10516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE June 10 Marguerite L. Hammett, Willow Island, opportunity to announce to the Mem­ such as this when we suddenly receive a w. Va., 1n place of H. C. Johnson, retired. bers of the House the death of a former telegram or phone call adVising that one WISCONSIN colleague, Otto Krueger, three-term more friend has passed on. George E. Pronold, Genesee Depot, Wise., Representative from North Dakota. My wife Edith and I wish to extend our in place o:t F. M. Kuehl, retired. Otto Krueger, or Otto, as his friends sincere sympathy to Mrs. Krueger and WYOMING called him, was one of those individuals her three daughters in this hour of loss. Charles G. Taylor, Pavillion, Wyo., in place who had a great faculty for making Mr. Speaker, I ask that all Members of Ruth Newbrough, retired. friends and there are many of his former may have 5 legislative days to insert colleagues and associates here in the their remarks in the CONGRESSIONAL REC­ Nation's Capital who will be deeply ORD in connection with the death of our CONFIRMATION grieved by this news. former colleague. Executive nomination confirmed by Former Congressman Krueger passed The SPEAKER. Is there objection the Senate June 10, 1963: away at Lodi, Calif., on last Friday, June to the request of the gentleman from DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 6, in a Lodi hospital. He was 72 years North Dakota? William H. Orrick, Jr., of California, to be old. He leaves his wife, Ella, and three There was no objection. an Assistant Attorney General. daughters, Mrs. Glen Soule, of Brem­ Mr. SHORT. Mr. Speaker, I yield to erton, Wash.; Mrs. John Ranlett, of my colleague, the gentleman from North •• ..... •• Sacramento, Calif.; and Miss Dorothy Dakota [Mr. NYGAARD] . Krueger, of Lodi, Calif. Mr. NYGAARD. Mr. Speaker, as a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressman Krueger was an unusual personal friend of former Congressman individual. He was one of not too many Krueger, I was very shocked to learn of MoNDAY, JuNE 10, 1963 Members of Congress born outside of the his death on June 6. United States, and of perhaps particular It had been my great pleasure to The House met at 12. o'clock noon. significance at this time, he was born know Otto Krueger prior to the time The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, of German parents in Russia, on Sep­ that he was elected commissioner of D.D., offered the following prayer: tember 7, 1890. He attended grade and insurance in the State of North Dakota, I John 5: 4: This is the victory that high school in Russian and German a · position that he held for 5~ years. overcometh the world, even our faith. schools and immigrated to the United During his tenure as insurance commis­ Most merciful and gracious God, may States in 1910 and settled at Fessenden, sioner and my simultaneous service in our lives daily be nourished and strength­ N.Dak. the State legislature dealing with prob­ ened by a greater faith in Thee to over­ Otto Krueger served as a private in lems that confronted his department, come the world with all its trials and the infantry of the U.S. Army during Congressman Krueger was always a tribulations. World War I, with oversea serVice in forthright public official, always willing Deliver us from those paralyzing fears the 91st DiVision. to do what was right and fitting in the and pygmy anxieties which so often be­ Upon his return from military service position which he held. I found Con­ set us. in 1919, he ran and was elected county gressman Krueger was very well in­ May we never be afraid to accept high auditor of Wells County, N. Dak. Begin­ formed with his department and could standards and lofty principles. ning with 1920, he served 10 consecutive at any given moment provide in detail Inspire us to live and labor for a so­ terms as county auditor of his home any information that was required of" cial order which will mean health and county. He moved up from county audi­ him by the legislature or citizens who happiness for all the members of the tor to State treasurer for one term in dealt with his department in their busi­ human family. 1945 and to State insurance commission­ ness affairs. Grant that whatever is noble and best er from 1946 to 1951. He was State Congressman Krueger later was may never be suppressed and crowded budget director in 1951 and 1952 and elected to serve in the Congress, a po­ out during these days when our poor State treasurer of the North Dakota Re­ sition which he held with distinction confused world has so many desperate publican Party from 1948 to 1952. Otto for three successive terms until his fail­ needs. was endorsed to run for Congress by the ing health caused him to retire. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. Republicans of North Dakota in 1952. Through his years of serving the peo­ He was elected and served for three ple as an om.cial in local, State, and Fed­ terms during the 83d, 84th, and 85th eral Governments, he won many friends THE JOURNAL Congresses. and will be always remembered as an The Journal of the proceedings of Otto Krueger was a good, hard work­ outstanding citizen and public official. Thursday, June 6, 1963, was read and ing and popular Congressman. Had he Mrs. Nygaard joins me in extending approved. desired to do so he could easily have our condolences to Mrs. Krueger and his been reelected, but because of a heart daughters, Mrs. Glen Soule, of Bremer­ condition, he decided to retire. It was MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ton, Wash.; Mrs. John Ranlett, of Sac­ this development in North Dakota poli­ ramento, Calif.; and Miss Dorothy A message from the Senate by Mr. tics which was responsible for my be­ Krueger, of Lodi, Calif. We know he McGown, one of its clerks, announced coming a candidate for Congress, and will be missed by everyone with whom that the Senate insists upon its amend­ subsequently being elected. I always he came in contact. ment to the bill <H.R. 5207) entitled consider Otto my predecessor and I have I ask unanimous consent to extend my "An act to amend the Foreign Service found it dim.cult to live up to the record remarks to include an item that ap­ Buildings Act, 1926, to authorize addi­ he established in the Congress. On the peared in the Fargo Forum, Fargo, tional appropriations, and for other Appropriations Committee and on the N.Dak., on June 7, 1963. purposes," disagreed to by the House; Agriculture Committee, Otto fought for agrees to the conference asked by the a sound fiscal policy on the part of the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to House on the disagreeing votes of the Federal Government and for sound farm the request of the gentleman from North two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. legislation that would give the farmer Dakota? FULBRIGHT, Mr. SPARKMAN, Mr. HUM­ price protection, but not make him a There was no objection. PHREY, Mr. HICKENLOOPER, and Mr. ward of the Federal Government. I can The matter referred to follows: AIKEN to be the conferees on the part well remember Otto's indignation at what OTTO KRUEGER SERVED STATE, NATION 38 YEARS of the Senate. he considered to be unnecessary and Former U.S. Representative Otto G. politically inspired expenditures of the Krueger, Republican, of North Dakota, for­ taxpayers' money. merly of Fessenden, was a Russian immigrant THE LATE HONORABLE Mr. Speaker, Otto Krueger was my who served 38 years in public o1Hce as a North OTTO KRUEGER Dakotan. personal friend as well as my associate . Representative Krueger, 72, died Thursday The SPEAKER. The gentleman from in politics. It was with profound sorrow in Lodi, Calif., where he had lived since North Dakota [Mr. SHORT] is recognized. that I learned of his passing on last 1959 when he retired from the House of Rep­ Mr. SHORT. Mr. Speaker, it is with Friday. Words are always inadequate to resentatives. He died in a Lodi hospital after deepest personal regret that I take this properly express our feelings at a time a brief illness. 1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 10517 He also leaves a brother, Bernard, and a reelected to the insurance post in 1946 and Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, I also sister, Martha, in Russia. Another brother, 1948. have the sad duty of announcing to the Karl, lives in Fessenden. In 1950 he sought the nomination of the House the passing of a former colleague, Krueger's funeral will take place in Lodi. Republican organiZing committee for the governorship of the State, but the party's the Honorable Ward Johnson, of Long Lodi's First Baptist Church will direct the this services. nod went to c. Norman Brunsdale, who was Beach, who served so ·ably in House Besides his wife, Ella, he leaves three subsequently elected. Representative Krue­ during the 77th and 78th Congresses. daughters, Mrs. Glen Soule, of Bremerton, ger accepted Brunsdale's appointment to the He was taken last Saturday, June 8, by Wash.; Mrs. John Ranlett, of Sacramento, State budget director's post shortly after he a heart seizure. Former Congressman Calif.; and Dorothy, of Lodi. (Brunsdale) took omce. Johnson leaves surviving him his widow, Representative Krueger served nearly 20 Representative Krueger served until he his two sons, George and Walter, and, years as auditor of Wells County, and served was elected to the U.S. Congress in Novem­ amongst all who knew him, a fond ad­ as income tax auditor, treasurer, insurance ber of 1952.
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