Session One SOLAR PRACTICE Yoga Sanctuary TRACK TRACK Guidelines for using ONE TWO this poster The following photos are of the asanas used on each Surya Dancing track. Follow the sequence from left to right and note Namaskar PLANK POSITION Warrior the suggested variations for beginners. Sometimes - Sun This moving DOWNWARD DOG – EXHALE LUNGE (RIGHT LEG) Salutations meditation is a more EXHALE “vinyasa” is listed instead of the photos to refer to the dynamic variation of VIRABRADRASANA 1 SPINE EXTENDS RIGHT LEG EXTENDS The heart of hatha TADASANA ARMS EXTEND TRANSITION UTTANASANA INHALE INHALE cycle – “chaturanga – upward dog – downward dog” MOUNTAIN POSE INHALE EXHALE INHALE the Sun Salutations yoga flow practice (without the pause shown below. Work with the variations here and in – the linking in Downward Dog) of breath and class until you are ready for the full poses. Enjoy! to develop graceful postures to unify fluidity, inner consciousness, stamina, and increase circulation, wisdom in action. and open the body to begin the day or your practice. “Perfection in an asana CHATURANGA DANDASANA VARIATION FOR BEGINNERS URDHVA MUKHA SVANASANA EXHALE KNEES BENT, EXHALE UPWARD DOG – INHALE VARIATION FOR BEGINNERS CHATURANGA UPWARD DOG OR COBRA DOWNWARD DOG COBRA, INHALE is achieved when the EXHALE INHALE EXHALE – REPEAT LEFT SIDE DANCING WARRIOR II effort to perform it VIRABRADRASANA 1 – INHALE becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.” ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA DOWNWARD DOG – EXHALE PATANJALI’S YOGA SUTRA 2.47 JUMPING FORWARD END OF EXHALE SPINE EXTENDS UTTANASANA ARMS EXTEND TADASANA VIRABRADRASANA 2 SIDE EXTENSION PARVOKANASANA VARIATION VIRABRADRASANA 2 – INHALE INHALE EXHALE INHALE EXHALE EXHALE INHALE EXHALE EXHALE – VINYASA – REPEAT LEFT SIDE TRACK THREE Standing Poses These classical standing poses VIRABRADRASANA 2 UTTHITA PARSVOKANASANA UTTHITA PARSVOKANASANA VIRABRADRASANA 2 PRASARITA PRASARITA PRASARITA provide a founda- VARIATION FOR BEGINNERS REPEAT LEFT SIDE PADOTTANASANA PADOTTANASANA PADOTTANASANA tion for proper TADASANA TRANSITION TO UTTITHA TRIKONASANA UTTITHA TRIKONASANA TADASANA TADASANA A – PREPARATION A C PARSVOTTANASANA SPINE EXTENDS UTTITHA TRIKONASANA (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE) (ARM VARIATION) HANDS IN PRAYER INHALE PARSVOTTANASANA alignment, core (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE) strength, and inner and outer stability. TRACK TRACK FOUR FIVE Standing Balance Pose Flow Poses In this sequence, Balance poses are the standing poses TRANSITION VIRABRADRASANA 2 an empowering TO ARDHA – VINYASA – REPEAT from Track 3 are practice of merging TADASANA VRKASANA ARMS EXTENDED NATARAJASANA NAVASANA NAVASANA NAVASANA BHUJAPIDASANA BHUJAPIDASANA TITIBASANA BAKASANA BAKASANA PARSVOTTANASANA UTTHITA CHANDRASANA ARDHA LEFT SIDE PARSVOTTANASANA STANDING VIRABRADRASANA 1 CRESCENT POSE combined with new VARIATION TRIKONASANA CHANDRASANA 2 VARIATION SPLITS opposite qualities – REPEAT LEFT SIDE REPEAT LEFT SIDE PREPARATION KNEES BENT PREPARATION PREPARATION postures for a rooting and lifting, challenging yet concentration and invigorating flow. relaxation, will and surrender. TRACK TRACK SIX SEVEN Abdominal Backbends Support & Backbends are a Cultivation pilgrimage to the URDHVA PRASARITA LOWER LEGS RAISE LEGS YOGIC BICYCLE RETURN YOGIC BICYCLE core of the body – BHUJANGASANA BHUJANGASANA SALABASANA DHANURASANA USTRASANA SETU URDHVA URDHVA These postures PADASANA – INHALE EXHALE INHALE RIGHT ELBOW/ LEFT KNEE INHALE LEFT ELBOW/RIGHT KNEE the spine. These STARTING POSITION FULL EXTENSION BANDASANA DHANURASANA DHANURASANA will cultivate the EXHALE REPEAT UP TO 50 CYCLES invigorating asanas SARVANGASANA PREPARATION “BRIDGE” strength of your reverse the normal abdominals as the process of aging center support for upon the spine by To complete this section, please continue with Disc Two: Track 2 (forward bends) or Track 3 (hip openers), plus Track 6 (deep relaxation). your body. elongating and nourishing the muscle tissue and vertebrae. Session Two LUNAR PRACTICE Yoga Sanctuary TRACK ONE “As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers Full-Body Seek teachings everywhere. Warm-Up A relaxing yet Like a deer that finds a quiet invigorating series of asanas to place to graze gradually warm up the primary areas UTTANASANA CAT’S BREATH CAT’S BREATH CAT’S BREATH DOWNWARD DOG INHALE EXHALE INHALE EXHALE Seek seclusion to digest all of the body which SPINAL ROLLS EXHALE – SWAN DIVE END OF EXHALE INHALE – ROUND BACK can often become INHALE - ARMS LIFT WITH A FLAT BACK KNEES BEND ROLL UP TO STANDING that you have gathered. stiff – the spine, hips, shoulders, Like a mad one beyond all and neck. Sthira Sukha Asanam limits go where you please and “Asana is steady and happy”– Patanjali’s “Yoga live like a lion completely free Sutra”II.46. Patanjali refers to the interplay of the two qualities of asana – “sthira”(steadiness of mind, energy, of all fear.” breath), and “sukha”(happiness or inner benevolence). DZOGCHEN TANTRA Sthira is like the trunk of a tree – the power of form. Sukha is the sap – the juice that brings the posture alive. END OF INHALE HIP TWIST HIP TWIST SHOULDER RELEASE I SHOULDER RELEASE II SHOULDER RELEASE III (EXHALE BEGIN AGAIN) STARTING POSITION (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES) TRACK TRACK TWO THREE Forward Hip Bends & Openers Twists & Twists Forward bends These asanas are calming to open the doorway the nervous of the hips for system while PREPARATION SPINE EXTENDS PASCHIMOTTANASANA MARICHASANA C (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES) an experience of deep release and STRADDLE SUPTA UPAVISTA KONASANA DOUBLE-PIGEON DOUBLE-PIGEON ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA creating extension PREPARATION (RIGHT AND LEFT (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES) for the spine and relaxation. SIDES) hamstrings. INTERMEDIATE CLASP AROUND KNEE SUPTA PADANGUSTASANA SUPTA PADANGUSTASANA UPAVISTA KONASANA UPAVISTA KONASANA TWISTING VARIATION VARIATION WITH BENT LEG VARIATION WITH STRAP TWISTING VARIATION NOT PICTURED: FULL POSE BASIC (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES) BADDHAKONASANA TRACK FOUR Inversions This cycle of shoulderstand and plough nourishes the internal organs, increases circulation and the proper functioning of the endocrine system. HALASANA HALASANA VARIATION KARNIPIDASANA ROLLING OUT OF MATSYASANA RECLINING TWIST PLOUGH FOR BEGINNERS EMBRYO IN THE WOMB SARVANGASANA FISH POSE (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES) SALAMBA SARVANGASANA EKA PADA SARVANGASANA SHOULDERSTAND (RIGHT AND LEFT SIDES) PUBLISHED BY SOUNDS TRUE INC., P.O. BOX 8010, BOULDER, CO 80306-8010 © 1999 YOGADVENTURES / TOFUCAT MUSIC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.FOR A COMPLETE CATALOG OF AUDIO AND VIDEO TAPES, CALL (800) 333-9185; OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE:WWW.SOUNDSTRUE.COM. SHAVASANA FOR INFORMATION ABOUT SHIVA’S WORKSHOPS AND ADVENTURE RETREATS, CONTACT YOGADVENTURES, 1-888-254-YOGA..
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