.'\. , CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. •• • l --~ • PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FORTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. ... ' ; THIRD SESSION. IN SENATE. when, out of fever and funeral, Thou hast set up the marriage of the nation, when over the heavy summer months Thou hast bre:tthed the MoNDAY, December 2, 1878. be:tuty of a martyr endurance and a noble magnanimity! The · bil~ lows of a dark prGvidence have gone .over us; !Jut out of the sea of The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by the human sorrow Thou hast bidden forth the angel forms of human sym-· Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Congress, pathy and generosity, so that the spirit of a great brotherhood baa the third session of the Forty-fifth Congress commenced this day. risen to walk upon the waves even as the feet of Him wl10 once r~s .. The Senators a,ssembled in the Sennte Chn,mber at the Capitol, in cued his perishing apostle. God be praisetl that He alone is able to the city of Washington. bridge the gulf between the subtle chemistry of nature and t he still The VICE-PRESIDENT of the United Stn,tes (Hon. WILLIAM A. more subtle conscience of the human soul. God be praised tbat He WHEELER, of New York) took the chn,ir and called the Senate to alone is able to c:tuse this scene of our earthly desolation to blossom . ··'! order at twelve o'clock noon. with the flowering and fragrant hope of 3. ~leased immort:tlity. SENATORS PRESENT. Bless, we beseech Thee, Thy servants, the President and Vice-Ptes­ The following Senators were present : From the State of­ ident of the United States and all our rulers, l:tw-givers, governors, Maine-James G. Bb.ine and Hannibal Hn,mlin. and executives, and all the people of the la.nd. Bless, we beseech New Hampshire-E. H. Rollins and Bainbridge Wadleigh. Thee, the. Congress this day assembled; and as Thou hast preserved Vm-m<mt-George F. Edmunds and Justin S. Morrill. the lives of all these, Thy servants, and hast brought them in safety Massachu8ett8-Henry L. Dawes. to this high field of labor, we pray Thee endow them with abundant Rhode Island-Henry B. Anthony and Ambrose E. Burnside. • strength and wisdom for the responsibility and task before them. And Connecticut-Willi:tm W. Eaton. be favorable unto our nation. Gr<tnt that nothing may impede its Neto Jersey-John R. McPherson :tnd Theodore F. Randolph. onward march in probity, in cour:tge, in all true greatness, th:tt we Pennsylvaniar-James Donald C:tmeron and William A. Wallfl.Ce. may be a people to Thy praise in all generations. Througu Jesus Delaware-Thomas F. Bay:trd ood Eli Saulsbury. Christ, our Lord. Amen. ManJland-George R. Dennis. NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. Virginia-John W. Johnston and Robert E. Withers. Mr. ANTHONY offered the following resolution; which was . con­ N()rth Carolina-Matt W. R:tnsom. sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: South Ca1·olina-M. C. Butler. Resolved, That the Secretary inform the Hoose of Represenrotives that a quorum · Gw·gia-Benjamin H. Hill. of the Senate ia assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed to buE>iness. Flo1'ida-Simon B. Conover and Charles W. Jones. NOTIFICATI0:8 TO THE PRESIDENT• .Al4bama-John T. Morgan. Mississippi-Blanche K. Bruce and L. Q. C. Lamar. Mr. ANTHONY submitted the following resolution; which was Louisiana-James B. Eustis and William Pitt Kellogg. considered lJy unanimous consent, and agreed to: Texas-Richard Coke and Samuel B. Maxey. Resolved, That a. committee consisting of two members J,eappointed, to join sneb committee as may be appointed by the House of Representatives, to wait upon the . .Arkansas-Stephen W. Dorsey and Augustus H. Garland. President of the United States and inform him tllat a quorum of each Houso is Mt.as()Uri-David H. Armstreng. assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communication he may oo Tennessee-James E. Bailey and Isham G. Harris. pleased to make. Kenttwky-James B. Beck and Thomas C. McCreery. By unanimous consent, the Vice-President was authorized to ap­ West Virginia-Henry G. Davis and Frank Hereford. point the committee on t.he part of the Senate; and Messrs. hTTHONY Ohio-Stanley Matthews and Allen G. Thurman. and BAYARD were appointed. Indiana-Joseph E. McDanald and Daniel W. Voorhees. HOUR OF MEETL.~G. Illinois-David Davis and Richard J. Oglesby. Michiga~Is:tac P. Christiancy and Thomas W. Ferry. Mr. ANTHONY submitted the following resolution; which wU:S con- Wt.aCQ11,8-in-Angus Cameron and Timothy 0. Howe. sidered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: · Iowa-William B. Allison and S:tmuel J. Kirkwood. Resolved, That the hour of the daily meeting of the Senate be twelve o'clock Minnesota-Samuel J. R. McMililln and William WiBdom. meridian, until otherwise ordered. Kansas-John J. Ingalls. PROPOSED TRANSFER OF INDIAN BURF..AU. Nebraska-Algernon S. Paddock :tnd Alvin Saunders. Mr. SAUNDERS. I offer the following resGlution: Calij()Tnia-Newton Booth. Resolved, That the Public Printer is hereby authorized and directed ~print the Oregon-La Fayette Grover :tnd John H. Mitchell. testimony taken and to be taken, the reports of the committee, v.nd the accompa­ Colorado-Jerome B. Chaffee and Henry M. Teller. nying documents, of the joint committee to consider the feasibility of transfemog the Indian Bureau to the War Department. PRAYER. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from Nebraska desire Rev. BYRON S~DERLAND, D. D., Cllaplain to the Senate, offered immediate action upon the resolution T . the following prayer : 1\fr. SAUNDERS. I should like to have it considered now because Almighty and Everlasting God, suffer us to come before Thee at this the Printer must have authority from the Senate before he can print time in worship and adoration ! Great and marvelous are Thy ways; the testimony. · 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE~ DECEMBER 2, The VICE-PRESIDENT. Is there unanimous consent that the Mr. EDMUNDS. They ought to ba printed. I move that an order resblution be Iiow considered t be made to print them for the use of the Senate.. Mf. DAVIS, of West Virginia. Unless there is a-pmssing.neeessity The motion was agreed to. for mmediate printing, the resolution had better take the usual CREDENTIALS. coprse and go t.o the Com!llittee on Printing, when appointed. Mr. SAUNDERS. I will state in one word that the only necessity The VICE-PRESIDENT presented the credentials of Ju TIN S. immediate printing is that the amount of testimony is large, and MORRILL, chosen by the Legislature of Vermont a Senator fL'QID that for State for the term beginning March 4, 1879; which were read and a8 .some members of the committee were not present when it was ordered to be filed. taken the1 are anxious to see it, and if it is not printed at once the committee probably cannot make a report as early as they otherwise SURVEYS OF TERRITORIES. oobld. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a Jetter of 0. C. ~he 'VICE-PRESIDE~'T. Under the rule the resolution will go to Marsh, vice-president and acting president of the National Academy the Committee on Printing, when appointed. of Sciences, held in New York, November 6, 1878, submitting there­ port on the scientific surveys of the Territories ma-de by the National PREVXNTIO!'{ OF EPIDE.?tiiC DISEASES. Academy of Sciences in accordance with the requirement of law con­ Mr. HARRIS. I off~r the following resolution, and I desire to give tained in the act "making appt·opriations for sundry civil expense:s notice that I shall ask the Senate to consider it to-morrow: of the Government for ·the fiscal year ending Juno ~0, 1879, and for Whereas the epidemic which has recently prevailed in large districts of several other purposes," approved June 20, 1878; which was ordered to lie on ortlie States of the Union has been so destructive t6 human -life and the interests the table and be printed, to be referred to the Committee on Appro­ and prosperity of the whole country as to make it a subject of gravest public con­ priations, when appointed. oom, and its prevention in future an important duty, to the end that its return may be prevented, so far as prompt and de01ded action can prevent: REPORT OF SECRETARY OF SENATE. Be it resolved by tlw Senate, (the House of Representatives concurring,) That a joint setect committee of four Senators, to be appointed by ~he President of the Senate, The VICE-PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate tho annual re­ and fi \"e Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the Honse, be appointed port of the Secretary of the Senate, communicating, in obedience to to investi~ato and report the best means of preventin_g the introduction and spread law, a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Senate from of epidem1c diseases, especially yellow fever and cholera, within the limits of the United States; that said committee be allowed a clerk and, if in the course of its July 1, 1817, to June 30, 1878, and a statement of property in his pos­ investigations it is found necessary, a stenographer; and that said committee have session belonging to the United States December 2, 1878; which was power to send for persons and papers, to employ experts and scientists, not to ex­ ordered to lie on the table and be printed. ceed seven in number, and send them to, and by subcommittee visit~ recently in­ fected localities, for the purpose of obtaining the fullest and most accurate infor­ REPORT OF SERGEANT-AT-~1S.
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