National Institutional Ranking Framework Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Welcome to Data Capturing System: ENGINEERING Submitted Institute Data for NIRF'2020' Institute Name: FACULTY OF ENGG., MARWADI EDU. FOUNDATION GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS, RAJKOT 057 [IR-E-C-134] Sanctioned (Approved) Intake Academic Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 UG [4 Years Program(s)] 630 780 780 780 - - Total Actual Student Strength (Program(s) Offered by Your Institution) (All programs No. of Male No. of Female Total Students Within State Outside State Outside Economically Socially No. of students No. of students No. of students No. of students of all years) Students Students (Including male (Including male Country Backward Challenged receiving full receiving full receiving full who are not & female) & female) (Including male (Including male (SC+ST+OBC tuition fee tuition fee tuition fee receiving full & female) & female) Including male reimbursement reimbursement reimbursement tuition fee & female) from the State from Institution from the Private reimbursement and Central Funds Bodies Government UG [4 Years 1958 327 2285 2198 43 44 0 704 659 0 0 45 Program(s)] Placement & Higher Studies UG [4 Years Program(s)]: Placement & higher studies for previous 3 years Academic Year No. of first year No. of first year Academic Year No. of students Academic Year No. of students No. of students Median salary of No. of students students intake in the students admitted in admitted through graduating in placed placed selected for Higher year the year Lateral entry minimum stipulated graduates(Amount in Studies time Rs.) 2013-14 660 645 2014-15 86 2016-17 576 213 300000(Three Lakhs 122 Only ) 2014-15 780 532 2015-16 225 2017-18 518 287 300000(Three Lakhs 104 Only ) 2015-16 780 547 2016-17 157 2018-19 548 189 280000(Two Lakh 98 Eighty Thousand Only ) Ph.D Student Details Ph.D (Student pursuing doctoral program till 2017-18; Students admitted in the academic year 2018-19 should not be entered here.) Total Students Full Time 0 Part Time 0 No. of Ph.D students graduated (including Integrated Ph.D) 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Full Time 0 0 0 Part Time 0 0 0 Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years Academic Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings) Library ( Books, Journals and e-Resources only) 1051131 (Ten Lakh Fifty One Thousand One Hundred Thirty 2541906 (TWENTY FIVE LAKH FORTY ONE THOUSAND 2590245 (TWENTY FOUR LAKH NINETY THOUSAND TWO One) NINE HUNDRED AND SIX ONLY) HUNDRED AND FORTY FIVE ONLY) New Equipment and software for Laboratories 12138536 (One Crore Twenty One Lakh Thirty Eight Thousand 7388439 (SEVENTY THREE LAKH EIGHTY EIGHT 9908361 (NINETY NINE LAKH EIGHT THOUSAND THREE Five Hundred Thirty Six ) THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE ONLY) HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE ONLY) Engineering Workshops 2858590 (Twenty Eight Lakh Fifty Eight Thousand Five 385970 (THREE LAKH EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND NINE 485286 (FOUR LAKH EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND TWO Hundred Ninety ) HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ONLY) HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SIX ONLY) Other expenditure on creation of Capital Assets (For setting up 190910370 (Nineteen Crore Nine Lakh Ten Thousand Three 95536025 (NINE CRORE FIFTY FIVE LAKH THIRTY SIX 24470066 (TWO CRORE FORTY FOUR LAKH SEVENTY classrooms, seminar hall, conference hall , library, Lab, Engg Hundred Seventy ) THOUSAND AND TWENTY FIVE ONLY) THOUSAND AND SIXTY SIX ONLY) workshops excluding expenditure on Land and Building) Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Operational expenditure for previous 3 years Academic Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Annual Operational Expenditure Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) 149017366 (Fourteen Crore Ninety Lakh Seventeen Thousand 128244610 (TWELVE CRORE EIGHTY TWO LAKH FORTY 121072900 (TWELVE CRORE TEN LAKH SEVENTY TWO Three Hundred Sixty Six ) FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND TEN) THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED) Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables and 23960271 (Two Crore Thirty Nine Lakh Sixty Thousand Two 15026490 (ONE CRORE FIFTY LAKH TWENTY SIX 24864806 (TWO CRORE FORTY EIGHT LAKH SIXTY FOUR other running expenditures(excluding maintenance of hostels Hundred Seventy One ) THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY ONLY) THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SIX ONLY) and allied services,rent of the building, depreciation cost, etc) Seminars/Conferences/Workshops 987725 (Nine Lakh Eighty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred 1080187 (TEN LAKH EIGHTY THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED 706550 (SEVEN LAKH SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED Twenty Five ) AND EIGHTY SEVEN ONLY) AND FIFTY ONLY) IPR Calendar year 2018 2017 2016 No. of Patents Published 2 7 0 No. of Patents Granted 0 0 0 Sponsored Research Details Financial Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Total no. of Sponsored Projects 6 1 0 Total no. of Funding Agencies 6 10 0 Total Amount Received (Amount in Rupees) 6390000 3910111 0 Amount Received in Words Sixty three lakh ninty thousand Thirty Nine Lakh Ten Thousand one hundred and eleven Zero Consultancy Project Details Financial Year 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 Total no. of Consultancy Projects 61 37 34 Total no. of Client Organizations 61 24 24 Total Amount Received (Amount in Rupees) 9359815 14957882 4424727 Amount Received in Words Ninety Three Lakh Fifty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifteen One crore fourty nine lacs fifity seven thousand eight hundred Fourty four lacs twenty four thousand seven hundred twenty two only seven PCS Facilities: Facilities of physically challenged students 1. Do your institution buildings have Lifts/Ramps? Yes, more than 80% of the buildings 2. Do your institution have provision for walking aids, includingwheelchairs and transportation from one building to another for Yes handicapped students? 3. Do your institution buildings have specially designed toilets for handicapped students? Yes, more than 80% of the buildings Awards Details 1.How many faculty member of your institution have received highly reputed national/international awards/recognition from central 3 government agencies in the previous academic year 2018-19 Srno Name of the Faculty Name of the Award Name of the Central Address of the Contact Email ID of Year of receiving Email ID of the Contact no. of the Is it government Agency giving award the Agency award faculty faculty Fellowship?(Yes/No) agency/international agencies from where award has been received 1 Dr Nitin Kumar Singh Summer Innovation Goverment of Gujarat Gandhinagar [email protected] 2018 nitinkumar.singh@mar 8218305970 No Challenge m wadieducation.edu.in 2 Navjyotsinh Jadeja Best Performing Government of Gujarat Gandhinagar [email protected] 2018 navjyotsinh.jadeja@ma 9979769660 No Faculty Mentors m rwadieducation.edu.in 3 Dr Nitin kumar singh BIOTHON Gujarat State Gandhinagar [email protected] 2018 nitinkumar.singh@mar 8218305970 No Biotechnology Mission m wadieducation.edu.in 2.How many students of your institution have won international awards in the previous academic year 2018-19 0 Accreditation NBA Accreditation 1.Does your institute have a valid NBA Accreditation? NO Village Adoption Have your institute adopted any village under Unnat Bharat Scheme? YES Faculty Details Srno Name Age Designation Gender Qualification Experience (In Is Associated Currently Joining Date Leaving Date Association type Months) Last Year working with institution? 1 DR NIKUNJ 39 Associate Male Ph.D 217 Yes Yes 07-07-2009 -- Regular VINODRAI Professor RACHCHH 2 MISS KRISHNA 39 Associate Female M.E. 182 Yes Yes 10-07-2010 -- Regular ISHVARBHAI Professor PATEL 3 DR YOGESHWAR 54 Dean / Principal / Male Ph.D 240 Yes Yes 01-01-2011 -- Regular PRASAD KOSTA Director / Vice Chancellor 4 MR ATUL 33 Assistant Male M.Tech 123 Yes Yes 11-06-2011 -- Regular VANJIBHAI Professor KUNPARA 5 MR TEJAS 32 Assistant Male M.Tech 122 Yes Yes 01-07-2011 -- Regular CHANDULAL Professor CHAUHAN 6 MR PRASHANT 29 Assistant Male M.E. 99 Yes Yes 15-03-2012 -- Regular SHIRISHBHAI Professor UJENIYA 7 MR HARSH 32 Assistant Male M.Tech 100 Yes Yes 16-01-2012 -- Regular PARIMAL MEHTA Professor 8 MR MEHUL 32 Assistant Male M.Tech 120 Yes Yes 16-05-2012 -- Regular HEMARAJBHAI Professor KANTARIA 9 MR SAURABH 34 Assistant Male M.Tech 89 Yes Yes 01-06-2012 -- Regular SRIVASTAVA Professor 10 MR 30 Assistant Male M.Tech 88 Yes Yes 28-06-2012 -- Regular ANCHITKUMAR Professor JAMNADAS KANERIA 11 MISS BHAVANA 40 Assistant Female M.E. 222 Yes Yes 04-01-2013 -- Regular KARSHANBHAI Professor AJUDIYA 12 MR VISHAL 28 Assistant Male M.E. 74 Yes Yes 06-09-2013 -- Regular PARSOTAMBHAI Professor SORATHIYA 13 MISS PRATITI 33 Assistant Female M.Tech 111 Yes Yes 06-06-2013 -- Regular JAYESH Professor MANKODI 14 MR 31 Assistant Male M.Tech 95 Yes Yes 01-07-2013 -- Regular KIRTIRAJSINH Professor JAYENDRASINH ZALA 15 DR NITUL SUREN 49 Professor Male Ph.D 255 Yes Yes 08-07-2013 -- Regular DUTTA 16 MR 32 Assistant Male M.E. 74 Yes Yes 07-09-2013 -- Regular SHAISHAVKUMA Professor R RATILAL VIRADIYA 17 MR MITESH 30 Assistant Male M.E. 74 Yes Yes 14-09-2013 -- Regular DEVJIBHAI Professor PATEL 18 MR GAURANG 29 Assistant Male M.Tech 85 Yes Yes 02-03-2015 -- Regular RAJENDRAPRAS Professor AD JOSHI 19 MR MILAN 29 Assistant Male M.Sc. 67 Yes Yes 02-04-2014 -- Regular RANJITBHAI Professor PATEL 20 MR SHREYAS 29 Assistant Male M.Tech 64 Yes Yes 20-01-2016 -- Regular JAYANTILAL Professor CHAROLA 21 MR ABIR 27 Assistant Male M.Sc. 64 Yes Yes 01-07-2014 -- Regular BHATTACHARYY Professor A 22 MR RAVINDRA 32 Assistant Male M.E. 96 Yes Yes 22-07-2014 -- Regular VIJAYBHAI Professor SOLANKI 23 MR 26 Assistant Male M.Tech 28 Yes Yes 25-07-2017 -- Regular HARDIKKUMAR Professor RAMESHBHAI SAVSANI 24 DR PANKAJ 35 Assistant Male Ph.D 87 Yes Yes 15-04-2015 -- Regular YAGYANARAYAN Professor PATHAK 25 MR KASHYAP 29 Assistant Male M.Tech 87 Yes Yes 01-09-2016 -- Regular DAMJIBHAI Professor RAIYANI 26 MR AMIT 42 Associate Male M.E.
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