qFd-o dmiud cncs$dr,rbdteod A&ref oo, -3coe o0Of, \ sub: Reservations,". ":::*:"T:T,:::::T:iil".s asper Arric,e 15(4) and Employmentas perArticle 16(a) of the Constitutionof Indiaand New Creamy Layer PolicyOrders....reg. Read: 1., G.o. No.swD 1s0BcA g4 Dated:17-09-94 2. G.O.No. SWD 251 BCA 94 Dated: 31-01-95 3. G.O.No. SWD 394 BCAg4 Dated: 14-02-96 4. Letter No. KSCBC:MS/Reports/2000-01Dated: 14-12-2000of the Member SecretaryKarnataka State Commission for BackwardClasses. Preamble: fn Govt.Order Dated: 17-09-94 read (1) above, Govt. have formulated reservation policy for ScheduleCasts and ScheduledTribes and other BackwardClasses for admissionsto professionalcourses for the year 1994-95 as perthe lists of castesenclosed thereto as follows: CATEGORY.I 4% CATEGORY-il(A) 15% CATEGORY-il(B) 4% CATEGORY-ilt(A) 4% CATEGORY-ilt(B) 5% SCHEDULEDCASTES 15% SCHEDULEDTRIBES 3% 2. Underthe said order Dated:17-09-94 it has also been statedthat no personother than belongingto ScheduledCastes, Scheduled Tribes and Category-lof BackwardClasses shall be entitledto the benefitof reservationfor admissionto professionalcourses unless helshe satisfies the conditionsof the creamylayer specified there under. 3. In G.O. Dated:31-01-1995 reat at Sl. No.2 above,the aforesaidreservation and creamy layei policyenvisaged in the order Dated: 17-Og-94read at Sl. No. (1), has been inade applicableto the employmenttoo, lrnder Article 16(4) of the Constitutionof India. 4. fn G.O. Dated: 14-02-gGread at Sl. No. (3) abovethe CreamyLayer Policy existed as on 01-q1-95for the purposeof admissionto the professionalcourses was also madeapplicable to employmentwith retrospectiveeffect f rom 01-O1-94. 5. In Writ PetitionNo. 438/94the Hon'bleSupreme Court of Indiahave passed an interim orderstating that the"reservationin any caseshould not exceed50%. Similarwrits bearinQ No. 417194,and 694/94are pending disposal before the Hon'bleSupreme Court. Therefore,in G.O. No. SWD 61 BCA 95.Dated: 28-12-95the currencyof the 5A%reservation specified in G.O. Dated:17-09-94 and 13-01-95has been extended till the finaldecision in WP No.43Bl94.471194 and 694194is takenby Hon'bleSupreme Court 6. Now the KarnatakaState Commissionfor BackwardClasses have submittedspecial report and 71 advicesvide their letter Dated: 04-12-2000 read at Sl. No. 4 above. Pending considerationof the entire report,the Governmenthave examinedin detailthe CreamyLayer Policy containedin the Special Report and 71 Advices, relatingto inclusions,deletions, correctionof spellingsetc. and havemade the followingorders. I+1n,Ssr* r-:r-o 6oosSc dinr*d uocioddr,drdtaad il&r$" oo, 90 oe qlorl - o GovernmentOrder No. SWD225 BCA 2000,Dated: 30th March2002 After carefulconsideration _of the aboveproposal the Governmentare pleasedto make thefollowing orders: 1. The quantumof ReservationSpecitied in G.O.Dated: 17-09-1994 and 31-01-199S read at Sl. No. (1) & (2) respgctivelyis continuedfor admissionto EducationalInstitutions and Employment. 2. The revisedlist of BackwardClasses enclosed to this order as at Annexure-l, incorporatingrecommendations of the BC Commission,is broughtinto force with ifnmddiate eff€ict. 3. A newcomprehensive Creamy Layer Policy as detailedin Annexure-llto thisGovernment order is broughtiintoforce with immediateeftect. This policy -of creamy Layer does not applyto SCVSTs and Category-l the BackwardClasses. Candidatesbelonging to Category-ll(A), ll(B), lll(A), and lll(B) shall be entitledto reservation-in the mannerspecified in the new comprehensiveCreamy Layer Policy. ByOrder and in thename of Governorof Karnataka, PR.398 o"o'9":,:i';:?,?,,5J5fl"J:il1 D-M.AGA *t' GovernmentOrder No. SWD225 BCA 2OOO,Dated: 3oth UarciZOOZ ANNEXURE.I CATEGORY-I sl. Nameof the Caste sl. Nameof the Caste No. No. 1. Agamudi (h) Gosayi 2. (a) Arnbalakaran (i) Gusai (b) Ambalakarma (i) Helava ' (c) Mutrasi (k) Helova (d) Mutracha (t) Holeva 3. Baggaru (m) Nandiwala 4. Bavandhi (n) Pichigunta 5. (a) Bavaji (o) Pichguntala (b) Atit (p) Pichiguntala (c) Bairagi (q) Bava (d) Bavani (r) Byaragi (e) Byragi 6. (a) Bestha (f) Daurigosayi (b) Ambiga/Ambi (g) Davari (c) Barki/Barika I T-5x - qpd - o doar$d cnzi;ddr,ft$emd sfuef oo, eo oe sl. Nameof the Caste sl. Nameof the Caste No. No. (d) Besthar (ah) Siviyar (e) Bhoyi, (ai) Sunagara (f) Rajabhoi (ai) Thoreya (g) Bunde-Beshtar (ak) Pagi (h) Daalji 7. (a) Bhamta 3 (i) Daavat (b) Bhompta 0) Gabit (c) Paradeshi-Bhampta (k) Galadakonkani (d) Takari (t) Gangemakkalu (e) Bhomptra (m) Gangakula (f) Uchillian (n) Gangamatha B. Bhatraju (o) Gangamathastha 9. (a) Bogad (p) Gangaputra (b) Begadi (q) Gowrimatha (c) Bagali (r) Bunde-Bestha/Gunde bestha (d) Bogadi (s) Harakanthra 10. (a) Budubuduki (t) Jalagara (b) Bududki (u) Kabbera/kabber (c) Chhetri (v) Kabbaliga (d) Devari (w) Kabbili (e) Garadi (x) Kahar (0 Giddidki (v) Khalvi/KonkanKharvi (g) Joshi (z) Koli (h) Kichagara (aa) Kolimahadev (i) Killikyata (ab) maddar (i) Modiga (ac) Meenagar (k) Pansa (ad) Mogaveera (l) Panasa (ae) Moger (m) Pingale (af) Mukkavan (n) Sadajoshi (ag) Parivara (o) Budbudkala doared uocioddr,dcdrmd t&ref oo, eo oe qFd-o sl. Nameof the Caste sl. Nameof the Caste. No. No. 11 Chunchar (e) GamVokkal 12. (a) Dasari (f) GramaVokkalu (b) Dasaru (g) HalakkiVokkalu (c) Chakravadya-Dasa (h) KareVokkalu (d) Dang-Dasar (i) Kunchavakkal (e) Dombi-Dasaru (i) Shilwakkal 'Devadasi 13. (a) (k) Vakkal (b) Basavi (t) Gavada (c) Bhavin (m) Gam Gawda (d) Bogam (n) GramVakkal (e) Ganika 19. (a) Hawadiga (f) Kalavant (b) Hawgar (g) Nat (c) Howgar (h) Natuva 20. (a) Jangala (i) Patramela (b) TeluguJangama 14. (a) Ghisade (c) PakanathiJangama (b) Ghisadi 21. (a) Jogi 15. (a) GonigaMane (b) BrahmaKapali (b) 24 ManeTelugu Shetty (c) Jogar (c) GoniChetty (d) Jogtin (d) Sadusetty (e) Kapali (e) Salaparu (f) Raval 16. (a) Gurav (g) Ravalia (b) Tamballa (h) Sanjogi (c) Tambli (i) Sanyasi ., 17. Gurkha 0) Joger 18. (a) HalawakkiWakkal (k) NathaPanthi (b) HalawakkiVakkal 22. (a) Kanjirbhat (c) AtteVokkalu (b) Kanjar (d) Gam Gawada (c) KhanjarBhat qFd-o duore,Sdcoeipdr, rbdcmd 9a" t- afue>" oo, eo oe o0 sl. Nameof the Caste sl. Nameof the Caste No. No. 23. (a) Kashikapadi (c) Kanbi (b) Kashikapdi 33. (a) Kurma (c) Tirumali (b) Kurmi 24. (a) Katabar 34. (a) Ladaru/Ladara/Ladar (b) Katabu (b) Lad/Kshatriy a Lad/Sug an d h i Lad 25. (a) Katik (c) Yelegal (b) Aray 35. Malaya (c) AreKasai 36. (a) Medara (d) Ari Katikelu (b) Batter (e) KalalKhatik (c) Burned (f) Kasab (d) Gauriga (g) Kasai' (e) Gouriga (h) Maratti (f) Gowri (i) Suryavamsha Kshatr:iya (g) Gowrimaratha 26. KodaguKapala (h) Gowriga 27. (a) Kolari (i) Medari (b) Kalayiri (i) Burud (c) Koleri 37. Mudhar 28. (a) Kolla - 38. Nairi/Nairy (b) Kollala 39. Otari 29. (a) Kotari 40. Pamlor (b) Kotary 41. (a) Pangual (c) Kottary, (b) Pangusal (d) Kottari 42. Panika 30. Kudubi 43. (a) Raya Rawath 31. KumbriMarati (Uttara Kannada (b) Ravat District) 32. (a) Kunbi 44. Reinudas (b) Kulwadi 45. Sansia ooev t-N -r-, d;nred r,rcrar'ciJ9;r dccbaad efuef oo, 90 Oe Lnd-o sr. Nameof the Caste st. Name No. of the Caste No. 46; Satarkar (k) PadiVPadti 47. siddi ' (l) Padithi __-_-- 48. (a) Sikkaligara (n) Sagara (b) Shikalgar (o) Sunhagara (c) Shikkaligar (p) SunnaUppara 49. (a) Somayamsha AryaKshatriya (q) Uppaliga (b) Chitara (0 UppaligaShetty (c Chitragar (s) I Uppaliyan (d) Digwan (t) Uppera (e) Jeeragara (u) Yakalara (0 Najabund (v) Yekkafi (g) Nalabund 54. Vasudev (h) Tambat I 56. '(a) Veer 50. Takankar --- (b) Veeramasti 51. (a) Tewar . (c) Vir (b) Kalari 57. Yeralu (c) Kallar 58. (a) *r*" (d) Maravar (b) Erakala 52., (a) Tilari ------:-I (c) Kaikadi (b) Tirali _ (d) | Koragar 53. (a) Uppara (e) | Kormasetty (b) Beldar (f) Kunchi (c) Chunar (g) Korwari (d) Gavadi (h) Yerukala (e) Goundi tro (a) Bailpatar (f) KalluKutiga Uppara (b) Bailapatar (g) Lonari (c) Bilapalar (h) MefuSakkreyavaru 60. (a) Bajania (') Melusakkare (b) Bajenia Namada 0) Uppara 61. Balasanthoshi o0 9gq m6o-dd,'rhdwd oo' qFd -o - aeore* ??T i00e Caste sl. Name of the sl. Nameof the Caste No. --7-- No. (a) Kalkari,Kelkari 78. 4-- 62. Bazigar (b) Khekari ---- 63. Deria t./ tv,ali (a) r\\,rll l( rr 79. :- 64. (a) , Bhardi (b) Kolhatigi (b) I Btrargi i/laoanii VnOi'- 80" M€,tl)sr rre f^"^'-e 65. (a) \-rl lcrl - E,,ll trlali rtrs' 81. --,-F Llll (b) Chhar :< Saranta 82. ---. (c) l^hh,=ra C^ tnrr{i (a) \J(ll vr v' hann6r. Rancl (Muslim) 83. 66. (a) \,rl lqHyvr--- \ (b) Saroda /^'nannar RanCla (b) \.rl lc{yHvl - \/aAi 84. 67. Chitrakathijoshi'-- 85. Beery 68. Darvesu 86. (a) Gtllla 69. Dholi (b) Ytrdav (a) I Durqamurga_- 74. n -+hanannl12 (c) /1\) i' (b) It- Burourcha (d) Yadava 71. (a) I Modikara l- (e) Adavigolla I l,l^^tilzar (b) lvl\./wrttrst /1 nna la (f) vvy 72. (a) Gondali (g) Gopali (b) Ghondali -F (h) Gouli (c) Gondaliga (i) Gauli 11 ^^Ahali (d) \.lL.n rvr rsil ----'- (i) Gavali (e) Gondhalli _- (k) Gavli \ /^^ri 73. v qvr Anubaru Il"'_ 74. (a) Javeri __L (m I a+onahartl (b) Jawari (n) llanehA? 75. fg (o) Kavadi 76. (a) K?Tatti (p) Kolayan (b) Kaman -...- (q) Konar 77. (a) 1Kanjari 7- (r) Konnur (b) I Kanjir o0 9e- doasud cna$dr, ftdomd afuef oo, ec oe zJorl- o sl" Name of the Caste sl. Nameof the Caste No. No. (s) KrishnaGavali (s) Nirshikari (t) KrishnaGolla (t) Bargi (u) Maniyani (u) Baori (v) Urali (v) Phasachari (w) TeluguGowda (Chickmagalur & (w) Hirshikari HassanDists) 87. (a) Banjari 89. Daveri i (b) Brinjari 90. (a) Garudi (c) Vanjara_- (b) Garudiga (d) Wanjari (c) Garadiga (e) Lambaid 91. Paradhis (f) Goreor Goria 92. (a) Giriniwaddar 88. (a) Bendar (b) TudugWoddar (b) Berad (c) KalluVaddar (c) Boya (d) MannuVoddar (d) Naikamakkalu (e) BhandiVoddar (e) Naikwadi 93.
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