Openmoko E-courseware Text expand the openness to open learning Tsing Hua OpenLab. www.mokoversity.org Openmoko Inc. www.openmoko.com Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Oct. 29, 2008. Revision 7. Text Text Text Openmoko 與 Mobile 2.0: 開放手機新機會 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Openmoko 專案 授權:以 LGPL/GPL v2 授權釋出 平臺:發展一個基於 Linux 的開放手機平臺 社群:Openmoko 開發者社群、於西方具有相當高的知名度 教育研究:開放源始碼適合教育與研究 3 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Android 2008/2/18 !" 2:37 Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project Home Docs FAQ Blog Group Terms The Open Handset Alliance, a group of more than 30 technology and mobile companies, is developing Android: the first complete, open, and free mobile platform. To help developers get Getting Started started developing new applications, we're offering an early look at the Android Software 1. Learn about Android Development Kit. 2. Download the SDK 3. Join the community. Participate in our Open All applications are discussion group through email or the web. equal Android allows you to access core mobile device Android does not differentiate functionality through standard between the phone's basic API calls. and third-party applications -- even the dialer or home screen can be replaced. The Android Developer Challenge will award $10 million to developers who build great apps for Android. Breaking down Fast & easy Learn more! boundaries development Featured Videos Combine information from the The SDK contains what you web with data on the phone -- need to build and run Android such as contacts or applications, including a true geographic location -- to device emulator and create new user experiences. advanced debugging tools. Android Blog Community Android Blog User Group Android SDK m5-rc14 now available Default value of integer in sqlite is 0? Feb 13, 2008 - Posted by Jason Chen, Developer Feb 17, 2008 - Posted by maomao Advocate Default value of integer in sqlite is 0? why not On behalf of the entire Android team, I'm null? sample cod: package com.google.dbtest; happy to let you know that an updated version import ... of the Android SDK –... Re: Incorrect timezone in m3-rc37a? Android in Harvard Square Feb 17, 2008 - Posted by Kosmaj Feb 11, 2008 - Posted by Dan Morrill, Developer Advocate It appears that some strings from java.util.TimeZone.getAvailabl eIDs() are As promised , there's another Android event Sergey Brin and Steve Horowitz discuss the availability of being ignored, while some like EST5EDT coming up – though a little closer to home this the SDK, that it will be open source in the future, and which is ... time. Our Android... demo some applications. Does anybody get the some useful Deadline Extension for the Android materials about the Webkit? Developer Challenge Feb 17, 2008 - Posted by aBin Jan 28, 2008 - Posted by Quang Nguyen, Developer 開放平臺Advocate :技術開放、可自由修改I visit the website htpp://[link] only few useful We'd like to let you know that we are extending materials can be found there. Does anybody the submission deadline for the first Android get the some useful materials ... 社群Developers:開發者社群、 Challenge to ... 開發模式 Open source Read more » Intercontinental Androids Jan 22, 2008 - Posted by Dan Morrill, Developer Advocate When I recently blogged about our upcoming Android Campfire, I hinted at some Three part overview of First look at building an international events we've been working... Creative Commons Attribution-Sharethe Android architecture AlikeAndroid 3.0 Application License. and APIs Read more » more videos ©2008 Google - Code Home - Site Terms of Service - Privacy Policy - Site Directory http://code.google.com/android/ #$ 1!1 圖片來源: http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/index.html#phone iPhone 提供 SDK Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. symbian 也成為開放式行動作業系統 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. 開放手機 iPhone:「新的手機使用概念」、提供 SDK Google Android: 「開放式手機平臺」、Open source、提供 SDK Openmoko: 「開放式手機平臺」、Open source、提 供 SDK Symbian: 「開放式手機平臺」、Open source、提供 SDK 開放手機提供 UI 與服務開發的環境。 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. OPENMOKO IDENTITY GUIDELINES 10 Openmoko signature misuse Successful identity of Openmoko depends upon the consistency with which the Openmoko signature is applied. Incorrect use of the signature will reduce the overall impact of the Openmoko identity. Do not change the colors Do not reverse the colors of Do not change the position of the signature the signature of the symbol Some undesirable modifications are illustrated here to underscore the general rule that the signature must always be reproduced in keeping with the guidelines in Open. Mobile. Free Openmoko公司所推出的Openmoko Linux是基於Linux核心與自由軟體 (Free Software)的行動通訊平臺,同時也是全世界第一個真正100%開 this document. 放的手機平臺。 開發的 是一款能完善支援 Openmoko Neo FreeRunner Openmoko Linux的手機。 Openmoko公司是開放源碼(open source)行動電話領導商,並且擁有 一個龐大的開發者社群(community)。「Open. Mobile. Free.」是 Openmoko的口號與核心精神,Openmoko致力於開放與自由化手機的運 動,希望追隨自由軟體的腳步,致力實現「使用者有使用手機的自由」之 願景。 Openmoko是一個由商業與社群驅動,並致力於建立開放行動通訊產品的公司,其產品具備讓消費者與開發者進 行個人化的客製能力,就像個人電腦一樣,可隨意修改。Openmoko也專注於協助創新者將自由(freedom)與 彈性(flexibility)帶入消費電子產品,與相關利基產品中。更多有關Openmoko的最新資訊請參閱 www.Openmoko.com。 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. openmoko open.mobile.free Do not distort the signature Do not use components of Do not typeset the signature. the signature separately Successful identity of depends upon the consistency with which the Openmoko signature is applied. Do not add elements Do not place the signature in Do not place the signature text as a read through on an angle Do not place the signature Do not place the signature Do not create patterns from on a distracting background on a background without any element of signature enough contrast OPENMOKO IDENTITY GUIDELINES 10 Openmoko signature misuse Successful identity of Openmoko depends upon the consistency with which the Openmoko signature is applied. Incorrect use of the signature will reduce the overall impact of the Openmoko identity. Do not change the colors Do not reverse the colors of Do not change the position of the signature the signature of the symbol Some undesirable modifications are illustrated here to underscore the general rule that the signature must always be reproduced in keeping with the guidelines in Neo FreeRunner 產品 Neo FreeRunner支援最新的Openmoko Linux(Om2008.8),並支援 GSM/GPRS/AGPS。這是Openmoko專門針對開發者與教育學習所推出 this document. 的產品,也是全世界第一支 的手機,學生與老師可取得電 open hardware 路圖進行研究。 學生能取得Openmoko Linux所有原始程式碼,以及開發環境。 Openmoko致力於執行 Open. Mobile. Free. 的理念,老師與學生也能由 網站取得電路圖、設計圖與原始程式碼,這讓Neo FreeRunner更緊密地 與學校實驗課程結合。 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. openmoko open.mobile.free Do not distort the signature Do not use components of Do not typeset the signature. the signature separately Successful identity of depends upon the consistency with which the Openmoko signature is applied. Do not add elements Do not place the signature in Do not place the signature text as a read through on an angle Do not place the signature Do not place the signature Do not create patterns from on a distracting background on a background without any element of signature enough contrast Openmoko Hacker Box Neo1973 Samsung S3C2410 with 266MHz 64MB NAND flash 128MB SDRAM 2.8" VGA TFT LCD with touchscreen USB 1.1 Hammerhead PMB 2520 AGPS TI Calypso GSM/GPRS (2.5G) Bluetooth 2.0 Micro SD slot Audio codec Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Neo FreeRunner Samsung S3C2442 with 500MHz 記憶體升級為 128MB NAND flash 升級為 256MB 加入 802.11b/g WiFi 硬體 二個 3D accelerometer SMedia Glamo3662 2D/3D 行動繪圖晶片 支援 850MHz 頻帶 還有 Motion Sensor Neo FreeRunner 是開源手機概念的另外 一個實作:手機不預載任何的應用軟體,出 廠時只預載一個安裝器(installer),當使 用者拿到手機後,可以透過安裝器的選單安 裝「自己想要、也會用到」的應用程式。 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Source: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner_GTA02_Hardware 每日更新 rootfs 與 kernel • Openmoko 網站提供每天最新的 root filesyem & kernel qemu-neo1973 QEMU 是一個可以模擬 x86、 x86_64、ARM、、SPARC、 S P A R C 6 4 、 P o w e r P C 、 PowerPC64、MIPS、m68k 與 SH-4 處理器的 open source 軟 體。簡單說,QEMU 就是一套虛 擬機器 (virtual machine) 的軟 體。 q e m u - n e o 1 9 7 3 是 由 Openmoko 基於 qemu 所發展的 手機模擬器,支援 GSM modem 的模擬功能。 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Open Source 是一種軟 體發展模式(Software Design Methodology) Openmoko Openness Open Source Open Hardware Open Design Open Learning Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Hardware Spec. Open. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. 機構設計. Open. 電路圖. Open. Openmoko Education Openmoko 能做什麼? Neo FreeRunner讓學生能透過Openmoko提供的開放 環境,儘情發揮創意,並開發自已的行動通訊應用程式。 使用Neo FreeRunner做為行動通訊課程或嵌入式系統 的實驗教具。 歡迎加入清華大學的Openmoko OpenLab,分享教 材,與Openmoko一起站上世界舞臺。 Neo FreeRunner有完整的SDK與source code。在最先 進的Mobile Application Framework上開發行動通訊程 式,並進行研究。 讓學生實作創意應用 Neo FreeRunner是真正的開放手機,學生能儘情實現創意,並進行研究 學習。 Openmoko Linux支援GTK+應用程式開發,最新的Openmoko Linux Om2008.8(ASU)也開始支援Qtopia與Enlightenment應用程式。無論 使用哪一種UI技術,都能在Neo FreeRunner上有傑出的介面表現。 超夯手機改造課 變身電玩搖桿 手機當廟宇籤桶 上課超好玩(台視新聞 10/14) 校園推廣 Openmoko在學校能做什麼?將Neo FreeRunner導入行動通訊課程或嵌 入式系統課程,並做為的實驗教具,或專題實作平臺。 Openmoko特別關於教育端的學習需求,希望能幫助學生更務實地學習手 機技術。不定時舉辦研討課程。 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. 課程教材 E-courseware 清華大學正式啟用 OpenLab Openmoko與清華大學OpenLab 共同開發e-courseware,一個希 望跟全世界大學分享的手機軟體 設計教材,邀請有興趣的學校老 師加入教材共同開發行列。 OPENMOKO IDENTITY GUIDELINES 10 Openmoko signature misuse Successful identity of Openmoko depends upon the consistency with which the Openmoko signature is applied. Incorrect use of the signature will reduce the overall impact of the Openmoko identity. Do not change
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