I ,1 * • ,,i . .: : 1 II: •)' .' J.... • f •••/••' r I It Iff (Omufotft (Sxiiwci auft Second Class Paid Vol. LXXIV. No. 49. 4 Sections, 30 Pages CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1967 (Stanford, N*w 15 CENTS Agreement Reached Board Member Accompanied Kiamie on School Inspection, On Teacher Salaries; Concurs With His Findings School Trustee John Vassallo admitted at Tuesday night's Board Cost Seen at $212,500 of Education meeting that he accompanied Forum League Chairman The Board of Education and the Cranford Education Association Edmond Kiamie on a tour of Cranford High School and Orange Avenue aye reached agreement for the 1968-69 school year on salary improve- Junior High School which resulted in a published statement by Mr. mehis and other benefits, it was announced today by Robert P. Biunno, Kiamie that "filthy conditions" exist in the two schools. schoolTboard president, and Irwin K Billet, association president. Mr. Vassallo was asked to con- ~ ~~ : Mr. Bhinno said the proposed agreement is contingent on approval firm his part in the inspection by of the 1968r69. school budget by Kenneth McGrath of 3 Normandie Christmas the voters at the February 13 school PI. election. "I did accompany Mr. Kiamie on The package agreed to by the Recreation tours of both schools on October Mail Load board and the association will cost 28, and I'll have to say that I con- ah estimated $21^5,500 to imple- visor cur with his findings," the board LigKter Here ment, and these funds will be pro- member Said. "Actually I found g vided in the, proposed budget, Mr. them light." Outgoing letter size mail, includ- Leaving Post He said he wanted to discuss ing rnetered mail by firms for the Biunno said. period of December 7 through ;the agreement was reached Tues- Mayor Edward K. Gill reported the problem immediately, but the yesterday that Recreation Supervis- issue got sidetracked, by other Tuesday totaled approximately 1,- day at |a meeting of the entire 145,473 pieces at the Cranford Post school board and the salary com- or Robert R. Shupih has submitted board business. his resignation to accept a position Office, as compared with 1,071/748 mittee of the Cranford Education According to.: Robert Biunno, pieces during the same period in as director of the department of president, the board has been kept Association, and was referred yes- parks artd recreation in South Or- 1966, or an increase of approxi- terday to the association's executive too busy with work on the 1968-69 mately 6.9 percent, it was reported ange. budget. committee. The salary for the newly-created yesterday by ,. Postmaster Arthur The major improvement provides post in South Orange has been set "I asked the superintendent at Boertmann. for increasing the minimum salary at $11,500. Mr. Shupin'g salary the time the article appeared to Incoming letter size mail, how- for a teacher with a bachelor's "de- here was $8,400 this year and was gather all the information he could, ever, showed a large decrease, to- gree from $5,900 to $6,400, and scheduled to be $9,100 for 1968. but we haven't had time to consider taling 1,009,709 pieces as coptfared for increasing the maximum salary "This gives Us and the people of it because of the budget," Mr. Biun- with last year's figures of 1,118,153 from $10,000 to $10,700. Cranford a; good idea of the fierce no explained. "Even if the report pieces, or a 9.7 percent decrease. The agreement also calls for in- salary competition at the munici- were ready now, I doubt if we Incoming parcel post, totaled 17,- creasing the differential between, pal level," Mayor Gill said in an- would have time to read it." 483 pieces or parcels, as compared teachers holding a bachelor's de- announcing the resignation. But Mr. Kiamie, speaking.after with last year's 21,084 parcels, or a gree, and a master's degree from Mr. Shupin, who was appointed the meeting, accused the board decrease of 17 percent. $400 to $500, and those holding a recreation supervisor here on Sep- president of deliberately evading The peak figure for. incoming master's degree and a master's de- tember 1, 1964, said he plans to the issue and "putting off" Mr. mail of letter size was reached on gree plus 30 credits from $300 to finish up here on January 12 and Vassallo. Saturday with 142,192 pieces han- $500. assume his new job on January 15.. "We didn't want to mention > Mr. 4led. Peak figure for outgoing let- The proposed salary guide also Now residing at Parkway Village Vassallo's name until he'd had a ter size was set on Tuesday, when increases increments past the 12th with his wife and two children, he chance to discuss the situation with 135,467 pieces were dispatched. plans to move to East Orange in step from $200 to $300. In addition, the board. Biunno is putting him Outgoing parcel post showed a boys who attended the school are being charged with the dese-. the board has agreed to pay half the near future. (Continued. on Page -8) HILLSIDE AVENUE SCHOOL AFTER VANDALS STRUCK -i- The large decrease, with 9,866 pieces cration. ,., ^ the cost of major medical, Blue handled, as compared with 11,279 above photos show part Of $1,300 damage done by vandals who broke Cross and Blue Shield benefits for parcels last year, or a decrease of into Hillside Avenue Junior High School over the weekend. Four dependents of teachers. 12.8 percent The board also agreed to reduce Committee Formed to SupportHeaviest load of incoming parcel the number of steps to reach maxi- post was received on Friday, when Siegel Resigns as Chairman mum, salaries from 17 to 16. Incumbent Board Candidates2,277 pieces were handled, while "We were striving for realistic the heaviest load of outgoing par- Four Juveniles salary policies to help Cranford :;. Announcement was made this week of the formation of a '.'Cranford cel post was dispatched oil Monday Of Cranford Planning Board maintain jtt$ present ..status iti to- Citizens' Committee for the Reelection of Robert Biunno, George of last week, when 1,228 parcels : day's coMpetitive market in at- J&ubtae&nd James Williams |o the Cranford Board of Education." Hawy were mailed. It was teamed this week that Planning Board, to take effect De Ghaipesof tracting high quality teachers," Mr. Baron of 405 Walnut Ave. was named chairman of the newly-formed Postmaster Boertmann reported Howard h. Siegel has submitted cember 31. : (Continued on Page 8) committee whose aims and objectives will be to wcirk for the reelection that all mail was current as of yes- his resignation "as chairman of the Mr. Siegel has been a member Of of .the three incumbent board terday and all deliveries are oh the board since 1954 and served schedule. He said that all letters At Junior School members whose terms expire in as its chairman for the past four February. and parcels arriving before 7:30 1 No Epidemic a.m. Saturday would be delivered years. Police Chief Matthew T. Haney reported yesterday that four Mr. Baron made the following Board Hires in time for Christmas. Major accomplishments during Cranford juveniles had" been apprehended in connection with a wave statement following the organiza- The Post Office has been operat- his years as chairman have includ- of vandalism which struck Hillside Avenue Junior High School over the Of Flu Here tional meeting of the committee: 3 Teachers, ing all through the Christmas per- ed the adoption of the township's' '; Although a wave of Asian flu was "A recent national survey oh Master Plan and the drawing up of weekend. Damage estimated at $1,300 was caused in two separate iod with no extensions in window entries at the school. , reported to have hit Union County Board of Education members show- service except for last Saturday, detailed recommendations for this week, a check of the Cranford ed that every year, 50,000 men and Loses Four when the local office was open un- changes in the zoning ordinance re- Police were called to the school Public Schools yesterday did not women in this country take office The Board of Education on Tues- til 4 p.m. On Sunday, the Post cently submitted to the Township at 12:30 p.m. Saturday after a cus- tercom telephone was ripped from indicate anymndue increase in ab- as new' school board members. day hired three teachers for the Office was open from 2 to 4 p.m. Committee for consideration. todian discovered that entry had the wall. sences here because of. illness. Most of them serve only one or current school year, and accepted It will continue to be open until 5 He also has worked in concert been gained by breaking a window After the mess had been cleaned Dr. Clark W. McDermith, super- two terms. By their own admis- the resignations of four others. p.m. each day until this Saturday, with other local officers, the Cham- up and the window repaired, Pa- intendent of schools, said the 420 sion, most of the first term is ber of Commerce and local busi- in Rodm 36 in the northeast wing The new teachers are Mrs. Mar- when it will close at noon as sched- and that gas jets had been turned trolman Thomas E. Kane on a rou- pupils absent yesterday out of a spent in getting acquainted with garet Hooley of Westfield, junior uled.
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