MCS/204/2020-22RNINO.MAHENG2002/21899 eye THE SUNDAYEXPRESS MAGAZINE THE PLOWMAN’S MUMBAI,LATECITY TALE 17JANUARY,2021 Once farmershad apride of 18PAGES,`5.00 place in Hindi cinema. When did they become invisible? DAILYFROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGES 15, 16, 17 3,352 SESSIONSHELD, COVISHIELD GIVENINALL UP VACCINATES 21,291; UPLOADING DELAY IN SOME STATES, UTs, COVAXIN IN 12 PUNJAB THE LEAST AT 1,319 Reconstitute panel with ‘neutral’ people: Injecting Hope Farm union tells SC has backedout of the commit- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE tee, and the others —Ashok NEWDELHI,JANUARY16 Gulati, Pramod Kumar Joshi and 1.91 lakh get Anil Ghanwat —havealready AFARMERS’ organisationhas ap- takenpositions in supportofthe proachedthe Supreme Court farm laws. shots across urgingittoreconstitutethe four- The farmers’ body wondered member committee appointed howthese three members could nation, no by the court to interactwith rep- submitareportwithout bias resentativesoffarmers and gov- when theyhad already backed post-vaccine ernment foranamicable resolu- the laws “madeandpassedbythe tion of the differences over the Central government without complication CM UddhavThackeray newfarm laws. enough discussionwithfarmers”. launches the vaccination The BharatiyaKisanUnion The farmers’ body requested drive at BKCcentreon (Lok Shakti) in itsplea pointed the courttoreconstitutethe KAUNAINSHERIFFM Saturday. Pradip Das out thatone of the four mem- panel by including “neutral and NEWDELHI,JANUARY16 bers, Bhupinder Singh Mann, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ON DAY1ofthe world’s largest CM launches immunisation exercise against the coronavirus, 1.91 lakhpeople ‘revolutionary’ No policy changes till were inoculated across the coun- try. Calling it asuccess, the Union drive,cautions Health Ministry said“no case of May, WhatsApp says post-vaccination hospitalisation ‘can’t afford to hasbeenreportedsofar”,indicat- ing therewas no known incident letguard down’ will clear the doubts of severe adverse reaction. Saroj Bala,40, asafai karamchari forthe past20years, afterreceiving the Covid vaccineatacentreinPanchkula. Jaipal Singh In phase one of the immuni- sation exercise, 3crore people in LAXMAN SINGH & AASHISHARYAN& ED The the priority group of healthcare TABASSUM PRANAVMUKUL Facebook PM hails scientists for ‘hope in PLAIN and frontline workers aretobe BARNAGARWALA NEWDELHI,JANUARY16 E ● factor vaccinated. MUMBAI, JANUARY 16 EX CONTINUEDONPAGE2 INSTANT MESSAGINGplatform despair’, says must stay vigilant THE VACCINATION drive WhatsApp announcedlateon THE UPDATED policy againstCovid-19, inaugurated Fridaythat it wasdelaying the terms informedusers that country beganvaccinating an es- state-wide by Chief Minister implementation of itsrecent pri- WhatApp receivesinfor- KAUNAINSHERIFFM timated 3-crorepriority group UddhavThackeray on Saturday, vacy policy changes, whichtrig- mation from, and shares NEWDELHI,JANUARY16 with“twoMade-in-India vac- sawsome technical glitches in geredaglobal backlash,toMay information with, the cines” in the firstphase of an ex- the Co-Winapp, asoftware 15,instead of the scheduled Facebook familyofcompa- HAILINGTHE work of health- ercise thataimstoeventually designedfor real-time register- February8. nies. These changes were ` 65 per kilo care, frontlineworkers and sci- vaccinate 30 crorepeople. ing of dataofpeople who are The updated policy terms focusedonintroducing entists who, at great personal In atelevisedaddress during vaccinated. were firstannouncedvia an in- newoptions forbusinesses risk during the pandemic, the launch, in whichhemade Statehealthauthorities said app notification to users by using WhatsApp Business. ` 93 per kilo “brought hope in an atmosphere ferventappeals and turnedemo- no vaccination rounds were WhatsApp, ownedbyFacebook, of dejection”,Prime Minister tional while recallingthe “na- plannedonSunday, and the asking them to agree to thenew ` 113 per kilo NarendraModi launchedthe tion’s debt” to “those who never next round will be held onlyaf- terms by February8orlose access alarm, WhatsApp clarifiedthat PAGES 3, 4, 5, 6 world’s largest Covid-19immu- PM Modi at launchofthe returnedhome” and“sacrificed terthe glitches aresorted. to their accounts. As both users the changes were necessary nisation drive Saturdayasthe vaccine drive,Saturday. PIB CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 and privacy activists raisedthe CONTINUEDONPAGE2 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THE SUNDAYEXPRESS,JANUARY17,2021 Morenews WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM zeroads ADELAIDE2018TOGABBA2021:UNREPENTANTROHITSHARMAGOES FORTHEGAMBLE&PAYSTHEPRICE Howcan Nokia RohitSharmathrewhiswicketawayonDay2oftheGabbaTestashetriedtotakeonNathanLyonand WEB standout in acluttered EXCLUSIVE perishedfor44. POINTYOURCAMERATO smartphone market? GOTOTHEAPPSTORE FULLCOVERAGE PHOTOGALLERY NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY VISUALSTORIES I DAILYBRIEFING CUSTOMISEDNEWSEXPERIENCE COVID-19 VACCINATION COVID-19 INOCULATION In the latestepisode, we talk to Sanmeet DRIVE LIVE UPDATES DRIVE BEGINS IN INDIA EXPRESS TECHNOLOGY Singh, the vice-president of HMD Global, Apple CEO TimCook PM NarendraModi India will administer about the challenges that Nokia faces in the defends billion dollar launchedthe drive on shots to 3crore current smartphone market deal with Google Saturday frontline workers 3,300 militarypersonnel vaccinated FROMPAGEONE NewDelhi: Around 3,300mili- suppliedwith the firstconsign- tary personnel were givenshots ment of both Covishield and Minor glitches said theyhad expectedahigher on the firstday of the nationwide Covaxin doses.Brigadier turnout but were notoverlywor- Covid-19 vaccination campaign. NarendraKotwal, Commandant On Saturday, 3,352 sessions PM hails scientists for ‘hope in despair’ riedthat notall the frontline Atotal of 3,129Armyhealth ArmedForces Clinic, Delhi was were held, with the target of vac- workers showeduptoget their workers and approximately200 the firsttoget vaccinatedtosig- cinatingatleast100people each. firstshot. from Navy were vaccinatedon nalefficacy and safetyofvaccine On the break-up of Covishield their ownlives trying to save scientists developing these pebblesand rocks” but about ister. Some foreign vaccines are “Wewereexpecting 100per Saturday. Thenumbers forAir and to instill confidence in oth- and Covaxin, the Ministrydata each and everylife”, the Prime vaccines have built their cred- “our people” and “collective re- priced up to Rs 5,000 per dose cent turnout. All beneficiaries Forcewerenot known.Army ers. Navy saidthe drive wasinau- showedthat while the firstvac- Ministerunderlinedthat peo- ibility over the years. We have solve”asdemonstrated in the and have to be stored in minus were informedadayinadvance,” sources said that all earmarked gurated in thepresence of Chief cine,developed by Oxford- ple mustnot lowertheir guard gainedthis trustbecause of our fight againstthe pandemic. 70 degreetemperature. said Dr DNPatil, stateimmunisa- stations and hospitals have been Admiral Karambir Singh. ENS AstraZeneca and manufactured even aftervaccination. He said trackrecord… About 60 per He said the “scale of the Whereas Indianvaccines are tion officer.Hesaid anew vac- by Pune’sSerum Institute, had the countrymuststeel itsre- cent of children around the vaccination campaign” in India basedontechnology that has cine yields some extent of worry. been suppliedtoall states and solve to deal with the pan- worldget life-saving vaccines has neverbeenattemptedin been triedand tested formany “In early days,people wait and TRACKING INDIA’S COVID CURVE Unionterritories,the indige- demic as it did during thelock- that aremade in India,” he said. history.“This shows India’s ca- years in India. From storageto watch. Thisisnatural,” he said. nouslydevelopedCovaxin was down lastyear. “The world's trustinour pability… in the firstround it- transportation, these vaccines Mumbai had registered CASES: ACTIVECASES:2,11,033 administeredin"clinical trial He urgedpeople notto scientists and our vaccine ex- self, 3crore people –and there aresuitable forIndian condi- 4,000 people forthe firstday of 320 mode" in 12 states,includingthe abandon masks, social distanc- pertise is going to strengthen areover100 countries with a tions.” inoculation, but less than 2,000 DAYSSINCE 10,542,841 DEATHS:1,52,093 national capital. Eachsession site ing and hygiene precautions, further with the introduction population less than 3crore -- He said the vaccination turnedup. It wasthe onlycity in PANDEMIC BEGAN TESTS: 18,57,65,491 | RECOVERIES: 1,01,79,715 could administeronlyone of the saying theyhavetoremain vig- of theMade-in-Indiacorona arebeing vaccinated... this campaignwillcontinue fora the statetorecordless than 50 twovaccines. ilant and their mantramustbe vaccines,” he said. needs to be takenupto30 “long time” and people should per cent turnout. CASES DEATHS RECOVERIES TESTS On theissuesfaced, the “dawai bhi, kadai bhi” (get vac- People of the country, he croreinthe second round notfall prey to rumours BMC Executive Health Officer JAN15 15,158 17516,977 8,03,090 Health Ministrysaid theyfaced cinated,but take everyprecau- said, have paid agreat price when the elderly and people “Our scientists,our experts Dr Mangala Gomare saidthe twoonDay 1. “First, therewas a tion). and learnedalot during the with serious co-morbidities gave permission foremer- turnoutwas notbad forthe first delayinuploading of the bene- Describing thescale of the pandemic. “In normal times, willbevaccinated... thereare gency use onlyafter theywere day.
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