Vol. 108 No. 27 2 Sections 20Pages· --PLUS 8 Page Classified Section 677-9011 Wednesday·, July 5, 1967 15$ Per Copy ' Oocond clou pouoco jl'ald at Muon, MlohtK•n. Publlohod woo~ly by Tho 1n1h1m ~aunt)' NtWI Inc., p o. Do• ~66 1 Muon, MlchiiiR .48554 llubocrlptlon ra1111 In JIIIOn and Holt bomt dollvt'l' aroaa, 15t wookly; by mall In 1n1ham and adjolnln1 countloa, t:i por ~oar, oloawhoro, $6 t :m_=~=~=~=!=~=~=~=~:~=~=~=~=~=~:~===~:==~=~===~==:==~::========:========~=~=~:~=~=~=~=~:~=~=~=:=~:~=:=~=~=!=~=~=~=~=~=~=;=;=;=;:::;:::=:::=================:=::=====;=;===;===;:::=:::::::::~:::~=~=~=~=:= ~ ~ N ~ M ~ t~ It Was rCriminal!' !j~j 3rd Drowning :::~ ::·: :::: :::: '•'• lit lilt w .w }I( }t .•,• » ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ :~:~ Sheriff's Men Pick Lock ij~. Tragedy Hits ,,.. rJl F M F C ·1-r .... !~1~ ~ o ree an rom uJJ s .m: » ~ ·:·:;::: Wh en J ames L easure of 2450 Coy road , department for help, :::·'•' :::: Mason, walked into the Ingham county Sheriff's deputies came to Leasure's :;~ Area Family ·:·::•:• sheriff's department last week with hand- a id with every handcuff key in the depart- :·:.;. ;:;: cuffs on, she riff's deputies were baffled. ment, but none would release him. They ;:) Funeral services were conducted at the :;:; It wasn't that Leasure was wanted for tried to slip the cuffs over Leasure's :;:: :;:: anything, but rather It was what Leasure wrists, but to no avail. And what they did :;:: Luecht funeral home in Leslie today for ;:;: wanted that had the deputies stumped for next was really criminal. .;:;: little Ronald Marquedant, 23-months-old ::~: a time. ~::; :;:: What Leasure wanted was out --from Using the very best techniques of the ::::: son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Marquedant of ;:;: the handcuffs. very worst of criminals, they picked the :::;: •'•' He had found an old pair of handcuffs lock on the cuffs, released Leasure, and ·,•,· Leslie, who drowned in Carp lake near the :1:~ around his house and had put them on to at last he was free. :!1:: vill~ge of Trout Lake in Michigan's upper ;.;... show them to a friend, and "OU' can gue.ss As th ey did thi s 1n· no ti me at a 11., ..·:,•:· penmsula Saturday, Burial was in Oaklawn · 1 [~11 ~~~ ~~~~;~~ ~~~~!~~:ta~~t !~:~ P~ft"t~:~u~~~ ~:~k~~1u~ye ~ft~k:~~~th t~e ~~~uct~~~i~~:~: :lll' cemetery Leslie. :•:• in a vice and repeated his efforts. but hP the lock, local merchants and citizens can ·:;: It was the second t! me In :::: remained as surely bound as a freshly be thankful that the officers various and :;.;· Jess than a year that tragedy ::::, , captured criminal. var i e d t a 1ents are employed on the right ..:;:; has struck the Marquedant :~1! Desperate, Leasure went to the sheriff's side of law and order. !111 family. Ronald's grandfather, Diehl Lyle Marquedant, 68, and a ~\:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::::::::;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~: great uncle, Oaldey Marque­ dant, 72, both drowned last Heads Labor Day weelmnd when their boat capsized in the same lake. Councilmen ~See Plans The l! ttle boy fell from a dock and was !mocked uncon­ Board scious, He drowned in about 4 David Diehl, Dansville inches of water. farmer and re-elected mem· For Proposed Building Ronald's father was with ber of the Lansing Community Lyle and Oakley Marquedant College board, was elected when they drowned. He hung Monday as chairman of the The Mason city council has space. architects• drawing of the pro­ onto the overturned boat and LCC board, several Important decisions to Possibly by the next council posed pollee-fire departments was rescued. SUcceeding Lee A, Trum­ make in the very near future meeting July 10, councilmen building at the corner of Oak Besides his parents, Ronald ble of Lansing, Diehl and the regarding building and office will be able to see the f! nal and Jefferson streets and give Is survived by 2 sisters, Rob· other members of the board their approval. in Lynn and Cynthia Kaye, both of trustees were sworn In at at home; his grandparents, Mr. They have already reviewed ceremonies presided over by and Mrs, Johncie Adams and Circuit Court Judge Louis E, the plans at a worlt session Mrs. Clara Belle Marquedant, and sent the drawing back for Coash in the board room ofthe Crime Epidemic all of Leslie, and a great­ college's ad m in is t ration minor revisions in the shower grandmother, Mrs. H u 1d a building, and toilet facilities for fire· Adams who resides In Ohio. men. The organization meeting The 1 p.m. funeral service followed on the heels of the Hits. Mason for "We hope to have the build· was conducted by Rev. Milan recent election In which 6 ing plans r·eady for the Mon-· Maybee, pastor of the Eden Incumbent cand!dates.and,one day night meeting," Gilson U n !l'e d Brethren in Christ new member, Mrs. Mar!lyn Pearsall, chairman of the A YOUNG UNCLE SAM!-- Tom Diefenthaler 1 7-yeor-old church, Pallbearers includ­ Morris Wanger of Lansing and building and grounds commit· son of Mr. and Mrs. James Diefenthaler of Stockbridge was all set ed Gerald vaughn, Donald former I y of Mason, were Month of June 1 Stull, Gordon Glenn and Don­ tee, said, "0! course, we want elected. Mason police have been also," Stolz sa! d. "We usually to get moving on this project for a big 4th of July celebration. His mother mode the costume. ald Marquedant, Other board of trustees se­ flooded with the largest num­ average 7 adult arrests a as soon as possible." lected as officers are Cecil E. ber of misdemeanor and fel· month while last month we The new city manager Wil· MacDonald of East Lansing, ony complaints ever received arrested 13. This month we !!am L, Bopf w!!l begin his ·sheriff treasurer, and Albert c. Boyd in one month, according to Tim are again flooded with com­ duties on Monday and office of Lansing, secretary, Stolz, Mason police chief. plaints and arrests, Already arrangements for him are now Other members of the board The averagenumberofcom­ we have requested warrants under consideration, Bopf w!ll Lions Club Installs include John H. Dart, Mason plaints Is 75 a month, said for 10 arrests," he said. probably be situated in what Is Reports business man, David Froh of Stolz, and this June Mason "The additional time my now the city assessor's of· Lansing, and Lee A. Trumble police received a total of 131 men have to spend on com­ fice, according to Pearsall. Officers fot Year of Lansinf(, complaints, They received a plaints and arrests is time A vacancy still exists for a On 4th total of 78 complaints In the they lose from patroling traf• new city assessor following Members of the Mason Lions Those receiving 100 percent same period last year during f!c, 11 Stolz said, the resignation of c. F, Wal­ club installed their new off!· attendance pins were: Ray Col· Ingham County Sheriff Ken­ Voluntary June, "Mason Is nolongerasmall cott. "There is a possibility cers at a dinner meeting last Jar, PaulDecess, KennethKal· neth L. Pre ad more reports In addition pollee issued a town. We have all the problems the new city manager may be Wednesday. Wives ofthe mem· ember, Ted VanderBoll, Ber­ that there were 10 auto acci­ total of'. 82 tickets for moving of a larger town and our vol· able to supervise a clerical bers were guests of the club, nie Wilson and Gary Buchman. dents Investigated by his de· Junk Clean violations, 30 more than the ume of complaints and arrests employe in completing the as­ Guest speaker was Alex A!­ partment over the 4th of July monthly average. "Adult ar· indicates our growth," he add­ sessor's dutIes," Pearsall len, past district governor, holiday In which 3 persons rests are on the Increase ed, said, who was accompanied by his .School Offices received minor injuries. Up Begins wife 1 Ann. Unlike the overall state ac­ cident figures, Ingham county Sever a I persons in Mason Governor Allen also instal· Moving Today sheriff's men reported no have begun a voluntary clean­ led the club officers as fol­ serious injury or fatal!ty ac­ up program of junk cars, rub· lows: Offices of the Mason super· cidents. b!sh and other items covered Ted VanderBoll, president; intendent of schools are mov· Holiday patrols racked up under the newly adopted city Carson Minshall, and Kenneth ing today into the Manual Arts a total of 285 hours on traf­ junk car and junk ordinance. K a 1 ember, vice-presidents; building across the s t r e e t fic coverage and drove a total The ordinance became ef· Ray Co 11 a r, secretary • from the Mason Junior High of 5, 700 miles, Deputies issued fect!ve .rune 25 and provides treasurer; J,R, Carson, tall school. HONORED • Kenneth L. 76 summonsesformov!ngv!o­ for the removal of junk cars, twister; Wayne Engle, lion Preadmore, sheriff of Ingham lations or for disobeying stop rubbish, dwellings no longer tamer. Personnel will be tempo­ county was elected vice presi­ signs. In use, and anything endanger· rarily situated in the ground Directors are Gary Buch­ dent of the Michigan Sheriff's However, there were 4 ar­ ing health and well-being of floor industrial arts class­ man and Oscar Bergland for Association at their meeting rests made for reckless driv­ community. room. The move was neces­ one year terms each, and Rob· last Wednesday in Sault St. ing, 3 for careless driving and Mason Police Chief Tim sary to make room for work Marie, He was also re-elected 2 for driving while under the Stolz reports that no com· ert Arens and Ivan Kerr, for 2 to begin on changing the junior year terms each, to the board of directors of influence of liquor, according plaints pertaining to the or­ high offices into 2 classrooms.
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