l\{()s f I M\.1 Et)l.A'l }) NO. I 4305/DSE/F.STT.rViDI20I 9 GOVERNMEM' OF' PUDUCHERRY DIRECI'ORATE OI. SCH(X)L ts,DUCAI]ON '1.*{.{' * hrduch err-v. dt. MEMORANDT'M Sub: DSE - Estt.IV - Regularisation of adhoc services - Particulars called for - Rorr It is seen that the servicee of large number of TGTs who were aRnointed / pfomoled on ad-hoc basis from the year 201I to 2016 are not regularised yet. 2. The list of TGTs lo be regularised is enclosed fin refbrence. It is herebv directed to collect thegc details and submit to the Diregtorate on or before 14e .Iune ?0!9 Without further dclay, it is directed to submit the fbllowing in resp€ct of rhe I(iIs (r) Proforma (iD Attested copy of Bio-data page (iii) Attested copy of the page in the service book in which ad-hoc annorntmenr ro the post of TGT has been made. (rg Reference No. and date of the Propeqv retums submitted to CV( ) of rhe indMduals. 3. The IOs are hereby direcrcd to personally morutor and collect the detalls and report the undersigned on i4.06.2019 at 3.00pm. 4. This may be grven "TOP PRIORITY " /Ily Order/ A4-WI- (M. cA_tilJsAN) DEPUTY DTRLCTOR (ADil6r.) Encl: Annexure - I, II To l. All Heads of Offices / Inepecting Olficers of this Department. Pudrrcherw r Kariakal r lv{ahe / Yanam. 2. The Computer Section of thig Directorate.... To upload in the orticial website ot thrs D€partnent. PROFORIIA (To lle litrnished separafely in r/o each individrr,rl) Name & Date Date of adhoc \lrh nt h nr qrrr' {:.!'r.1 Designation of appointment DP is peudiug / t-c t tr rlls l-K,\\ Birth in the present beyond contemnlated \n. and cadre doubL agdt sr artc lrdlc leacher\ SIGNATIIRE Ol THllHl,,Alt()l ()t tlcll 1, INTEGRITY CERTIFICATE: Having scrutinized the character rolls and personal file Thlnri tmt .... .. .... and having taken into account all other available lntormation. rt ls certrtied that he / she has good reputatron of intepmtl' and honestv. 2, NO DISCIPLINARY PROCCBDING$ Ct!RTl!'lcAl'1. Certified that Thiru/Tmt t is not under suspenston ii) The Official is not r.rnder prosecution fbr cnmtnal charges or sanction tor nrosecrrtron ot criminal charges has been tszued or not dectston ha-s been taken to accord sanctlon lor anv prosecution of cnminal charges. iii) The above mentioned offictal is not subiect to anv lnvestigatlon senouii allesatlon 1v) Comrption Bribery/other grave mrsconduct by the DePartment or CRI r'r any other aeencv v) The Oflicial is not proceeded agarnst departmentally on any disciplmary grotmds and the Official has not break-in any kind. stc-\At t'RD o! Hl;Al)()l olll(:l; REGUTARISATION OF TEACHERS IN THE POST OF TGTS 2011-2018 Name of the School DrsctPuNE Puducherry CEO PDY Annai Saradadevi G.H.S.,Vadhanur Eswaran.K. 31-12-1980 01-08-2014 SCIENCE George Fernandez.V. 0r-o4-L976 30-09-2014 SCIENCE Sudha.R. !8-03-197 4 24-O9-20L4 soctAt V. Jayalalitha 05-07-1969 05-08-2015 SCIENCE Cheddi Lal G.H.S.,Abisegapakkam Kaliamurthy,G, 05-05-1955 3t-o7-20t4 SOCIAL G.H.S,Kodathur A. Selvadass 2r-03-t973 08-08-2016 SCIENCE G.H.S,Kothapurinatham Balaraman.S. 22-04-1970 01-08-2014 ENGLISH Jeyakumaran.V. 22-04-1973 01-08-2014 SCIE N CE K. Srinivasan 04-09-1980 01-09-2015 soctAL M. Naganandiny 03-08-1971 01-09-2015 SCIENCE Rajasegaran.R. t4-10-I977 Lz-LL.zOL4 MATHS G. H.S.,Kalmandapa m Aroulmojy.C. oL-07-r970 26-07-2071 MATHS V. Ejilarassy 24-12-!973 01-09-2015 SOCIAL G.H.5., Kanuvapet A. Jayakumar 16-10-1981 L7-LL-20t4 TAMIL Arulmozhi,G, 03-07 -L964 27-O7-20LL soctAL G. H.5., Keezhparika lpet P. William 19-08-1972 05-08-2016 SCIENCE Rita.5. 10-04-1969 23-09-2014 ENGLISH G. H.S., Madagadipetpa laya m A, Clementine Martha Matie 05-01-1976 01-09-2015 50ctAL Cantchana.A. 04-r2-L972 27-O7-20LL MATHS R. Raja Prabha 16-03-1979 01-09-2015 socrAL G.H.S.,Pillaiyarkuppam(V) N, Mohanraj 21-01-1984 t4-LL-2074 TAMIL Nadessane.T. 06-05-797 4 01-08-2014 SOCIAL G. H.S.,Sa nda ip ud u ku ppa m N. Padmavathi 25-03-1985 31-01-2015 TAMIL N. Siva 05-t2-L97 5 01-09-2015 SCIENCE Poungody.R. L2-)-t-L:Jtt 25-O9-2014 ENGLISH V. Sedouramane 5l--LU-lvo) 01-09-2015 soctAL G. H.S.,Seliamedu Karthikevan.K. 0t-07 -L972 01-08-2014 SCIENC E P. Vanathy r2-70-r976 01-09-2015 soctAL G. H.S.,Sellipet .'' DOJ DISCIPLINE Na SOCIAL rhaanrnehan F 03-09-1981 L2-lL-20L4 G. H.S.,50raPet 02-05-2015 (Notion. TAMIL Anuja 16-03-1985 MATHS ahitra A lsl 27-04-1969 27-O7-20Lt 01-08-2014 SCIENCE Suganya.P. 26-05-197 6 G.H.S.,SuthukenY 01-09-2015 SCIE N CE M.Santhi o2-o7 -7979 G. H.S.,Thiru buva nai SCIENCE lothi ShanmugaPriYr!44:- 16-05-1971 01-08-2014 G. H.S.,Thirukka n u r 01-09-2015 EN G LISH A. ArulapPan 01-10-1978 01-09-2015 ENGTISH B,Nalinatchi 28-OZ-1982 01-09-2015 ENGLISH C. Justin 03-03-1975 13-08-2014 socrAL Govindarassou.T. 09-09-1961 23-09-20t4 MATHS Jayaprabha.G' 10-04-1979 01-09-2015 ENGLISH K. Thivia 21-05-1982 01-09-2015 soctAL M. Akbar R"i 15-05-1981 29-09-20L4 MATHS Maheswari.S, 16-05-1978 01-09-201s MATHS P. Saminathan 24-09-197I 01-09-2015 50clAL R. Karthikeyan 12-03-1980 01-09-2015 soctAL R. Yoga 01-06-196s - 01-09-2015 ENGLISH 5. Sriarivambal 08-05-1980 01-09-2015 MATHS V. Rex @ Radhakrishnan r4-70-r976 13-11-2014 MATHS Vimalan.G, 26-05-1980 G.M.S.,AdingaPet Perumal.N. iq-ot-rsag 104-08-2014 lsoclAl G.M.S.,Kariama nickam R. Natharajan o*rr-rgzs lot-os-zors lsoctal G.M.S.,Keezhagraharam Cobicannane'D. s9fl-1965 lor-oa-zor+ |SOC|AL G.M.S.,Keezhur P. Nilavazhagan oq{q-rgeg lrr-rr-zora ITAMIL R. Sankar 27-1L-r972 101-09-201s lsoclAl G.M.s.,Ma naliPet D. Shalini zs-oo-rggs lrr-or-zors lr4rMl! Ramesh.E, r+rr-rgao ltt-tt-zota IMATHS s, Balasubramanian ozos-rssr lor-os-zors IENGLISH vergin Mary Saint Hubert tz.os-tgte lor-os-zors lsclENcE G.M.S.,ManaPet v. D, Sankar r7-ro-7s7r 101-09-201s lsoclAl G.M.s.,Ma nnadiPet Asha Rajadurai *u-tgtg lor-og-zors lioq4! Balakumar.N. 26-06-L97 6 29-O7-2Or1, lsclENcE l. Jeanne D'Arc 30-04-1966 L7-LL-2OL4 ITAMIL v.R.Senthamizh Selvi 24-08-1980 01-09-2015 IENGLISH G. M.S., M ola pa!ka m DOJ. DlsctPltNE. K. Rajasekaran 16-07-L984 01-09-2015 soctAL S.L. Jabila Jean 21-03-1980 r4-tt-20t4 TAMIL G.M.S., Nallavadu Kalivaradan.A. 09-07-1961 07-08-20L4 50ctAL G. M.S., Pa nayadikup pa m Mary Josephine t3-07 -1977 01-09-2015 SCIE NCE R. Semmanary @ Velavane 30-11-1971 ?L.LL.2OL4 TAMIL G.M.S.,Pandasozhanallur N. Chandrasekaran 28-10-1975 20-tt-20L4 TAMIL G.M.S.,Pooranankuppam Greeja,V, 18-04-1957 22-08-20Lt soctAL G. M.S.,Sanyasikuppam D. Kanaga o2-o4-r97L 01-09-2015 soctAL S.Suganthi 09-09-1975 01-09-2015 ENGLISH G. M.S.,So ria n ku ppa m Sumathi Ragavan 05-06-1966 20-Lt-2014 TAMIL Indira Gandhi G.H.S.,Katterikuppam Bouvanesvary.K. 18-01-1966 01-08-2014 ENGLISH Rajkumar.S. 19-07-1981 01-08-2014 SCIEN CE Sujatha.M. 27-I7-t972 01-08-2014 MATHS K.V.G.H.S.,Pannithittu Gnanavel,S. 25-05-1958 27-07-20LL MATHS llanguirane.R. 14-05-1969 25-08-2011 ENGLISH Johncy Laavanya.A. t)- lz-Lt I ) 01-08-2014 SCIEN CE 5. Jayanthi L7-12-!977 01-09-2015 socrAL Kavinger Barathidasan G. H.S., Ku ruvinatha m J. K. Selvam 30-03-1979 01-09-2015 ENGLISH P. Ganthi 26-07-1980 01-09-2015 soclAL Tamby Radjalatchoumy ot-02-I974 30-09-2014 MATHS Sri.V. Ra mamoorthy GBHS, Maducarai B. Devi 27 -05-197 3 01-09-2015 SCIENCE Jayaprakash.M. 18-08-1979 01-08-2014 MATHS K, Parameshwari 01-06-1980 01-09-2015 ENGLISH N. Sithirai Selvy 22-O4-7984 23-L2-20L4 TAM IL Outtiria Marie.C. 06-11-1959 01-08-2014 MATHS R. Mahalakshmi 23-08-1981 01-09-2015 ENGLISH S. lrissappan 02-o2-L983 18-11-2014 TAMIL S, Srinivasan 23-04-1982 01-09-2015 soctAt V. Saravanane 29-07-r972 05-08-2016 SCIENCE DDW DSCL. G.G.H S,Cathedral st, Thamizhmani,G. ot-72-t959 10-01-2012 soctAL G.G.H S,Maducarai A. Subbulakshmi 27-04-r98L 01-09-2015 SOCJAL G.Jayakrishnan 29-09-1981 01-09-2015 ENGLISH G.Jean Bosco 05-12-1981 t7-LL-20L4 TAMIL DISCIPLINE wame of the School DOB DOJ ENGLISH J. Rajarathinam 19-01-1981 01-09-2015 SCIENCE Joshy Thekla Marie'G 12-03-1979 01-08-2014 M, Murugan 28-06-1981 19-11-2014 TAMIL SCIENCE Megala.S.
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