UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS BRO\ilNSVILLE DIVISION STATE OF TEXAS, et al. Plaíntiffs, V Case No. l:14-cv-254 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, et al. Defendants. BRIEF'FOR AMICI CURIAE THE MAYORS OF NEW YORK AND LOS ANGEI,ES, THE MAYORS OF THIRTY.ONE ADDITIONAL CITIES, THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF'MAYORS, AND THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES IN OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF'S' MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJTJNCTION ZecuRRy V/. CeRrBn MIcHIBI,N. F¡uen Corporation Counsel City Attorney' 100 Church Street 701 City Hall East New York, NY 10007 200 North Main Street Prepared the brief: (212) 3s6-2s00 Los Angeles, CA 90012 ANonene GoNzer,Bz, LLP (212) 3s6-2s0e (Ð Attorneyþr the City of Los Sean A. Andrade Attorneyfor Bill de Blasio, Angeles, acting by and Henry Gonzalez Mayor of New York through Los Angeles City 634 South Spring Street Mayor Eric Garcetti Los Angeles, CA 90014 Richard Dearing New York Reg. No. 4402293 (Pro hac více pending) Attorney-in-charge (Additional counsel listed on the signature page) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ii INTEREST OF THE AMICI CURIAE 1 ARGUMENT 5 I. The Executive Action Will Fuel Economic Growth In Cities Across the Country..-.........-... ..........................6 II. The Executive Action Will Increase Public Safety by Encouraging More Immigrant Residents to Trust and Cooperate With Local Law Enforcement....... .............. 10 ru. The Executive Action Will Facilitate the Full Integration of Immigrant Residents in Cities across the Country and Promote Family Unity. ..........12 CONCLUSION ............... t6 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES CASES PAGE Hong v. Napolitano, 772F. Supp. 2d 1270 (D. Haw. 20Il) ... 13 Pendergest-Holt v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's of London, 600 F.3d 562 (sth Cir. 2010). 5 Winter v. Natural Res. 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