Socialist Workers Party TH£ holds 35th convention in Chicago Pages 10-11 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 54/NO. 24 JUNE 22, 1990 $1.25 Massive welcome set to greet Mandela's N. America tour BY RONI McCANN In his speeches to working people and Mandela will also visit Boston June 23; Stadiums, coliseums, and concert shells meetings with government officials around Wlshington, D.C, June 24-26; Atlanta June are reserved around the country; a ticker-tape the world, Mandela has continued to call for 27; Miami and Detroit June 28; Los Angeles parade, freedom march, and airport wel­ maintenance of economic sanctions against June 29; and Oakland, California, June 30. comes are planned; a tour of an auto plant in the Pretoria regime. Detroit and addresses to trade union conven­ Mter addressing rallies in Toronto and Another victory against apartheid tions are set-all for the 12-day tour to the Montreal June 18 and 19, Mandela's eight­ While Mandela was in Paris June 7 another United States, to begin June 20, of Mrican city U.S. tour will begin with an official victory was scored in the fight to abolish National Congress leader Nelson Mandela. apartheid. The ·South African government Hundreds of thousands of people across the Speech by Nelson Mandela, announced that the national state of emer­ country will be turning out to welcome him. gency law would be lifted the next day in Mandela's visit to the United States is part pages 8 and 9. three offour South African provinces: Trans­ of a 13-nation world tour, with the first stop vaal, Cape Province, and Orange Free State. in North America slated for Ottawa, Canada, welcoming ceremony at John F. Kennedy Excluded was the province of Natal where June 16. Mandela is criss-crossing the globe International Airport in New York when his thousands of people have died in fighting on the wave of recent victories won by the plane arrives June 20. A highlight of the between Inkatha, headed by apartheid col­ masses of South Africans fighting to over­ three-day stop in the city will be a rally June laborator Gatsha Buthelezi and backed by throw apartheid. 21 at Yankee Stadium. Continued on Page 2 Challenge ofJuly 9 trial outlined at Chicago rally to support Mark Curtis BY PETER THIERJUNG the main speaker at the event. Also on the gress Department of International Affairs; CHICAGO- Some 900 unionists, polit­ speakers platform were Christiane Malet of Maria Hamberg, a member of the Swedish ical activists, supporters of the Mark Curtis the International Solidarity Committee of the Food Workers Union in Stockholm; Ruth Defense Committee, and friends and relatives Quebec National Teachers Federation in Haswell, a member of the General Municipal of Curtis rallied their forces here at the Bis­ Canada; Paul Chalmers, an education and and Boilermakers Union in Sheffield, En­ marck Hotel on June 9 in preparation for the training officer of the Industrial Union of gland; Derek Jeffers, the coordinator of Paris next stage in the fight to defend the impris­ Workers from Auckland, New Zealand; Rev. Supporters of Mark Curtis and member of Militant/Margrethe Siem oned unionist and political activist. Helen Sinclair of the Prisoners Support the Metal Union Federation of France, African National Congress leader Nelson Curtis is currently serving a 25-year sen­ Group of Operation PUSH in Chicago; Terry and Dick Reilly, member of the national ex­ Mandela at Johannesburg concert in tence for a 1988 trumped-up rape and bur­ Marryshow, central leader of the Maurice ecutive committee of the Palestine Solidarity March. June 16-30 tour of Canada, glary conviction. Police and prosecutors Bishop Patriotic Movement of Grenada; Committee. James Warren - a leader of United States will draw hundreds of framed Curtis following his participation Yusuf Saloojee, of the African National Con- Continued on Page 4 thousands of people. in defense efforts for 17 coworkers who had been arrested by U.S. immigration agents at the Swift packinghouse in Des Moines, Iowa. Greyhound bosses file for bankruptcy Curtis now faces a July 9 jury trial in a lawsuit brought by Keith and Denise Morris, BY SELVA NEBBIA 95 days after 9,000 drivers, mechanics, clean­ and to defend their jobs and their union. the parents of the woman he was accused of On June 4 Greyhound Lines, Inc. filed for ers, and clerks struck Greyhound. Greyhound's demands on union members assaulting. The suit aims to get the court to bankruptcy. This move by the owners of the Currey claims that violence during the include no wage increases and giving the order Curtis to pay massive fmancial dam­ only coast-to-coast bus company in the strike is to blame for the bus line's financial company unrestricted rights to subcontract ages for a crime he did not commit, Kate United States freezes payments on its debts troubles. "I've made money and lost money bus routes, eliminate seniority, and under­ Kaku told the Chicago rally. of $540 million. as an entrepreneur and I accept the vagaries mine the grievance procedure. Kaku, who is a leader of the Mark Curtis The bankruptcy was filed by Fred Currey, of the marketplace," the Greyhound chair­ As the strike has gained more support from Defense Committee and is Curtis' wife, was the company's chairman and chief executive, man said after filing for bankruptcy, "But unionists and others throughout the country, violence, intimidation, and criminal activities the company violence has increased. Strikers are not vagaries of the marketplace. That's on the picket lines in some cities have been extortion." · struck and injured by buses driven by poorly Special Offer The violence-baiting, as well as company trained scabs. One bus driver, Bob Water­ attacks against the strike, have been used by house, was killed while picketing in Redding, A new publication from Pathfinder in time for Greyhound management as an excuse for California. African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela's stalling the negotiations with· the Amalga­ Despite claims of financial health in the North America tour! Nelson Mandela Speeches mated Transit Union and to discredit the early weeks of the strike, Greyhound lost 1990: 'Intensify the Strugg1e to Abolish Apart­ strikers. $55.8 million in the first quarter of this year heid.' Mter six years without a raise, ATU mem­ after earning $730,000 in 1989 on revenues This 74-page pamphlet features seven of bers struck the bus company for higher wages Continued on Page 6 Mandela's speeches delivered since his release from prison in February 1990, including his address in Luanda, Angola, and at Wembley Stadium in Lon­ don. The pamphlet also includes Mandela's July Antigovernment rebels are 1989 letter from prison to P.W Botha and the Free­ dom Charter. The new pamphlet, together with New Interna­ poised near Liberia capital tional No.5, which features articles on the struggle in southern Africa, and an introductory subscription BY RONI McCANN deserted, joining throngs of Liberians head­ -----------------------------------------------------.. to the Militant, which In the West African country of Liberia ing for neighboring Sierra Leone. Four U.S. Send the special offer today ••• carries on-the-scene re­ antigovernment forces fighting to oust the warships and 2,000 marines were stationed ports from South Africa military dictatorship of Samuel Doe have off the coast as U.S. citizens were evacuated o 12 weeks of the Militant and Nelson Mandcla and news about other Speeches 1990 for $1 0 - steadily grown and advanced from the eastern June 10. battles by wor1<ing peo­ border where they began their battle last As of that day, Doe was holed up in his o 12 weeks of the Militant, Nelson Mandela Speeches ple aroond the world, 1990, and New International No. 5 for $15 December. In the past month the rebel troops mansion on the coast surrounded by a 2,000- _1 _5 _10 _20 copies of Nelson Mandela makes a po.verful pack­ have taken the towns of Gbarnga and Bu­ strong Israeli-trained Special Anti-Terrorist Speeches 1990, $4 each age that every trade chanan, Roberts Field international airport, Unit. Name _______________________________ unionist, anti-apartheid and the factory and offices of the huge Fire­ Doe's government has agreed to meet with Address _____________________________ activist, and student will stone Tire and Rubber Co. plantation. representatives of the antigovernment force, want to buy and read. The rebel force is now poised on the edge the National Patriotic Front, for peace talks L--·····································------·-·····-~ of the capital, Monrovia. Most of Doe's cab­ in Sierra Leone on June 18. The front is led Available from Pathfinder bookstores listed on page 12, or by mail from Pathfinder, 410 inet and other officials, including the chief of by Charles Taylor, a former government of­ West St., New York, N.Y 10014. Send $1 per book or pamphlet postage and handling. police, have resigned and left the country. ficial who fled the country in 1983 after being Fifteen. hundred government soldiers have c •••. ••Pa&el Rebel forces poised near Liberian capital Continued from front page gain prices after World War I to ensure sup­ the only one in sub-Saharan Africa that al­ . After the attack, which took place in accused of embezzlement by Doe. plies of rubber. Liberia's main currency is the lows Washington such rights. Nimba County bordering the Ivory Coast, Liberia, about the size of Tennessee and U.S. dollar. In 1985 Doe was declared the winner of Doe's troops launched · a counterattack, with a current population of 2.5 million, was The U.S.
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