ANéwspàper With A Constructive PER COPY '.- 'J. ; VOLUME 20, NUMBER 5 MEMPHIS. TENNESSEE, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1951 PRICE SIX C ■ ■■• «".-’M-7 AU's Dr. Washington Makes Ray Robinson Loses Title Armed Service 'G rand Tour' To Young British Fighter Dr. Forrester B. Washington, head of the Atlanta University Although the general purpose of BY BOB CONSIDINE - INS Sports Writ«.' -i ' Robinson, whose face was__ —-™ School of Social Work, was one of the group of 66 prominent citi­ the -tour .was "to acquaint certain, into a. bloody mask twice durlhs'ttjpi; selected civilians with the status of IONDON — (INS) — Randolph Turpin, who won the world zens invited recently to make an inspection tour of Armed Ser­ stunning i5-rounder,*was-a:' ' the Departmen of Defense and the middleweight championship Tuesday from Ray Robinson in one spectator to a symphony o! vices Installations by Defense Secretary George C. Marshall. current problems with which it has- of the biggest upsets of modern ring history, will defend the to deal," Dr. Washington made by a large and vocal.stafF-.. Dr. Washington, the only Negro in the group, enjoyed the crown against Sugar Ray in a New York Baseball Park during dressing room after. Ioslngl4tta*jde«® comradeship on the ten-day jaunt of such captains of industry some sideline observations which were not included in the genera! late September. C1S10n' ' as the president of the General Mills Company, the president of alms The 31-year-old bea^'ch^plctaHO Capitol Air Lines, the vice president of United States Steel and who has been tcurlng Eiuope wlth g Dr. ,C. W. Mayo of the Mayo Brothers Clinic; Both of tile absorbing nature the tour. Dr. Washington. says Demand Of NEA Complete a party of friends and*personal' etij’-i’j “the observations . I was able ployes. was salctlq'have been “way ': make regarding the treatment off” in a revfew-of 'the battle Vby.Sg the Negro soldiers, sailor and Air his well-wishers'. '■ - • ■ 11 i.-fg Integration For They insisted that ‘the • bad-"cjiti'S Will Dedicate Douglas Force member were necessarily very sketchy and based upon very brief over his -leff eye was butted'- open ’, interviews." SAN FRANCISCO—The National 'recent, order permitting the affilia­ by Turpin.’' They added that his: Education Association, the world’s tion of a second state teachers or­ strengtir had been sapped “by his - Park Golf Course Sun. However, by missing lunch pe­ largest organization of teachers and ganization to the NEA from certain strenuous European tour and the’¡j riods, recreation and similar fea­ educators, was challenged to a pro­ states where Negro teachers are not ajlJnight vigils of noisy faris'otit-ig "The completion of the Douglas phis Park Commission. ' tures of. the planned program, he gram of full integration in an ad­ afforded membership in state asso- side his-training quarters.” Park Golf Course marks the dawn Music for the occasion will be was able to carry on brief inter­ dress delivered before the final ses­ clations already affiliated with ths But Ray. whose glamour drew,: a!ii furnished by the renowned Letter views with Negro service men and crowd of 18,500 and a gate of about' of a new era in recreation for col­ sion of its 89th annial convention NEA. She is a past president of ATA $275,000 to Earl's court,- was a great! ored citizens of Memphis)'’ This Carriers Band, with Mr. J. D. Wil­ women to see how well the Armed Friday. and chairmnn of the NEA-ATA joint liams, directing. There will also be Forces' Integration policy was work champion in defeat — only.'.’lils'|j statement appeared in a recent ar-i •"Speaking on behalf of the Joint committee. "■■■ second setback In 130 professional. .. tide written for the WORLD by a band concert by the band com­ Ing. committee between the NEA and the In an earlier session of this joint prised chiefly of letter carriers of Denying that his observations fights. ■ . 7'is Dr. H. H. Johnson, prominent phy­ American Teachers Association, Miss committee, Moss H. Kendrix. NEA "You win some and you. VtosefS sician and golfer. Memphis. would have the completeness of the public relations consultant, reported studies made by several Journalists Mary L. Williams, Charleston, West some," Robinson said quietly, as he After twelve years of continuous Virginia, announced that "there that thirteen of the, fifteen states efforts on the part of the Eureka Following dedicatory ceremonies, working at it fui’ time (notably dropped wearily to a dressing, rdomfei a "Best Ball Fivesome" match, com­ Jimmy Hicks), Dr. Washington shall be no order to cease fire at in­ affected had affiliated with the NEA table surrounded by tearful .spur­ Golf Club (later changed its name DEAN A. McEWEN WILLIAMS, president, Tenn. Baptist Leadership equalities in our professional orga­ under the provisions of. the new NEA to'the Sam Qualls Memorial Golf posed of Garfield Allen. O. D. Alex stated: “If what I say has any va­ ring mates. 't-' ander, Robert Wright. Dollar San- lue at all—it is. that I am older Education Congress, which opens Monday, July 16th, at Knoxville, nizations until we have complete interpretation. The NEA representa­ Turpin, the.son of a West Indian' Club), to get the Memphis Park for a week-long session. Two weeks ago Rev. Williams, who is Integration on the local, state and tive also announced that the con­ father now dead and a nearly blind- Commission to undertake the task ders.and Bubble Geeter. will be Ithan most of, them (iournailstsi played. and in a few instances In a better pastor of historic St. John Baptist church, Memphis, was elected national levels." vention had its largest Negro atten­ white mother, bounded into Robin­ of laying out a suitable course for dance. At least three states had Ne­ Free refreshments will be served. position to Judge conditions from Assistant* Dean of the National S. S.-B. T. U. Congress during its Miss Williams's statement was son's dressing room after the fight, , the citizenry of Memphis, the Doug­ a point of view of time and space " considered the ATA response to o gro representation for the first time. still startled by the events of the, las Park Golf Course will be dedi­ Many will thrill at. the beauty of annual session'in Shreveport, La. The ATA had contended for years cated Sunday, July 15, 2 P. M. with the course: fifty acres of virgin for­ He explains mat in having view­ night, ' ,; J.; est has been transformed into a that the NEA should provide, policy “I am" sorry," the ffl-'yeaf-oldnewV; mammoth ceremonies. ed the scene over a longer' period Interpretations that would Insure champidn-'sffld;" Master of ceremonies for the af­ very modern golf course with many of time than most of the youthful natural . hazards. It will ■ have .the Tenn. Baptist Leadership Education Negro participation lh the Associa­ Ray’s battered face ,wrlnkled’4nto\. ternoon will be the well known, installation the Pentagon Building, tion’s representative assembly, the a smile and he replied: versatile newsman and radio disc distinction of being the only 9 hole sons based on eye witness observa­ course with a par 5 hole. Another legislative body. Negroes in the. "You’re real good, Randy, like I Jockey, Nat D. Williams. Prof. Blair tion . *outli .had sat to J-heta ssembiydnatn. -thought you.were. You're champion, T. Hunt, principal of Booker T. first in its honor will be its total At the top level Armed Service Congress Opens Monday InKnoxville yardage, 2338 which will make it their own NEA local associations now.” Turpin embraced, the -ex-, Washington High School will make installation, th Pentagon Building, and on a courtesy basis from cef-i champion, whose reign as middle-,: the presentation of the speaker. Mr. at least 120 yards than the Over- Dr. .Washington says on the basis The48t.li session of the Tennessee 1 .«¡dent Williams will deliver his cational convention of which the ton Park Course. tain, southern affiliated state , orga­ weight king- lasted only from.Feb­ John Beasey, Chairman of the Mem ■of his two day stay there that in­ Baptist Leadership Education and annual : address Friday morning. Rev. S. A. Owen is president. nizations. ruary to July, and then fled from- tegration is fully in force He notic­ Training Congress will be held with Many of the Memphis delegation The Baptist of Memphis and of Dr. H. CouncllI Trenholm, ATA the room. ed that Negroes held a. variety of Tennessee are fortunate in having the Mt. Olive Baptist Church in will leave the Mt. Nebo 3aptlst executive secretary and member of J. Onslow Fane, President of' the' positions in a variety of offices "and Knoxville. Tennessee. Rev. W. T Church Sunday night. July 15, at Rev. Williams a?‘a religious edu­ departments. the NEA-ATA joint committee.'out­ British Board of Boxlng CMntrol National Youth Congress Critchcr. pastor, next week under 8:00 o’clock by way of chartered cation leader. He is a wide-awake lined the background of the develop­ loomed over Robinson . and’ boomed 7 After the two day tour of' the the leadership of President A. Mc­ Greyhound Buses, Others will go man who keeps. abreast of recent ment of the new NEA policy at the “It was a joy to see a champion lose Pentagon, the party spent two days Ewen Williams by way of the Southern Railway trends in education, both religious at the following installations; Quan- leaving the Union Station at 7:45 sectional conference participated m his championship in such a gallant'-■? Holds Meeting In Washington ■The Congress has made rapid and secular.
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