THE CATHOLIC PAGE 5 Pastoral appointments announced April 29, 2016ommentator Vol. 54, No. 6 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org C MERCY SENTENCE Spirituality at Carville By Debbie Shelley The Catholic Commentator Life in prison was the sentence they received even though they had not commit- ted murder, treason or rob- bery. Their “crime” was having a disease which medical sci- ence now shows that 95 per- cent of the world population is not susceptible to. And for thousands, that “sentence” was served at a leprosarium in Carville, now known as the National Han- sen’s Disease Museum. Known by the name lepro- sy, Hansen’s disease has been feared and misunderstood throughout history. Most peo- ple’s knowledge of the disease stems from biblical references, in which those who had it were banished from their communi- ty and loved ones and labeled First Four Nuns – The first group of four Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul arrived at the national leprosarium in Carville, which “unclean.” was the first and only in-patient hospital in the U.S. for the treatment of leprosy, on April 17, 1896. With Father Michael Colton, then chap- That stigma continued to lain, and Sister Beatrice Hart, center, sister superiors, are, from left, Sisters Mary Thomas Stokum, Annie Costello and Cyril Coupe. They more recent times in Loui- were met with almost insurmountable obstacles, one being the dilapidated condition of the Indian Camp Plantation Home which was to SEE MUSEUM PAGE 10 be their quarters. See related story on page 12. Photo provided by Elizabeth Schexnyder | National Hansen’s Disease Museum, Carville FOUNT OF GRACE – Rhett Verz- Parish to open house for trafficking victims wyvelt (being baptized by By Richard Meek sexually abused, and, according simply sold to another predator, Father David The Catholic Commentator to law enforcement officials, likely continuing the cycle. There was Allen) was involved in drug abuse. the case of one stepfather who baptized Human trafficking has become, And when their pimps deem began sexually abusing his step- along with his as one woman religious puts it, a the young girls too old, they are daughter when she was 12 years cousin, Wyatt form of “modern slavery.” old and eventually sold her when Bahlinger on Girls averaging 12 to 13 years she turned 15 because, quite sim- Divine Mercy old are peddled like human com- ply, she was too old for him. Sunday. The baptisms were a special celebration for modities pimped out as prosti- “It is the modern slavery of our the family, some coming from California, following tutes to eager pedophiles. The era,” said Sister Norma Nunez medical complications for Rhett at birth. Pictured, girls, whose main concerns should HSM. “(The girls) are being de- from left, are his parents Brooke and Richard Verz- be fighting acne and making week- ceived and exploited. I don’t wish wyvelt, Randall Verzwyvelt (godfather) and Lauren end plans, live on the street or in for anyone to do that.” Bahlinger (godmother). For story, see page 7. Photo cars, and if they are lucky enough Perhaps equally as disturbing provided by Melanie Roubique perhaps in seedy motels. They are as the human exploitation is de- often physically abused as well as SEE TRAFFICKING PAGE 19 2 The Catholic Commentator The LIGHTER SIDE of FAI t H April 29, 2016 | TREASURES FROM THE DIOCESE | DID YOU KNOW Papal documents With the release of Pope Francis’ apos- 2. As suggested, an apostolic con- tolic exhortation on April 8, one obvious stitution is a second type of papal doc- question comes up: What other types of ument and deals with serious doctrinal documents can the pope issue? matters. When issued, it can define dog- Based on the reason or need, the pon- ma, change canon law or establish new tiff has many types of documents at his ecclesiastical structures. disposal. However, before addressing the 3. If the pope wants to write a pasto- various papal documents, it’s important ral letter to the entire church, he would to remember that official church docu- typically use this third type of papal ments can come from four basic areas in document called an encyclical letter. the Catholic Church. Usually this document offers some type One is from the bishops. These docu- of teaching or counsel on doctrine. An ments, either issued by individual bish- example is Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum No- ops or by national conferences of bishops, varum, an encyclical that first introduced explain how church teaching will be put Catholic social teaching. into effect in a diocese or particular area. 4. Similar to an encyclical in its pas- Often referred to as a pastoral letter, each toral nature, an apostolic letter or must receive official confirmation from epistle is written by the pope to address the Vatican to have authority. a specific person or group of people on an A second official church document issue or issues of concern. is issued by offices of the Holy See and 5. Another document that the pope authorized by the pope. Called a curial can send is called a declaration. This document, this type of communication can be in the form of a simple statement provides instruction, such as to explain of a law or a longer declaration that could or clarify documents issued by a council modify a church law. Declarations are not or decrees by a pope. A curial document issued as much as they once were in the also includes a “recognitio,” or an accep- early history of the church. tance by the Holy See of a document sent 6. A sixth type is the motu proprio. to it for review, and a “dubia,” which is an This is a decree issued by the pontiff and official response to questions sent to the is meant to handle specific issues related Vatican by bishops seeking more infor- to the church. When restrictions were re- mation on various topics. laxed during the celebration of the Mass, Conciliar documents are another type Catholics heard about it in a motu proprio of official church documents and are issued issued by Pope Benedict XVI. following the work of a church council. 7. An apostolic exhortation, issued The last type of official church docu- recently by Pope Francis, is an exhorting ment includes the largest of the four ar- or urging by the pope. Typically, it con- Nestled behind St. Patrick Church in Baton Rouge is an outdoor way of the cross, with eas: papal documents. Papal documents tains papal reflections on a certain topic the Virgin Mary at its center. A grove of trees offers a shady canopy and a serene set- are issued directly by the pontiff and typ- and may also offer encouragement and ting, a rarity in an area teeming with traffic and other distractions of an urban area. ically fall into certain recognized catego- instruction to everyone in the church. Photo by Richard Meek | The Catholic Commentator ries with different levels of authority. The “Amoris Laetitia” or “the Joy of Love” 1. The first type is a papal bull. It is draws together the results of two recent typically used to address a wide range of synods on the family and also contains | PICTURES FROM THE PAST situations, such as an excommunication the pope’s thoughts on providing comfort to canonizations of saints. Written on and compassion to every family. parchment with a seal or bulla attached 8. Finally, for those times when the featuring cords of silk, a papal bull makes pope doesn’t write a papal document, he a dramatic presentation and is typically can still make a formal oral announce- reserved for solemn announcements. In ment. Called an allocution, this is a 1950, the dogma of the Assumption of way for the pope to address a group on a Our Blessed Mother was issued through certain topic. The first pope to use it was an apostolic constitution with a papal Pope Pius IX when he addressed the car- bull. dinals. thecatholiccommentator.org | Facebook.com/TheCatholicCommentator Bishop Robert W. Muench Publisher Wanda L. Koch Advertising Manager Father Tom Ranzino Assistant Publisher Penny G. Saia Production Manager Richard Meek Editor Lisa Disney Secretary/Circulation Debbie Shelley Assistant Editor Rachele Smith Staff Writer The Catholic Commentator (ISSN 07460511; USPS 093-680) Published bi-weekly (every other week) by the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge,1800 South Acadian As May approaches, many churches are making plans for the crowing of the Blessed Vir- Thruway, Baton Rouge, LA 70808; 225-387-0983 or 225-387-0561. Periodical Postage Paid at Baton gin Mary. Father Wilfred Knoblock, then pastor at St. Jules Church in Belle Rose, is shown Rouge, LA. Copy must reach the above address by Wednesday for use in the next week’s paper. Sub- with St. Jules students during a May Crowning in 1946. Photo provided by the Archives Department of scription rate: $14.00 per year. POSTMASTER, send address changes to The Catholic Commentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-4746. the Diocese of Baton Rouge April 29, 2016 The Catholic Commentator 3 ‘The Joy of Love’ simplifies, affirms church teaching on critical issues Pope Francis embraces cal, like he’s giving advice to your average By Rachele Smith Humberto and Claudia Go- family. He shows how the family is not The Catholic Commentator mez, who are married civil- only the bedrock to the church but also to ly but not in the church, society as well,” added Romero. At a time when one out of every two during a meeting with fam- Romero’s colleague, Amelia Gallagher, American marriages ends in divorce, ilies at the Victor Manuel director of youth formation at Our Lady when television and technology replace Reyna Stadium in Tuxtla of Mercy, believes the pope’s words are family conversation, and when personal Gutierrez, Mexico, Feb.
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