t A GL A n C e JAnuARy Restoration and landscaping of Summerhouse Lawn completed febRuARy Refurbishment of bathrooms and laundries in Cowan completed Untitled 2004 loan sculpture installed outside Burge March Dedication of renovated and extendedTheological School Launch of planitgreen – Trinity’s Sustainability Projects Student Health and Wellbeing course introduced for all first-year resident students ApRil Inaugural Art Patrons Dinner Trinity’s social media sites established Inaugural Trinity Golf Day held Men’s 1st VIII and Women’s 2nd VIII victorious in Rowing, Women’s Hockey team Inter-collegiate Champions, Trinity defeats Ormond in Rugby for seventh successive year May ‘Donor Thank you’ function celebrates $27 million Campaign total June Choir departs for European Tour Inaugural Juilliard Winter Jazz School at Trinity July Functions in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur to celebrate TCFS 20th Anniversary Resident students’ vegetable garden planted August TCFS 20th Birthday Party in Melbourne TCFS ‘Step Forward’ iPad trial commences septembeR Women’s Volleyball teams wins Championship oCtobeR First Senior Fellows elected Inaugural Trinity College Sports Dinner held at Etihad Stadium novembeR Opening of the resurfaced ‘Bowling Green’ Introduction of Trinity Institute deCembeR Refurbishment of bathrooms and laundries in Jeopardy commences 7 thRee-year strategiC plAn VISION: To provide a world-class collegiate education. VALUES: Excellence, Community, Diversity PURPOSE: An Anglican College within the University of Melbourne, Trinity provides transforming educational experiences for talented students from diverse backgrounds. strategiC plAn 1. AcademiC Programs Theological School Achievements In 2008, the Board and Senior Develop and diversify our academic • Realising potential for growth of Management team formulated a programs, ensuring high quality, academic programs offered by the three-year strategic plan to guide the innovation and a formational expansion of the Old Warden’s Lodge. core operations of the College towards student experience. • Adding the Bachelor of Theology and attaining its stated vision. International Programs Achievements other new awards to the School’s offerings through the renegotiation Each year since then, significant • Improving classroom facilities, of the UFT Online-Trinity agreement. progress has been made in especially audio-visual equipment • Developing strategies to build implementing this plan. It has also and space provision, and IT in student numbers. been reviewed and updated to ensure classrooms strategy. the College retains its position of • Diversification of program offerings. 2. CApitAl woRks leadership in a rapidly changing world. Undertake regular renovation and Residential College Achievements improvement of residential College The following reflects the seven key • Addressing student physical and facilities, implement the next stage of areas of the plan as defined at the end mental health, including a Health the Grounds Master Plan, and upgrade of 2010, together with a summary of the and Wellbeing course for all first- teaching spaces and audio-visual progress achieved in each area during year students. equipment around the College. the last 12 months. • Developing precinct,
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