D120 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- DAILY DIGEST March 11, 1982 HAZARDOUS WASTES Thursday, March 11, 1982 Committee on Public Works and Transportation: Sub­ committee on Investigations and Oversight held a hearing on the contamination of ground and surface Senate water resources by hazardous waste. Testimony was heard from the following officials of the EPA: Chris­ Chamber Action topher Capper, Acting Assistant Administrator, Solid Waste and Emergency Response and Gary Dietrich, Routine Proceedings, pages 3958-4013 Director, Office of Solid Waste. Bills Introduced: Ten bills and four resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 2190-2199, S.]. Res. WATER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 164, S. Con. Res. 68, and S. Res. 337-338. Committee on Public Works and Transportation: Sub­ Pages 4011-4012 committee on Water Resources continued hearings Bills Reported: Reports were made as follows: on the improvement, operation, maintenance and fi­ S. 901, authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to nancing of the nation's water transportation system, acquire the Georgetown waterfront within the Dis­ including coastal and Great Lakes ports, the St. Law­ trict of Columbia and administer it as part of the rence Seaway, and the inland and intracoastal water­ National Capital park system (S. Rept. No. 97-321). ways. Testimony was heard from Representatives Page 4011 Young of Missouri; Oakar; Gephardt; Murphy and Measure Passed: public witnesses. Committee Funding Authorization: Senate agreed Hearings continue tomorrow. to S. Res. 333, providing funds in operating ex­ penses of the standing, select, and special commit­ BREEDER REACTOR AND NUCLEAR FUEL tees of the Senate, and providing for the repeal of CYCLE REPROCESSING PROGRAMS S. Res. 289, authorizing funds for operating ex­ Committee on Science and Technology: Subcommittee on penses of the Committee on Rules and Administra­ Energy Research and Production concluded hear­ tion, after rejecting the following amendment pro­ ings on DOE breeder reactor and nuclear fuel cycle posed thereto: reprocessing programs for fiscal year 1983 budget Helms unprinted Amendment No. 827, to pro­ request. Testimony was heard from William ]. vide that expenditures authorized for certain com­ Dircks, Executive Director for Operations, NRC mittees be the same for the period covered by the and public witnesses. resolution as for the preceding year. Page 4057 NSF AUTHORIZATION Pages 4055-4062 Committee on Science and Technology: Subcommittee on Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr.: Senate contin­ Science, Research and Technology approved for full ued consideration of S. Res. 204, expelling Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr., of New Jersey, from the Committee action a clean bill to be introduced au­ Senate, and the following amendment proposed thorizing appropriations for the National Science thereto: Foundation. Cranston Amendment No. 1336 (in the nature of POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING a substitute), to censure instead of expel Senator Williams. Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on During consideration of this measure today, by 97 Energy, Environment, Safety, and Issues Affecting yeas to 3 nays, Senate agreed to a motion to compel Small Business held a hearing on pollution control the attendance of absent Senators. financing. Testimony was heard f1:om Edwin Page 3975 Holloway, Deputy Administrator, SBA and public S. Res. 204 was indefinitely postponed, following witnesses. the resignation of Senator Williams. Page 4004 Pages 3972-4004 BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS Nominations: Senate received the following nomi­ Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Approved budget rec­ nations: ommendations for the March 15 report to the Com­ James L. Malone, of Virginia, to be Ambassador mittee on the Budget. at Large in connection with his appointment as Spe­ cial Representative for the Law of the Sea Confer­ COMMITTEE BUSINESS ence, and Chief of Delegation. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Met in exec­ Robert E. Coyle, to be U.S. District Judge for the utive session to consider Committee business. Eastern District of California. March 11, 1982 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- DAILY DIGEST D 121 William T. Hart, to be U.S. District Judge for the Committee Meetings Northern District of Illinois. John A. Nordberg, to be U.S. District Judge for COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING the Northern District of Illinois. COMMISSION Walter E. Black, Jr., to be U.S. District Judge for Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Sub­ the District of Maryland. committee on Agricultural Research and General Michael A. Telesca, to be U.S. District Judge for Legislation concluded hearings on S. 2109, authoriz­ the Western District of New York. ing funds for the Commodity Futures Trading Com­ W. Asa Hutchinson, to be U.S. Attorney for the mission, after receiving testimony from Theodore Western District of Arkansas. Thomte, Thomte & Co., Inc., Boston, Massachu­ Robert W. Merkle, Jr., to be U.S. Attorney for setts, on behalf of the National Association of Fu­ the Middle District of Florida. tures Trading Advisers; Clint Burr, Chicago, Illinois; Richard H. Still, Jr., to be U.S. Attorney for the Louis E. Carabini, MONEX International, Newport Northern District of Georgia. Beach, California; James ]. Groberg, International Frederick ]. Hess, to be U.S. Attorney for the Precious Metals Corporation, Fort Lauderdale, Flori­ Southern District of Illinois. da; David F. Simon, First National Monetary Corpo­ Charles H. Gray, to be U.S. Marshal for the East­ ration, Southfield, Michigan; Glen Clark, McLean, ern District of Arkansas. Virginia; Jerry Fishman, DOWDEX Corporation, 17 Navy nominations in the rank of Admiral. Chicago, Illinois; and Carl Ek, National Farmers Routine lists of Navy nominations. Union, Washington, D.C. Pages 4063-4066 BUDGET Presidential Messages: Senate received messages from the President, as follows: Committee on Appropriations: Committee began consid­ ( 1) Transmitting the first annual report for 1980 of eration of those items in the President's budget for the Department of Energy on the federal coordina­ fiscal year 1983 which fall within its legislative juris­ tion of factors and data used in development of diction and on recommendations which it will make building energy conservation standards, which was thereon to the Committee on the Budget, but did referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural not complete action thereon, and recessed subject to Resources (PM-117). call. (2) Transmitting the fourth annual report of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978. APPROPRIATIONS-AGRICULTURE (3) Transmitting the fourth annual report called Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri­ for by Section 601(a) of the Nuclear Non-Prolifera­ culture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies tion Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-242), covering cal­ resumed hearings on proposed budget estimates for endar year 1981, which was referred to the Commit­ fiscal year 1983 for the Department of Agriculture, tee on Foreign Relations (PM-118). receiving testimony in behalf of funds for their re­ Page 4010 spective activities from William G. Lesher, Assistant Messages From the President: Page 4010 Secretary of Agriculture for Economics; J. Dawson Ahalt, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Communications: Pages 4010-4011 Economics; John E. Lee, Jr., Acting Administrator, Statements on Introduced Bills: Pages 4013-4029 Economic Research Service, William E. Kibler, Acting Administrator, Statistical Reporting Service, Notices of Hearings: Page 4032 Terry N. Barr, Acting Chairman, World Agricultur­ Additional Statements: Pages 4032-4045 al Outlook Board, John E. Schrote, Deputy Assistant Nominations: Pages 4064-4067 Secretary of Agriculture for Administration, Claude W. Gifford, Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Quorum Call: One quorum call was taken today. Governmental and Public Affairs, and A. James (Total-27) Barnes, General Counsel, all of the Department of Page 3974 Agriculture. Record Vote: One record vote was taken today. Hearings continue tomorrow. (Total-52) Page 3975 APPROPRIATIONS-FOREIGN ASSISTANCE Recess: Senate convened at 10 a.m., and recessed at Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on For­ 5:18 p.m., until 12 noon, on Monday, March 15, eign Operations held hearings on proposed budget 1982. (For Senate's program, see remarks of Senator estimates for fiscal year 1983 for foreign assistance Baker in today's RECORD on page 4064.) programs, receiving testimony in behalf of funds for D 122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- DAILY DIGEST March 11, 1982 the Agency for International Development from its Subcommittee will meet again on Tuesday, March Administrators, M. Peter McPherson. 16. Subcommittee will meet again on Tuesday, March 16. CLEAN AIR ACT APPROPRIATIONS-PARK SERVICE Committee on Environment and Public Works: Commit­ tee resumed markup of proposed amendments to Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on the In­ the Clean Air Act (P.L. 95-95), but did not com­ terior and Related Agencies resumed hearings on plete action thereon, and will meet again on Tues­ proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 1983 for day, March 16. the Department of the Interior, receiving testimony in behalf of funds for the National Park Service BUDGET from Russell E. Dickerson, Director, National Park Committee on Finance: Committee continued to discuss Service. the Administration's budget proposals for fiscal year Subcommittee will meet again on Wednesday, 1983 which fall within the jurisdiction of the com­ March 17. mittee, receiving testimony from Vermont Gover­ APPROPRIATIONS-PANAMA
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