Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. AEMP Design Document 2007 2.7.5 Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Phytoplankton Community Spatial and temporal variation is inherent in plankton communities. However, sampling of phytoplankton is restricted to the photic zone; therefore, water depth should not be a confounding factor. Analysis of a sub-set of archived community composition samples and a more detailed data analysis has been proposed as part of the updated Plankton Special Effects Study (SES) in Section 5. 2.7.6 Chlorophyll a as an Indicator of the Phytoplankton Community At this time, there is insufficient data to complete this evaluation for phytoplankton. Chlorophyll a can be used as a practical alternative; however, it varies seasonally and taxonomically (Wetzel 2001). Analysis of a sub-set of archived community composition samples and the assessment of the efficacy of chlorophyll a has been proposed as part of the updated Plankton Special Effects Study (SES) in Section 5. Monitoring of periphyton and macrophytes was not included in the AEMP. In 1996, it was documented that Lac de Gras supported only marginal growth of macrophytes along the shoreline. Wave action and ice scour likely prevents macrophytes from establishing. For these same reasons, periphyton growth would likely be limited within the first few metres. Further rationale for not including periphyton monitoring is included in Section 5. 2.7.7 Suitability of Baseline Data for Establishing Baseline Conditions of the Phytoplankton Community Power analysis completed on baseline data confirmed that these data had sufficient power to detect a significant difference and a relatively small sample size (i.e., 7 samples each a composite of two), would be required to detect a 10% difference between Lac de Gras and Lac de Sauvage (Table 2.7-8; Golder 1998). Wherever possible, sampling methods and locations have remained consistent over time, allowing continued comparison to baseline data. The analysis of archived community composition samples will provide additional information for confirming baseline conditions (see Section 5). Table 2.7-8 Required Sample Size for Determination of Statistical Differences in Chlorophyll a Concentrations Between Lac de Gras and Lac du Sauvage Estimated Sample Size Date LG (MSE) (based on % difference) 5% 10% 20% 50% 100% August 14 to 17, 1997 0.00049 24 7 3 1 1 September 2 to 9, 1997 0.00040 20 6 2 1 1 Source: Golder 1998. Notes: LG = Lac de Gras; MSE = Mean Square Error; % = percent. 129 Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. AEMP Design Document 2007 2.7.8 Minimum Acceptable Variation in the Phytoplankton Community At this time, there is insufficient data to recommend minimum acceptable variation due to the natural variability characteristic of plankton communities. Analysis of a sub-set of archived community composition samples and a more detailed data analysis is proposed as part of the updated Plankton Special Effects Study (SES) in Section 5. A recommendation on the efficacy of the use of surrogate measures, such as chlorophyll a, is one objective of the Plankton SES. 2.8 ZOOPLANKTON COMMUNITY Although this section is largely organized to reflect the corresponding section of the TOR, there are some differences in the organization and order of subsections to allow efficient presentation of information and to include all relevant information. Section 2.8.1 presents the information related to zooplankton baseline data as required by parts (a), (b), and (c) of TOR Section 2.8. Section 2.8.2 presents information related to the current AEMP data as required by part (a) of TOR Section 2.8. Section 2.8.3 to 2.8.6 presents information as required by parts (d), (e), (f), and (g), respectively, as required by TOR Section 2.8. 2.8.1 Zooplankton Baseline Data Collection and Data Quality Baseline data for the zooplankton community was collected in the open water season of 1995, 1997, and 2000 (Table 2.8-1). All samples were analyzed, except taxonomy samples collected in 2000, which were archived. Table 2.8-1 Zooplankton Baseline Data Collection Year Under Ice Open Water Reference 1995 Mar 12-Mar 19 Jul 27 – Aug 4 Acres and Bryant (1996b) Sept 19 – 24 1997 July 21-28 Golder Associates (1998) Aug 14-18 Sept 1-12 2000 Sept 4-10 Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (2001) a = Zooplankton taxonomy samples were not analyzed, but have been archived. Eight stations were sampled during July, August, and September of 1997 to study the seasonal trend and variation in the zooplankton biomass and community composition (Golder 1998). Zooplankton samples were collected by towing a 76 µm plankton net vertically through the top 10 m of the water column. Duplicate samples, each comprised of three vertical tows, were collected and preserved for biomass determination. For taxonomic determination, five samples were collected, each from a separate vertical tow. 130 Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. AEMP Design Document 2007 Based on data from August 1997 (i.e. mid-summer), the zooplankton community in Lac de Gras consisted of the following 40 zooplankton taxa: o Rotifer • Conochilus sp.; • Conochilus unicornis; • Kellicottia longispina; • Keratella cochlearis; • Keratella hiemalis; • Keratella quadrata; • Keratella sp.; and, • Polyarthra sp. o Copepod • Cyclops scutifer; • Leptodiaptomus ashlandi; • Mesocyclops sp.; • Heterocope septentrionalis; • Diaptomus species; • Copepod nauplii; • Immature calanoid; and, • Immature cyclopoid. o Cladoceran • Bosmina coregoni; • Bosmina longirostris; • Bosmina sp.; • Daphnia longiremis; • Daphnia middendorffiana; • Daphnia sp.; and, • Holopedium gibberum. The zooplankton community composition was similar throughout the open water season. Rotifers dominated the zooplankton community (62.5% to 81.5%) (Table 2.8-2). Copepods were the next most dominant group, accounting for 12.9% to 35.3%. The dominant taxa were the rotifers, Conochilus unicornus and Kellicottia longispina (Figure 2.8-1). Zooplankton biomass was low throughout the open water season (Golder 1998). Median concentrations ranged from 70.2 mg/m3 to 137.1 mg/m3. Variations were important among sampling months and stations within a month (Table 2.8-2). Stations WQ-06 and WQ-07 had the highest zooplankton biomass (Table 2.8-3). Zooplankton biomass from 1995 to 2000 is summarized in Table 2.8-4. Median concentrations ranged from 32.7 mg/m3 at station BHP-S to 113.0 mg/m3 at station LDG43. LDG42 had the second highest biomass with 111.2 mg/m3. 131 Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. AEMP Design Document 2007 Table 2.8-2 Proportional Abundance of Zooplankton Taxa Collected in Lac de Gras, 1997 Major Taxonomic Group July August September (% Abundance) (% Abundance) (% Abundance) Rotatoria (Rotifers) 62.5 81.5 73.8 Cladocera (Cladocerans) 2.2 5.6 9.6 Copepoda (Copepods) 35.3 12.9 16.6 Total 100 100 100 Source: Golder 1998. Note: % = percentage. Figure 2.8-1 Dominant Zooplankton Taxa, Lac de Gras August 1997 100% 80% 60% % ofTotal Taxa 40% 20% 0% WQ-05 WQ-06 WQ-13 WQ-14 WQ-10 Sampling Station Holopedium gibberum Keratella cochlearis cochlearis Daphnia longiremis SARS Bosmina coregon Copepodites Cyclopoida Copepodites + adults Diaptomidae Kellicottia longispina longispina Conochilus unicornis Collotheca sp. 132 Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. AEMP Design Document 2007 Table 2.8-3 Open Water Zooplankton Biomass in Lac de Gras, 1997 Station Units Median 25 Percentile 75 Percentile n Near- Field WQ04 mg/m3 77.4 31.3 82.5 6 Mid-Field WQ01 mg/m3 70.2 57.0 87.1 6 WQ13 mg/m3 90.0 79.4 110.6 6 Far-Field 3 WQ03 mg/m 72.6 43.5 91.6 6 3 WQ05 mg/m 89.0 31.2 109.2 6 3 WQ06 mg/m 137.1 107.7 140.9 8 3 WQ07 mg/m 113.5 105.3 116.9 15 3 WQ14 mg/m 87.5 69.0 100.3 6 Source: Golder 1998. Notes: mg/m3 = milligram per cubic metre; n = sample size. Table 2.8-4 Open Water Zooplankton Biomass in Lac de Gras, 1995 to 2000 Station Units Median 25th Percentile 75th Percentile n Mid-field mg/m3 50.3 25.2 78.8 112 LDG-40 mg/m3 47.8 47.4 48.1 2 LDG-41 mg/m3 60.2 27.4 104.5 8 LDG-42 mg/m3 111.2 77.3 146.5 8 LDG-43 mg/m3 113 78.8 120.5 8 LDG-44 mg/m3 61.7 47.7 89.8 8 LDG-45(a) mg/m3 35.4 20.1 58 72 LDG-49 mg/m3 61.5 48.8 70.5 6 3 Far-field mg/m 37.1 18.3 62.2 115 LDG-48 mg/m3 49.5 40.5 61.5 6 LDG-46 mg/m3 63.5 56.3 78.3 6 BHP-S mg/m3 32.7 16.9 60.6 103 LDG - All Stations mg/m3 44.2 20.8 72.3 227 Source: DDMI March 2001. Notes: mg/m3 = milligrams per cubic meter; LDG = Lac de Gras; n = sample size a = LDG 45 baseline data were collected from BHP AEM sites M1 and M2. 2.8.2 Original AEMP Data The original AEMP included annual collection of open water zooplankton samples at mid-field and far-field sites between 2001 and 2006. Zooplankton samples were collected by vertically towing a 76 µm plankton net through the top 10 m of the water column. Duplicate samples, each consisting of three vertical tows, were collected, preserved, and 133 Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. AEMP Design Document 2007 analyzed for total zooplankton biomass. Samples for zooplankton taxonomy analysis were collected and archived. In 2003, DDMI identified an error in the laboratory analysis of the zooplankton biomass (i.e., incorrect sub-sampling of original samples) (DDMI March 2004); these data have not been included in this document.
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