CHEKHOV 2.0. 80 HOURS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ Int’l students wonder about status in U.S. now By ANIS SHAKIRAH MOHD legal immigration status in general, international stu- States?” or “Am I forced to dorff said no international Muslims, Latinos, persons MUSLIMIN AND LAURA SCOTT and personal safety. dents and scholars feel threat- leave the United States?” students have yet reported of color, persons with dis- [email protected] The International Student ened or unsafe just for being The email was meant receiving threats or being abilities, refugees, even the & Scholar Services and the international,” said Lee See- to reassure internation- personally targeted, though LGBTQ community and In the immediate after- Iowa Intensive English Pro- dorff, the senior associate di- al students that nothing she believes the rhetoric of the women,” Seedorff said. math of Donald Trump be- gram staff sent out a joint rector of International Schol- has changed in regards to election did contribute to the The email closed with a ing named the winner of the email Wednesday afternoon ars & Student Services. student and scholar immi- uptick in questions and con- warning that talking about 2016 presidential election, to international students in Seedorff said the inqui- gration laws. It also told cerns the two offices received. politics can be very “emo- international students at an attempt to address and ries she and teachers in the students that “no one on “International students tionally charged” in the the University of Iowa be- alleviate those concerns and program have received from a student or scholar visa fall into many of the ‘groups’ United States, a possible cul- gan contacting on-campus anticipate others. students include such ques- needs to make plans to de- that have specifically been tural difference from what resources to ask about the “With the broad commen- tions as “Do I have to think part the [United States].” singled out during these effect of the results on their tary regarding immigration about leaving the United Despite the concern, See- past months, including SEE AFTERMATH, 2A In Trump’s wake, resentment An 18-year-old’s musings on the election Naomi Hofferber [email protected] Watching the election Tuesday night was almost akin to watching a war. We stand a nation divided. One main can- didate, our president-elect, far to the right, while the other pushing the most progres- sive platform to date. For many millennials, our first time voting was marked by two less-than-savory characters coming forth Protesters at a “Love Still Trumps Hate” demonstrate on Wednesday on the Pentacrest. Emotions ran high after Donald Trump was elect- from a gaggle of politicians willing to tour ed the 45th president of the United States. (The Daily Iowan/Olivia Sun) the nation, battle through debates, and de- vour whatever fried delicacy the Iowa State By CHARLES PECKMAN | [email protected] night’s election results. Fair threw their way. One by one, members of the group walked into the The media have been vital in this election, lthough the University of Iowa’s campus was si- middle of the circle of people and shared anecdotes having both sensationalized and desensi- Alent Wednesday morning, echoes from Tuesday about what the election results mean to them. tized us from political scandal, and perhaps night’s momentous and feverish presidential election The group, who carried signs with such phrases as from the election altogether. We created vil- could still be heard from the Pentacrest to EPB. “United Against Hate” and “We Are Together” remained lains out of candidates and then villains out Regardless of political affiliation, today was a day of somber yet hopeful. of each other for supporting that candidate. celebration for some, and sadness for others. Veronica Tessler, an Iowan and a local business own- Donald Trump: a man whose cam- The silence did not last long — during the early af- er, said, “We live in a huge, diverse, sometimes insane paign has been marked with racism, ternoon, a group of Hillary Clinton supporters gathered misogyny, xenophobia, and 12 cases of near the Pentacrest in solidarity as a response to last SEE REACTION, 2A SEE COLUMN, 2A Iowa sees red with Trump, state GOP sweep By MARIA CURI District, said Trump appealed to voters in [email protected] Iowa the same way Sen. Bernie Sanders did: by providing a change to establish- After spending most of the last sever- ment politics, or what Hillary Clinton em- al election cycles as a blue state, Donald bodied for many. Trump turned Iowa red once again, win- “He has a broad base of support, partic- ning a whopping 93 of the battleground ularly in the working class as well as a lot state’s 99 counties. of independent voters,” Peters said. “It’s Republican and Democratic political the same way Bernie Sanders appealed leaders as well as voters across Iowa said beyond the Democratic base.” the state went red because of discontent Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa, said Io- with establishment politics and populism. wans gravitated toward Trump because Jeff Kaufmann, the chairman of the Re- they felt they didn’t have the same eco- publican Party of Iowa, said Trump’s ap- nomic opportunities they had before. peal to populism — the belief that power “He really did speak to the angst and should be in the hands of regular people, the anger that a lot of folks have — and le- not a wealthy political elite — is why Re- gitimately have — and that’s why we have publican Iowans rallied behind him. to commune to deepen the economic recov- “Our history of Republicans in this ery,” Loebsack said. “They’ve been thrown state is one of populism, is one of change,” out of work. They have jobs that aren’t as Kaufmann said. “What Donald Trump has good as the jobs that they had before, and done is bring us back to our roots. I think that’s something I hear from the people all that’s what’s brought us all together — the time.” the idea that people need to be heard.” According to the Bureau of Labor Sta- Christopher Peters, the 2016 Repub- tistics, in September, the unemployment lican candidate for U.S House of Repre- President-elect Donald Trump reaches for wife Melania during an election night rally on Wednesday in New York. sentatives in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional SEE TRUMP, 2A (Associated Press/Evan Vucci) WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW 64 39 • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY CLASSIFIED 6B • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW OPINIONS 4A Mostly sunny, windy. • WATCH DITV AT 8:30 A.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US DAILY BREAK 8B MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. SPORTS 6A 2A NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2016 ALONE IN TRUMPLAND The Daily Iowan Volume 148 Issue 89 STAFF BREAKING NEWS Publisher 335-5788 Phone: (319) 335-6063 William Casey Email: [email protected] Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Fax: 335-6297 Lily Abromeit Managing Editor 335-5855 CORRECTIONS Grace Pateras Call: 335-6030 Metro Editors 335-6063 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accura- Anis Shakirah Mohd Muslimin cy and fairness in the reporting of news. Katelyn Weisbrod If a report is wrong or misleading, a Opinions Editor 335-5863 request for a correction or a clarification Jack Dugan may be made. Sports Editor 335-5848 Blake Dowson PUBLISHING INFO Assistant Sports Editor The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Courtney Baumann lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Pregame Editor 335-5848 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Jordan Hansen 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Copy Chief 335-6063 days, legal and university holidays, and Beau Elliot university vacations. Periodicals postage Visual Arts Director 335-6030 paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Margaret Kispert Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Photo Editors 335-5852 Joseph Cress SUBSCRIPTIONS Anthony Vazquez Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Politics Editor 335-5855 Email: [email protected] Mitch McAndrew Subscription rates: 80 Hours Editor 335-5863 Daily Iowan Ethics and Politics Editor Mitch McAndrew leans back in a chair in the nearly empty newsroom while watching President-elect Donald Trump take to the Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Girindra Selleck podium early Wednesday morning. The University of Iowa junior covered the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, the 2016 Iowa caucuses, and numerous semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 TV News Director 335-6063 presidential hopefuls throughout the Hawkeye State. (The Daily Iowan/Joseph Cress) for summer session, $50 for full year. Cole Johnson Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Convergence Editor 335-6030 for two semesters, $20 for summer Elona Neal session, $100 all year. Web Editor 335-5829 Tessler said that al- Hillary Clinton on Tues- hypocrisy is outrageous.” Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, Tony Phan REACTION though Tuesday night was day, and 27 percent voted Despite Fjeldheim’s res- 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Business Manager 335-5786 CONTINUED FROM FRONT a dark night in American for Donald Trump. Why ervations about the vocal Iowa 52242-2004 Debra Plath history, seeing everyone out there weren’t Trump sup- nature or lack thereof of Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager peacefully rallying on Nov. porters as “out and about” Trump supporters, she Juli Krause 335-5784 country. If you talk to any- 9 makes it a “great day.” as Clinton supporters is said she is pleased with the Production Manager 335-5789 one, tell them this is the be- Connor Jacobmeyer, a something that UI fresh- results of the election.
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