VOLUME XLV VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MAY 2,1955 NUMBER 25 Natwtml Chumher of Commerce Prexy To Address '55 Finals Institute Glee Club To Begin Spring Tour Memorial Lecture I J«hnston Active In D. C. Circles With First Visit To Mary Washington College Given On Tuesday ^ Quarter Of A Century Clem D. Johnston of Roanoke, The VMI Glee Club will BY JERE REAL i Virginia, President of the Cham- Last Tuesday at noon the Corps ber of Commerce for the United open its spring concert tour at Of Cadets was assembled in Jack- Mary Washington College on States, has agreed to address the son Memorial Hall for the annual Corps during the 1955 Finals exer- May the sixth. The Club wUl William J. Dance Memorial lecture, i cises. sing in the George Washington The subject for this year's lecture Few men in America can match Auditorium at 8 P. M. Previous was "Many Sided Thomas Jeffer-I Mr. Johnston's, record of service in to the concert, the Club will be son." The speech was delivered by government, civic and volunteer entertained by the Mary Wash- Dr. Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker, { business organization. He has been ington Girl's Glee Club at sup- Edwards Professor of American active in the National Chamber of History at Princeton University. Commerce for 22 years. per and again after the con- 1 Dr. Wertenbaker spoke authori- Mr. Johnston graduated in three cert at a party. ' tativcly on the topic of Jefferson years from Centre College where On the following night at 8:15 ' sincc he has spent most of his he was a center on the football P. M. the chorusters will appear at ' study on the Colonial American team, track captain, a member of the County High School in Lees- ' people and their history. the baseball team, and a Beta burg. This concert is being sponsor- Theta Pi. Six months after his ed by the Northern Virginia Chap- I He began his lecture with a graduation he was commissioned ter of the VMI Alumni. j broad view of Jefferson's most im- in the Regular Army. By 1918 he On May the thirteenth the club , portant contributions to this na- had decided to stay in the service, will be at the George Wyth Junior I lion. He told of the epitaph that but his father's death necessitated High School in Newport News, Vir- Jefferson had written for himself his resignation to take over the ' which is on the tombstone at his family business in Louisville, near ginia. Curtain time i s eight o'clock. Clem D. Johnston Saturday night, the fourteenth, grave at Monticello. It lists but which city Clem Johnston was the Glee Club will appear under three contributions that Jefferson born. the sponsorship of the Norfolk- made to the United States. Among ASCE To Gather Federal departments and agen- Portsmouth Chapter of the VMI these three was Jefferson's author- cies have repeatedly recruited him Alumni. The concert will be given ship of the Declaration of Inde- as a non-paid consultant; among at the Blair Auditorium in Norfolk. pendence. Friday At VMI them are the RFC, Navy, OPA and Office of Emergency Management. The cadets will leave early Friday The annual Virginia Student Dr. Wertenbaker went on from Last year he was assigned to the morning on each of these trips and Conference of the American So- will return late Sunday evening. this point to tell of the many great Pentagon as an investigator for In elections last week the VMI Glee Club chose officers for contributions that Jefferson made ciety of Civil Engineers is sche- the House Appropriations Commit- Friends and alumni have offered the remainder of this year and the year beginning in Septem duled for Friday, the sixth of to provide dinner and accomoda- that were not listed and of many tee and not long ago he complet- May, here at the Institute. Curtis tions for the club. ber. They are from left to right; bottom row. President and that the laymen would not know ed his report as chairman of the about. Lucado, President of the VMI Stu- highway task force of the Federal The concert cluh of eighty voices Vice-President Stokes and Snapp; top row. Librarian, Secre- dent Chapter, will preside over Commission on Intergovernmental imder the direction of Colonel Her- tary, Business Manager, Publicity Manager, Kellogg, Warner, As he told of the varied fields the General Session to be held in Relations, previously headed by Dr. bert Nash Dillard will render a Nelson, and Tolly that Jefferson conquered. Dr. Preston Library Auditorium. Clarence Manion. program covering a large variety of Wertenbaker related their im- moods and styles. The repertoire in- The American Society of Civil During World War II, Mr. Johns- portance to the nation, both his- ten was a lieutenant-colonel and cludes the great vocal masters such I Engineers has chapters in the three torically and as a guide for present chief of the warehousing section as Palestrina, Allegri, di Lassus Armed Forces Cluh Members day troubles. He concluded by list-1 Virginia Engineering schools— of the Army Ordnance Field Serv- and Mozart. It also ranges through ing the various things that he felt i ^PI, VMI, and U. Va. Twenty ice for three years, then he went folk songs, operas, spirituals, pop- Tour Installations at Fort Bragg should appear in the Jefferson, delegates from each school are ex- to China as ordnance supply officer ular songs, and musical comedy Memorial that has been built in P^cted for the conference in ad- Last Thursday morning Sixty them to their temporary home and staff quartermaster for the 'Z! selections. Quartets, soloists and Washington, D. C. as a tribute to | ^"ion to numerous officials of other small groups will also per- members of the Armed Forces in the corps artillery area known forces under 'Vinegar Joe' StilK this great leader. The Corps en-.the State and National organiza- well. ' form variou_ s novelty numbers. The Club embarked on what was to as Smoke Bomb Hill. Here the thusiastically accepted the Engineering Pro- cadets were given bedding and as- Mr. Johnston's work for the Na- Club will also sing'a spwial mill- be their best trip to date. Leaving fessors and Instructors from the signed to two World War II bar- thoughts that were presented to tional Chamber of Commerce be- tary medley to which President Institute in three six.by six various schools. A main feature racks. them concerning Jefferson. This gan in 1932 when he was named Eisenhower gave his highest com- army trucks, the group arrived of the meeting will be the presen- at Roanoke's Woodrum field, Immediately after changing into lecture on Thomas Jefferson was to the resolutions committee, a mendations. ' n^AA tation of papers prepared by var- where they boarded three Air class dyke the group reloaded into the third in the annual series. It predecessor of the policy commit- A concert has been planned for ious students in phases of Civil Force C47 aircraft. the busses and traveled to the followed Douglas Southall Free- tee of which he has been chairman. the Corps and citizens of Lexing- Engineering. Don Kulp, of VMI, The plane ride to Pops A. L'. B. man's speech on Robert E. Lee He was twice a director and was in ton later this spring. This concert parachute maintenance section of{ will present a dissertation on '"The was for soma of the cadets the and Bishop Beverly Tucker's lec- his fifth term as a vice-president at Finals. The final appearance of the 18th Airborne Corps, located Disposal of Radioactive Waste." first trip aloft. The air force troop ture on George Washington of the when he was chosen president. the Club this year will be at the near Pope Field. Here vyas ob- Several speakers will deliver short lift was very smooth and well past two years. Mr. Johnston is chairman of the baccalaureate sermon for the Class served a demonstration of jump talks, and Mr. Larry Chandler, of 1955. coordinated so that by the time procecdure and the packing and Project Adequate Roads, a federa- Assistant Secretary, American So- tion of 8 national organizations, in The officers of the Glee Club the troop arrived at Pope all sixty repair of the T-1 parachute. The ciety of Civil Engineers, will pre- eluding the National Chamber of predict a highly successful year were veteran flyers. riggers who maintain the 'chutes Notice sent the major address, entitled Commerce, dedicated to highway during 1955 and 1956. They hope to Upon arrival at Pops A. F. Base were impressive with the thorough- "Professionalism vs. Unionism." i improvement and traffic problems. be able to extend the radius of (Which is located in the center of ness and dedication to their job On Thursday evening, May 5th, He is a former president of the operation for their club during the Ft. Bragg) the men were loaded which is so important to the air- Dr. James S. Wilson will>speak at Following the presentation of VMI on the subject "William American Warehousemen's Associa- months to come. into two army buses which took (continued on page 8) Student Paper prizes, lunch will Shakespeare and his Plays." Dr. tion, a former district governor of Wilson Is the Dean of the graduate be served, and the guests will then Rotary International and a mem- school at the University of Virginia. take several inspection tours of ber of the National Council of the John Scott, of Time Magazine, Addresses IRC, projects around Lexington.
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