XIII Publications, Presentations

XIII Publications, Presentations

XIII Publications, Presentations 1. Refereed Publications GW150914 Using a Fully Spin-Precessing Waveform Model, Phys. Rev. X, 6, 041014. Abbott, B. P., et al. including Tanaka, M., Yanagisawa, K.: 2016, Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2017, The Basic Physics of Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave the Binary Black Hole Merger GW150914, Ann. Phys.-Berlin, 529, Transient GW150914, ApJL, 826, L13. 1600209. Abbott, B. P., et al. including Tanaka, M., Yanagisawa, K.: 2016, Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2017, All-sky Search for Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Short Gravitational-wave Bursts in the First Advanced LIGO Run, Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13), Phys. Rev. D, 95, 042003. ApJS, 225, 8. Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2017, Upper Limits on the Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Upper Limits On The Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO’s Rates of Binary Neutron Star and Neutron Star-black Hole Mergers First Observing Run, Phys. Rev. Let., 118, 121101. from Advanced Ligo’s First Observing Run, ApJL, 832, L21. Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2017, Directional Limits Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Supplement: “The on Persistent Gravitational Waves from Advanced LIGO’s First Rate of Binary Black Hole Mergers Inferred from Advanced Ligo Observing Run, Phys. Rev. Let., 118, 121102. Observations Surrounding GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 833, L1), ApJS, Akiyama, E., et al. including Hashimoto, J., Hasegawa, Y., Kudo, T., 227, 14. Kusakabe, N., Kuzuhara, M., Ohashi, N., Egner, S., Guyon, O., Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Characterization of Hayano, Y., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, S. S., Ishii, M., Iye, M., Kandori, Transient Noise in Advanced LIGO Relevant to Gravitational Wave R., Morino, J., Nishimura, T., Pyo, T., Suenaga, T., Suto, H., Suzuki, Signal GW150914, Classical Quant. Grav., 33, 134001. R., Takahashi, Y. H., Takato, N., Terada, H., Tomono, D., Takami, Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, GW150914: First H., Usuda, T., Tamura, M.: 2016, Spiral Structure and Differential Results from the Search for Binary Black Hole Coalescence with Dust Size Distribution in the LKHα 330 Disk, AJ, 152, 222. Advanced LIGO, Phys. Rev. D, 93, 122003. Akiyama, K., Kuramochi, K., Ikeda, S., Fish, V. L., Tazaki, Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Observing F., Honma, M., Doeleman, S. S., Broderick, A. E., Dexter, J., Gravitational-Wave Transient GW150914 with Minimal Assumptions, Mościbrodzka, M., Bouman, K. L., Chael, A. A., Zaizen, M.: 2017, Phys. Rev. D, 93, 122004. Imaging the Schwarzschild-radius-scale Structure of M87 with the Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Search for Transient Event Horizon Telescope Using Sparse Modeling, ApJ, 838, 1. Gravitational Waves in Coincidence with Short-duration Radio Akiyama, K., Stawarz, L., Tanaka, Y. T., Nagai, H., Giroletti, M., Transients during 2007-2013, Phys. Rev. D, 93, 122008. Honma, M.: 2016, EVN Observations of HESS J1943+213: Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, High-energy Neutrino Evidence for an Extreme TeV BL Lac Object, ApJL, 823, L26. Follow-up Search of Gravitational Wave Event GW150914 with Akutsu, T., Saito, Y., Sakakibara, Y., Sato, Y., Niwa, Y., Kimura, ANTARES and IceCube, Phys. Rev. D, 93, 122010. N., Suzuki, T., Yamamoto, K., Tokoku, C., Koike, S., Chen, D., Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Comprehensive All- Zeidler, S., Ikeyama, K., Ariyama, Y.: 2016, Vacuum and Cryogenic sky Search for Periodic Gravitational Waves in the Sixth Science Run Compatible Black Surface for Large Optical Baffles in Advanced LIGO Data, Phys. Rev. D, 94, 042002. Gravitational-wave Telescopes, Opt. Mater. Exp., 6, 1613 Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Directly Comparing Alexander, D. M., et al. including Matsuda, Y.: 2016, ALMA Observations GW150914 with Numerical Solutions of Einstein’s Equations for of a z ≈ 3.1 Protocluster: Star Formation from Active Galactic Nuclei Binary Black Hole Coalescence, Phys. Rev. D, 94, 064035. and Lyman-alpha Blobs in an Overdense Environment, MNRAS, 461, Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, First Targeted Search 2944–2952. for Gravitational-wave Bursts from Core-collapse Supernovae in Alonso-Herrero, A., et al. including Packham, C., Ichikawa, K., Data of First-generation Laser Interferometer Detectors, Phys. Rev. D, Imanishi, M.: 2016, The Complex Evolutionary Paths of Local 94, 102001. Infrared Bright Galaxies: A High-angular Resolution Mid-infrared Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Properties of the View, MNRAS, 463, 2405–2424. Binary Black Hole Merger GW150914, Phys. Rev. Let., 116, 241102. Arai, A., Kawakita, H., Shinnaka, Y., Tajitsu, A.: 2016, Origins of Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, GW151226: Absorption Systems of Classical Nova V2659 CYG (NOVA CYG Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary 2014), ApJ, 830, 30. Black Hole Coalescence, Phys. Rev. Let., 116, 241103. Arai, H., et al. including Fujita, S., Yamauchi, A., Kaneko, H., Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Tests of General Miyamoto, Y.: 2016, A Multi-Line Ammonia Survey of the Galactic Relativity with GW150914, Phys. Rev. Let., 116, 221101. Center Region with the Tsukuba 32 m Telescope. I. Observations and Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Binary Black Hole Data, PASJ, 68, 76. Mergers in the First Advanced LIGO Observing Run, Phys. Rev. X, 6, Araki, H., Kashima, S., Noda, H., Kunimori, H., Chiba, K., Mashiko, H., 041015. Kato, H., Otsubo, T., Matsumoto, Y., Tsuruta, S., Asari, K., Hanada, Abbott, B. P., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, Improved Analysis of H., Yasuda, S., Utsunomiya S., Takino, H.: 2016, Thermo-optical 172 XIII Publications, Presentations Simulation and Experiment for the Assessment of Single, Hollow, and Brammer, G. B., et al. including Tanaka, M., Ferré-Mateu, A., Kodama, Large Aperture Retroreflector for lunar Laser Ranging, Earth Planets T.: 2016, Ultra-deep Ks-band Imaging of the Hubble Frontier Fields, Space, 68, 101. ApJS, 226, 6. Asahina, Y., Kawashima, T., Furukawa, N., Enokiya, R., Yamamoto, H., Broderick, J. W., et al. including Kuniyoshi, M.: 2016, Low-radio- Fukui, Y., Matsumoto, R.: 2017, Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations frequency Eclipses of the Redback Pulsar J2215+5135 Observed in of the Formation of Molecular Clouds toward the Stellar Cluster the Image Plane with LOFAR, MNRAS, 459, 2681–2689. Westerlund 2: Interaction of a Jet with a Clumpy Interstellar Medium, Burns, R. A., Handa, T., Nagayama, T., Sunada, K., Omodaka, T.: 2016, ApJ, 836, 213. H2O Masers in a Jet-driven Bow Shock: Episodic Ejection from a Asensio-Torres, R., et al. including Currie, T., Kudo, T., Akiyama, E., Massive Young Stellar Object, MNRAS, 460, 283–290. Egner, S., Guyon, O., Hayano, Y., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, S. S., Ishii, Cabezas, D. P., Martinez, L. M., Buleje, Y. J., Ishitsuka, M., Ishitsuka, M., Iye, M., Kandori, R., Morino, J.-I., Nishimura, T., Pyo, T.-S., J. K., Morita, S., Asai, A., UeNo, S., Ishii, T. T., Kitai, R., Takasao, Serabyn, E., Suto, H., Suzuki, R., Takahashi, Y., Takato, N., Terada, S., Yoshinaga, Y., Otsuji, K., Shibata, K.: 2017, Dandelion Filament H., Takami, H., Usuda, T., Tamura, M.: 2016, Polarimetry and Flux Eruption and Coronal Waves Associated with a Solar Flare on 2011 Distribution in the Debris Disk around HD 32297, A&A, 593, A73. February 16, ApJ, 836, 33. Baba, J., Morokuma-Matsui, K., Miyamoto, Y., Egusa, F., Kuno, N.: Cai, Z., Fan, X., Yang, Y., Bian, F., Prochaska, J. X., Zabludoff, A., 2016, Gas Velocity Patterns in Simulated Galaxies: Observational McGreer, I., Zheng, Z.-Y., Green, R., Cantalupo, S., Frye, B., Diagnostics of Spiral Structure Theories, MNRAS, 460, 2472–2481. Hamden, E., Jiang, L., Kashikawa, N., Wang, R.: 2017, Discovery of Baba, J., Morokuma-Matsui, K., Saitoh, T. R.: 2017, Eventful an Enormous Lyα Nebula in a Massive Galaxy Overdensity at z = 2.3, Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds in Dynamically Evolving Spiral ApJ, 837, 71. Arms, MNRAS, 464, 246–263. Capocasa, E., Barsuglia, M., Degallaix, J., Pinard, L., Straniero, N., Barnes, P. J., Hernandez, A. K., O’Dougherty, S. N., Schap, W. J., III, Schnabel, R., Somiya, K., Aso, Y., Tatsumi, D., Flaminio, R.: 2016, Muller, E.: 2016, The Galactic Census of High- and Medium-mass Estimation of Losses in a 300 m Filter Cavity and Quantum Noise Protostars. III. 12CO Maps and Physical Properties of Dense Clump Reduction in the KAGRA Gravitational-wave Detector, Phys. Rev. D, Envelopes and Their Embedding GMCs, ApJ, 831, 67. 93, 082004. Beaulieu, J.-P., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2016, Revisiting the Chaikovska, I., et al. including Flaminio, R.: 2016, High Flux Circularly Microlensing Event OGLE 2012-BLG-0026: A Solar Mass Star with Polarized Gamma Beam Factory: Coupling a Fabry-Perot Optical Two Cold Giant Planets, ApJ, 824, 83. Cavity with an Electron Storage Ring, Sci. Rep., 6, 36569. Bekki, K., Tsujimoto, T.: 2016, Formation of Anomalous Globular Chan, J. H. H., Suyu, S. H., More, A., Oguri, M., Chiueh, T., Coupon, Clusters with Metallicity Spreads: A Unified Picture, ApJ, 831, 70. J., Hsieh, B.-C., Komiyama, Y., Miyazaki, S., Murayama, H., Beltran, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Moscadelli, L., Sanchez-Monge, A., Hirota, Nishizawa, A. J., Price, P., Tait, P. J., Terai, T., Utsumi, Y., Wang, S.- T., Kumar, M. S. N.: 2016, Binary System and Jet Precession and Y.: 2016, Galaxy-scale Gravitational Lens Candidates from the Hyper Expansion in G35.20-0.74N, A&A, 593, A49. Suprime-Cam Imaging Survey and the Galaxy And Mass Assembly Bennett, D. P., et al. including Fukui, A.: 2016, The First Circumbinary Spectroscopic Survey, ApJ, 832, 135.

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