THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 NOVEMBER, 1912. 8749 In Parliament.—Session 1913. of Middlesex, commencing in the parish METROPOLITAN WATER BOARD of Laleham, in the rural district of (VARIOUS POWERS). Staines, by a junction with Conduit No. 22 authorized by the Metro- (Construction by Metropolitan Water Board politan Water Board (New Works) Act, of Waterworks, Wharf, Railways and otheV 1911, at a point on the southern side of the Works in the Counties of London, Middle- existing Staines Aqueduct of the Board, and sex, Kent and Surrey; Power to Deviate; within the fences of that aqueduct, 6£ Acquisition and Appropriation of Lands for chains or thereabouts, : measured in a Purposes of Intended Worksi and other Pur- westerly direction from the centre of the poses; Exemption from 92nd Section of River Ash where that river passes under the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845; said aqueduct near the house known as Extinction of Rights; Agreements for White House, and terminating in the parish Draining Lands and Prevention of Pollu- of Sunbury, in the urban district of Sun- tion; Diversion of Streams; Power to Retain bury-on-Thames, by a junction with an Lauds; Reservation of Rights on Sale of existing pipe of the Board at a point 1£ Lands; Provisions as to Compensation in chains or thereabouts measured in a Certain Cases; Revival of Powers for Con- southerly direction from the south-eastern structing Works and Acquisition of Lands corner of the southern valve-house at the Dis- in Middlesex authorized by New River Com- tribution Reservoir at the termination of the pany's Act, 1896; Extension of Time for said Staines Aqueduct, and | chain or there- Completion of Certain Works in Middlesex abouts measured in a north-easterly direc- and Essex, and Revival of Powers for Con- tion from the eastern bank of the brook structing other works in those Counties known as the Portlane brook. authorized by East London Waterworks Act, The said intended Conduit No. 1 will or may 1900; Borrowing or Raising of Money; be made or pass in through from or into the Issue" p,f Stock and other Financial. Pro- said parishes' of Laleham and Sunbury; the visions; Power to Pay Sums Due to parishes of Littleton, Ashford and Han worth, Deceased Employees or Pensioners without in the said rural district of Staines; and the Production of Probate; Payment of Moneys parish and urban district of Hampton. Payable to Mentally Disabled Pensioners A conduit, cut or line or lines of pipes or Employees; Payments to Injured and (Conduit No. 2) wholly in the said County of other Employees otherwise than under Middlesex, commencing in the said parish Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906; Con- of Sunbury, on the northern side of the said tributions! to Hospitals, etc.; Power to Staines Aqueduct, and within the fences of Borrow Temporarily ^Exemption of Build- that aqueduct, by a junction with the ings, etc., of Metropolitan Water Board intended Conduit No. 1 hereinbefore from London Building Acts; Powers to described, at a point 2^ chains or thereabouts Deputy Clerk of Metropolitan Water Board measured in a north-easterly ...direction from and Other Approved Deputies; Provisions the north-eastern corner of the existing reser- as. to Fire-plugs in Mains; Power to alienate voir of the Board in that parish situate lands without consent of Local Govern- northward of Kempton Park railway station, ment Board; Protection of Mains, etc., of and terminating in the said parish of Han- Metropolitan Water Board from Works of worth, in the field numbered on the ^j^ Other Undertakers; Power to Sunbury-on- Soale Ordnance Map, 2nd edition, 1895 Thames Urban District Council to Purchase (Middlesex sheet No. XXV-1), 156 in that Lands for Road Widenings; Power to parish, at a point 4 chains or thereabouts Staines Rural District Council to Purchase measured in a north-westerly direction from Lands for Road Widenings or to make Road the south-eastern corner of the said field, Diversion and Acquire Llands; Vesting and £ chain or thereabouts measured in a Site of Diverted Road in Adjoining Owners northerly direction from the southern fence as Consideration for Purchase <pf Lands; of the said field. Payment by Metropolitan Water Board of A conduit, cut or line or lines of pipes Cost of Execution of Powers by Sunbury- (Conduit No. 3) wholly in the said parish on-Thamesi Urban District Council and of Hanwof th and County of Middlesex, com- Staines Rural District Council; Provisions mencing in the field numbered on the as to ascertaining amount of such cost; Ap- Ordnance Map lastly hereinbefore referred plication of Provisions of Metropolitan to 150 in that parish, at a point 7 chains or Water Board (New Works) Act, 1911 relat- thereabouts measured in a south-westerly ing to such Payment, and Discharge of direction from the north-eastern corner of .Metropolitan Water Board from Obligations the said field, and 7| chains or thereabouts thereunder; Further Powers- to the District measured in a southerly direction from the Councils; Incorporation Repeal and Amend- north-western corner of the said field, and ment of Acts; General and Incidental Pro- terminating within the premises of the exist- visions) . ing Kempton Park pumping station of the OTICE is hereby given, that the Metro- Board in that parish, at a point 1 chain or N politan Water Board (hereinafter called thereabouts measured in a north-westerly " the Board ") intend to apply to Parliament direction from the north-western corner of in the ensuing- Session for leave to bring in a the chimney shaft of that pumping station, in Bill for the following or some of the following a pumping station proposed to be constructed among other purposes: — by the Board at or near that point. To authorize the Board to make and main- An aqueduct or line or lines of pipes tain the .following waterworks, or some of them, (Aqueduct No. 1) wholly in the said County or some part' or parts thereof (that is to of Middlesex, commencing in.the said parish say) : — of Hanworth, within the premises of the said A conduit, cut or line or lines of pipes existing pumping station in that parish and (Conduit No. 1) wholly in the County in the said proposed pumping-station, at a.
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