Today's A four-star weather: All-American \l'ariable cloudi­ newspaper ness. High in the low 50s. · Vol. 115 No. 16 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Tuesdar. March 14, 1989 Full-scale investigation announced Minority-recruitment policy is subject of inquiry by Sharon O'Neal in a statement, "While there may "Others may either ignore their Wilmington. ment of the university in gener­ Assistant News Editor be certain fields in which the availability or perhaps con­ Grumbacher said he and al. number of eligible and available sciously not pursue them." Andrew Turner, the commission "There were numerous con­ DOVER- The Delaware .candidates to fill tenure-track The investigation will begin director, conducted interviews tradictions -which we believe State Human Relations positions is small, there is rea­ "almost immediately," with "a number of persons con­ warrant further investigation in Commission voted unanimously son to believe ·that only . certain Grumbacher said. nected with the university. this regard," Grumbacher added. Thursday to conduct a full-scale colleges and departments of the The decision to conduct an "We are concerned about the Although Turner said the investigation of the university's University of Delaware make investigation follows a prelimi­ status of affirmative action on ·official manner in which the minority affairs and faculty and. the effort to recruit, hire and nary inq~iry the commission the campus: · the mandate of invest~0 .. >·: will be conducted administrative hiring practices. promote qualified minority began in January. It was con­ affirmative action officers over . has nN yc· t hcen formalized, Rabbi Peter H. Grumbacher, members and women." ducted at the request of State the years by the university the commission chairman, said · Grumbacher · continued, Rep. AI 0. Plant, D- administration and the commit- continued to page 13 State Hiring freeze theater facade im_plemented ,,,_p _,. e., s'- a.ti_."·~·-l&, ~.-~~ . r.. .· :~.r · ~.~ '·,vAnt ~_L b. - altered - Y by Mark Nardone in the red." Current reserves by Sharon O'Neal Administrative News Editor total about $30 million. Trabant · Assistant News Editor explained that although income Because university expendi­ has risen by an average of 11.6 The marquee of Main Street's tures currently exceed annual percent over the last five year1), State Theatre was dismantled income, President E.A. Trabant eJlpenditures are up 14.6 per- Sunday due to its run-down con­ has initiated a freeze on hiring cent. ' dition, rendering it unsafe to salaried and professional staff to "That can't go on without passers-by, according to Robert call attention to the problem. going broke," he said. "That is Teeven Sr., the theater's owner. In a memorandum dated just IJJlhealthy. "I was afraid it would hurt March 6, Trabant said: "The "The only way I thought somebody [if it fell]," Teeven financial picture: i.e. income vs. would bring attention to the said Sunday. expenditures, for 1989-90 is problem," Trabant said, "to help He .indicated the marquee was uncertain. Until there is a clearer solve it, would be to have a hir­ loosened by a recent ice storm. understanding of the university ing freeze." "rpte removal] was a safety pre­ finances, a hiring freeze is insti­ The university will try to curb caution," he added. tuted for non-faculty positions. spending, of reserve funds as The upper section of the mar­ This action includes those posi­ much as possible in this operat­ quee, reading "The State," was tions for which individuals are ing year and the next, Trabant removed prior to the dismantling currently being recruited. said . of the rest of the structure and "We have a problem," Trabant He described reserve funds as The Review/Meg Longo said Friday. "We're currently was donated to the Newark ~ontinued to page 14 Historical Society, Teeven said. Wascally Wabhil- A young egg hunter shares a friendly shake spending more than we ar~ witlt the Easter Bunny at a Main Street egg hunt Sunday. Teeven announced his plans bringing_ in. We budgeted to take last fall to demolish the theater men who dismantled the mar- Teeven indicated the cost of from reserves $6 million more because the cost of renovation quee, said the job started at about repairing the marquee would than we're going to put in." Trabant estimated the freeze would be too great 6 a.m. Sunday and was not come have made keeping it too costly; Although Teeven said the dis­ pleted as of 1:30 p~m. and insurance purposes required would have a "net cash effect" mantling of the marquee was not "It was a lot better made than him to have it removed. · between $300,000 and $500,000. He said the university will be $6 the first step in the destruction of we thought it was," Thomas said. <(" Although the building is on the entire building; he said. his The men used a sledgehammer the National Registry of Historic million poorer at the end of fis­ calJ989. plans to tear it down have not to tear the structure down, and Places, Teeven said there are no ,,_ changed. the remains were left in a pile in related regulations preventing the Pulling funds from reserves · the lot next to the theater. means "the budget is operating- Bob Thomas, one 9f the work- conJinued to page 15 r ' · Page 2 • The Review~ March 14, I989 -:.--------------:---------=======================::; Residence changes to avoid crowding, Iran ends diplomatic relations with Britain extended housing by Ellen Ginsburg Residence Life, are meeting to Iran broke diplo!llatic rela­ pursue the possibility, Carey tions with Britain Tuesday Staff Reporter because it refused to suppress said. Most extended housing stu­ The Satanic Verses, written by Office space in Brown Hall is · Salman Rushdie, The News dents find themselves living too a stronger possibility for a place Journal reported. close for comfort. to house students. This space The Review/File photo Ayatollah Khomeini has put a However at least a few of may be available at the begin­ Brown Hall will undergo renovations to improve accommoda­ price of $5.2 million on the nov­ them may be able to get more ning of the year, Carey .said. tions for incoming students in upcoming years. elist's head. liveable surroundings next year. Housing and Residence Life The Foreign Office in London Previously unavailable areas staff who have offices on the said British officials have not yet in Can'non and Bruwn halls may first floor of Brown are moving Police raid house; received formal notification from be available for extended hous­ to 405 Academy St. Iran but learned of the action ing students next year, Linda Two large offices in Brown seize drugs, cash through Tehran news reports. Carey, assistant director of the are connected by a smaller area. Office of Housing and Carey said the office space may by Ted Spiker amphetamines. AdministraJive News Editor They were also charged with Residence'"'Life, said Friday. be used as a large room or as an possession of hypodermic Homemade liquor c~uses Supply rooms in Cannon. apartment. The bawoom across Two Newark residents were 132 deaths in India Hall's basement may be renovat­ from the offices is small, an4 if a syringes and drug paraphernalia, arrested and charged with vari­ possession of a deadly weapon ed into dorm rooms. shower can be put in, the office ous drug violations after three while committing a felony, main­ Clrey said the basement is a space will serve ~ an apartment At least 132 people died and police agencies and one federal taining a dwelling for drugs and possibility for mid-fall or the Wardrobes would be needed 151 people became critically ill agency raided a Newark resi­ second-degree conspiracy. spring of next year. because there are no closets in after drinking homemade liquor dence Thursday morning. The Edwards are being held at "There's no way we could get in Baroda, India, according to the office space, Carey said. Timothy Edwards, 33, and his Gander Hill Prison for arraign- . that area ready by the beginning The Philadelphia Inquirer. "Brown looks more feasible wife Mary M. Edwards, 33, of ment with bond set at $97,000 of school next year," Carey said. Baroda is the only Indian state [than Cannon)," she said. She the 300 block of Phillips Avenue, each. They face a mandatory She explained that a great deal of where the sale of alcohol is ille­ also said at least four students were arrested in the raid that led minimum three-year prison sen­ renovation and rebuilding is gal. Industrial methyl was added could live comfortably in the to the confiscation of about tence for the trafficking charges, needed. She also said ceilings to the brew known locally as space and ·possibly more than $10,000 worth of drugs, Newark police said. will have to & dropped and new "lattha." four. ' Police said. The residence was raided by The son of one supplier and walls put in. "It would certainly be a very Police said both were charged Newark Police, University the son of a prominent local Carey and her supervisor, nice area for students, certainly a with trafficking cocaine and PCP Police, State Police and the politician were among those Ba~bara Rexwinkel, associate popular one," Carey said. and possession with intent to Alcohol, Tobacco, FireaJmS killed by _the brew, according to director of Housing and coni inU£d to page 12 deliver marijuana and [AlF] agency. the United News ofIndia. Soviet Union proposes Settlement reached in Rosa's dispute further arms reduction by Heather McMurtrie on Academy Street and Main because the board of trustees Monday.· Copy Editor Street.
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