• ~ 1966 International ~~~"lII'lt~.h 'llI Chorus Winners ~ .....".~... .'O""' ,~. ' ' ~ - ,.., _." ..... ....... ~ ".,,',,~., ~, . 1966 International BARBERSHOP CHORUS WIHNERS • Thorough· THE TOP TEN BARBERSHOP QUARTETS OF 1966 • Auto Towners • bred Chorus' Dapper Dans Of Harmony· Chordsmen • Coast­ Four Rascals· Four Statesmen • Golden Staters • Sun downers men' Sun Harbor Chorus DL 47B6(M) • DL 74786(S) • Doo-Dads • Four·Do-Matics • Oriole Four' Checkmarks • Far Westerners DL 4787(M) • DL 74787(S) The Definitive Barbershop Album You Must Own! THE BEST OF BARBERSHOP' 25 YEARS OF WIIIIIERS • Oaki. Four' Bartlesvill. -{ahe 'ilest of 'ilarbershoP} Barflies • flat Foot four • Chord Busters • Elastic Four • Four Harmonizers • Harmony Halls • Misfits • Garden State Quartet • Doctors Of Harmony • Pitts­ burghers· Mid State Four· Buffalo Bills· Schmitt Brothers· four Teens· Vikings • Orphans • Four Hearsemen • Confederates' lads Of Enchantment • Gay Notes • Four Pitchikers • Evans Quartet· Sun Tones' Gala lads' Town and Country Four ~ DXB·180IM) ~®lF D&jj~m1ThW$J WBEBSIIOP ~~ DECCA RECORDS All Oet(o Bgrbe,~hop reu"dl may be p""choled f'om: Your loco I record deCller Of by (on totting S.P.E.B.S.O.S.A. Incorporoled, 6315 Third Av."...., Kenosha, Wiltonl;" 531<11. March -April VOL. XXVII 1967 No.2 International Board of Directors I11fematiollal Officers Pusident, }amfS $t('(dman, 616 Dc1:lware RO:td, Ken­ mOlt'. New York I,Un Immediate P.m President, Reroie \'(frighl, Arden Farms THE HARMONIZER is Ihe oHicil\ publication 01 rhe Sodery (or rhe Pfuerution and Co., 1900 W. Slauson, l.o5 Angdes, California Eocouragemenl of Dlrber Shop Quane! Singing in America, Inc. It is published in Ihe 90047 monrhs of January, March, May, July, September and Nov:m»er at 6315· 3rd Avenue, ht Vice President, Fred C. SeegeCl, )1., 135 Wesl Kenosha, \Viseansin, 5}141, and enrered ;1$ second·c1an mallet al Ihe POSI office at Wdh $trtCI, Mil.....auk«. Wisconsin H20} Kenosha, Wilconsin, under Ihe Acr of March 3, 1879. Editorial and Ad"enisina offices Vice President, Robert Gall, 12106 Mar·Be< Trail, In· are at International HeJdquarfers. NOIice of change of address should be submiued 10 the dependence, Minouri 64052 edirorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, Vice President, Wcsly R. Meier, P.O. Box 9671, S:m 53141, at leasl thilty da)'s before the next publicarion dale. SubSCfiplion pfice is $2.00 Oi('80, ulifofOi:J. 92109 )·e.llly and $.50 an issue. Vice Presidtnl, S1m Stahl, 304 ProspeCt ${f(('t. !kreJ, Kentucky -10<103 Trusurer, Harold Schuhz, 310 Crown View Dri\'(', Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Exe<uth'c DircClOt, Barric Best, 6315 Third Awnue, FEATURES Kl.'nosha, Wisconsin H141 Board Members Movie S/Ildio TOllr-A Convention. Highlight_ .. 2 Cardinal, William Terry, P.O. Box 103, Logansport, The WallJ Are Tllmbling DowlI 4 Indiana 46947 Cenual Stat(S, C. V. "Pcu~" Peumon, 6112 u.mar. BarberJhop HfIIWlOlIJ Week-April 9·15............... 5 Minion, Kans:u 66222 Dixie. Meh'in J. Harris, 3901 Ashloo Dri\"e, Ch1rlolle. '?I{as/ery of TechJJiqlle lJ Article Hits Bare Nertles.. .. __ .. 6 NOllh Carolina 28210 E\·er8rtt'n. William Tob·;men. 5005 Brookside Drive, The Dea/h of A Shibbole/h _ _........ 8 Milwauk;e. Ofegon 97206 Far \'(i'<Slern, John Currin, 21815 Providencia, Wood· Q"omm, Qllomm, lf/ bo's Got a Quorum? . _. __ . 12 bnd Hills, California 91 }64 JIIinois. R. H. "S~v" &"erance, 714 Cafleron, Whe.l· Nor/heaJ/em District WillJ 1966 MemberJhip Award 22 !On. Illinois 60187 Johnny AppleSffil, Charles A. umkuhl, )r., 300· 271h Photo Higbligh/J-Lillcolll, Nebr. Chapter Officers Trailling School 24 SU«I, S.E., Charleslon, \'1e$1 VirginIa 25304 Land O'lakes, Fl'lInk Herm~n, Jr., 527 C!e\'e!and Avenue. Lillie Chule, Wisconsin 54140 MichiRan, AI Durgm. 535 Robbins Road, Grand COMMENT Ha\'en, Michig3n 49417 Mid-Adantic, Leon Avakian, 700 Mallison Avenue, A Look at Qllartet Fees.. .. __ . .. _ _..... _ P.O. Box 254) Asbury Park, New Jersey 07713 10 Norrheasrern, RIchard Haw(S, 120 Fairview Ro~d, N«dham, MasuchusCHs 02192 The Way 1 See 1/....... 14 Onlario, Sidney Pyper, 470 Elwood Rood, BuIiington, Onr;1rio Seneca Land, Harold Gulson, 207 Monroe SU«I, \'1ar­ DEPARTMENTS ren, Pennsylunia 16365 Southwesrern, Charles Abernerhy, 300 EaSI Grand, Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601 Share The Wealtb 16 Sunshine, Roberl Dollison. H8Vl Vitoria A"enue, Winlef Park, Flotidl 32789 Newl About Quar/etL _ __ . .__ ._ .. ._ 18 And Past IlJlernatiol1al PresidenlJ Historian's Chair ~ __ _.. _. ._. .. __ 20 From The Podium......_ _.. .. _. __ .. .. .. 26 Executive Director BARRIB BEST Mail Call From Harmoll}' Hall.......... 28 Administrative AJJiJta11t D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD MISCELLANEOUS Director of Public Relatjom PreJq1le IJle, Maille OfferJ PlallJ for SheiL 11 HUGH A, INGRAHAM Logopedics Contrib"tions _ _. _. .__ .. 11 Director of Mmical Activities ROBERT D. JOHNSON 1967 It//ema/io1J"l Prelimi""r] Con/est Schedflle_ _.__ 23 Adminis/rative Field Represell/,,/ives 01lr New Chap/ers 25 CHESTER N. Fox Cell/llry CIllb 25 LLOYD B. STEINKAMP Coming Events _._ __ .. _ __ .. _.. _ 27 Mallager of MemberJhip RecordJ ROBERT J. MOYER Office Mallager (Cover Art Courtesy American Airlines) FRED SOROAHL Manager of Special Evel1lJ Change your address in advance and CHARLES A. SNYDER make sure you receive every issue of the lidi/or ARE YOU MOVING? HARMONIZER. LEO \VI. FODART Please send us the address label from In/erna/ional Office this issue before you move. 6315 THIRD AVENUE Name _ KONOSHA, \VlISCONSIN 53141 New Address, _ 414·654·9111 Attach present address label here City _ Contributors or on reverse side. JIM BEBTHAM DON KlDo Slate (orProv.) Zip. _ BARRIE BllST HOWARD MBSECHER Mail To: The HARMONIZER GEORGE DOHN DEAN SNYOBR 6315 Third Ave., Kenosha, Wis. 531.4\ PHIL FOSTER SAM STAHL DOD JOHNSON PRINTED IN U.S.A. THB HARMONIZBR-MARCH-ApRIL, 1967 I Movie Studio Tour­ A Convention Highlight By Kermit Holt (Reprinted courtesy of the Chicago Tribune) We don't suppose they're lying awake nights worrying about it at Disneyland, bm there's a new tourist attracdon OUt here in southern California that is packing 'em in by the thousands every day. The new attraction-a movie studio tour, a 1Y'l-hour peek behind the scenes of Hollywood) a chance to see the filming of such television programs as The Virginian or Run For Your Tram takes vIsitors through the streets of "Medicine Bow, Wyoming," Life, or the making of a full·length feature fiiln, and a chance hometown of the "Virginian." Olle of the many storied sets to be to dine with the stars in the studio commissary-isn't it rival seen on the Universal City Studio Tour, for Disneyland, which is bigger and better than ever, and may ring up seven million visitors this year_ Bm together with Disneyland) it now offers what well may be the world's greatest one-two punch in tourist attractions. Now with the Universal Studio Tour bringing tourists behind the false froms at the studio lots and letting them see how movies are made, letting them see the inside of dressing rooms of the famous, letting them take pictures and make home HOLLYWOOD 'SNOW JOB'-Youngsters learn movies-starring Johnny and Mary and Uncle Fred-of the how snow storms are wondrous things that go on in Hollywood-well, Los Angeles made Hollywood-style is going [0 be hard pm to put up the throngs that are going when they vlslt the new to make theit way out here. UnIversal Studio Center. Plastic snow nllkes. These days Universal not only beckons you to conle knock· pluter trees and movie ing on its studio door bm urges you to being youc cameca­ backdrops provide au· either still or movie-as well. And if you haven't got onc with thentlclty--even In July. you, the studio will cem you one. The 1Y'l-hour tour of the studio includes a sray-as·long-as-you-likc visit to the Studio Emertainment Center, a two million dollar complex designed to show the movie fan how special effects are created for movie and television productions (go ahead, make your own Holly­ wood production). The tour begins at the reception center (with acres of park­ ing) atop a hill on the 41-acre Universal Cily Studio lor, tucked between the Sau Fernando Valley and the Hollywood Hills. Here you board one of the 18 three-car, red, open-air sUfrey-topped candy-srriped-roofed Glamor-Teams for an unobstructed view (keep your cameras at the ready) of whatever goes on before your very eyes in an honest-w-goodness HolI)'wood studio. The women next to us arc literally trembling with excitement. Your guide, dressed in red, is such a lovely, charming creature that the girls on the [Cam give up any idea of asking for a screen test. No chance for a latc-comer. The tram rakes a winding road down the hill, past the "stone" Tram stops for a tower erected for "The \Var Lord," canch buildings that look moment to give visitors familiar, stockaded Forr Apache over there on the hilltop; a camera's·eye vtew of down to the from lot and its big buildings that hOllSe make-up, the house and motel wardrobe, construction, music and editing, props, the studio from the Alfred Hitch­ cock chiller, "Psycho." cornmissaf)'; past Universal City Plaza, a multi-million dollar building project of ultramodern buildings including 14-stocy MCA tower comaining executive offices, the big black Techni­ color building; and on to structures housing the studio's 36 sound stages, The team squeezes its way through the aisles inside the property stOrage departmenr (five million props!) where pro­ duction sets, including walls) floors, ceilings, fireplaces, stair­ ways, furnitllre, cverything yOll can think of, nrc filed away like books in a library.
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