---------____ VOL. XXXVIII NO. 4. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 19, 1915. PRICE 4 CENTS T h e First Dutj>’ O f Any R ifle Is T o Shoot Straight 3* The thing* that distinguish Remington-UMC Big Game Rifle* from all other* of their class are certain fundamental refinement* invented and used exclusively by the Remington Arms-Umoa Metallic Cartridge Company. H ig h P o w e r S lid e A c t i o n 'R e p e a t e r s with the famous R em - ington-UMC Slid* Action feature: Six shot; Hanmerlcw; 22 inch O rdnance Steel Barrel, patented qu:. k-adjustable Straight Bar Rear Sight and new design Copper Bead Front Sight. Chambered for .25 Remington. 3 0 Remington. .32 Remington and .35 Remington Cartridge#. A utoloading R iflea—Five «hoU at one loading—you simply preaa the trigger for each shot. Autom atically ejecta empties and loads , the fresh shell. Made with the famous Remington-UMC Solid Breech; Hammerless; Positive Safety Device; Chambered for .25 Remiugton, .30 Remington. .32 Reminfton and .35 Remington cartridge#—and the new .22 calibre Remington-L M C Autoload­ One of the Finest Appointed Resort Hotels in the State of Maine ing Rifle, (hooting the .22 Remington Autoloading Cartridge. Look for the dealer who displays the Rtd Ball Mark of Remington. UMC. H e hat thoae R em ington-U M C Rifles in stock now. or can get them for you. T o keep your gun cleaned and lubricated the best Trout and Salmon Fishing right, use Rem O il, the new Center of powder solvent, rust 1 preventative, and gun lubricant. GOLF, TENNIS, MUSIC, BOATING, BATHING, AUTOING Write for Booklet that will tell You all about it, < 2 : Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. 299 Broadway. New York City RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Rangeley, Maine HOTBL BLANCHARD PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ STRATTON MAINE bec Journal. celled. Best of hunting. Special rates BLANCHARD OUT CHICK FOR Mr. C'hick is a native of Madrid, In] the center of the Fish and Game for June, October and Npvember. and many friends in Franklin county Section. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. FOR CONGRESS STATE SENATOR wish for him a successful candidacy. HOTEL BLANCHARD, WESTON U. TOOTIiAKER, Prop., STRATTON MAINE. E. H. GROSE. Prop. Pheasant Island, - - Maine Franklin County is to have a Art' ur J. Chick of Monmouth, strong candidate in the primaries | yielding to the requests of many FIELD DAY One of the best all around fishing and hunting camps in the Rangeleys. next June for nomination to Congress friends, announces that l.e will be a Lake, Pond and Stream fishing, all near the camps. The five mile river affords in Hon. C. N. .Blanchard of Wilton. candidate for the Republican nomin­ the.'best of fiy-fishing. Camps with or without bath room. Mr. Blanchard is well known to the al icn f r senator Horn Kennebec HELD TODAY For particulars write for free circular to Capt. E. F. COBURN, LAKEWOOD CAMPS, Middledam, Maine Teams and Autos Congregate at Park Early. The Grange Field Day opened this (Thursday) morning at Toothaker Mountain View House | Park with about 75 in attendance. The meeting was opened with con­ Mountain View, Maine gregational singing Led by Frank For further particulars write or address Worth ley of Stron g. State Master Stetson was the first L. E. B0WLEY, speaker, amd(hie gave a very interest­ Mountain View, Maine.I ing description cf the way business is done in the west or in the Great 1—Ml wilfflniflfl Inland Empire, the name which the citizens of Oregon, Washington and The Place Where You Can Always Find Unsurpassed Fishing. California have given to their coun­ TIM POND CAMPS try. His theme was loyalty. Loyalty to Individual Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing. Lake and the* state, to the particular section in Stream Fishing for Trout. Telephone. Daily Mail. Write for Booklet. which you live, and loyalty to the JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Tim, Franklin Co., Me. Grange. He is a firm believer in bl.e State of Maine and in its indus­ trial and agricultural superiority over Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps any other State of the Union where Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and he has been. stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. • Excellent cuisine. Post Office In a trip to the National Grange and Long Distance Telephone in Main Camp. For rates, descriptive circulars and other information, write meeting with his wife held in the ED. GRANT (El SON CO., s P. O. Address, Grant’s Me. State of Washington three years Railroad and Telegraph office Kennebago, Me. ago, he became convinced that the conditions in Maine compare favor­ voters of the Second District. He county, at the primary election in ably with these of that section, but their greater enthusiasm has carried was educated in the public schools 1916. BALD MOUNTAIN CAMPS M?iSS“tal“ them further on the road to success. fitted for college at Anson Academy A large number of Republican vot­ BaJd'Mountain Camps are situated at the foot of Bald Mountain on Mooselookme- They put in their time, money and nuitlc Lake. Near the best fishing grounds. First class steamboat connections—Auto and graduated frcjji Bates in 1895. ers believing that one, at least of energy advertising their home. It road to camps—Telephone connections—Two mails daily—Write for free circular. He read law with Hon. J. C. Hol­ Kennebec’s three senators should AMOS ELLIS. Prop’r., Bald Mountain. Maine must be admitted that they can raise man of Farmington and was admit­ come from the southern or western beautiful fruit, but even after it is ted to the bar in 1896, locating in part of the county have urged Mr. raised they are thousand miles from Wilton. Chick to seek the nomination. Mr. Chick was an influential and the big markets as most of their SPEND YOUR In his letter to the voters,of the preduce is Shipped East and very Second District he in part says: “ In popular member of the 76th Legisla­ ture, representing the class towns little west, to the foreign markets. making this announcement I wash to SUMMER VACATION Winthmp, Litchfield and Monmouth. If we should put in the same amount state to the voters of the district of time and energy, we would have that, if nominated, I shall stand upon He was chairman cm the part of 'IN THE RANC.ELEY LAKE OR DEAD RIVER REGION IN the House of tli>e committee on Li­ them beaten for we can raise fruit the party platform adopted at the brary and am effective worker in the of a better quality and our best Republican convention to be held (Continued on page 8.) MAINE next year. I trust that the plat­ committee on education. form wua embody the progres­ M,r. Chick is chairman of the Re­ publican town committee of Mon­ STEAMBOAT SERVICE sive sentiment of the Republi­ on This territory is easy of access being reached in ONE DAY can party, and that protect ion mouth and a valued member of the RANGELEY LAKE from Boston. The summer climate is delightful, the nights are to the American wage earner, and, county committee. For 14 years always cool, the air clear and bracing, the accommodations at the not only protection to the wage earn­ he hap been principal of Monmouth, Boats leave Rangeley for South Academy and lias been eminently er, but protection to American life Rangeley at 5.35 A. M- and 11.40 various resorts are up-to-date, the scenery is grand, and there is successful in managing its affairs. A. M., where close connection is fine trout and salmon fishing, golf, tennis and good roads for and property will receive recognition til that platform.” He was born and reared on a farm made with Maine Central Rail­ motoring. and operates the large farm on which road trains for Portland, Boston The SANDY RIVER & RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD he now resides. Mr. Chick ill as al­ and New York. Boats making Surely Not. issue a fine Guide Book which contains an accurate map of this ways been a Republican and lias bee close connection at South Range- “Wikki-Wikki-Pau-Aloba” is the ra­ ley with trains from New York, Country. Address tional motto of Hawaii, a sentiment an active and energetic worker in to which none but the most particular all matters affecting the public wel­ Boston and Portland, arrive at F. N. BEAL, General Manager, Phillips, Maine. can possibly take exceptions.—Ex­ fare His friends are confident he Rangeley at 1.20 P. M. and change. will be a strong candidate.—Kenne­ 6.40 P. M. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, AUGUST 19, 1915, 2 the row boats. Garret A. Hobart passing vacation days at this hotel they have a motor boat and canoe®. NEW JERSEY LAD has private wharf where the ‘‘Chore and greatly delighted with the Ran- FLEE BEFORE Will Lufkin is their guide. Yesterday Boy” and his other boats stop. geley country which he has never in company with Mrs. LeBoutiLlier JUSTLY PROUD One afternoon recently there was visited before. UNSEEN ENEMY and party they went up to Camp a crowd on the veranda when they Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Breed and Pious with five canoes and had lunch maid of Cleveland, Ohio, and friend, out of doors. noticed Jim O’Brion, one of the Guests Celebrate Birthday— Other Excellent Music Enjoyed at This guides, as he pulled a boat to the Dr.
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